• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 2,798 Views, 85 Comments

Iron Colt - Demon Eyes Laharl

MLP: FiM fusion with Iron Man. When Prince Blueblood is kidnapped, he stumbles on a conspiracy that threatens to topple down Equestria. He builds an advanced suit to escape and takes his first step in a larger world he had not known existed.

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Chapter 3

The unicorns surrounding the rocket scrambled away, having underestimated the strength and heat coming out of the thrusters. Blueblood ignored them as he watched his invention slowly launch itself to the air, mentally seeing the mechanical process of the launch. The essence of magic was fed to a converter, which then turned to pure magical energy that would be fed directly to the positioned Fire Gems, producing a strong and hot flame that accelerated the phallic construct to the air.

Blueblood felt satisfied, even if he was near his most hated mare and the one holding her reins. Watching the rocket soar high in the air was somewhat of a dream come true for him. Memories of the many years ago resurfaced, as he remembered trying to convince the Royal Engineers to try and build the Jericho. He also remembered his disappointment he felt towards his Auntie, who was usually a very understanding pony, as she immediately shut him down without a real explanation.

It took years of research before he understood her reasons, years of being acting slightly coolly towards his favorite aunt, and years of resenting her. Presently, he just wished it was all explained to him since the beginning to save them both the trouble.

Now he was in the presence of well equipped and seemingly well-funded ponynappers, who may or may not kill him afterwards, and are giving everything they had so he could build them that same weapon he had tried to build those years ago. And he was resenting every minute of it.

Fate, it seemed, was not without a sense of humor.

The rocket burst into flames. Blueblood had to hide his smile while Gear Match’s horn glowed. Unseen by him, Gwendolyn, the gryphon beside him, went rigid, almost ready to jump on him if the unicorn made a wrong move. She needn’t bothered as all Gear Match did was levitate a pen and began to write notes.

Blueblood frowned, his eyes still on his invention. It still kept climbing, apparently too ignorant to know it was on fire and it was time to stop. It only did so when it exploded outwards, destroying the prototype weapon from the sky.

A lot of ponies took cover reflexively, while a lot of the younger gryphons watched with dedicated interest. Being honed predators, they were generally much more appreciative of weapons and are awed at the fiery explosions they create. Some of the smarter, mostly older ones took cover though. Interest in weapons didn’t mean they wanted shrapnel poking holes at their skulls.

Maelstrom looked at the Prince. “Well?”

Blueblood knew what had caused the explosion, but he dared not mention that. He took a moment of pause, and then looked at Gear Match. “Feeding system?”

“Most likely,” Gear Match replied.

“Thought so. Propulsion was right on the numbers, though. Leak had to be internal.”

“Would someone please speak normal Equestrian?” Maelstrom demanded, approaching closer to Gear Match and Blueblood. The latter looked at him, a vague annoyed expression showing in his face.

“Feeding system may have been faulty,” Blueblood replied. “We won’t be able to know for sure until we get that rocket back, and piece it together.”

Maelstrom blinked and his mouth opened in surprise. “I’m sorry, piece it back together?”

“Yes, quite,” Blueblood confirmed.

The pegasus trotted in a small circle, his wings quivering in palpable anger. “That weapon just blew up sky-high. There may literally be a hundred pieces of it around the mountainside, and you want me to waste pony-power to find it all together?”

“Just the interior,” Blueblood said. “The more the better of course, but most important part is--”

“Do you think I’m stupid, Prince Blueblood?” Maelstrom roared, bodily pushing the white stallion off-balance. The Prince stumbled slightly, only to be supported by Gear Match. “I know what you’re doing. You’re wasting my time, that’s what.”

Blueblood stood back steadily on all fours. “Wasting your time? What did you want me to do? Have another rocket made without knowing what had caused the previous one to spontaneously combust? The next one would explode again, or worse! And if I continue building another rocket, not knowing how to improve it, we’d be stuck here for months or longer. That means, the longer it will take to get your weapon, and the longer it will take for me to get home. So, yes please, accuse me of wasting more of your precious time so you won’t let me do my job correctly!”

