• Published 25th Apr 2016
  • 12,974 Views, 452 Comments

A Whole New World - Knight Light

Investigating a mysterious pulse of magic when trying to avoid repairing the wedding, Twilight stumbles upon the magic mirror only to get trapped on the otherside. Will a less angry Sunset help her?

  • ...

Chapter 2 Wednesday (Edited)

Sunset Shimmer
6 Years Ago

It was so cold without her fur and she had to admit that the creatures in this world made her miss home. A part of her even wished just to be held by that old nag who dared throw her out of her own home. In hindsight it was stupid demanding Celestia turn her into an alicorn no matter how much Sunset knew it was her right to be one, to be a princess. She knew that the new purple unicorn that seemed to be Sunset’s age was taking up all of Celestia’s time no matter how much she begged and pleaded with the Princess.

Another cold breeze blew into the large cardboard box that Sunset was huddled up in trying to stay warm. It only served to strengthen her resolve as she would be in the same predicament back in Euestria or here in this world. It had only been a few days, but Sunset promised herself if she was here for days, weeks, months or even years that she would survive. She would show that bucking nag that Sunset Shimmer didn’t need her!

“C-Cold!” Sunset hissed as she hugged herself tighter. She only packed a few things in her saddlebag before coming here including a few books and bits. She didn’t expect to lose her form, much less her fur as well. “I bucking hate you Princess!”

The box being jostled made Sunset shrink into herself more as she heard the humans whispering in what seemed like a heated argument just outside the box. It didn’t take long for her to learn what the creatures were and even less time to decide it wasn’t in her best interest to trust them. She had seen a few fights between humans since she had been here and they had scared her enough to avoid them at all costs.

“Look man, I’m telling you I’ll pay double later if you just front me a little. I’m going crazy here, no money for a fix or a decent prostie.” A voice pleaded, it’s desperation clear.

“And I said no, I’m getting out of this stuff man. My own kid overdosed this week because of my stash in the garage. No more.” Another voice replied, deeper and kind of sad sounding as the box above Sunset’s head began to dip in. It didn’t take a genius to figure out one of the men were leaning on it. She wasn’t sure if she should try to stay hidden or make a break for it. Her decision was taken out of her hands when the whole box caved in on top of her followed by the man.

“Son of a bitch!” The man cried out stumbling to his feet and catching a glimpse of a dazed Sunset through a large tear in the box that he just created. Before Sunset could make a break for it he had reached in and grabbed her by the arm and roughly yanked her out making her scream in pain while trying and get free.

“What are you doing? She’s just a kid!” The other man snapped out with an angry look on his face. His approach was halted as the man holding Sunset pulled one of those ‘L’ shaped devices out of his pants and pointed it at the other.

“I don’t give a shit! I just found my fun for the evening and since you aren’t going to help me with my other fix you can go!” The man said waving the thing in the other guy’s face as he backed away with a look of fear and disgust. After he was gone the man holding Sunset pulled her around to face him with the scariest look Sunset had ever seen. “Looks like we get to have some fun.”

Sunset Shimmer
Present Time: Wednesday

Sunset bolted upright in her bed, holding the sheets to her chest as she shook while trying to catch her breath. She hated this time of year because of the nightmares it always brought. Thankfully it was several months after Moonie’s birthday so Sunset’s mood wouldn’t spoil the girl’s birthday celebrations. It still took a toll on Sunset as she remained somewhat more paranoid and on edge during this time.

“Just great, now I’ll never get back to sleep.” Sunset groaned after noticing the clock display that read 2:00. A little shaky Sunset climbed from her bed, sliding her feet in her house shoes and throwing a robe on and tying it shut. It wasn’t the air making her shiver though as much as she tried to tell herself it was, but rather her nerves and left over fear from the nightmare. Heaving a deep sigh Sunset set off out of her room in search of something to help calm her nerves.

As she stepped out of her room she looked across the hall where another room had it’s door cracked open with the soft light from the nightlight within spilling out across the floor joining with the one in the hall. Quietly she stepped across the hall to push the door open to find a young girl’s room and despite it being a little difficult to see everything she knew where each and everything in it was.

To the right of the door was a little desk with a lamp on it with a bookshelf filled with many books including every single story, every single spinoff of ‘My Little Pony’ which was surprisingly such a huge hit. No matter if it was the stories of the rebellious Sunlight Strider which was fantasies of adventures she dreamed about as a filly to the comics based of the cartoon serious where Bright Moon and her two friends went on misadventures while learning under the sole ruler of Equestria, Princess Night. Then there was also the stories based off the legends and history of Equestria tweaked a bit for a better story.

