• Published 14th Apr 2016
  • 10,409 Views, 564 Comments

Alicornitus - billymorph

After Twilight and her friends rediscover Starswirl’s last spell in the ruins of Golden Oaks Library Rainbow Dash asks, ‘why can’t we all become alicorns?’

  • ...

Princess Twilight’s Alicorns 101

“Ahem,” Twilight began, rapping her stack of notes against the lectern. “If I could have everypony’s attention please.” She looked up from the floor of the lecture theatre at her friends who sat in the front row of the crystal stands in various states of readiness. Fluttershy, Twilight was pleased to note, had brought a quill and notebook. Rainbow Dash had brought a pillow.

“Right then.” Twilight levitated her notes and shuffled through them. “Now, I’d like to welcome you all to Alicorns 101, we’ll be going through a brief overview through your new physiologies, magics and how we’ll be proceeding given we’ve doubled the potential pool of Equestrian Princesses. Now, are there any questions before we begin?”

“Uh, is this going to take long, Sugarcube?” Applejack enquired, casting a worried eye across the half dozen blackboards filled to the brim with complicated equations and anatomical charts. “Only, we left the Crusaders in the library and Ah ain’t sure how long Spike’ll be able to keep ‘em corralled.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Applejack.” Twilight smiled. “I’m sure they’ll be able to find plenty of ways to keep themselves occupied.”

“That’s what Ah’m afraid of,” Applejack muttered to herself.

“Any other questions?” Twilight continued.

“Yeah, I’ve got one,” Rainbow Dash interjected, raising a hoof. “Why does your castle got a lecture theater anyway?”

Twilight’s smile broadened. “Well as it happens there’s a very interesting bit of science behind that.” Her horn blazed with light for a moment and, with a rapid fire crackle of teleportation, a new set of blackboards appeared containing even more complicated equations and diagrams. “Harmonious magic is a rarely studied topic but has demonstrated a very high level of abstract problem solving. This suggests that it can incorporate the wishes of the caster to a far greater degree than—”

Rainbow Dash put her hoof up again.


“Nevermind, I think I’ve figured it out.”

Twilight scowled at her. After another string of spells the blackboards returned to their original formation. “So, as you all know, an alicorn combines the features of the three major pony subspecies; pegasus, unicorn and earth pony.”

“Ooo, ooo!” Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing up and down in her seat, foreleg and wing extended high. “Are we also part crystal ponies?”

“I...” Twilight frowned. “I think that they’d count as a subcategory of earth ponies. But, that only makes sense if you ignore the fact we were all briefly transformed after restoring the crystal heart.” Twilight stared at her blackboards for a long moment. “I’ll get back to you on that. Anyway, alicorns are a combination of–”

“Hey, what about bat-ponies?” Rainbow cut in. “I hear they have awesome radar vision. Think of all the pranks we could pull with that, Pinkie Pie.” She and Pinkie shared mutual, evil grins.

Twilight sighed. “First, it’s sonar, not radar,and second, thestrals are pegasi under a generational curse rather than a true subspecies. I don’t think we share any of their more infamous traits. Unless anypony’s found themselves able to do an ultrasonic chirp I think we can discount that.”

She turned to look at her blackboards.

“Chp!” Fluttershy let out a impossibly shrill burst of noise that echoed through the theater and made everypony jump in surprise.

“Oh, um, sorry about that,” she said, ducking her head. “The... uh, acoustics are better here than I thought.

Twilight twiddled a hoof in her ear and shook her head. “Okay, I stand corrected. Alicorns can apparently hear ultrasonics... Also I owe Mrs Reedy an apology about that ‘broken’ dog whistle. How long have you been able to do that?”

Fluttershy toyed with the tip of her mane and disappeared deeper behind the obscuring pink veil. “Well actually, I’ve been able to do that since the ‘Flutterbat’ incident.” She gave a sheepish smile. “I didn’t want to bother you about it.”