Maelstrom growl seemed to have set off Silver Star. She approached the white stallion aggressively, her horn glowing as silver pointed stars started flying all around her.

“Just say the word,” the Neighpon mare softly said.

“Drop it,” Maelstrom muttered and then sighed. He motioned some of the grounded pegasi. “Take a team and see if you can gather as much of the debris as you can.”

The pegasi team saluted, and Maelstrom looked at the Prince.

“You’ll get your failed rocket soon. Meanwhile, work whatever you can with what you have,” and he nodded towards Gwendolyn and Silver Star. “Escort the good Prince and his companion back to their rooms. Do not touch them.” He left, muttering something under his breath.

Silver Star grunted, and stared at Blueblood. “Well, aren’t you a lucky little colt.”

Blueblood snorted. “If I was lucky, you disgusting, sorry excuse for a pony, you would be falling off this mountain straight into Tartarus and be violated by your own horn, so why don’t you. . .” and he clapped his two front hooves together in a very rude gesture, “. . . yourself? Oh, and if you would, please do so on the edge of the cliff so you could be on your way!”

He took a step back when Silver Star reacted violently, muttering something in Neighponese. The only reason why she hadn’t bucked him in the face was because Gwendolyn grabbed her when she moved, and stopped the mare from even reaching Blueblood.

“Whoa there pony-sister. No damage, boss-pony said,” Gwendolyn muttered.

“Shinjimae, kusottare! Kuso kurae!” the mare shouted, slowly led away by Gwendolyn.

“Well, that wasn’t Princely,” Gear Match muttered.

“Of course not, considering she’s not a Prince,” Blueblood replied. Earth Pony mares and some male gryphons began to lead them back to the entrance of the cave. “Thank Celestia though. I do not care to have her speech translated, considering how venomous it sounded.”

“I was talking about you, Prince Blueblood.”

“What?” Blueblood asked, in mock surprise. “What in the name of Celestia did I do?”

“What you did, with your hooves?” Gear Match asked. “Telling her to. . . you know.”

“I know what, exactly, Gear Match?”

The older stallion rolled his eyes, and just mouthed the expression. Blueblood opened his mouth in a comically exaggerated manner.

“Oh. My. Goodness. Was that what it meant? I had no idea, Gear Match!”

“Shut it,” one of the mare escorts muttered as she brought out to bags they were going to use over their heads.

“Right. You didn’t know,” the older stallion muttered with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

“Of course not. It wouldn’t be Princely,” Blueblood replied with a smirk before his head was covered roughly with the bag. He could have sworn some of the gryphons’ beaks clicked softly, their version of chuckling, before they were shoved inside the cave.

Once more, Prince Blueblood concentrated on mapping the area. This was their second trip to the outside and second trip back (while conscious). While they kept doubling back, retracing their steps, it did not fool his sense of direction.

The trip ended with the sound of grating metal, as he and Gear Match were shoved back inside. Their bags were removed from their heads and the mares and gryphons quickly left through the metallic door, shutting it behind them before the anti-magic field powered up.

Gear Match made a retching sound. “I guess it would be too much to ask to have those bags washed?”

Blueblood ignored the comment, too engrossed over a covered table near where the different armors were placed. He took a bite of the covering cloth, and with a tug, revealed a work station. Several metals were strewn over in irregular shapes, along with crystals of different cuts. At the center of it all was a circular mess of wires and parts.

It has only been a few days since they were captured, yet Blueblood hadn’t gotten much success in getting his mini-AMR working properly. His dad was much better in manipulating objects with his hooves and mouth, but the Prince himself had his magic to do very precise work. Without his horn and with Gear Match working most of his time building the prototype Jericho, he had to contend on just doing the design and the math.

“What a mess,” Gear Match said, coming up behind the Prince.

“First thing we’re going to do when we get back home is to propose redesigns of manual tools to make precision work,” Blueblood replied before grabbing his plans. He used his hooves to flatten it over a clear area of the table, and showed it to Gear Match.

“Hmmm,” Gear Match muttered, looking over the design. “You’re using crystals instead of using proportional ratios of Anidine and Magidine?”