To the left of the door was a dresser filled with more clothes than Sunset had ever seen as a filly and it filled her with happiness that she was more than well off enough to afford them now. And if that wasn’t enough, every open surface other than the desk was filled with toys and stuffed animals, most being from My Little Pony though there were the occasional different toy scattered into the mix. There was no television in the room though as Sunset didn’t think it was a good idea as she wanted to see what was playing on it. In a few years maybe, but not now.

As she moved past the desk she noticed that there was a new stack of papers there and crayons. Sunset was really tempted to try and see them better as she really enjoyed her daughter’s drawings. She may have been a little biased, but the artist was very good for her age. Looking over towards the center of the room where a small bed with dark sheets and blankets with a night sky theme with moons and stars, Sunset smiled as she could make out the small figure sleeping peacefully. Stepping over to the bed Sunset fixed the covers on the barely five year old girl, then leaned down and kissed the top of her head. She could just make out the matching skin tone as the two shared the same as well as hair design. Instead of Sunset’s flame colorization, the little girl had dark blue for the dominant color with a light blue as the secondary.

Shaking her head as she thought of Sonata once again, the girl could pass as their daughter instead of the actual relationship they shared. Not that either of them swung that way to begin with, Sunset especially. She didn’t really feel as if she would ever be ready for an actual romantic relationship. Just too many things preventing it, mainly the fact that every year at this time she would see his face in her nightmares time after time. It was kind of unbelievable that the man who ran was the one who called the police saving Sunset from even more pain from the bastard. It was too late to stop what happened that created the child sleeping in the bed, but Sunset wouldn’t change it.

No matter how much pain she has been through over the last few years, this little girl was the best thing that has ever happened to her. She was her light, her reason for going on and finding a better path in life. She was doing so much better this year as she moved past lashing out in anger and hatred and had done her best to be the role model this little girl needed. The mother that bitch in Equestria never was to her.

“Don’t worry Princess Night, we will stand with you to face the Solar tyrant and lock her back in the sun for another thousand years!” Moonlight Dreamer groaned out as she shifted in her sleep making Sunset smile. The cute action pulled Sunset away from her growing dark thoughts. It took everything for Sunset not to ‘Dawww’ at the incredible cuteness that was her daughter.

“Sweet dreams little Moonie.” Sunset whispered before sneaking back out of the room. As she walked to the stairs she looked farther down the hall to make sure both doors were closed tight before descending slowly to make sure she didn’t make any noise. Not that she was worried about the empty room, it was the one that her Granny Peach was in that worried her. She was pretty sure the older woman really wouldn’t approve of what she had planned so didn’t want to wake her.

Slipping through the living room that had leather couches and love seats set up in a U around a coffee table facing the biggest television Sunset could find with the best entertainment system she could get. The shelves on either side lined mostly with family friendly movies, a few less family friendly ones locked away in a drawer on the bottom. Nothing nasty, just ones that were a little scary or more mature than the normal things she let Moonie watch.

Passing through the dining room where there was a hutch with formal dinner sets she made it to the kitchen where there was a smaller table set along with a double oven built into the wall and an island surrounded by stools on one side and a range in the middle. A sink and dishwasher lined one wall while a large fridge was on the other next to the door to the pantry. It was probably the biggest kitchen she had ever seen, but she insisted on it when she had the house built for her family. Thankfully the light that she turned on here wouldn’t shine out thanks to the swinging door.

Looking over her shoulder to make sure that she didn’t wake Granny Peach up, Sunset stepped over to the pantry and reached above the doorframe and found the hidden key. It wasn’t a good idea leaving the pantry unlocked since it had not only the junk food stashed inside, but also the knives and the prize Sunset was after. Unlocking the door and stepping inside she walked straight ahead following the shelves that lined each of the four walls with all kinds of foodstuffs and other kitchen items except for one shelf near the top of the farthest rack. A shelf Granny Peach reserved for herself. A shelf where Sunset grabbed a bottle of scotch and retreated to the kitchen to hopefully work up a good enough drunk that her nerves would settle down. Within a minute she had a glass with ice before taking a seat at the table.

For several minutes Sunset sat there just staring at the bottle. It wouldn’t be the first time she had a drink to calm her nerves, but Granny Peach really didn’t like her doing it. There was alternatives such as mixing the right herbs along with some other ingredients and add a spark of magic to activate the inert properties to make it a real potion to soothe her nerves and help her sleep. There were two problems with that method, the first being that it took several hours to brew the potion and the other was that she already had another potion brewing occupying the equipment needed. Why didn’t I make some earlier?

