• Published 13th Apr 2016
  • 4,444 Views, 59 Comments

A New World, Several New Ideas - cyberlord4444

When Grey woke up as a Metagross in another world, he started doing what he did best, creating.

  • ...

Chapter 3

After working out a way for the miners and Pokemon to communicate, Grey and Ferria continued on their way.

"So," Grey asked, "mind telling me exactly where we're going?"

"To see my father," Ferria replied, "he should know about the situation, assuming he hasn't already."

"Ah yes, you mentioned he was a lord."

"Yep, and unlike the ones in Equestria our nobles earn their keep," Ferria replied before sighing, "I've met Princess Celestia and Luna before, they're nice, but man are their nobles stuck up."

Grey chuckled, "Well, I guess I'm lucky I ended up here then. By the way, Equestria?"

"Oh, it's another country," Ferria explained. "Our country is called Cannida. There's also the Crystal Empire, ponies live there and in Equestria, Griffinheim is the land of the Griffions, the Minion and Changling Empires, Zebrica, and a bunch of others I don't know. Like I said, I'm probably not going to be the next head of the house."

"Fair enough," Grey replied as he filed the information away.

Rounding a bend, they arrived at an ornate door flanked by a pair of guards. "Lady Farris," said one of them, "welcome back."

"Greetings," she replied, "might I ask why the gates are closed?"

"Order of your father," replied the other, "in leau of the recent appearance of various types of strange creatures, the gates are to be dogged until such time as public safety can be assured. You and your friend are permitted to pass, we are simply here in case of they become hostile."

Ferria and Grey nodded as the guards opened the doors. Grey whistled, "I'll give you one thing, you Diamond Dogs know how to build a city." Said city was indeed impressive. It was set within a massive cavern, and they made excellent use of it. Stone walkways connected buildings that were carved into the walls, stalactites, and stalagmites. The walls were riddled with various brass pipes that carried water and steam throughout the city. The citizens were just as impressive, there were bakers, artisans, and various other merchants selling their wares in stalls carved into the rock. Various Pokemon were also wandering around, mostly Ground, Steel and Fire Types. While most of them were a bit wary of the other, they got along well enough.

"Glad you like it," Ferria said, "welcome to the city of Black Anvil." Grey sighed as he heard that. "What's the matter?" Ferria asked.

"Nothing really," Grey replied, "it's just that, back home, I lived in a place called Anville Town. It just hit me, I'm probably not gonna see that place again, and I can only hope that my friends made it here too."

"Sorry," Ferria said, "I didn't mean to."

"No problem, it would have happened sooner or later," Grey replied. "So, where exactly are we headed?"

"Hammer Keep," Ferria said, pointing up to a castle carved high into the rock.

'Hmm, that's a bit of a climb,' Grey thought to himself, 'pity I'm not a flying type.'

"Um, Grey, how are you doing that?" asked Ferria.

Grey looked to see that he was now floating and glowing with a yellow aura. 'Magnet Rise, sweet,' he thought to himself as he calculated a route. "Hop on, we're taking the express route." Ferria climbed onto Grey's back and he went towards the Keep, slowly but steadily. After a few minutes, they arrived at the gates.

"Lady Farria," said one of the guards stationed, "your father wishes to see you."

"As do I," she replied before gesturing to Grey, "I have with me someone who can help explain things."

The guards looked over Grey before nodding. "Very well, you may proceed," said the lead guard before they opened the doors.

Ferria and Grey entered the fort, and after a short walk they arrived at the throne room. Seated there was an impressive looking Diamond Dog. "Hello my daughter, I see you've brought a friend."

"Father, this is Grey," Ferria replied, "he's been teaching me about these new creatures."

Grey nodded as he set the mental link to include him, "Greetings."

The Diamond Dog leaned forward slightly, "Fascinating. I am Lord Gimli Forgeburn, if I may ask, how is it you can do these things?"

"Simple, I'm a Psychic Type Pokemon," Grey replied, "well, Steel/Psychic if you want to get technical. All Pokemon can use various abilities based on their type."

"So, these new creatures are called Pokemon," Gimli said, "I don't suppose you could tell me how you arrived?"

Grey shrugged, or at least did his best approximation of a shrug that he could with his new body type, "Not a clue. In fact, yesterday I wasn't even a Pokemon."

"Interesting," Gimli replied. However, before anyone could continue, another Diamond Dog burst into the room, carrying a Raichu by the neck.

"Father," he shouted, "I thought you were keeping tabs on these creatures?"

"I am, Bjorn," Gimli replied.

"Then why was this in my personal forge?"

"Hey, it's not my fault I ended up there, last thing I remembered before that was going to bed" the Raichu replied, "besides, I was doing you a favor, that place was messier than Shine after a potluck."

While the gathered Diamond Dogs were in confusion as to what the Raichu was saying, Grey was staring for a different reason, "Flux?"

"How'd you know my name?" Flux asked.

"It's me Grey."

Flux chuckled, "Yeah no, last time I checked, Grey was a human."

Grey reached over and tapped the pair of tinted Safety Goggles on Flux's forehead. "Remember these? I got them custom for you when you figured out Arc Bolt. You were so proud to have invented a new move that I made your favorite, Eggant Berry Parmesan."

Flux sighed then grinned, "Well I guess you are Grey, think you can get me down?"

"No problem," Grey said before extending the link to include the two newcomers. "Mind putting my friend down?"

Bjorn sneered, "I don't know what you are, but this little rat needs to answer for invading the personal Forge of a Lord to be."

"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear," Grey said, "put, down, my, friend." As he said the last word, his face moved into a fierce scowl, and released a faint dark aura.

Bjorn and Flux palled. "Sure, take the stupid rat," Bjorn replied dropping Flux.

"You okay pal?" Grey asked.

"Aside from being on the wrong end of a Scary Face, sure," Flux replied, "seriously, your scowl was nasty enough when you were a human."

Grey chuckled, "I'll keep that in mind."

"Um, Grey," Ferria said, "weren't you going to tell us about these Pokemon?"

"Sorry, I was happy that it looks like my friends made it here too," Grey replied sheepishly, "now, before we begin, mind if I can finally get some coffee? This is going to take a while."

Author's Note:

Obvious source material is obvious, Black Anvil is based on a combination of Dwemer Ruins and Markarth, and you can all guess where Gimli got his name.