• Published 7th May 2016
  • 10,352 Views, 192 Comments

Changing Lanes - AutoPony

When a human and his home land in Equestria, his love of speed quickly draws a few ponies to him, most notably Princess Luna. But her own desires and secrets soon begin to create..... complications in their friendship.

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Chapter 9

"Luna, how is this even possible?" You are freaked out beyond belief as you try to make sense of this newest development.

"I honestly don't know, Anonymous," she replies quietly. "I am sure it has something to do with the body swap we underwent a few days ago, but this is beyond even my understanding."

"Anon, can you talk to Celestia, too?" Twilight asks as her eyes dart between you and Luna.

"I don't think so," you say. Pausing a moment, you visualize Princess Celestia, attempting to send her a message. A moment's silence is all you need to answer Twilight's question, shaking your head in confirmation.

This situation has you nerved up, and not just because of this newest development. If there are some side effects from that messed up spell, what could be next?

Next to you, Luna giggles, resting her head on your chest. "Do not worry, Anonymous. I am sure we will get this sorted out in time. It will be difficult to find any information on an occurrence like this, but there is always a way to undo a spell's effects."

"Luna, please stop reading my thoughts," you say in a slightly scolding tone. Luna grins sheepishly as she looks up at you, embarrassed at herself.

"My apologies. We will have to work with you so personal thoughts can be kept private," she says.

Without warning, Twilight turns away and begins galloping back towards the fading lights of Ponyville.

"Twilight, where are you going?" you call after her?

"This calls for research!" Twilight shouts back without missing a step.

You can't help but chuckle at her as you turn your attention back to Luna.

"Should we follow after her?" you ask.

"In a bit, yes," Luna says. Something else is clearing on her mind as you carefully take a seat on the nose of your car. Luna likewise joins you, taking care not to cause any damage with her hooves.

"Something on your mind, Luna?"

"Perhaps," she replies coyly. "Though I suppose it is something on YOUR mind that intrigues me so. More specifically, a dream you had earlier today."

You flush red with embarrassment, recalling your snooze while working underneath the dashboard.

"You saw that, huh? I wasn't sure if it was a dream or if it was really you," you tell Luna. She seems a bit uncomfortable as well, only making her awaited response that much more intriguing.

"Parts of it were actually me, yes," Luna cryptically replies. "The reasons for our lack of visiting the past few days are true. But I am curious about after that. Do.... do you feel that way about me?"

In an instant, you freeze, unsure of how to respond back. Admittedly, you are beginning to accept you have feelings for her, but a fear of creeping her out if she does not feel the same way blocks you.

"I promise not to judge, Anonymous," Luna quietly tells you, sliding closer to you. "I just want to know the truth."

"Yeah, I guess I do," you say nervously. "I wasn't sure about it when I accidentally spouted 'I love you' a few days ago, but there is something there between us. I think."

"I think you may be right," Luna whispers, her breath tickling your ear. A sense of relief washes over you as you turn to her and smile.

"So we're officially a thing then? I mean, like together, right?" you ask.

Unfurling her wings, Luna envelops you in a warm, feathery hug as her eyes light up.

"Absolutely, Anon," she gleefully replies. "Though I must admit, I am unsure of how this relationship thing works."

You can't help but chuckle, before Luna's look of confusion makes you realize she is serious.

"You've never been in a relationship before?"

"No, I can not say that I have, Anonymous," Luna says, sounding a bit hurt. "You forget too easily, while we are quite old, centuries of our time alive were in exile, alone."

"I didn't mean anything by it, Luna," you say, running your hand through her silky mane. "I was just surprised, I guess. If it makes you feel any better, I have never been in a relationship either."

Her ears perk up instantly. "You are serious?"

"Cross my heart," you say, placing your hand over your chest. "I guess we will just have to be clueless about this together."

"Together. I do like the sound of that," Luna says, as her smile returns. Gingerly, she slides down off the car, looking in the direction towards Ponyville.

"I guess we probably ought to head after Twilight, huh?" you ask as you rise to your feet. Luna nods before rising into the air with a graceful flap of her wings.

"Indeed. But how about a little race back to Twilight's home?" Luna says with a mischievous tone to her voice. "I'll even give you a head start."

"Shouldn't I be giving you a head start?" you inquire in confusion. Considering she has yet to beat you in a race, you find her suggestion rather odd.

"Do not worry about me, Anon," she says, offering no insight to her thoughts. With a shrug of your shoulders, you oblige, sliding into the front seat of the Superbird and firing her up with an angry rumble.

Once more, you look over at Luna, who eyes you expectantly. What is this mare hiding?

The low rumble turns into a roar as you dump the clutch, ramming through first, second and third gear in rapid succession. As you look in the rearview mirror, you see Luna's rapidly shrinking form remains still, until finally moving as you find fourth gear, the engine's RPMs falling back down, before beginning their ascension once again.

As you keep an eye on your mirrors, you consider today's events. Why is it only now that this side effect from your swap has shown up? And how much of your dream was actually a dream earlier? You are glad your feelings for Luna are shared mutually, but your mind cannot help but consider there is a lot of missing pieces to this puzzle.

Just as you let the car settle into an area just shy of hitting triple-digit speed, the unmistakable starry mane of Luna begins to rapidly grow in your mirror. While she has always been quick in a straight line to a point, she has never caught up to you. Her form gets clearer even as you hustle the car up to well past one hundred ten miles-per-hour in an attempt to mitigate her gains.