Taking a deep breath Sunset opened the bottle and poured some in the glass as she watched the amber colored liquid wash over the ice before enough was poured to raise the ice and throw the small cubes around in the turbulent liquid until she slowed pouring it and finally stopping all the way when the glass was mostly full. Looking at the glass she wondered if she should have gotten a regular glass that would hold a lot more instead of a shot glass which wouldn’t hold enough to really start affecting her much.

Taking a small sip she had to hold back the coughing fit that accompanied the warm feeling the liquor brought despite the ice as it traveled down her throat. She couldn’t help thinking about the last year and how good it has actually been up until recently. “I wonder if this is the normal crap or if the stress is getting to me.”

“I’d say a combination of both.” A voice said from behind her nearly causing her to spill her drink. Looking up she found Granny Peach pulling out the teakettle and begin filling it with water.

“I can explain Gran!” Sunset choked out only for Granny Peach to give her a small, sad smile.

“You don’t have to explain, I know you have had it rough since the news of that poor girl came.” Granny Peach explained, “That doesn’t mean you need to be resorting to my liquor young lady. I’ll make us some tea then we can talk about it.”

“Thanks Gran.” Sunset smiled as the older woman plucked the glass from her hands and empty it down the sink.

“You’re more than welcome Sunny.” Granny Peach said as she pulled out the things needed for a good tea to sit them on the table before returning to grab the kettle before it started to whistle to avoid waking Moonie up. After preparing their tea Sunset stared into her mug stirring it slowly.

“Gran, have I told you how much I love you lately?” Sunset asked giving a genuine smile to the older woman. She couldn’t help admiring how even this early in the morning the woman’s pale peach colored skin and light blue hair seemed to be perfect, even her brown colored eyes seemed fully aware and full of love and knowledge ready to be shared.

“An abundance of times, but I’ll never grow tired of hearing it.” The woman said while giving a teasing smirk over her mug while blowing across it. The water was hot, on the verge of boiling which would have caused the kettle to whistle yet Granny Peach plucked it off the fire just at the right time. Something the older woman had a knack for doing that confused Sunset. “I heard you mention stress though honey, are you still stressing over that Fluttershy girl? You know you didn’t push her into trying to kill herself.”

“Maybe not Gran, but if I didn’t break those girls up before giving up being a bitch to everyone then they would have been there for Flutters. Gran, it’s because of me that Gilda had such an easy opening to bully and push her into believing it was the best option.” Sunset sighed, knowing it was all true yet Granny Peach would probably dismiss it.

“I won’t deny that you did some shitty stuff, dear, but that wasn’t who you really are. You were hurting and angry over what that bitch did to you only to get attacked by that monster. You have changed and the young woman I see sitting before me right now is the young woman I knew was deep inside that little hellion I adopted when I learned of what happened.” Granny Peach explained as she reached her free hand across to take Sunset’s and give it a squeeze. “You are doing everything you can think of to make up for the things you did in the past, but you need to let go of the past to move onto the future.”

“Sometimes I wonder if just secretly paying bills for people who really need it is doing anything to make up for what I did.” Sunset said as she stared down into her tea wishing she had the scotch back.

“I still think you should give some of them a chance to become friends with you. Let them get to know the real you like that Trixie girl.” Granny Peach suggested, letting Sunset’s hand go as she motioned to the tea. “Drink before it gets cold.”

“Trixie isn’t a friend, Gran. She’s a necessary acquaintance.” Sunset grumbled, not wanting to get into the same argument that they always got into with her lack of friends. If you could even call it an argument. “You know I can’t risk having friends. It’s bad enough that Trixie knows about Moonie, what do you think would happen if Gilda found out about her. What about any number of students who I hurt in the past few years since we moved into here?”

“You really should have more faith in humanity, you might find that we can be very surprising honey.” Granny Peach teased, already knowing the truth and accepting it about Sunset. She’s seen much stranger things in her long years.

“I do have faith in you Gran, it’s the kids at school I’m not so sure about.” Sunset sighed with a roll of her eyes.

“Look, why don’t you take the day off from school and go visit Fluttershy. She will be returning back to school tomorrow don’t forget.” Granny Peach suggested as she finished her tea.

“Gran, I don’t think she wants to see me right now.” Sunset pointed out, still blaming herself for what had happened to Fluttershy despite Granny Peach’s constant reminders that she didn’t push Fluttershy into taking a whole bottle of pills.

“The whole school has visited her, everyone except for you.” Granny Peach said as she made herself another cup of tea from the left over water in the kettle.

“Gran, it isn’t happening so let’s please drop it.” Sunset sighed, giving the best pleading look she could. Not that she was good at them in the first place. No, the one who was best with such looks in this house was Moonie all thanks to Sonata’s influence when the girl managed to visit thanks to their hectic tour schedule.