Blueblood nodded. The AMR that they used to power Ponytech factories were made using Magidine and Anidine in proper proportions as its core, while surrounding it was various metals and crystals that would generate a starting flow of energy for the Magidine to use to start the reaction.

It was designed in a way to at least keep the larger Magidine from breaking down completely to Anidine, while keeping magic energy production rate from dipping to a minimum rate. Unfortunately, for it to work on a smaller size Blueblood had to redesign it completely using crystals as an alternative for Anidine.

The crystal he used had the same property as Anidine, except it would not change its characteristics after a certain point, unlike the metal, which transforms to Magidine after absorbing a certain amount of magic energy. Instead, it holds magical energy into itself until absorbed off. Pieces of it, cut and placed in certain ways, would prevent the Anidine from completely forming by giving of magical energy it needs, thus allowing the Magidine core to continue giving off magic energy.

“I did the calculations and compared designs,” Blueblood replied. “Unfortunately, cutting tools and the like are not precise enough.”

“Metallurgists and Jewelers are unicorn jobs by default. No one had thought of making precision tools for Earth Ponies or Pegasi.”

“Well, we’re going to change that,” Blueblood scoffed. He motioned at his plans. “So tell me, Gear Match, what do you think?”

The older stallion studied the numbers, and nodded. “I would like to try a few changes, but I am sure this is doable.”

“Excellent. Let’s work.”

The next few hours were intensive. Using Gear Match’s magic they were able to cut precise shapes of metals and crystals, which allowed them to build the miniaturized AMR. After two initial tries, one of which was a complete failure, the third design showed promise

“Initializing start-up reaction,” Gear Match muttered as he connected a few wires on his horn. He took a deep breath before mounted a significant amount of magic through the wires, which then were transmitted towards several connections in the mini-AMR device.

Blueblood smiled as he saw the surrounding emit a spark of electrical energy, which was enough to get a reaction from the Magidine. He held his breathe as the metal began to transmit a white-blue light, slowly building intensity.

“Halting supplementary energy,” Gear Match muttered again as the glow on his horn began to fade.

“Magic production steady at two pulses per second,” Blueblood muttered as he watched the mini-AMR continue to glow. “Increasing to three. Four. Five. Pulsing stopped. Light radiating at a steady pace.”

He exhaled a sigh of relief.

“Success, Prince Blueblood,” Gear Match smiled. He magically grabbed a few measuring tool, and began connecting it to the device. He took two readings, took an average, and whistled at the numbers. “Amazing. You won’t want for magic for at least fifty years!”

“Yes,” Blueblood frowned. “Or power up something big for ten minutes.”

Gear Match blinked. “Something?”

“We’ll get back to that later,” Blueblood replied. “Now, we have to find a way to redirect that magic to me.” He winced. “Preferably, nothing intensive.”

“Anything on your mind then?”

“Well. . .”


After a few more hours, Blueblood watched as Gear Match did the finishing touches on the metallic collar that would hold the mini-AMR. The outside was smooth lightweight titanium, spaced so it would not affect the Prince if he turned his head or moved his body. The inside though was a completely different story. The mini-AMR fitting had wires that would connect to the machine, siphoning magic out towards specific crystals that would let the magic seep into the Prince.

He levitated the band, and secured it around the Prince’s neck. The younger stallion craned his neck in different directions, smiling as his movements were unimpeded.

“How do I look, Gear Match? Still dashing?”

“I’m sure Ms. Finish would not complain,” Gear Match replied as he slowly levitated the mini-AMR and attached it to the fitting.

Blueblood rolled his eyes. “I wouldn’t know, Gear Match. Dear Photo always seems to complain about. . .” and he looked surprised for a moment before he almost completely fell over in pain. “UGH!”

“Prince Blueblood!” Gear Match tried to catch him, but the Prince just gently moved Gear Match’s hooves away.

“Wow, that was strange,” Blueblood muttered as he steadily stood up. “I tasted. . . pineapples.”

Gear Match sighed, in relief or exasperation Blueblood didn’t know. The older stallion had a knack of combining the two when it came to him. “You almost fell, and all you say is that you tasted pineapples?”

