• Published 16th Apr 2016
  • 544 Views, 5 Comments

Against the Shadows - DazzleMLP84

"I thought I had everything planned out for the rest of my life, because Ruby was gone and had no control of me any more. But, I realized I was wrong when I met Allegro Flare."-Adagio

  • ...

Secrets, BFFS, and more Secrets

Allegro and Summer were walking down the hallway, until they reached room 912. Allegro started to dig threw her purse until she found the key. Summer suddenly realized the wand that was in Allegro's purse. Allegro opened the door and both of them stepped in the room as they sat on the two beds. They sat and looked back each other.

"Allegro, why do have wand in your purse?" Summer asked.

"No reason. I just like it." Allegro responded with a guilty look on her face.

"Allegro, I can tell you're lying!"

"Fine, my mom gave it to me for my twelfth birthday. It has Equestrian magic in it. There I told you the truth."

"Why didn't you tell me about it before? You know that I'm into Equestrian Magic, even after I found out about the incident with my mom at the Fall Formal."

"Don't you remember what happened on my birthday at school! That also happened to be day you found about the Fall Formal incident, thanks a lot to Presto. You were pretty down about it, so I thought I shouldn't go and show you my present. Because you could've felt even worse if I decided to show it off."

"Okay, that makes logical sense. But back home school was out, so why didn't you tell me then?"

"Summer, I had too many things on my mind. Since I started getting nightmares, and Ruby and Mezzo starting to go after me just because she wants revenge against my mom. It was just too stressful for me."

"What was that about Ruby?"

"I said too much."

"She is after you?! Why didn't you tell your mom?"

"I was too scared about how my mom would react! Luckily Ruby will stop it when I get home. Because when I get home it'll be past the day when she did that horrible thing to my mother."

"Let me get this straight. You went back in time just because Ruby and Mezzo are after you, and you feel more safe in a time that we don't exist than your house?"


"Allegro, I think you overreacted. And you would have been just fine if you stayed home and locked all the windows and outside doors."

"No, I wouldn't be. Ruby would find a way in, she always does. I don't feel safe by myself in the house. I just kept waiting for Ruby to jump out and ruin my life." Allegro said as she started to panic. Summer walked over to the other bed and rested her hand on Allegro's shoulder.

"Calm down. She can't get to us now, because if she did she would mess up the timeline with there being two of her."

"Okay, Summer."

"I also have to ask why is there a damp towel on your bed?" Summer asked as she picked up the towel and threw it towards the bathroom.

"I had a fever last night." Allegro replied as that guilty look crossed her face again.


"Fine! I cried myself to sleep, last night." Allegro admitted as she started to break into tears.

"You are missing your parents, aren't you?"

Allegro nodded with tears rolling down her face.

"Don't worry, we are in this together. There is no way I'm going to let them hurt my best friend."


"I still don't believe that girl looked identical to the girl from my dream, Sunset. Not to mention how similar she looked to me and Flame Charge." Adagio stated while hanging out at Sunset's house.

"I guess it was kind of weird that she looked that way. For now let's throw the idea of time travel out for a little bit. I mean it's not like she is friends with a girl that looked like me."

"Yeah, that would be so awkward."

"Sunset!" Midnight yelled from the other room.

"What do you want?!"

"Do you know where, Mom hid my bubblegum?"

"Yes, I do. But I'm not telling because you are still grounded from that incident at the Buffet last week."

"Fine! I'll try to find it myself before Mom gets home from work."

"Good luck, trying to find it." Sunset responded sarcastically.

"Your sister still has major problems, Sunset." Adagio stated.

"Yeah, she does. Good thing I only have to deal with her until I go to college next fall."

"You know, that when you and Thunder Bass get married that you have to make her one of your bridesmaids."

"That's going to be the worst part of my wedding, the next will be picking the Maid of Honor."

"Really, Sunset? Just pick the person that got you two together in the first place. That's what I will do when that moment comes."

"I would do that, but both you and Twilight got us together. Although I was the one who got you and Flame Charge together, so I might make Twilight the Maid of Honor to make it even."

"That way it all works out. Let's stop talking about this now before Midnight comes in here saying there is no way she is going to wear the bridesmaid dress that you pick."

"Yeah, it's kind of awkward that we are talking about this when we haven't graduated from college yet."

"All right change of subject. Where do you want to go to college?"

"Oh gosh, I have like no idea where I want to go, but that's because I have way too many choices."

"Chill out, I still haven't decided yet. I might have picked my career choice, but I have no idea where I want to go."

"Go get all of your college acceptance letters from your house, and bring them back."


"We are going to decide where we are going to college tonight , even if it takes us until 6 am."

Author's Note:

Well here is the next chapter, and I really don't have very much to say about it. Also those of you who haven't read, Moonlight Magic Mystery, Midnight is Sunset's younger sister by two years and she has anorexia, which I did not put in as joke, but more as a personality trait of her's. Also I named her before Friendship Games. And that pretty much all you need to for now. Keep On Dazzling:raritystarry:!