“Okay, I’ll drop it for now. I think we should discuss the other things bothering you.” Granny Peach suggested.

“Gran, it’s fine, they are just nightmares that will go away soon.” Sunset said, squeezing her mug a little tighter as she took another sip. The look on that man’s face would always haunt her.

“Maybe you should let me make an appointment with your doctor and call you off of school for today.” Granny Peach suggested, only to be caught between pride and disappointment. Disappointment as she really hoped the girl would accept though she pretty much knew she wouldn’t. Proud because Sunset was genuinely trying to do her best all around wither it be for school or being a good role model for Moonie.

“No thanks, I have tests today. Plus it would be better if I stayed occupied because I think less about it then.” Sunset explained, running her fingers through her hair.

“Sunny…just don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Okay? I’m here for you no matter what.” Granny Peach said softly, getting up to go hug Sunset.

“I know Gran, I love you.” Sunset said as the woman kissed the top of her head before straightening back up.

“And I love you my little Sunbeam. Maybe you should go get some rest.” Granny Peach suggested as she gathered their things up and put them in the dishwasher to clean.

“I’m too worked up, Gran. I’m going to head down to my office and get some work done.” Sunset said as she got up and hugged the woman, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “I might as well get caught up on some of the stuff I’ve been putting off.”

“Just don’t overdo it.” Granny Peach sighed, knowing that there was no way to talk Sunset out of it.

“I won’t, goodnight Gran.” Sunset said as she left the kitchen followed by Granny Peach who flipped the light out.

“Good night hon.” Granny Peach replied.

It didn’t take long to make her way back through the living room and through the door under the stairs to descend into the basement which was her sanctuary. Of course the first room was just for laundry and was rather small, but passing through a door there led into her office where she had a large desk with a desktop computer sitting on top with a large entertainment center with a tv similar to the one upstairs with even more movies. Only difference was that the movies in the shelves on either side of it had more mature movies mixed in since Moonie wasn’t allowed down here due to her work being dangerous. Her glyphs kept any accidents contained down here, though most work was done in her lab which was hidden in another room off this one with all of her tomes in a hidden library in the opposite direction with another room which could be accessed off either of those for testing out new theories or existing magic. All of the hidden rooms were reinforced even more to keep anything from even having the smallest possibility of hurting her family.

Looking over at her desk she sighed when she noticed the stacks of paperwork there from offers from various publishing houses and movie studios to try and get her to sale all her rights to My Little Pony to them thinking that they could manipulate her after learning that she is younger than expected. As if they ever stood a chance against her seeing that she was a better manipulator than any of them could ever hope to be. Not that she was very proud of the skill any longer, but it was at times a necessary evil.

The offers wasn’t the only thing though, her journal concerning the sirens sat open as she was going over everything that she has done for them so far. Their current tour was coming to a close and she was sure they would stop by soon if for no other reason than Sonata manipulating her sisters into coming to see Moonie. Sunset swore the youngest of the sirens could be just as manipulative as Sunset at times as the girl admittedly was happy go lucky, but she wasn’t as stupid as she led others to believe. She supposed it was a good defense mechanism over the years until their luck ran out. If they hadn’t attacked Sunset back when they did, she was sure they would be dead from those religious zealots who believed anything different was evil. They weren’t religious, they used it as an excuse because no sane religious person would torture an innocent in the name of their god, especially a child.

Flipping through the book she came across a few sketches she made including a pony-like insect that she remembered reading about back in Equestria called a changeling and a very well endowed woman with small bat-like wings and a long prehensile tail and a single jagged horn on her forehead which was a succubus she once met though it wasn’t the queen which she had come to know after. Both species fed on love and both were the basis for what she had done for the sirens. It was a lot of work, as well as dangerous to both the sirens and herself. It was worth it though as it kept the sirens from causing riots and hate to spread wherever they went which was being noticed by the zealots. Now they didn’t cause anything when they sang, all they did was absorb the ambient energies that the excitement and adoration of their fans gave them allowing more normal lives. Well, as normal as newly international superstars could lead anyways.

“I’ll worry about this later, I should check on Granny Smith’s potions and prepare her tea leaves.” Sunset sighed, moving to the opening between two of the shelves where an autographed poster of the sirens hung and placed a hand on the wall channeling magic into it causing the surface to ripple as if it was water. Taking a deep breath she stepped through into her lab to begin what really should have already been done if she wasn’t so preoccupied with everything else. Something that only happened when she was as stressed out as she was now.

Princess Luna

“I’m sorry Princess Luna, but your sister asked to be left alone with Princess Mi Amore Cadenza for the time being.” The two solar guards said stiffly as they crossed their spears barring Luna’s entry into the throne room. Normally she would respect her sister’s wishes to be left alone, especially after the harrowing ordeal that was the invasion.