“Quite,” Blueblood replied with a slight smile. “The magic came in quite unexpected, filling me to the brim. Not too painful, but very surprising. I feel stronger than I ever did. If I had my horn, I think I’d be able to do fantastic feats. Plus, pineapples are very good, Gear Match.”

The older stallion ignored the pineapple comment. “We can find a crystal or gemstones to suit your needs.”

“Don’t bother,” Blueblood replied. “Best type of crystal to be used for a focus is a covalent type crystal. A blue-white diamond would be the best choice in the matter.”

“I am pretty sure that Maelstrom figure would have a few lying around, Prince Blueblood,” Gear Match said.

“No, Gear Match. Maelstrom thinks he’s still at an advantage. Asking him for a crystal mostly used as an alternative source of magical foci will just make him suspicious. I want him thinking I am no threat.”

Gear Match looked at the Prince for a moment before blinking. “Doesn’t that just make them see that I’m the threat, then?”

Blueblood frowned, and then conceded. “Granted, they may think, on a threat level, that you are more dangerous than I am. However, Maelstrom and his little monster believe otherwise. This is good, though, Gear Match. As long as they think we are a minimal threat, we can move more freely, and that means. . .”

He pointed towards three thinner parchments. Gear Match magically levitated them to him, and studied the contents. They were all plans for something, but they didn’t seem complete. He looked at Blueblood questioningly.

“Stack them together, under a light.”

Gear Match did as instructed and gasped when he saw the plans fitting together forming a full bodied armor. The design was mostly based on the Royal Guard armor, but bulked up around the neck and chest area like a gryphon’s armor. The hoof areas were also enclosed, leaving just the tail exposed. The facial armor left only just a few slits for the eyes and mouth, not unlike Neighpon design.

“It’s a rough proposal, but considering our time I think it looks good.”

“Eh, you are right that refinement is in order,” Gear Match replied, studying the design.

Blueblood guessed the older stallion found at least ten of the thirty improvements that could be made. Unfortunately, considering Maelstrom had a whole team looking through the mountainside for debris of the failed weapon, time wasn’t on their side. He’d give them a day before they came back with whatever they had, and the pegasus would most likely watch just to make sure he wasn’t being duped. The armor design was as basic as he could make it. It was, in all intents and purposes, a modified Royal Guard armor.

“The rocket thruster on the saddle area. . . please tell me you are planning to install that when we have at least successfully made one that doesn’t spontaneously explode,” Gear Match said.

Blueblood smiled. “No promises there.”


The next day, the Prince and Gear Match were awakened by a loud rapping at the metallic gate. It was too early for breakfast, and too loud to be anything other than a business call. If Blueblood had to guess, it was Maelstrom coming in with whatever parts they could salvage. He was still trying to get the sleepiness off his system when the anti-magic field powered down, and the gate swung open revealing some exhausted Earth Ponies carrying carts filled with blackened and melted metal.

Maelstrom walked in afterwards, a supremely confident expression washed on his face. It is as if he has someone had.

“I’ve had my pegasi team searching all night, and my earth ponies hauling the heavier parts from the mountainside,” the pegasus muttered. He blinked as he noticed Blueblood wearing his old clothes, the ones he had been wearing during the ponynapping. It was ripped and burnt on certain places, but was now patched with thick white and black clothing. He motioned at the clothes. “Prince Blueblood, if you needed clothing, all you had to do was ask.”

“Working on the Jericho would have just ruined it,” Blueblood replied, trying to keep his voice steady. He didn’t want the pegasus to get curious. He was hiding glowing blue circle attached to his pony, and his torn and burnt clothes was all he had to cover it up. “Working with a lot of moving parts tend to attract grease, and rather waste our time in requesting bathes to remove stains, I’d just wear old clothes to keep myself as clean as I can. Although since you seem to be in a giving mood, I would like to request some clothing once we are done making your weapon. Nothing too fancy, but presentable if you will.”

“Of course,” Maelstrom replied with a smile. Blueblood wondered if the pegasus got cramps maintaining such a smile. He always had them when Blueblood was speaking in length. Maelstrom then approached Gear Match, who was now in the process of studying the parts obtained. “Well? Found anything?”

