• Published 10th Apr 2016
  • 3,876 Views, 106 Comments

The Wolf and the Rainbow - The-Black-Knight

Ayden Wolfhowl, a Vlka Fenryka Lone Wolf, finds himself before the Emperor, who explains that certain visions of a cyan figure was giving him signs of the very wyrd he must now seek out. What this wyrd is, not even the Emperor of Mankind knows.

Comments ( 36 )

Scarab red armor? A Unicorn Charger? Hmm... methinks you have not one but two new characters that have appeared...

I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter. I don't have any problem with you bringing in another marine to the story, but a member of the Deathwatch should have been trying to kill the 'foul xenos' at a borderline psychotic level. If he had the same talk with the Emperor that Ayden had I could understand it, but it seems like he was pulled directly from a battlefield without any warning. He should be going on a rampage right now.

Also, the red charger was the last charger that was recorded in Equestria I'm guessing.

Now this is a story it's awesome

7380586 Things would have gone that way, had it not been for Moon Howl, who is Ayden and a former member of Squad Imperialis. Hence why Azress called him "Brother". If he hadn't had been there, Azress would have attacked Celestia.

7380604 Glad you're enjoying it.

I'm guessing the unicorn charger is from a Spess Mehreen chapter that likes Steel Rehn.

7380628 I get that, my point is that he seems way too calm about everything. He didn't even question why he was now a pony, didn't get at all angry about it, just went "Oh, that you brother? Cool, never mind then, I'ma just go admire my new heretical xenos body and hit on the xenos ruler that is responsible for my change now."

Considering how anti-xenos a normal Space Marine is, there just seems like there should be a least a little angst or anger. Some yelling, some insults, even just a "What the Hell man!", something other than blase acceptance.

I'm not dumping on your story, I like it and I want to see where this goes even if you don't show the freak out that should be happening, I'm just pointing out it seems a little off.

7382190 Azress JUST got there, realizes he's in a new body, and his character type does the first thing it can to cope: Flirt. He'll freak out, but later on. Seriously, I despise giving away what I'm planning to help people understand something >.>

7382190 look i helped in making Azress with black knight he is using what i told him and if you know the blood angels lore at all you know they are not totally anti xenos there have been times where they worked with eldar tau and even once with the necrons most blood angels are open minded and then you are overlooking moon howls and Azress bond and its only fan fic you can overlook some ooc. (ps im drunk so overlook if this is poorly written)

Is the stallion at the end to talk to Celestia a blood Raven or a world eaters space marine

7412498 I will not give too much away, but I will say this... He's a Unicorn, that strikes the World Eaters out completely. There are more -Astartes- groups that had those colors.

7867831 According to at least two of his other stories they can have children. Iron Within Twilight and Her Guardian Within the Shadow.

7867609 Check the upload date and compare it to when Crusaders of the lost mark first aired.

7867856 That's good but I prefer "Heralds of the coming Doom, by cry of Raven, we are drawn. This oath of war and vengeance, on blade of exalted iron sworn, With blood anointed swords aloft, advance we, into Dread’s dark shade. Punishment divine unleashed with hate, a wrathful storm of bolt and blade, Purge with plasma, fist, and shell, bring cleansing fire’s righteous breath. For the Emperor, Knights of Caliban! The Lion’s anointed Angels of Death! No forgiveness. No retreat." Even though it's the Dark Angel I still prefer the wolves.

She zeroed in on their leader, whose right shoulderguard was blue with a white Ultra symbol. The fact he wielded a long range weapon, and was strict on orders, made Celestia smile at a high quality leader.

Noooooooooooooooooo! Why the ultra smurf!?! WHHYYYYYY?!?!

Her eyes widened, seeing the fourth’s crimson shoulderguard bearing a black blood drop with angelic wings. Despite having a much larger right fist and a strange contraption on his back, the Astartes gave a strange aura of rightlessness about him. The kind a hero and noble crusader would have, the likes Equestria could use against “Chaos Star”.

*Wipe sweat off brow* For a second there I thought we were going to have to deal with a ultra smurf..

7867870 Oooooo, interesting...

*shipping commences :D*

Can you do more please

Does it tell yous something about the danger Equestria is in when Celestia has to call in Astartes from two of the most dangerous chapters in existence. For those that don't get what I am talking about, Space Wolves can become Wulfen which are basically WEREWOLVES IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAACE. Blood Angels can suffer from two curses. The Red Thirst which basically turns them into crazed vampires that will attack anything with a pulse to get blood, or the Black Rage where they live the final moments of Sanguinius's life and will attack anything thinking it is Horus.

Comment posted by Rainbow-Shooter deleted Mar 25th, 2018

Another one bites the dus.

oyi :twilightangry2: where is the bloody update :rainbowhuh:

Hey BK are you ever going to update this story?

Please or you could make Fluttershy cry :fluttercry: and that is not good for anyone.

Please update

By the Emperor's ravishing rib cage when will the story continue!?!?!?

Update ?????

fellas I hate to say it but i think this story is dead.

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