This wasn’t normally.

“You two idiots have until the count of three to move and let me pass, or by every star in the night’s sky I will make sure the two of you have the most horrible nightmares ever conceived every night for the rest of your miserable lives.” Luna growled at seeing the sweat begin to bead upon the two stallion’s brows as they did a commendable job of not letting their knees hit one another from all of their shaking.

“One…” Luna said as she gave them a sweet smile that bordered on the insane as her teeth began to sharpen and her coat began to darken. Not that she would really hurt the poor ponies who was only doing their job. She was royally pissed off though and these two would not keep her from her prey.

“Two…” Luna began to cackle as the shadows began to dance around them blocking out some of the morning light. Her Nightmare Moon transformation began to sweep over her quicker and quicker with each heartbeat.

“Three!” Luna cackled as she took on the guise of Nightmare Moon making the two guards jump to either side of the large doorway. And with that the darkness suddenly went away and Princess Luna was left standing there suppressing a giggle despite her foul mood. “Thank you.”

“Y-Y-Your welcome, Ma’am!” The two guards saluted as the looked like they has seen a ghost.

Taking a deep breath Luna charged up her magic deciding on a much more dramatic entrance, she blew the large heavy doors clear off their hinges making them clatter across the floor stopping just feet before reaching the two thrones where Celestia was sitting in one and Cadence was resting in the other. Neither looked in very good shape as both had obvious signs of crying, but for once Luna couldn’t bring herself to give a buck. At the moment she had used up every single buck she could spare for her dear sister.

“I have had enough waiting dear sister. Where is Twilight Sparkle?” Luna hissed out, her eyes flashing momentarily as she fought the sudden rage in her heart at seeing Celestia before her. She hated being this way, but enough was enough. “Where is my descendants?”

“Descendants?” Cadence asked as she turned a shocked gaze back and forth between the two sisters.

“Luna, please dear sister, we will talk about this later.” Celestia pleaded while motioning with her eyes towards Cadence.

“We will talk about this now dear sister!” Luna snapped out angrily. “For months I searched for any possible descendants from my children before the nightmare took over and you knew! You bucking KNEW!”

“Auntie, perhaps you should calm down.” Cadence said softly as she got up and went to put a calming hoof on the dark alicorn.

“No Cadence, I will not calm down.” Luna snarled trying her best to get her emotions under control before a repeat of a thousand years ago occurred. Only this time it wouldn’t be her getting locked up in the moon.

“Sister, I told you after the wedding and after I secured Twilight’s ascension-“ Celestia started only to be cut off by Cadence.

“What do you mean Twilight’s ascension?” Cadence asked, turning to narrow her eyes at Celestia.

“Yes sister, please do tell.” Luna snarled as that was never part of the deal. Luna promised to back off from dropping the bomb of information so as not to overshadow the joyous event that was supposed to be Shining Armor and Cadence’s wedding. To keep from blurting out the information she had kept to her quarters for most of the duration of the preparations intending to only join them at the wedding and reception. In order to do so she had room service bring her her meals which apparently included something laced with enough sleeping potion to knock her out during the entire attempted wedding and invasion. As embarrassed as she was for falling for it, she couldn’t help wonder why she was only knocked out and not killed.

“Sister, Twilight is special and so close to achieving what only so few-“ Celestia began once again trying to soothe things over, not that it was doing any good.

“Save it! I. WANT. MY. GRANDPONIES!” Luna bellowed using the full effect of the Canterlot Voice actually pushing Celestia back several inches.

“Grandponies?” Cadence asked with confusion.

“The House of Twilight is the last of my descendants and they don’t even know it. They should be the highest ranking noble family in Canterlot yet sister dearest lets blowhards like the Bluebloods trot all over them.” Luna snarled, “My family is considered the lowest of the low on the nobility food chain and I will not have it!”

“Wait, are you saying that Twily and Shiny are-“ Cadence said slowly as her eyes slowly grew in size as full realization hit.

“My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfoals.” Luna said with a curt nod making Cadence’s mouth drop open.

“Auntie Luna, Celestia believes that she may have a possible idea of what could have happened to Twilight.” Cadence said as she ignored the frantic hoof signals from Celestia trying to get her to be silent until Luna’s fury once again began to return.

“And when were you going to tell me this?” Luna seethed.

“I wasn’t,” Celestia sighed hanging her head in defeat. “I was going to try and find out if Twilight went through the mirror first.”

“And how were you going to do that?” Luna demanded as she glared at her sister with such intense anger Cadence was afraid the older sister would burst into flames. She knew the only mirror in the palace that a pony would go through is the mirror portal.