Gear Match’s horn glowed as pieces of junk metal flew out of the cart. He punctuated each levitation with a dull ‘useless’, being a bit careless where he threw the parts. Blueblood had to stifle a chuckle as two sharp looking pieces almost hit a few ponies. They had scrambled out of the way, throwing glares at the older unicorn, who promptly ignored them.

“Ah, there we are,” Gear Match levitated the combustion system, surprisingly relatively intact. “Clear the area, please.”

Maelstrom nodded, and the earth ponies scattered as Gear Match levitated the huge mess of metallic tubes and gears on the ground. He did a quick study, and nodded.

“Prince Blueblood. . . a moment please?” he asked.

Blueblood approached Gear Match, and looked at the ruins of his first prototype. He half-listened as Gear Match pointed out some of the tubes, trying to confirm which were caused by the explosion, and which caused the explosion.

“Well?” Maelstrom muttered, running out of patience.

“Faulty design,” Blueblood replied honestly.

The pegasus look none too pleased. “What do you mean faulty design? The plans are right there with you!”

“First of all, the Jericho is an advanced weapon system. Its design is something Equestria, or the world even, has never seen before. It doesn’t even mention what kind of metal it uses,” Blueblood said. “It took years before my Auntie was able to create a crude prototype, and then she had those plans destroyed. Now, I’m trying to recreate. . . no, improve upon her success. That will include failures.”

Blueblood pointed at the tubing design. “See that? I had based my initial design on what was done in the plans. Problem is, it seems, it doesn’t work as it should using Fire Gems. So I have to modify it, either by design or material. Give me some time and I will guarantee the next rocket won’t spontaneously explode.”

Maelstrom looked at the Prince, face contorted with doubt, worry, and some slight hesitation. He ended up nodding, motioning one of the earth ponies. The mare nodded back, and approached Blueblood, her mouth biting on a rope tied to a vial of clear liquid of essence of magic.

Blueblood nodded towards Gear Match, and the older unicorn’s glow horned as his magic wrapped around the vial.

“I’ll have breakfast brought by later. I suggest you get to work though. I’ll be back in three days to see your progress,” Maelstrom said as he exited the cavern. “I’ll also bring Silver Star along. Just in case you need some motivation.”

Gear Match levitated the vial to an empty table as the ponies began to file out, shutting the metallic gate behind them. The anti-magic field powered up again, leaving the two unicorns alone once more.

Blueblood waited for minutes before he spoke again in whisper. “Excellent. Gear Match, let’s use the thruster designs we originally planned. We have to know if my proposed rocket saddle would be possible.”

“And what will we ‘tweak’ this time, Prince Blueblood?” Gear Match asked.

“It will either be the gyroscopes or fin design. Keep the flaw small, so it will be harder to spot. We have to at least have two repeated failures, that way we’d have more time to build the armor.”

Gear Match nodded nervously. “Understood. I’ll do the design and draw up some ‘errors’ in the thruster system that you will ‘spot’.”

Blueblood nodded. It would only take Gear Match an hour to draw up a ‘modified’ version of the initial design and he was confident in the older unicorn’s work. He did, after all, most of the modifications on the rocket they had launched yesterday.

It worked. The rocket exploded and they bought time in the expense of Maelstrom’s and his army. Now, they will have to be more careful. The next thruster design should be faultless. Blueblood didn’t think that the pegasus would buy the same failure with the same faults.

Besides, he also needed to know if his thruster designs would actually work before he placed it in the armor. Exploding in the air was not the way he’d wanted to go.

Blueblood walked towards the corner where the armors were placed, and began to separate the pieces. Once Gear Match was done, they could start altering armor pieces and slowly build it to suit their needs. They have three days, barring surprise visits, and they would be ready. Maelstrom would come in, Gear Match and Blueblood would go over the ‘new’ designs as if they had been at it for days. The pegasus then would give another deadline which Blueblood could either meet, or attempt to delay.

The next three days, he and Gear Match would have to come up with the best way to design the armor, and modify enough parts so Blueblood could start building it once Gear Match starts on building another Jericho Prototype.

Oh it would most likely be an interesting three days.