“Didn’t want to...” Twilight waved that off. “Okay, I think we have to look into this afterwards. Are you free to drop by my lab afterwards?”

“Oh, I guess so. But, is that the lab with all the big, scary machines that–”

“Excellent.” Twilight cut her off before Fluttershy could talk herself out of it. “Okay, so as I was saying, alicorns are a combination of the three primary tribes–”

“And sea ponies?” Pinkie Pie interjected, bouncing in place. “I hear they have great singing voices. ‘Under da’ sea. Under da’ sea–’”

“Oh hay no!” Applejack snapped, shuddering.

Twilight’s mouth worked in silence for a moment as she struggled to process the question. “I... I have no idea. Don’t stick your head in a bucket to find out.”

She riffled through her notecards for a moment, straining to find her train of thought. “Now, we don’t know much about alicorns, although, as a demographic, we’re growing rapidly. For the most part we share the major features of ponykind, in fact the commonalities are far more frequent than the differences. I can recommend a good few books on wing-care and horn-care which are broadly applicable.”

“However, there are some differences worth noting.” Twilight turned to one of the many blackboards and tapped a hoof on the chalk outline of an alicorn. “First, as I’m sure you’ve noticed you’ve all undergone some major changes, even in the features you had before.”

“You’re telling me,” Rainbow Dash interjected, leaning over the desk. “I’ve gained three inches where it counts.”

Everypony in the room turned to stare at her.

“What?” she demanded, staring back.

Applejack was the first to break the awkward silence. “Umm, Sugarcube. Want to run that by us again?”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “I’m just saying there’s going to be some change in performance. Okay, maybe it’ll help with keeping up with the Wonderbolts, but it's going to cramp my style.”

Rarity and Fluttershy went bright red.

“Umm...” Twilight began. “Well, I’m not sure if that was something I noticed.”

“Well of course not,” Rainbow said, rolling her eyes and spreading her wings. “You didn’t have a wingspan to measure before.”

A collective. “Oh!” rolled around the room and a look of sudden relief spread across the alicorns’ features.

“Right, right,” Twilight said, shaking her head. “Sorry, I had completely the wrong idea there.”

“Yeah, I thought I’d been to all the wrong Wonderbolt parties,” Pinkie exclaimed, grinning salaciously. Applejack cuffed her over the head with a wing.

Twilight shook herself, silently wishing for an amnesia charm. “Right. Well, moving swiftly onwards. Yes, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, your wingspan will have increased. Likewise, Rarity, you may find your horn is longer. It’s also safe to say we’ve all gained a little height and, estimating from our small sample size, we’ll continue to grow for many years to come.”

“And here was I, hoping I could salvage at least some of my wardrobe.” Rarity gave a dramatic toss of the head and pressed a foreleg against her head. “Still, one must soldier on in these difficult times. That and learn how to sew subtle wing-slits.”

“Look on the bright side,” Rainbow cut in. “Now that you’ve got wings, you’ll be able to make dresses a pony can really fly in.”

Rarity cocked her head. “I was under the impression you already could fly in my dresses, darling. Or am I misremembering the gala?”

“Oh, sure you can fly. But not fly,” Rainbow Dash explained, with her typical disregard for the Equine language. “You’ll figure it out when I get you girls in the air. Which reminds me, you’ll all be joining Twilight’s flying lessons at dawn tomorrow.” She shot a glare at Twilight. “And I mean dawn, not ‘whenever Spike remembers to wake you up’.”

“It was a very fascinating book on flight dynamics!” Twilight protested.

“That was your excuse three weeks ago. Last week was dragon wings.”

Twilight blushed. “Umm...”

“Wait, we’re going to be flying tomorrow?” Pinkie exclaimed, her wings exploding from her sides and knocking Applejack’s hat off. “Whoopee! Soon there’ll be no pony in Equestria who can avoid a Pinkie Party.”