“By using a journal that is part of a pair to try and contact…an ex student of mine.” Celestia said, the pause making Luna study her intently.

“What aren’t you telling me, sister?” Luna growled out.

“I’m not hiding anything sister. I simply failed a student some years back by not being there for her as I should have been. She took what few things she had as far as I can tell and fled through the portal while it was still active, including a magic journal that acted as two way communication between us.” Celestia explained making Luna study the face of her sister as the white alicorn scuffed a hoof on the ground.

“There’s something you aren’t telling me.” Luna accused Celestia as Cadence swallowed nervously. The only student that she remembered being around other than Twilight was.

“Sunset Shimmer. She’s the student you threw out of the castle.” Cadence said slowly, remembering the angry unicorn.

“Wait, you threw a student out of the castle? What was she doing, living here?” Luna asked, studying the saddened look on Celestia’s face. A look that didn’t truly sit right with Luna.

“Her mother was one of the servants here.” Cadence said with a far off look. “Now that I think about it, she still works here. Stays in the servant’s quarters if I remember right.”

“Let me get this straight, dear sister of mine. You threw the filly of one of the castle servants out on the street. A servant who is still here mind you, while that poor filly had nowhere to go?” Luna asked clenching her teeth.

“It wasn’t like that!” Celestia snapped, her eyes blazing as she glared at Luna who took a step back. “I loved Sunset Shimmer! I did everything I could think of to turn her around until I felt I had no other choice but to use scare tactics! Do you really think I would throw my own…“

“Your own what?” Luna asked as Celestia’s anger died down as she balked on finishing her rant. “She wasn’t your student, was she? She was your own daughter.”

“Auntie Luna, don’t be ridiculous. Why would Auntie Celestia throw her own daughter away instead of giving her the life she deserved as a princess?” Cadence said as she tried to banish the claim from her mind. Only the look on Celestia’s sullen face wouldn’t let her.

“She was an illegitimate foal, Caadence. Her father was a dignitary from Saddle Arabia and if the nobles found out about her it would be a feeding frenzy. They would have been after both her and me trying to discredit me and either use her or make her life miserable. She was better off being raised by a pony I trusted to help guide her on the right path. I just didn’t expect her to have so much power so early.” Celestia sighed, “I had no choice but to take her under my wing when the little ponies at my school kept harassing her about being a servant’s daughter.”

“Yeah, just more elitist scum replacing the old. I thought after a thousand years you would have straightened that out, but I guess I was more wrong than I thought.” Luna said shaking her head in a mixture of anger and disappointment in her sister. She loved her sister dearly which was the only reason she didn’t completely despise Celestia at the moment. If any pony was close to earning that though, it was her dear sister.

“How could you, Auntie?” Cadence asked with a horrified expression, covering her mouth with her hooves.

“Look, we are getting off track here. You said you have a journal that can communicate with your daughter?” Luna demanded, a curt nod from Celestia being her only answer. “Then I want it and full access to the mirror. With a connection between the books I should be able to force the portal open and go in search of Twilight and Sunset Shimmer.”

“Wait, why both of them?” Celestia asked out of curiosity.

“Because I intend to find both my granddaughter and niece and bring them home, or at the very least, make sure they are okay.” Luna explained, “I will be the one going though.”

“Let me go Auntie Luna, I have to find Twily and make sure she is okay and Equestria needs you.” Cadence suggested.

“You may come, but I go as well. Equestria did okay without me for a thousand years. What’s one more week which is all I’m planning for it to take. And even then, if we are stuck there for the thirty moons, again Equestria can get by without me. Family is what is important, something you could do with learning dear sister.” Luna growled giving Celestia a scowl. “I want that journal by this evening dear sister.”

Cadence turned to look up at the sullen expression on Celestia before hurrying to catch up with Luna who was fixing the door that she broke just minutes before. “Auntie, what are you doing?”

“I’m fixing the doors.” Luna replies as she finished her repairs.

“Why?” Cadence asked as she walked with Luna out of the room.

“So I can slam them.” Luna snarked before doing just that leaving Celestia behind.

“So many centuries. I worked so hard to make things right, and no matter what I do I still mess them up.” Celestia sobbed to herself. “I try to do the right thing for every pony, so why does it always turn out like this?”

As Luna and Cadence began their journey down the hall a threstral came running up to them breathing heavily. “Your majesty, Lady Scroll has found some more information regarding your family.”

“What is it?” Luna asked feeling hope that maybe something good will finally happen this day.

“She believes that she traced two more of your descendants down. One is a showmare and the other, well, we aren’t sure. For the moment she is missing, but the captain has already dispatched a group to search for her.” The threstral panted out.

