• Published 2nd May 2016
  • 14,415 Views, 467 Comments

Call of a Raven - Autum Breeze

So, first I lose a bet and have to go to Supernova dressed as Raven, then I find myself in the world of MLP, as Raven. Just Great

  • ...

Chapter 3

Chapter 3


Silence answers me as I look around at all the ponies, each wearing a looks but, thanks to my new empath powers, feels of either shock, confusion, curiosity or fear, though I’m sure my little outburst would have much to do with that last one.

“That... was... AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash cries, leaping into the air. “Did you all see that? It just grabbed that hydra by the tail and tossed it aside!”

“What are you doing here?” I blink, turning at the stern tone and cold anger I can feel to look at the lavender unicorn, my eyebrow ever so slightly raised.

“Twi, what’s up?” Applejack cocks her head at the unicorn, who’s glaring at me.

“She used Dark Magic!” Twilight points a hoof at me.

My expression goes from slightly confused, to a deadpan. “Shadow Magic.”

“Huh?” Dash looks from myself to Twilight.

“I used Shadow Magic, not Dark Magic,” I elaborate. “There is a key difference.”

“There is?” Applejack gives me an odd expression. “Sounds the same t’ me.”

I give a small shake of my head. “Dark Magic is twisted magic, fueled by negative emotions. Shadow Magic is magic that keys into the power of darkness— HEY!”

I’m barely able to raise a barrier before a spell with a lavender hue hits me. the other ponies all turn to Twilight with looks of shock.

“Twilight, the hay?!” Dash glares at the unicorn.

“The Princesses warned us that they’d sensed a powerful force of Dark Magic and then this... creature, comes, using magic that clearly is Dark Magic!” Celestia’s student yells, pointing a hoof at me. “It's pretty clear to me.”

I actually take a mental step back at that. The Princesses sensed me? How does that work? Did my arrival really give off that much energy? And, if so, how come they’ve just assumed my magic is Dark Magic?

“Wait. If Raven was the Dark Magic the princesses sensed, why would she have saved mine and Applejack’s lives?” Rarity’s question pulls me from my thoughts and I return to the situation at hand.

“Maybe she’s just trying to trick us,” Twilight says, glaring at me. “Wouldn’t be the first time recently somepony pretended to be somepony they’re not to fool Equestria.”

I blink, before it clicks. She’s referring to the Changeling Invasion. Then I scowl. “Oh, so just because I’m new, I have to be bad. For a pony trying to learn all about friendship, you sure do jump the gun when it comes to being open-minded.” I clear my throat, then, putting on a very fake cheery smile, “Oh, look at me, I’m Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s personal student. I want to learn all about friendship, but I’ll also accuse others who are different of being evil without even trying to get to know them first because I’m holding onto butt hurt from Cadance and Shining Armour’s wedding,” I finish, going into a deadpan.

Once again, I am met with silence for a very long time.

“Um...” Dash says, looking from myself to her unicorn friend, “how come she sounded a lot like Twilight just then?”

“What?” Twilight glares at the Pegasus.

“Well, she does,” Dash defends herself, thrusting a hoof at me.

“Dash’s is... right,” Applejack shakes her head. “The tones were a bit different, but... she almost sounded just like ya, Twi.”

Understandable. Tara Strong voices both Twilight and Raven, so it would make sense we sound similar.

“Well... then maybe she’s a Changeling!” Twilight cries, clearly taken aback by the logic of what her friends are saying now that she’s thinking about it.

I roll my eyes. “So, if someone sounds the tiniest bit like someone else, they have to be a Changeling? What about your mother? Is she a Changleing?” Wait. How would I know what Twilight's mom's voice sounds like?

“Well, okay, yes, ponies can have similar sounding voices,” Twilight stumbles over her words, before glaring at me. “But we’ve still no proof you’re not what the princesses sensed.”

I close my eyes. “And I am not denying it. My arrival into your world was not exactly planned, nor do I know how it worked. However, since your special talent is magic, why don’t you study mine for a moment?”

Twilight goes into a more defensive stance and I can feel her anger rear up again. “How do you know what my special talent is?!”

I just look blankly at her. “Your Cutie Mark is the symbol of Magic and you’re the Bearer to the Element of Magic. It really isn’t that hard to figure out. Plus, I’ve been living in the Everfree Forest with Zecora for a week now. She’s filled me in on anything I needed to know.”

At the mention of the zebra, a calm seems to move throughout most of the ponies, the purple unicorn not included for the most part.

“Well, if’n Zecora figures she’s alright, Ah don’t see why we can’t neither,” Applejack says, nodding.

“I... well,” Twilight mumbles, looking away. She sighs, before frowning, but at least she’s no longer glaring. “Fine, I’ll admit; studying you magic carefully, I do notice it’s not like the Dark Magic I’ve read about. It seems to have some kind of a white glow around it... somewhat similar to Princess Luna in feeling.”

I nod, the glow fading and withdrawing my hand. “That is because I am not using Dark Magic. I do not know if there is a difference in this world, but, as I told you, I use Shadow Magic. A good example of Shadow Magic is Princess Luna. She uses Shadow Magic, but she isn’t evil, is she?”

“Well, no, I suppose not,” Twilight says, uncertainty clear in her tone.

I nod, before walking over to where the torn off piece of my leotard landed after that hydra tore it off me. I just stand there, holding and looking down at it.

“It.. it meant sumthin’ to ya, didn’ it?” I glance over my shoulder to see Applejack coming over and feel a.. mournfulness coming from her. “Back afore ya threw that hydra... ya mentioned yer ma?”

I nod, before returning my gaze to the torn piece of cloth. “Aside from my memories, what I’m wearing is all I have left of my own world. It was the last thing my mother made for me before...” I sigh, closing my eyes and take a deep breath, calming my emotions.

“Well, then,” I startle when I feel the cloth leave my hands and turn to see it held in Rarity’s magical aura, “seeing as you did save my life, I feel I owe you a debt... Raven, was it?” After I nod, she continues. “Whilst it isn’t quite a style I dabble with much, seeing as it means so much to you, I would be more than happy to help repair your clothing. I must admit, I’ve never done attire for a biped of your type before.”

I look to Rarity and give a small smile. “Thank you.”

“Rarity—” Twilight begins, but is cut off by a held hoof.

“Twilight, I do understand your worries, trust me, but, if Raven had been lying, I am sure Applejack would have noticed. From what we have observed, she is no threat and saved mine and Applejack’s lives. It would be wrong not to return the favour in some manner. If you truly are worried, you can send a letter to the princesses, informing them of Raven.”

“Just be sure not to overact and write that I’m some evil being trying to take over the town,” I smirk.

The pouting glare I get from the unicorn in return is priceless.

“Come, Raven,” Rarity calls in a sing-song voice, turning and walking in the direction I’m guessing Carousel Boutique is in, “we shall mend your broken attire. And, perhaps I will even be able to make you some more casual wear.”

I would argue against the latter suggestion, but, knowing Rarity from the show, it would likely be a losing battle that would just result in my losing my temper and then we’d all be doomed, so I nod and go along.

Author's Note:

this is clearly not dead.

I realize it's not much, but i needed to write something small to get myself back into the swing of things with this fic.

Next chapter, i plan on having a few humorous things happen due to species differences and misunderstandings. and don't worry, small as it may have seemed here, i plan on the voice confusion thing to happen a lot more and funnier. i'm gonna have a lot of fun with it at times, trust me

Also, when looking for images to help me get more into this right before starting this chapter, i found THIS, which made me laugh

Anyway, hope this chapter wasn't too boring or disappointing and, til next time, later everypony