Rainbow gave a smug smirk. “Was there ever any doubt? With me as your coach you’ll be trying out for the Wonderbolts before you know it. Heck, if I could get Shy into the Equestria games then I can get Rarity doing barrel rolls by Spring.”

A shudder ran down Rarity’s spine. “Urgh, must we aim for such a thing? I honestly don’t have the stomach for it.”

“Eh, you’re half pegasus now,” Rainbow shot back, waving her off. “You’ll pick it up easier than falling off of Cloudsdale.” Rarity glowered at her, but Rainbow Dash didn’t seem to notice. “Isn’t that right, Twilight?”

“Well, more or less,” Twilight admitted, pulling a set of notecards out of her stack. “Alicorns share a number of features that are common to both pegasi and other airborne species. You should find yourselves more resistant to the weather, have an innate cloudwalking ability and a far improved sense of balance.” She paused, frowning at her card. “Also, ninety percent of pegasi can ‘see’ which way is north if they squint. Huh, I was wondering what that was about. Good to know.”

“Umm, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy interjected, hesitantly. “You don’t need me for your flying lessons, do you?”

“New wings, new rules Fluttershy. I know I’ve got half a dozen stunts I’m going to have to relearn.” Rainbow grinned. “And besides, I need somepony who knows their patagium from their pasterns. Don’t worry about it, it’ll be just like flight camp all over again.”

Fluttershy sank deeper into her seat. “That’s what I’m afraid of,” she murmured.

“On a similar note, I will also be starting magic lessons in the next few weeks,” Twilight continued beaming. “After talking with Cadence and Luna I figure you should all start experiencing magic surges over the next few weeks. Once that happens, I can start teaching you all some simple spells so that you can get into practice and avoid any unfortunate accidents.”

“Oh, this is going to be so exciting.” She let out an excited squeal and pranced on the spot. “I’ve already got so many books for us to read. Rainbow Dash, I’ve taken your horn lasers’ idea under consideration so we’ll be starting with light-spells. They are some of the most under researched areas of arcane craft in my opinion.” Her horn kindled and half a dozen blackboards spun around, revealing spell-forms of eye bending complexity.

“Urh, Sugarcube.”

“As you can see,” Twilight continued, already lost in her lecture. “While most unicorns consider light to be a byproduct of casting—the ground state of magic as it were—there are a number of interesting ways of generating light directly. Research in the area was first started by a mare called Vain Hoping. A very colourful character who wanted to find an substitute for sunlight to deal with vamponies. If you can believe such a thing.”


“Despite the total failure of anypony to validate the existence of vamponies, Vain did achieve great advances in our understanding of light and the magical properties attached to it. Much of her work was later incorporated into the common lightbulb that we use today by a stallion called–”

“Twilight!” Applejack yelled.

Twilight started. “I– Yes? Did you have a question?”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Ah’m sure this is all very interesting, but perhaps you want to save this for the actual lesson.”

“Oh, right, yes that would be sensible,” Twilight said, blushing. “Sorry about that.”

“Interesting?” Rainbow Dash whispered to Applejack. “I thought you were the element of

“Give it a rest, miss Laser Head,” Applejack shot back, barely moving her lips.

“Well, I guess there isn’t a huge amount left to say about unicorn magic until you start surging,” Twilight continued, unheeding. “Do be aware that you’re going to have quite a deep well of power, so the effects will be greater than a foal’s. But, there’s very little that unicorn magic can do that unicorn magic can’t undo. Just remain calm and seek assistance if there’s anything you can’t handle.”

“Now, that only leaves earth pony magic.” Twilight glanced down at her notes and made a face. “I... well... Over to you Applejack.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “You know, one of these days you’re going to have to stick with mah lessons for more than three hours.”

“It was not three hours,” Twilight exclaimed, her wings spreading wide. “It was—” She paused, counting on her primaries. “—Okay, actually it was three hours. But we didn’t learn a thing about earth pony magic! It was just doing random farm chores.”