“I have more grandfoals?” Luna asked hopefully, a sense of happiness at the news filling her.

Author's Note:

So, here is the first part of the chapter 2 rewrite, It will actually be 4 chapters total around 20k words. I hope it is okay, I tried following advice when I wrote it and I might have went overboard trying to explain things, though everything isn't explained right away which I am sorry for. There is just no way to fit it all in without making it seem even more long winded than it may already be.

Also, below is the original chapter 2 for comparrison.

The strange creatures were everywhere as Twilight took in her surroundings upon waking up. All of them seemed to be walking on their back hooves rushing around her and the cold hard ground where she found herself. Pulling her front hooves up she stared in horror at the things her beloved hooves had become. It was strange who she could feel each appendage when before it was a solid hoof.

“Going to be late for class freak!” One of the creatures called out as it walked by, a sneer on her face as she glared at Twilight.

“Leave her alone Gilda, she’s probably just a new student.” A familiar voice chided drawing Twilight’s attention to another creature with the same mane colors as Rainbow Dash.

“Whatever dweeb.” Gilda snapped out as Twilight looked as the two of them in growing shock. Were Gilda and Rainbow Dash really here?

“You new here?” Rainbow Dash asked with a cocky smile which made Twilight growl out as she stumbled to her back hooves. Her legs felt like jelly as she swayed back and forth staring at one of the ponies who turned their backs on her.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight demanded, angry that girl followed her through the portal. Her mind was quickly processing possible theories of what could have possible have happened to her body. One of the most likely possibilities was the portal could have been a transdimensional pathway with an enchantment to change a ponies body into something that could survive here.

“I go to school here, though I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen you around here.” Rainbow scoffed confusing Twilight. “Look, if you’re new here you should head to the office and check in. I got to get to class.”

Twilight watched as Rainbow walked away muttering about crazy girls pissing Twilight off even more. She wasn’t crazy, this whole situation was. Shaking her head she turned to look at the statue that she remembered coming through. Weird that one end of the portal was anchored to a mirror and the other to the base of a large pony statue. Or what resembled a pony though it wasn’t the best likeness.

“Twi, anybody that looks familiar to you here isn’t somebody you know. This is a mirror world to ours. Everyone you know back home likely has a version of them here.” Sunset said as she sipped on her milkshake, smiling a little as Twilight clumsily ate her meal. It was a little amusing seeing the girl struggle with using her fingers to use her fork and shovel chunks of salad in her mouth. Salad dressing dripping down her chin.

“Seriously?” Twilight asked, a little shocked but a curious expression slowly forming. “Multiverse theory?”

“Most likely.” Sunset said, unable to help herself. Taking a napkin she reached across the table to wipe the mess from Twilight’s face with an amused smile making Twilight brush.

“Sorry, it’s just weird using these things.” Twilight said so quietly that Sunset nearly missed while wigging her fingers.

“They’re called fingers Twilight.” Sunset grinned, dipping a fry into her milkshake. “So, what happened next?”

“I’m going home.” Twilight sighed as she stepped up to the base, giving one last look over her shoulder before stepping through the portal. Or she tried to, but instead she ended up bumping her head on the solid surface making her cry out while stumbling back into another of the creatures caught her.

“Careful kid.” A male voice said causing Twilight to jump away from the creature holding her. Looking at the male, he had very short brown hair and was wearing what looked to be some kind of uniform. At least what appeared to be one. “You better get to class.

“School? I don’t go to school anymore. I have to get back home!” Twilight said, turning back to the statue and testing the surface still finding it solid. She tried using her magic to scan it, but she couldn’t pull from it. It wasn’t gone, she could still feel it deep inside her, but it refused to listen to her commands.

“Are you on something kid? Come on, let’s get you inside.” The male said making a grab for Twilight’s arm making her jump back. She tried again to call up her magic to teleport, but it just refused to respond.

“You don’t understand, I need to figure out the key to opening the portal so I can get home.” Twilight said, realizing the male was starting to get angry and without her magic and her lack of knowledge of this body, Twilight didn’t stand a chance against him. Instead she sighed, walking towards him slowly as if surrendering.

“Good, just stay calm and we will get you some help.” The male said making Twilight scoff, quickly turning and surprising the male as she ran away from him. At first he gave chase, but he appeared to not be very good at running as he quickly ran out of breath allowing Twilight to escape.

She was now in a place she didn’t know with nowhere to turn too, unless she wanted to track down Rainbow Dash. There was something wrong with her though as Rainbow showed no signs of recognizing Twilight. The best thing Twilight could do is maybe find the local library and hope they might have the tomes she needed to figure out why she couldn’t call upon her power and figure out the key to opening the portal. It took her the rest of the day to finally find the library, but by then it was well past dark and despite the lights the doors were sealed tightly. With a reluctant sigh Twilight realized she would have to sleep outside in he elements. Hopefully there weren’t any storms on the schedule for the night.

