• Member Since 11th Jul, 2012
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Lucky Seven

The only man to get a 2015 fanfiction into the 2024 feature box | Join my Discord and come chat!


When Fluttershy found out that she had to get a tetanus shot, she knew there was only one appropriate way to react.

Pure terror...

Written as a request for Sky Blazer

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 52 )

Just wait until all of Fluttershy's missed shots catch up to her...

haha brilliant! :pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh::fluttershyouch::twilightsmile:

No, didn't suck at all! It was actually pretty great!:twilightsmile:

I don't think that was said... she was talking about shots:rainbowhuh:

7151274 Whoops, sorry. I went back and read and that's what the author's note did say now that you mention. Well, there's another moment of me putting my foot inside my mouth again.:facehoof::facehoof:

Heh, its okay. Just wanted to let you know:twilightsmile:

You'd think that a VETERINARIAN would be smart enough to get vaccinated before working with all those animals...

Oh, I know poor little Fluttershy's pain. I, too, have the dreaded fear of needles.

7151486 :rainbowlaugh: That's pretty much me, too. My brother makes it look so easy, but it's not.

7151291 I understand. If you're wondering, the double facehoof means I put my foot in my mouth more then normal, which for me is saying something.

Read it as "Fluttershy gets shot"


Ever heard of a baby dragon flipping off somepony?

I too have an insane fear of needles. When I was six years old. I had to get the shot you got in the butt. It took six full grown doctors plus my parents to hold me down to get 1 shot. I know. I'm a wimp. Lol. But I am liable to straight up deck someone if they got anywhere near me with a needle.

Dr Horse needs to go back to medical shool. Tetanus is bad, but I'm extremely concerned about Fluttershy's weight; a pony of that size should weigh about 700 pounds.

This is extra amusing because the Tetnus jab needle is teeny!

Back when I served in the JROTC my SO was a army ranger for ten years. He was recipiant of the purple heart and silver star. Anyway when we were at summer camp they gave us booster shots. And I saw my SO, this 40+ year old combat veteran duck his head and sneak to the back of the line. And when his turn finally came and they stuck that needle in I saw him turn white as a sheet. Made everyone forget that I cried and passed out. We all have our fears and needles is a perfectly understandable one.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.
- Mark Twain

I am Fluttershy when it comes to needles. Once, when I six, my parents took my siblings and I to get our blood tested for CVID. Took two nurses, a doctor and my dad to hold me down as they inserted a butterfly needle into the crook of my elbow. I had the healthiest blood out of ALL FIVE of my siblings.

Anticlimactic, really.

The last time I had a shot, 18 years ago, they had me in a room next to the waiting room full of kids. I let some expletives fly that would have made a salior blush, those kids heard me. It took 4 male nurses to hold me down and even after it was over I was still looking to beat the stuffing out of the nurses and the doctor. I view shots as a direct violation of the Hipporatic Oath they claim to uphold. Glad I plan on never having kids because I would half to put them through this torture.

To be honest, I am perfectly fine with shots.

The doctor says "You need a shot."

Me before he brings out the needle: :eeyup:

Me after he brings out the needle: :pinkiegasp: :twilightoops:

7154657 Your probably in for an opinion. If you don't consider this as a story, then maybe give some advice to the author, instead of the author just thinking your comment was just a random filler. :raritywink:
Anyways, I thought the plot of the story was pretty funny and wholesome, and could be a possible relate-able story for younger audience members. Geez, had to respell.. This is what happens when you stay up till like 3:00 in the morning.:twilightblush:
Even thou there was little minor errors, I'd like you to continue growing strong as a writer, if that's what you want to be.:twilightsmile:
9/10; just a few minor mistakes, but overall awesomeness :rainbowderp:

7154582 :facehoof::facehoof::facehoof:
Do you also think that they cause autism?


*Ungodly retarded things I said before*

7155089 Anyone who says vaccines causes autism is a moron. I'm sorry, but they can't cause genetic disorders of the brain.

And this story was really simple and cute. Good read :yay:

7154582 Do you know how vaccines work? The logic of them making it more like for you to get the illness, but less likely for those around you makes absolutely no sense.

7154582 vaccines don't work that way
vaccines introduce a dead or weakened form of an infectious organism into your bloodstream so that your immune system creates compounds engineered specifically to kill that particular organism
so that if you're ever infected with that organism your body knows how to combat it and you don't get sick
7155586 >no personally i don't support vaccines
kindly remove yourself from the human race.

the last time i had to get shots, i needed a MRSA shot, and then the clinic found out that they couldn't find a record of me having received vaccines for literally eight different things
so i had to sit through five shots
i was such a bitch about it that they brought the little-kid book with my needles

i can mainline heroin like a champ, but i hate getting shots

So Angel never had shots?

You know, it wouldn't surprise me if she was totally okay with making sure her animals are all vaccinated properly, it's just all bets are off when it comes to her getting vaccinated herself. :rainbowlaugh:

Dude, that was hilarious! :rainbowlaugh:
Well done! And so true to life! Good work, Seventh Heaven!

Great story! I really loved how you captured the comedy in words, excellent job! The following events were completely hilarious, I'd recommend this story to others! :rainbowlaugh: Also, maybe you should use italics when you write thoughts, just a suggestion. Another suggestion, try to make your stories longer. You don't want it to seem rushed up. You should try adding more details to give the reader a visual description.

That's just... not. I mean look at Tetanus. It's incurable, has a roughly ten percent death rate, and is one of the most ludicrously horrible ways to die. You get muscle spasms strong enough to break your long bones and shatter your teeth. If the vaccinated population had an increased chance of getting *that*, trust me we'd notice.

It's bastards like you that have infants dying of freaking *whooping cough* in the 21st century. Freaking *polio* is coming back. Do you want to go back to hospitals filled with kids in iron lungs? If everyone thought like you that's where we're headed.

7497625 You should keep that to yourself. I don't have it.

7497636 Oh. Oops. :twilightblush:


Eh. I don't care if people know. No biggie! :pinkiehappy:

7497639 I also don't appreciate the revival of a dead comment thread.
You have fucking MRSA because you're an antivax retard. Kindly either remove yourself or limit your contact to children, old people, and the public in general.

7497648 Wait, how did I revive that comment thread, first of all? :rainbowderp:

And second-

You have fucking MRSA because you're an antivax retard. Kindly either remove yourself or limit your contact to children, old people, and the public in general.

-eat a Snickers. You're not you when you're hungry.


>coming onto my story, being an asshole, and then saying you don't appreciate someone bringing back up an old topic when it's not even your story

Kindly fuck off.

7497675 Don't pay him any attention.

I hate shots, and I need to make a appointment to get my Cough Cough Sniffle Sniffle Shot

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