• Published 1st May 2016
  • 2,063 Views, 8 Comments

LT: Night's Past - Harmony Split

After being teased by day guards, a bat pony recruit seeks for answers about the origins of bat ponies

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LT: Night’s Past


“Attention everypony,” Moon Shield shouted, trying to be heard over the nervous and angered chatter fuelling the air. Dozens of guards in their armor immediately stood to rigid attention, waiting for her to continue, “Most of you will ask what the meaning of this is.”

“Yeah, you put us together with the night guard, this isn’t going to work,” One stallion in golden armor called out, “Why should the royal guard train with those whimps?”

Moon Shield glared at him, “Grey Plate, not you again. Because Night Watch ordered it, and you’d better follow her orders. Or would you rather learn what she is capable of through first-hoof experience?”

Grey Plate huffed, but quickly stepped back into line.

“But our training regiments are completely different, how is this going to work?” A quiet voice asked, immediately drawing attention to the speaker.

Looking out who had said this, Moon Shield noticed a very young looking mare shivering slightly as she stepped forward, “Midnight Flow, right?”

“Y-Yes, Captain.”

“Explain yourself.”

“W-well,” Midnight Flow gulped, “The royal guards are trained to protect the princesses, the night guards are trained for protection and war. Our training schedules are different.”

“While this is correct, we have no fear for a new war at the moment, so the standard training is in order, which goes hoof in hoof with royal and night guards,” Moon Shield replied, just to be interrupted by a snort, “Is there a problem, Grey Plate?”

“I wonder why a bat pony is a general, let alone why the night guard opens the fights. You aren’t natural, just some bastards Luna brought with her from the moon,” Grey Plate huffed, not able to holding back his anger.

Moon Shield was quickly in front of him, her eyes glaring while at the same time shielding him with her wings to protect him from several bat ponies that had tried to reach him, “Grey Plate. You are hereby dismissed from training and will return to your barracks. There will be no training for you tomorrow as well,” she turned, dismissing him with a nod before adding, “You’d better hope that Blue has the general enough under control to not let her rip your head off, or worse, feed from you until you’re dead.”

They all turned their heads, following him with their gazes until he was gone. Unfortunately, Grey Plate’s outburst proved not to be the last one as another royal guard stepped forward.

“But he is right. What are you even? Nothing like you existed before Luna came back!”

“That’s not true,” Midnight Flow whispered, “We were always here, serving Princess Celestia. She just chose to hide us as to not raise a connection with Nightmare Moon.”

The stallion jerked his head, “Who asked you? Just look at you, barely big enough to be a guard, a freak on top of that. How old are you? Do you know where you come from? I’m done with this freakshow,” he scowled before following Grey Plate.

Maybe those combined trainings weren’t your best plan, Night. Moon Shield thought dryly as she looked over the group in front of her. More and more of the royal guards made their leave, leaving only three of formerly twenty-two royal guards on the ground. To Moon Shield’s utter surprise, all three were mares.

“You’re one of the newer guards, right? Why don’t you leave like the rest of them?”

“Stallions,” One of the mares mumbled, “We are the first mares in the royal guard after Princess Celestia finally made adjustments to the rules that the General suggested she make.”

“You mean she forced her to it,” The mare to her right laughed before stopping, “Uhm, sorry, Captain. While they are sometimes stupid, the other guards are somehow right. We don’t know where you came from. The time before Nightmare Moon’s appearance is ancient history, sometimes less than that.”

“What’s your name?” Moon Shield asked her.

“Sunset Streak.”

“Well, Sunset Streak, let me be honest with you. I don’t know,” Shield shrugged, “The only pony that could answer what we bat ponies really are or where we come from would be Princess Luna.”

Midnight, who was watching everything closely but also quiet, had a moment to think when Shield explained that for the mares. What if Luna could answer that? But it would probably be a vain attempt. Princess Luna had duties and she never really had the time to settle down and talk. With this in mind, Midnight lowered her ears with a saddened look hitting her face. There was no way Midnight could see Luna, and she knew it.

