• Published 26th Apr 2016
  • 398 Views, 2 Comments

World's Questions - Harmony Split

Luna is at a point she questions the world itself, wanting to know everything from its past. What will Luna think of such knowledge, especially if it is served by an unexpected aider?

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World's Questions

Author's Note:

This story is completely made out of my head-canon and barely anything else.
If you don't like or appreciate other head-canon, please don't bother to read this story.
It was just something I had to get out of my head, even if it is so small.

World's Questions

It was night in Equestria. The moon hung high in the sky accompanied by countless twinkling stars.

The soft shine from the moon illuminated a single being, still awake and standing on a balcony of canterlot castle, it's gaze never leaving the moon.

Light mixed with the night as the door behind the being opened, letting just enough light shine out to reveal a dark blue alicorn, her ethereal mane waving slightly in the wind-still night, with small stars sparkling throughout its length.

“Lulu? Why are you out here, alone? Midnight is searching for you, she said something about setting up the night court,” Celestia said as she walked to her sister, closing the door behind her with a small flicker of her magic and shutting the source of bright light.

Luna snorted. “You know as well as I do that nopony will show up at my court, as always. They love your day and fear my night. And for why I'm here, ‘tis to think.”

“There are a lot of ponies admiring your night, but give the rest time, sister,” Celestia said with a kind smile. “ What are you thinking about?”

“About the world,” Luna replied. “Where does it come from? It has been here a long time before we defeated Discord, but I doubt that he crafted it. I wish we could just ask mother and father.”

“I don't know who or what created this world, but you are right, it is old, as are sun and moon. Maybe mother and father had an answer, but we won't know,” Celestia said silently.

Luna sighed. “I'm just wondering. The ponies believe in the so called gods, as far as I know. Some think we are those gods, some think we are the children of the planet itself.”

“I'm pretty sure that we aren't the children of the planet,” Celestia chuckled before continuing, “After all, I can still remember mother and father. And you know as well as I do that we aren’t gods, Lulu. Time and diseases will leave us unharmed, but we can still die.”

“Not naturally, you know that. Unlike mother and father,” Luna muttered.

Celestia walked closer and wrapped her sister in a wing, pulling her dark-blue fur against Celestia’s alabaster. “Father once told me something. He said that he and mother weren't born as alicorns, that they were transformed by a spell. But he never told me why or by whom, only that born alicorns are immortal, like we two are.”

“Where does that leave your student?” Luna asked.

Celestia sighed. “She's not my student anymore, but I don't know it. She wasn't changed by a spell itself, it was more like she was newly reborn.”

Luna blinked. “You don't know? So it is possible that she lives as long as we do?”

Celestia smiled softly. “It is a possibility. I hope for it, but only the time can tell. At least the signs are good for it.”

“What do you mean, sister?”

“I mean that she hasn’t shown a single sign of aging in the last four years, besides her growing,” Celestia said before winking. “In the darkness her form looks more and more like you.”

Luna blushed. “That's good, I just hope she won't adopt your cake flanks,” she teased back.

It was Celestia's turn to blush slightly before she coughed. “Back to your question. I don't know if this world was created naturally or by the being that changed mother and father. But why don't you ask your moon?”

Luna looked up solemnly. “She hasn’t talked to me since my banishment…”

“Then maybe it would be a good time to,” Celestia smiled and closed her eyes, her horn flaring to life for a few seconds before it stopped and she opened her eyes again. “Try it now.”

“What did you do?” Luna asked with raised eyebrow.

“I just put in a good word for you so she might speak to you again,” Celestia replied, winking.

Luna scowled slightly, but looked up at her moon and closed her eyes, her senses and magic reached out for it. She felt the moon, felt her presence, but there was only silence.

It has been a long time.

Luna winced, she hadn’t expected to hear anything, now that she had it was as surprising as a sudden kick to the flank. “We are sorry! Our behavement hurt thee…”

There is no need for this old speech. But you are right, you hurt me. You tried to use my power to bring eternal night over the world. That is something not easily forgiven.

Silence followed and Luna started to lose hope before the moon spoke again.

You have questions for me?

Luna started without hesitation. “Do you know how this world was created?”

No. The world was already here before my existence.

“Can you tell me what you know about the past? Please tell me about mother and father as well,” Luna said, begging.

I will tell you what I can, but it is far from everything there is to tell.

“That's all I could ask for.”

There was a being once in this world, it looked a bit like an alicorn, but it was none. The being was pure magic and life. It created the first living creatures, among them the first ponies, and also your mother and father.

“They were one of the first ponies? Amazing,” Luna said, mumbling.

After a while of watching, one night the being approached your parents. I don't know the origin of the spell or even if it was one, but the being somehow melted into them, transforming them into the first alicorns.

Luna cut in. “But they weren't born, so not immortal.”

Exactly. The being gave them control over powerful magic. Your mother claimed the sun while your father took responsibly for me and my stars. After a while, they fell for each other and over a thousand and five hundred years ago, your sister Celestia was born.

Luna rolled her eyes. “Yes, my older sister.”

Three hundred years later you were born.

“How is that possible? Our parents where mortals, how could they live for that long?”

They were, but at the same time alicorns. Your parents were over four hundred years old before they passed.

Luna hummed. “I never really knew my true age, just that I am over a thousand years old and Celestia is my older sister.”

Now you know it. Does this answer your question?

“Not all of them, but you gave me a lot to think about.” Luna said before adding. “May I contact you again just to talk like we did all those years ago?”

The moon stayed silent and Luna feared she had lost her before she got her answer.

You are not forgiven yet. Then a chuckle was heard. But you may, Princess of the Night. I have missed you.

“We’ve… I’ve missed you too,” Luna replied before gently closing the connection and opening her eyes.

“I guess you were successful?” Celestia asked with a knowing smile.

“Yes, I was,” Luna smiled. “I know a few new things more about this world now.”

“That is good. May we-” Celestia started, but was interrupted as the door smashed open, revealing one of Luna's night guard.

“Princess! Come fast, there are ponies at the night court waiting for you!” the batpony excitedly exclaimed.

Luna and Celestia exchanged a long gaze before Luna laughed and looked at the moon once more. “Tonight's a night of signs and wonders,” she whispered before following the guard. “Sleep well, sister.”

“Have a wonderful night, Lulu,” Celestia replied before looking up. “Thank you,” she whispered, smiling at the moon before retreating to her chambers.

Comments ( 2 )

Not bad. Seemed a little rushed, but I really can't complain. I approve of your headcanon. :raritywink:

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