“That is earth pony magic,” Applejack replied, with a lazy smirk painted across her face. “Or it was what my Ma and Pa taught me of it. It ain’t something you pick up in an afternoon.”

“But what about leylines, geomancy, biomancy?” Twilight shot back. “We didn’t touch on anything like that. We just picked apples.”

“Twi’, if you’re wanting somepony to teach you about all those fancy terms you’re best off asking up in Canterlot. Ah know how to farm, that’s what I’ll teach.”

Twilight let out a frustrated grunt. “That’s what you said last time.” She sighed, shaking her head. “Anyway, girls. For now, I don’t have the first clue about earth pony magic. You can probably do it, but I have no idea what it is.”

“Hold on a moment,” Rarity interjected. “What about an earth pony strength? Their stamina? Their skill? What about all those wise old earth pony sages?”

“What about Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow Dash said, pointing at the mare who just smiled and waved.

“Yes, yes, those are all well known examples,” Twilight grumbled. “But are any of those magic, or just skill?” She shrugged. “That’s the biggest problem with the entire science of earth pony magic, actually pointing at something an earth pony has done and calling it magic. All the evidence suggests that there is something that sets earth ponies apart from unicorns and pegasi when it comes to certain abilities. But, look at Big Mac. Are you going to tell me his strength comes entirely from magic when he’s got more muscle than the six of us combined?”

Rarity frowned. “I suppose you have a point.”

“Yeah, but what about Pinkie Pie,” Rainbow repeated. “Are you seriously telling me that isn’t magic?”

Twilight shook her head. “I have no idea what that is but the last time I tried to figure it out, I forgot what a Tuesday was. You’re welcome to try and find out.”

Rainbow turned to face Pinkie Pie, who’d somehow managed to find herself a brown cloak when nopony was looking.

“Ah, young one, you’ve come to learn the power of the Horse, have you?” she intoned, her voice deep and husky. “Well, first you must understand that there is no spoon.”

A beat passed. Rainbow craned her neck to look right around the room. Then up at the ceiling. Then under her wing. “Uh, Pinkie Pie. I don’t there are any spoons in here.”



“The spoon doesn’t exist,” Pinkie explained, with a sage nod.

Rainbow frowned. “What spoon?”

“No, no. There is no spoon.”

“So why do you keep bringing it up?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Bringing what up?”

“The spoon!”

“There isn’t a spoon, silly.”

Rainbow Dash’s head hit the desk. “Urgh... I think I get why you gave up on this now, Twilight.”

“Tell me about it, she managed to convince me to walk into a mirror,” Twilight grumbled.

“It wasn’t my fault, you weren’t curious enough,” Pinkie Pie protested.

Twilight just rolled her eyes. “So, that’s earth pony magic,” she concluded. “I’m sorry I can’t be much more help, Princess duties have prevented me from doing much more than scraping the surface. Still, I’m sure between the six of us we can figure something out for those of you still curious.” She flicked through to the end of the note stack.

“Now, on the subject of Princessly duties. Princess Celestia has warned me that five snap coronations aren’t exactly on the cards.” She smiled. “Sorry about that girls, but it seems something can catch her by surprise after all. Now–”

“Pardon me for interrupting,” Rarity said, raising a hoof. “But I can’t help but notice a glaring omission.”

“Omission?” Twilight flicked back through her cards. “I don’t think so. Three tribes, three magics, outline of lessons moving forwards.”

“A rather pressing concern we all share about our current condition?” Rarity pressed, gesturing with a wing at the gathered alicorns.

Twilight stared, uncomprehending for a long moment “Oh!” she exclaimed at last. “Well I’m afraid I can’t say much about alicorn magic right now. I haven’t had nearly enough time to do much than confirm its existence. However I have a few early conclusions I think you’ll find fascinating.”

Rarity sighed. “I meant the immortality issue, darling.”

