• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago



So, if I remember my fanfic correctly, I'm Displaced. I got a crazy mix of luck, though. One-shot kills on alicorns are easy, but I have to drain magic a LOT or eat souls to keep my memories. Being somewhat Genre Savvy, I kept relevant info only, namely fanfic categories, fandom, what canon is on both sides of the situation and academia. After all, you never know when you'll need to know the stuff that's seemingly irrelevant when magic is involved. Like the chemical and chrystaline structure of tungsten carbide, or black diamond.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 22 )

"K-k-kill y-you, I kill you!" It's honestly sad seeing someone go through multiple forms of mental degradation so fast. He's already at the point where he can't speak correctly. And why is the name Ahkmed popping into my mind?

One does not simply "silence" the Pie.

Dude Twilight was done grimy. Or "grimmy" in this case (ba dum tiss).

Do you mean to refer to RWBY,7199774? 'Cause that's the only place that I've seem grim spelled with two Ms

Also, I realized that I missed several quotation marks and plural-selfs. And exactly one misspelling.

What is the thing in the cover art, and where is it from? Also, is the guy being displaced someone who hates the show, someone who likes it, or someone who's never heard of it?

The thing in the cover art>>7202118, is meant by the artist to be Ulrezaj, in the form of a blank, Protoss shaped hole in the world. The Displaced, like me, can't stand the show but LOVES the fanfiction. It has no effect on the plot outside of fanon knowledge

7201604 i was more trying to make a brothers grimm joke on how dark and downtrodden twilight is in this as oppsed to how she is usually portrayed. Also meant to be a Grim reaper joke, but....eh

Jeez girl, did it have to be Necromancy? Two shelves down was the begginer's guide to Chaos. Seriously though this chapter frightened me.

Rarity van helsing, or Rarity Belmont?

Wait for the last of these chapters,7211276. The answer you seek will show. For now, I have another 'Feedback Versus Strong Stuff' Omake to write. This time, on a desktop. Expect it finished within two hours.

Moar comments,7211276, it's been 3 chapters since your last one.

Eeeee~ I rather like it when Trixie is actually ahead from the get-go.

I do too,7238040, but remember that it only happened due to how far behind Twilight is.

I really want a Rarity chapter soon...

Well,8596777, if you have ideas for how to handle it (my central idea for a change on Rarity is having her income mainly be from work as an enchanter), then post them. Because I'm not entirely sure where to take the fanfic. I've got plenty of ideas for worldbuilding, but characterization is my weakest point. And given that fiction's hooks are about the characters...

Honestly, I might as well go paddle up the shit creek of Fanfiction.net, where I only need a decent premise in a readable form to get a decent amount of traffic. At the very least, it won't feel insulting to myself because I won't feel as guilty for indulging in horrible cliches and bad writing standards.

Also, I'm really tempted to pull a rewrite that removes some nasty cliches(meet all the Mane Six in the first chunk of the story being a big one) and focus the first chunk of the rewrite on establishing all the divergences, which includes rewriting/replacing various existing omakes.

She could make make fairly potent enchanted items. However, as a thought, they're all cursed in some Monkey's Paw fashion: giving the user the precise effect they desired, but incurring some form of penalty for using it. For example, a pendant of increased speed of strength wouldn't impart the agility, acuity, nor durability/regeneration necessary to properly utilize it, not even accounting for the high energy and oxygen consumption from the effects.

Consequently, her business doesn't do terribly well, even if she's the only actual enchanter in town, making the only affordable residency for her. This is considered an embarrassing sore subject, and pointing this out improperly outside or inside haggling will result in prices being inflated, as the ambiance and attitude becomes colder, and her face a mask of apathy. Her self esteem is lower, and she doesn't try nearly as hard to put on airs of Canterlot nobility, as that dream has been all but crushed, and she's just doing the best she can.

Because her vanity has been reigned in, she isn't particularly melodramatic, excepting when it suits her to gain a better profit. Thusly, she's more focused on gaining money, so she can afford paying for her sisters tuition, because of an incident with her parents. Because of this, her sister is in foster care, and this is how she meets Scootaloo in this AU (Scoots lesbian aunts taking her in, as well), seeing as she can't afford to take care of her.

Speaking of the incident, in her experiments with enchanting, and her parents being kind, they tested out her items with her, resulting in an eventual degenerative disorder, for which there is currently no cure. Because of this, most of her profits end up going to medical expenses and Sweetie's future. This has made Rarity more humble and mellow than in Canon, but gave an even brighter flame to her passion. Additionally, she is more pragmatic, so this event is, eventually, why she never pursued a career in fashion.

And that's how Rarity was made.


Hmm... Missing the Required Secondary Effects for enchantments would be largely indistinguishable from making things that are cursed, and is quite plausibly a result of a lack of education on the matter of getting the needed multiple effects on an item. So if you want her to make something that makes you stronger, you have to handle the increased energy needs yourself and will probably get sore really fast.

Of course, without the secondary effects rolled in, the upper limit available is much higher, so magical amplifiers can easily end up Alicorn Amulet tier, if you don't mind that power being forcefully dug out of you, possibly permanently ruining your ability to use magic after mere minutes of absurd power. And those "required secondary effects" can still be put on separate items to solve the issue, or be bypassed by having multiple enchantable parts to a single item. However, the increased cost makes it impractical for most of the stuff Rarity makes, so the "cursed" reputation persists.

Precisely put, purveyor of pony publications!

if i find out flutters is hurt I WILL find a way to hurt whoever did so in the nads with a chainsaw.

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