“Captain, I mean no disrespect,” Sunset Streak said, stocking slightly before continuing, “Without more care to this topic, there will never be a session with all the guards together. There is too much hate and mistrust, even if some of those stallions, especially Grey Plate, only think with that small thing between their legs,” she laughed at the last sentence.

Moon Shield sighed heavily, “Maybe it wasn’t the best of Night’s plans, but it is worth trying. Princess Celestia thinks everypony should have their rights protected, and those stallions,” Shield shook her head with disappointment, “They probably don’t even know what respect is.”

Sunset Streak’s ears perked up, “But this plan was Night Watch’s idea, right? You seem to trust her blindly.”

“Not blindly. I trust my friend and my wise leader,” Moon smirked before her smile faltered, “You’re all dismissed for today, I doubt we will be able to do something productive with all of this on our minds. You three go to your barracks,” she pointed at the three mares in golden armor before turning her gaze to her night guards, “Those of you that seek the information from today, you know where to find our Moon. Tend to your duties.”

They all saluted while Sunset Streak stopped, having overheard the last sentence. She stepped to Moon Shield while all the others quickly trotted off, “Your moon?”

Moon Shield smiled, “Despite what nearly everypony thinks, Luna loves to settle down and chat with us, guide and help us when needed. Tell me, does your Solar princess do that with you?”

Sunset Streak just shook her head before saluting and quickly sauntering off, having enough on her mind to think off for one day.


Midnight Flow flew away, with the thoughts that came from Grey Plate’s words still going around her head. She didn’t understood why they would be so mean. Batponies never did anything wrong, and maybe Moon Shield was right that they didn’t have any respect for anything. Or maybe they just didn’t understand their race. Midnight had no idea why, but she felt weird inside, like something was seriously bothering her. It was a mix of curiosity and sadness.

She asked herself if she really was a ‘freak’ in the eyes of other ponies, like the stallion said. Or perhaps she shouldn’t listen to what he said. Midnight decided to let it go, or tried at least. And it was in that moment she heard it, a stallion laugh, not too far from where she was flying.

Midnight stopped for a second, looking to the right, from where the laugh was coming. It was the last place she should be at, but the laughter was coming directly from the barracks of the Royal guards. Even with her mind screaming no, she couldn't but hover closer.

“What was that little brat thinking, I mean, does she really think she can convince me that bats should train or be near us?” There was another ironic laugh, and by what she heard, and with no surprise, the voice came from Grey Plate’s, “I think Princess Celestia should do something about it, she shouldn’t follow that little plan Night Watch suggested. Who does she think she is next to the Princess? She’s just…”

“The General?” another voice sounded. Grey Plate grunted.

“No! I mean, yeah, you idiot. But she didn’t have the right to demand towards the Princess! She’s just a bat pony!” exclaimed Grey’s voice.

“She is the general, highest rank besides the princess,” The other voice spoke up again, “And don't mess with her, Grey. You know the rumours of what happened in the last war against the minotaurs.”

“That should scare me?” Grey laughed sarcastically, Midnight could almost see his usual shit eating grin.

“Well, duh. She killed countless minotaurs when her wife was in danger, just with her fangs and her hoofblades, while it normally takes five ponies to usually knock one down.”

Grey snorted, “Rumours, nothing but rumours,” He grunted once again, “I think I could deal with her. Then I’ll believe or not if those rumours are just rumours, Night can come and prove all of it to me,” Grey said proudly.

“You are doing yourself no favors if she kills you,” Another voice mixed in, this time a mare which Midnight identifying as Sunset Streaks, “And I'm sure she is totally capable of that, or she wouldn't be the general of all of Equestria’s armies.”

“Big thing, Sunset. I think anypony should be the general, but a bat pony?” He let out another sarcastic laugh, “Maybe Celestia should give a space for monsters in the armies too, if a freak is the general, after all,” Laughs, mostly from stallions were heard.

Suddenly, there was silence before Grey spoke up again, “What's wrong, Cloud?”

“We have company,” Another mare answered him, “There is one listening, thinking we wouldn't notice.”