“Twi, you have a lot to learn about this world.” Sunset said sadly, “I promise to do everything in my power to help you through this. The portal though, it only opens for three nights about every two and a half years.”

“I won’t see my family for two more years?” Twilight asked with mixed feelings.

“I’m truly sorry.” Sunset sighed as she looked Twilight up and down again. She had to bark at a few of the other patrons eating when they stared at Twilight’s ragged appearance. It wasn’t every day you saw a girl who looked as if she could be homeless with dirt all over her clothes enjoying what was now her third salad. If Sunset wasn’t so well off her purse would be crying. “How many days were you alone on the streets?”

“At least six moons, maybe seven. I kind of lost track these last few days.” Twilight sighed, melancholy over the news about the portal home. She was clearly fighting back tears.

“Did you ever get a chance to go inside of the library?” Sunset asked, getting a nod in reply. She was trying to change the subject to get Twilight’s mind off the fact she won’t see Equestria for at least a few more years.

“Excuse me, but could you help me find some books? Maybe some older tomes if available?” Twilight asked the older female behind the desk that said reference. She had already tried looking herself though quickly became lost as the library system was vastly different than hers. She also couldn’t find anything on magic no matter how hard she tried.

“Did you try the card catalog?” The female asked, narrowing her eyes in annoyance at Twilight making her shift nervously.

“I couldn’t find it.” Twilight replied with a bashful smile.

“There are computers all over the library and you couldn’t find one?” The female sneered.

“What’s a computer?” Twilight asked getting an incredulous glare from the woman who stood up.

“What are you looking for?” The woman asked as she continued glaring at Twilight.

“I need any books you have on magic. Journals from Starswirl the Bearded or Clover the Clever. Also anything you may have on teleportation magic, especially portals if you have anything.” Twilight explained though she knew any books on portals was an extremely long shot.

“Is this some kind of joke? Look kid, if you want fantasy go look in the young adults section under fantasy.” The woman said lazily waving her hand in a direction on the other side of the library.

“No, not fantasy. Magic. I need to figure out how to reopen a portal.” Twilight explained slowly hoping the woman would understand her needs and not brush her off again.

“I’m sorry young lady, but we do not carry books on witchcraft or any other mumbo jumbo you kids want to play at.” The woman said, her annoyance in Twilight clearly growing.

“You, stop right there!” A rough voice called from near the entrance gaining both their attention. There were two more men in uniforms that seemed a little similar to the guard from before though they seemed different somehow.

“Is that the nut job we’re looking for?” The second one asked.

“What’s going on?” The older female asked.

“I don’t want any trouble, I just want to find some books on magic so I can open a portal and get home.” Twilight pleaded with the males.

“Just come quietly and we can get you all the help you need.” The first said in a bit of a kinder tone, though Twilight felt as if he was lying.

“Yeah, get you locked up nice and tight in a padded room.” The second one scoffed earning a glare from his partner. Twilight couldn’t afford to be locked up though, she needed to get out of there before they could catch her. The two males gave chase around some lower shelves as Twilight saw a small stack of books ahead. She jumped over them as did the closest guard, but the second wasn’t as lucky as he slipped on it and fell forward where he grabbed his partner out of reflex taking them both down giving Twilight time to escape.

“I’ve been avoiding the royal guards ever since trying to figure out what to do. I’ve been trying my best to access my magic, but all I could do was manage a small spark of magic from these.” Twilight said wiggling her fingers.

“Yeah, magic kind of works a lot differently here. To most it doesn’t even exist. And as for the guards, they were police officers. Kind of similar I suppose. I’’’ get you caught up with the differences of this world.” Sunset explained noticing that Twilight finally finished her meal. Thankfully she already called Gran and let her know she was going to be very late and to not wait up. “You still hungry?”

“No, I’m stuffed. Thank you so much, I haven’t had anything really to eat in days.” Twilight sighed in content, though she was still depressed about everything. Not that Sunset could blame her after hearing the story about the changelings and now the week Twilight spent trapped here.

“Okay, good. This week has already been hell on you so let’s get you to my place and we can get you a warm shower and bed.” Sunset said getting a huge smile from Twilight.

“Really?” Twilight asked, excited about the prospect of getting cleaned up and a soft bed to rest in. She needed sleep as she hardly slept much lately.

“Really, let’s go home.” Sunset said giving a smile to the other girl as she gathered up their trays and garbage to dump on the way out.