• Member Since 11th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 44 minutes ago


I'm older than your average brony, but then I've always enjoyed cartoons. I'm an experienced reviewer, EqD pre-reader, and occasional author.


My dear friend and I serve to help ponies pass on to the afterlife. It is a beautiful purpose, and I love her like a sister. But then I found something to love even more.

I… I am sorry, my faithful companion.

Lengthened version of the 21st-place finisher in the /fic/ write-off "Best Laid Plans."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Cover art by SilentWulv

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 50 )

This was brilliant. Damn.

Holy shit this was epic

Talk about deep! I loved it

just to make sure I read it correctly, Ditzy was Mnemosyne right?

I don't read anymore but I'll comment anyway

.....oh my. That... Wow. You actually made me cry.. Good show my friend.

So... a spirit got pregnant... and... why do spirits even have reproductive systems?

And people say my ideas are weird! :trollestia:

7283507 Wow, really? The cover-art for one of your story features feces.

7283507 Your ideas are idiotic.

Quite marvelous, and it makes a certain kind of lovely and poetic sense. Bravo. :heart:

Well aren't you an absolute treat.

7283870 It's a spaceship made of poo.



I was...unmoved.

7283117 Yep, you got it.
7283507 Greek gods had the ability to reproduce with humans. I'm not the one who came up with that.

Wow, I almost cried. Absolutely beautiful. I've never seen someone do so much with such a small wordcount.

A real tragedy. And based on greek mythology if I read the author's notes correctly... So Derpy (muffins, or whatever the name is) was Mnemosyne. The ending is kind of bad in my opinion as someone in a state of low elaboration might not completely connect the dots. . . She had memories of being a filly? What exactly is her mental age at this point? Because, knowledge and physical ability not withstanding, I can't see it being much more than a year older then Dinky's. Was time in the womb stopped while she aged to adulthood again? How does one go from being a living spiritual being composed of magic to becoming a corporeal golem (or zombie) of flesh and bone? inquiring minds want to know.

This was deep.
Dwarven city deep.

The fact that it was Derpy all along caught me by surprise. Nice one!

Forgive me for washing waxing poetic, but...
Children are how life remembers to exist.

Normally I don't leave a comment just fave and thumbs up if I liked the story. But that was really good.
So uhm, yeah. That is sorta kinda a big compliment from me. Take it as you like. :twilightsheepish:

7283507 If we're going with Greek Mythology, then yes they do. Though Zeus didn't need to screw a woman to knock them up. Danaë, the mother of Perseus, was knocked up when Zeus turned himself into "golden rain".

A wonderful expansion of the original, adding further layers to Mnemosyne's struggle and the results of her decision. Magnificently done. Thank you for taking the time to refine this further.

What is sad about this is that ponies that die don't have a choice anymore as lethe is the only one there to greet them.

Great story I must admit. Really moving. Despite some unclear information for me this still is amazing. Very emotional too and it was a great experience. I really like the topic of death you conveyed the thoughts of the characters really well.
One of the best stories I've read!

Oh my god, this is perfect. I thought at first that this would be a 'Celestia and Luna' thing, but you blew my mind by making it Derpy. Not only that either, but the rest of this was just....wow

That was really good, and a pretty interesting origin for Derpy and Dinky.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Congratulations! It's quite an honor to...wait.

*looks at bio*

I'm an experienced reviewer, EqD pre-reader, and occasional author

You cheeky devil. :ajsmug:

I'm just gonna comment this comment because hopefully you waste your time reading this... ... ...

That was one of the most beautiful stories I have ever had the pleasure of reading.

odd subject for a story but I can totally get behind it. Great work

7284968 But Greek gods were Greek! They had sex with EVERYTHING!! :raritydespair:

And usually they had no qualms about half-breed offspring... :rainbowhuh:

7289111 I don't get to approve my own stories. They still have to go through review. This one actually got sent back for a bit of revision first.

7290750 I mean, it's a good story and all. It's just that bragging about getting featured on EQD when you're one of their pre-readers looks a bit fishy to the common eye.

I loved this story. I don't know why but I just do. I all can really say is somehow I found it to be both beautiful and enlightening..... Ya I know bad joke is bad. But back to being serious you did a great job and I think I'm going to have to check out your other stories.

7290978 I guess, if people want to see conspiracies. I just see it as a stronger book-jacket endorsement blurb than the usual "made the feature box on such-and-such a date" notes people make, since it's more likely to be an indicator of quality, and I hope it reassures people there's a higher chance they'll like it than some random story. Yeah, some people will take it the wrong way, but I think it brings in more readers than it turns away. It's no different from The Royal Guard folks having their stories accepted for their recommendations. It's not the same as, say, when my feed shows someone adding his own story to Tagalong's Book Club.

Plus, I'd hope it'd give confidence that EqD is making good recommendations if the people who screen them know enough about writing to make stories themselves that are good enough to get accepted.

Welp, I've done been murderized.

That came off sort of passive aggressively.


It's not the same as, say, when my feed shows someone adding his own story to Tagalong's Book Club.

Really? When will people learn that there's a group for that?

Plus, I'd hope it'd give confidence that EqD is making good recommendations if the people who screen them know enough about writing to make stories themselves that are good enough to get accepted.

Fair enough. I do find it pretty amusing when people shy away from at least trying to get featured on EQD out of a misplaced thought of futility when it comes to getting approved.

Wonderful story.

Nicely done. I love mythology.

That was certainly a mind spinner. Probably one of the few better teir storie's I've read. Great job!

I am literally crying right now and im 13 :/

Comment posted by Harmony Pie deleted Jul 18th, 2016

This is a work that is... just.. I'm speechless.
I'm going to do something I haven't in a while. I'm granting this my Holy Muffin, my award for the best and most wonderful fics on the site. Out of the... over a thousand stories that I've favorited (out of countless more read), this will be the thirty-fourth addition to that list of Holy Muffins.
Don't eat it all in one place :twilightsmile: But enjoy what you have earned.

7995567 Nom nom nom (saves some for later).

Good pacing. I appreciate the effort put behind this.

Author Interviewer

Dinky is so cute, even Death is not immune. :')

It strikes me how many stories you've written about Derpy over the years. :D

Yes, she was an early favorite of mine and remains so. Rarity too.

The little filly passing on nearly broke me. If I wasn’t reading in my lunch break… it probably would have. Very well written indeed.

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