Midnight had just time to wide her eyes in surprise when she realized that the mare was talking about her, the ponies were already in front of her, she had no time to fly away. Grey Plate was the one who was, or would if she actually was a little bigger, face to face with her. He tsked, shaking his head.

“What do you think you are doing here, little brat?” He almost barked that out.

“I should ask you the same thing,” Midnight shivered, “Insulting the princess and the general isn't nice.”

Grey just snorted, “I'm not insulting my princess, but your bitch of a general tricked her into this!”

“S-she would wipe the floor with you,” Midnight squeaked back.

“Oh yeah? Guess what, she’s not here, and I can say whatever I want about her,” Grey smirked, trotting a little closer.

Midnight backed away as the stallions walked forward, forcing her to retreat against a wall.

“Stop it, she's all alone,” Sunset chimed in, but the stallions ignored her.

“It’s time to teach you and your kind a lesson, don't you think so, you freak?” One of the stallions smiled as they closed in on Midnight.

Midnight’s heart beat a mile per minute, and she found no escape. Looking to Sunset, she noted the disapproving face the mare made, but she did nothing to step in. She was already raising her wings protectively, awaiting the first, painful blow.

“Grey Plate! What in Luna's name do you think you're doing?”

Midnight lowered her wings to see Blue Moon hovering down to them, glaring at the Royal guards, but especially at Grey Plate, “Let me try again. What the buck are you doing?”

“Teaching one of your newbies a lesson,” he replied smugly,

Blue Moon growled before stepping closer, “Grey Plate, if you don’t leave that guard alone you will die, that is a promise. How fair is it to stand with five stallions against one new recruit? You wouldn’t even try it with Night!”

“Yeah, yeah. Get in line, filly,” One of the stallions said before raising his hoof.

“Pussy,” Blue Moon smiled, “Get over here, if you’re not a little colt that lost his balls.”

It was like somepony ticked a switch in the stallion’s heads, and Blue had hoped for that. They all turned, scowling at the new intruder.

“What’s wrong? Scared of a mare?” Blue asked, her gaze half lidded.

“Let’s just show her what the deal is, then this filly is next, and our high and mighty general the last,” Grey Plate laughed before he charged at Blue Moon.

It was the biggest mistake in his life, underestimating the tall mare. Blue Moon was a scrapper, a linebreaker of the night guards. Leader of one of the heaviest guards Equestria could bring up. You wouldn’t guess it, but she was a whole lot stronger than any normal pony, even stronger than an earth pony, the strongest race.

Grey Plate had no time to think, Blue dodged him and before he could realize, she cunningly threw him against the nearest wall with a strong buck. Honestly, she shouldn't be doing that when she was waiting a foal, now Blue had two months, but she also couldn’t stand seeing or letting Grey do something against the new recruit.

Grey was now on the ground, coughing. Blue stepped closer, but Grey was the one to think fast. He jumped on her, throwing her back to the ground and staying face to face with the mare. Grey Plate could see the fire on Blue’s eyes, but then everything he could see in a matter of seconds was stars, because Blue bucked him straight in the middle of his legs. Saying the least, it hurt. A lot.

Grey Plate bit his lip and fell back to the side, moaning with the hurt he was feeling.

Blue got up, taking a moment to breathe, and then looked at Grey with disgust, “Now you know not to mess with a mare, moron,” Then she turned to the other stallions, who watched the fight. They were already in attack position, but as soon as Blue stared deeply at them, hissing with open wings, they all understood that they had better go away or they were going to have a bad time.

The rest of the stallions lowered their ears and heads and walked away from Midnight, whose eyes were shining with admiration. She had never seen Blue Moon fight, she had always listened to many stories about her astute fighting tactics, but seeing it? It was even more amazing. She wished for a moment, one day, she could be just like her.

Sunset Streak was the only one who stayed, looking happily at Blue. Blue gave her a nod, and then turned to Midnight, “Are you okay?”

“I… I-I think,” Midnight let out weakly, “Why did they have to do that?”