“Ah...” Twilight’s ears folded flat and she began to shuffle her forehooves. “That.”

“Ah ain’t liking the sound of this.”

“What’s the problem?” Rainbow Dash demanded, spreading her wings. “We’re alicorns. Alicorns live forever. Or at least thousands of years, right?”

Twilight sighed. “Look girls, all I can tell you about this is what Celestia told me when I asked six months ago. ‘You are no more immortal than I am’.”

“Okay, so we’re immortal, what’s the...” Rainbow Dash trailed off, frowning. “Wait, did she mean we’re immortal or she isn’t?”

Twilight just let out a long sigh.

“Oh come now,” Rarity pressed. “Surely we’re not suggesting Princess Celestia of all ponies is mortal? She’s ruled Equestria for millennia.”

“Three hundred and twenty two years next spring, actually,” Twilight corrected on reflex. “Though her position as a Princess of Equestria dates back to the founders.”

“Urgh.” Applejack slumped over the desk. “Twi’, my granny raised me never to speak ill of my elders—and there ain’t any more elder—but how’d you ever learn anything as Celestia’s student when the mare can’t give a straight answer to save her life?”

“Heh, it’s a challenging teaching style, true,” Twilight admitted. “But I think in this case, she may just not know. How do you even test for immortality without testing to destruction?” She shrugged. “I’m personally trying not to worry about it. It’s not going to affect us in the next ten years, or even twenty. If a century from we’re all still sitting here without a wrinkle between us then we’ll have our answer, but until then I wouldn’t spend too long on it.”

“That’s... unsatisfying,” Rarity said, drumming a forehoof against the desk, a frown marring her features.

“Alas, being an alicorn isn’t a solution to all of life’s problems,” Twilight replied, with a dry chuckle.

“Ooo! What about alicorn magic?” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Because I can do this—” Her horn blazed blue and Rainbow Dash let out a yelp as she lifted into the air. It lasted just a moment before Pinkie’s magic sputtered out and Rainbow fell with a bang. “—But not much else.”

“Can you not do it?” Rainbow Dash snapped, glaring at the alicorn as she rubbed her behind.

“Yes, please practice your magic on inanimate objects for now.” Twilight frowned as she pulled out another note card. “Still, it's a good question. There’s something to the theory that there is a form of magic unique to alicorns. Celestia raising the sun is awe inspiring to see up close and Cadence has a level of mastery over emotional magic I can barely comprehend.” A shudder ran down her spine. “That said, I haven’t started setting the stars in the sky, or even stepped out of the bell curve for unicorn power levels. It’s another of those wait and see things I’m afraid. I’ve felt that my magic has a far greater sense of presence, but that’s just gut instinct for now.”

She sighed. “Sorry, that isn’t very helpful. There’s a lot we don’t know about alicorns. Heck, we’ve got more than half of all the confirmed alicorns Equestria has ever seen right here in this room. Up until Cadence’s ascension the prevailing theory was that Celestia was unique, maybe even divine. That’s hearsay, of course, Princess Celestia has never claimed to be a god despite what some ponies have said. And with Starswirl’s last spell in hoof it’s looking more and more like being an alicorn is a fourth state of ponykind, rather than a symbol of godhood. So far nopony else has ascended after reading the–”

Twilight cut herself off, a blush suddenly rising on her cheeks. “I mean, it’s my theory that nopony will– “

“Nopony else?” Rarity cut in, arching an eyebrow at her. “Twilight, I was under the impression you didn’t want anypony reading Star Swirl’s spell.”

“You certainly put up enough of a fight to stop us reading it,” Rainbow Dash muttered, crossing her forelegs. Applejack cuffed her over the head with a weary sigh.

“That was when I thought it wouldn’t work,” Twilight shot back. “But due to, well, all the confusion after you five ascended that I may have left Star Swirl’s Journal unattended for... let's say the entire rest of the day.” She hid behind her notecards for a moment. “During that time it was read by, to my knowledge: Big Macintosh, Spike, Muffins the mailmare, Lyra Heartstrings, Cloudkicker, Thunderlane, Cranky Doodle, Cloudkicker again, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.”