With ease, Luna gracefully pauses by your open driver's side window, giving you a sly grin. She doesn't even look like she is struggling, her wings flapping at a quick but restrained speed.

"Surprised to see me?" she smugly asks.

"How?" you manage to stammer, turning your eyes back to the road ahead.

"I'll explain when we get back to Twilight's home," you hear in your mind. With that, she zooms past you, leaving wisps of her smoky mane in her wake.

You have never had your ass thoroughly beaten like that as you arrive back at the Golden Oaks Library, where Luna sits waiting for you with a cocky grin on her face.

"Alright, you destroyed me. Now spill it, Luna," you bark, shutting off the engine and coasting to a stop. She can only chuckle in response as you climb out of the Superbird and join Luna on the doorstep.

But rather than answer, she turns and opens the door to Twilight's with her magic, allowing you entry before shuffling in herself.

"Luna, details," you repeat. While she seems to be enjoying watching you struggle, Luna finally relents.

"While we have been busy back in Canterlot, Rainbow Dash has spent the last few evenings with me, helping to regain some of my lost racing form," Luna says. "We worked on agility, as well as outright speed, which I believe was demonstrated to full effect."

"Damn, so everyone was in on this faux disappearance except for me?" you ask flatly. Luna can only chuckle, while Twilight pops her head up from her upstairs bedroom.

"You actually beat him, Luna?" she asks with exuberance.

Luna's face grows more serious. "You act as if it was an impossible task, Twilight."

In an instant, Twilight's excitement fades as she trots down the stairs.

"No, I didn't mean it that way. I mean, I knew you could, you just hadn't yet, and-"

"Twilight, relax. She's messing with you," you say, ruffling Luna's mane with your hand. She sticks her tongue out in response.

"I knew that," Twilight says, her nervous expression still apparent. "I was just going along with it."

"Well, I don't suppose you've managed to find any useful information in the time before we arrived, have you?" Luna asks flatly.

"No," Twilight says, as her ears droop in disappointment. "I got so excited in the idea of researching this issue, it didn't occur to me this is unique."

"Luna, is there any other ponies or creatures in this world that can communicate telepathically? Maybe we could get some idea of what caused this from understanding how it works," you say, hopeful for some good news.

"Not that I know of, Anonymous," Luna replies, shaking her head to reaffirm her answer. "Celestia and I have had this gift ever since we were young. We thought it normal until we realized nopony else shared this peculiar connection."

Before you can say anything, Luna nuzzles your side. "But all will be fine Anonymous. After all, is it really so bad being connected to your special somepony in such a way?"

A gasp erupts from Twilight, before she begins leaping up and down in uncontrolled excitement while shouting, catching you and Luna off guard as you turn to each other in surprise.

[Well, I didn't expect *this* kind of reaction,] you silently say to Luna, as she giggles.

"Twilight, calm down," you quietly urge the purple alicorn. She does so, coming to a standstill while blushing profusely.

"Sorry," she says. "I'm just so happy for the two of you!"

Your mind turns to the fact that Luna is still here. At night.

"Luna, shouldn't you be heading back to the castle? I don't want to be the reason for you being late," you say, concerned. Instead, Luna's calm smile grows.

"Well, that is the other piece of news I had for you tonight before this latest development. I will no longer be holding court or presiding over the kingdom at night. Aside from special occasions, of course." she says.

Considering her past, you don't quite understand what is going on, nor why she seems so happy about it.

"Tia and I have decided and unanimously agreed to share royal duties during the day. She will preside for three days, then I will serve the other four, flip-flopping every week. Not only does that allow us some free time, but it also results in a more equal share of duties."

"That's awesome, Luna. It means we get to spend more time together, right?" you ask

"Indeed," she says, nuzzling you affectionately.

It is a shame this night has had somewhat of a damper on it.

[I do not think it is bad. Unexpected yes, but not necessarily concerning,] you hear Luna say as she looks up at you.

"We really need to work on keeping each other's thoughts private though," you say aloud.

Twilight yawns, rubbing her eyes with a hoof. "I'll look through the rest of my library tomorrow, but I doubt I will have anything helpful. For now, it's getting late."

"Get some sleep, Twilight. I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow," you say, leading Luna outside. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Anon, Luna," Twilight replies with a tired grin. You and Luna wave before closing the door behind. Walking back to where you parked your car, you stop and turn to Luna.

"Well, since you have the night off, what do you want to do now?" you ask her. Without warning, she rises up on her hind legs and rests her forehooves on your shoulders.

"I would like to finish the dream we were interrupted with earlier today," she says, leaning in and pressing her lips to yours. Surprised at first, you relax and return her kiss.

"So it really was you in that dream?"

"Perhaps," she replies with a sly grin. "But can you blame me?"

"You're a very dirty princess," you playfully scold her. Luna giggles as she lets herself down to the ground again.

"Maybe a movie is in store for tonight? I intend on staying overnight if you do not mind," she says.

"Sure, that sounds good to me," you say, opening the driver's door of the Superbird.

"How about a race back to your house? Unless I'm too fast for you now," Luna replies, riding a wave of confidence from beating you earlier.

"You're on."