“I don’t know,” she turned her gaze to Grey Plate, who was still on the ground, not even having strength to get up anymore, “Maybe they’re just huge jerks. I’m sorry for that. But what is this all about?”

Midnight lowered her head, getting a little shy about it. Sunset coughed, “Well, I better get going. I’ll let you two talk alone,” she turned to the recruit, “Take care, filly,” With that she trotted away. Sunset stopped on the way, giving Grey Plate a little kick, making him groan, and she murmured a, “Get up, stupid,” as she trotted away. Grey got up in a difficult way and gave both Midnight and Blue a look full of rage, before turning his back and going away with some difficult.

Midnight sighed, “They don’t like us.”

“Us?” Blue asked, sitting next to Midnight.

“Bat ponies, Grey Plate said we are freaks. And some other ponies agree with it,” she finally looked up at Blue with a sad look, “Do you think everypony thinks that? Have you ever asked yourself where we came from?”

Blue widened her eyes for a moment, then got quiet, thinking for a moment. She coughed, “I never did, to be honest. I learned to not care about what other ponies think about me, or bat ponies in general,” Blue shrugged, “But I understand how it is to listen to those jerks calling you an abomination,” she put a hoof on Midnight’s shoulder with a warm smile appearing on her face, showing off her sharp fangs, “Just try to ignore them, alright?”

“But I want to know from where we came from,” Midnight sighed out.

“That’s something I can’t answer,” Blue got up, “Nopony, or at least no bat pony knows. Only our Moon, and I don’t think she has much time to talk. But, maybe if you wish hard, you may have a chance to get to know what you want!” she winked at Midnight, who smiled weakly, “Let’s go, let’s get out of here before Grey Plate comes back and I have to show him what a mare can do, even if it’s risky.”

“Uh, why?”

Even if Blue Moon already had two months of pregnancy, her appearance hadn’t changed a lot, so many ponies didn’t realize it. Blue smiled at Midnight, they now trotted next to each other, “I’m waiting on a foal, and I don’t think fighting would do well right now, but I couldn’t let you get hurt by those jerks.”

Midnight looked surprised for a moment, “Oh, I didn’t know. I’m sorry you had to risk yourself and your foal for me,” Midnight kicked the ground nervously.

The other mare laughed, “C’mon, recruit, that is what I do. Risking my life is something I always did, I’m already used to it,” she winked at Midnight, “Besides, it was an unfair fight to let a recruit try it.”

“Well, thank you.”

Blue Moon nodded, “Don’t mention it. What’s your name recruit?”

“M-Midnight Flow, ma'am.”

Blue Moon opened her mouth to say something else, but the sight of a grey mare flying to them and landing in front of them stopped her.

“Are you two okay?” Night Watch asked, her gaze furious, “Where is that little idiot?”

“Nighty, calm down,” Blue said and walked forward to gently nuzzle her mare, “They’re already gone, but I taught Grey Plate his lesson.”

“What? Are you out of your mind? The doctors said no more fighting until the foal is here!” Night glared at her wife, “Did he hurt you?”

“Nah, just smashed me on the ground and pressed on my stomach, but everything’s fine.”

“If I get my hooves on him,” Night started, but was interrupted.

“Can somepony tell me what is going on, for Luna’s sake?” Moon Shield asked as she approached them, with Grey Plate in tow, “I already prepared for a nice day and then Grey comes past me and tells me you kicked his balls for nothin’,” she glared at Blue.

Before she could continue, Night shot forward and swept Grey from his hooves, flying up with him, “So you like hurting pregnant mares and fillies, hm? Well, let me teach you how to fly!” she hissed before diving down, not slowing in the slightest before crashing into the ground, Grey Plate first, even leaving a small crater.

“Night! What the,” Shield coughed but quickly stopped on the sight of Night holding down Grey by his throat, her fangs on full display, “Night, let him go! He’s not worth it.”

“Not? He could have killed my foal! I will just cease his existence from this world, it’s the best for all of us!”

“Nighty, let him go,” Blue whispered as she approached her wife, gently kissing her neck, “I’m fine and the foal as well. He got his lesson.”