Rainbow Dash let out a startled squawk. “Please, please tell me we don’t have Derpy, Princess of Muffins flying around,” she exclaimed, ducking as if at any moment she expected a blond alicorn to burst through the wall.

“None of those ponies ascended, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight assured her. “And don’t worry, the book is now secured.”

“Honestly, Dashie,” Rarity cut in, with a dramatic sigh. “I don’t know why you’re so set against the poor dear. Muffins is a character to be sure, but she means no harm.”

“You say that again next time she demolishes the town hall,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Actually I believe that may have been my fault,” Twilight said, with a sheepish smile. “The parasprites had quite an appetite for structural supports it seems. That and barns.” Applejack let out a huff. “Anyway, given the breadth of ponies who’ve used the spell we can say that something more than just reading the words is necessary to become an alicorn. My best guess is that it had to do with our connection to the Elements of Harmony, that or our bonds of friendship.”

Applejack sat bolt upright. “Bonds of friendship? Twilight, where did you say you put this book again?”

“The secure section of my library.” Twilight frowned. “Don’t worry. It’s perfectly safe there, only Spike and I have a key to get past the wards.”

“The same Spike who’s currently looking after the Crusaders?” Applejack pressed, her wings spreading. “The three friends joined at the hip?”

“Oh, Applejack.” Twilight waved the issue off. “I don’t think that Spike will have... Well, I wouldn’t worry that the Crusaders... Even if they did get through the...” Twilight swallowed the lump in her throat. “Umm, can you all excuse me for a moment?”

Twilight set off at a blind gallop for the library.

Her friends shared a look, and then were hot on her heels.

Author's Note:

Hey all, sorry again for keeping you waiting on this one. As it turns out making a lecture both funny and informative is quite a task. Not to mention work’s getting in the way of ponies again, which can’t be how the world’s supposed to go...

Anyway, thanks everyone for their questions last time. There’s still a good many unanswered but some will be coming up later in the story, also I needed to call time on this one before I gnawed my leg off. Still, I’m aware that there were a lot of questions about earth pony magic and Twilight left that hanging so I’ll try to give an overview of the magic system I’m using in this story.

So pretty much every species is magical to some degree, but how this expresses itself varies greatly. Unicorns are great at the impossible kind of magic, turing apples into oranges, lead into gold, animating the inanimate and all the weird stuff you find buried deep in the Player’s Handbook that no one really expected to be read. Earth pony magic is the magic of the implausible, lifting objects that should really be too heavy, growing crops in areas that they aren’t native to, or just incredibly fast. Big Mac pulling a house around is a good example of this kind of magic run amok, not physically impossible, but straining believability. And then there's Pinkie Pie :pinkiegasp:

To put another way, say we’re moving from A to B through C, but it's impossible to pass through C. Unicorn magic doesn’t bother with C at all, jumping straight from A to B. Earth pony magic also doesn’t pass through C, but takes a long rambling route through the backstreets (pausing for tea at Great Aunt Cherry Blossom's) and somehow managed to get to B without anyone ever really being clear on why it was supposed to be so difficult in the first place. Pegasus magic also fits in this example, but they just generally agree to travel through C after all and that it's impossible isn’t worth worrying about. Pegasus magic is best defined as a series of internally consistent impossibilities.

Because of the sliding scale, being really good with one type makes it more than a little difficult to wrap your head around the others. Twilight’s slowly figuring out pegasus magic and is one day going to pick up on the earth pony way, but it's a while of yet. The rest of the girls are all going to pick up their little areas of speciality as we move forwards though, so we'll be back to this later.

I hope that’s answered more questions than it raised. Join me next time for Rainbow Dash’s boot camp. Bonus points if you guess who’s getting the boot.