General Night Watch hesitated. Her burning rage devoured her, demanding that she killed Grey Plate, but her wife had asked her of something. The only thing she could do was obey and let Grey go, “Your lucky day.”

Night got up, held close by her wife, while Grey stayed where he was, coughing and wincing before growling, “You fucking madmare, I can’t move! You broke me!”

“Broke you?” Night Watch asked and raised an eyebrow, “You were always broken, Grey Plate. You were just too blind to see it.”

Moon Shield in the meantime looked at the small watch strapped in her foreleg, “She’s late,” she mumbled.


“We are,” Luna spoke as she walked out of the shadows, before coughing, “We’ve seen everything.”

“Luna, I’m-,” Night started, but Luna hold her hoof to mark her to be quiet.

“Corporal Grey Plate,” Luna hissed as she approached the stallion, “I’ve always warned you to not step over the line. You will never hurt or pester my kind again. By declare of my sister and I, you are hereby no longer a member of the royal guard. See that your armor and other belongings of the state are returned by tomorrow.”

They all looked in shock, even Grey Plate as the Princess just turned, leaving him broken and addressed Night Watch, “Night Watch, we would normally have to dismiss you of duty for a certain time, but since you did it for Blue Moon and we can understand that, there will be no punishment.”

“No punishment? Are you mad?” Grey Plate croaked.

“You, be SILENT,” Luna exploded, her eyes white as she turned to the stallion, “Blue Moon is pregnant, and you attacked her. We should wipe your existence right here and now!”

Grey Plate stopped, his eyes in fear before he lost his composure as well, “What is it my problem if Night is so busy that some stallion knocks up her wife?”

“It’s MY foal,” Night scowled.

“What?! How?!”

“That is the secret of those two, nothing that should matter you,” Luna said before turning to Moon Shield, “Get him some medical attention, even if this wimp doesn’t deserve it. I have to leave now, it is a shame enough that I have to be awake at this hour, more so in rage.”

“P-P-Princess,” Midnight squeaked, drawing everypony’s gaze to her, “C-can I ask you something?”

Luna quirked an eyebrow, but nodded nonetheless, “Of course, Midnight Flow. What do you want to know?”

“Where do we come from?”

“Pardon me?” Luna blinked.

“We, bat ponies. What are we? Where do we come from?”

“Why would you want to know this, especially now, little one?” Luna asked.

“Because of Grey Plate. They hate us, they say we’re freaks,” Midnight whimpered.

Luna hummed before smiling, “Would you all like hear the story of your origin?” she asked in the round, addressing Moon Shield, Night Watch and Blue Moon, which all nodded, “Then come close to me, we do not need the prying ears of the day guard.”

Grey Plate watched with rage and confusion as they all gathered around Luna, just to quickly vanish in a dark-blue light, leaving the stallion behind. His mind still burning with rage, he swore revenge.


“Welcome to my chambers, although two of you already know them,” Luna winked to Night and Blue.

Both mares blushed but Luna was quick to continue, “Sit down, all of you,” They obeyed and Luna continued, “I will show you what I can, but some parts are incomplete during my banishment. Those parts I will try to explain how my sister did to me.”

Before anypony could question what she meant, Luna bathed the room in soft, blue light. The light devoured the room, leaving only the mares and Luna, with an empty void around them. The void changed to bringing up a beautiful night sky.

“Many decades before my banishment, my heart was lonely and hurt,” Luna whispered, “Nopony really loved my night, I was always alone. Yet, there was a small spark in my life, her name was Amethyst. Amethyst always came to my night court, trying to spend as much time as possible under my moon,” Luna smiled, “I asked her why she did it, and she said she loved my night, just as she would love me. I was alien to the feeling of love at this time, but I was willing to learn.”

“She was your marefriend?” Blue asked softly.

“My mate,” Luna corrected, earning surprised gasps, “All that time ago, the term ‘marefriend’ was not existent. Fillyfooling was forbidden by ancient law, so was the act itself. Amethyst showed me the most wonderful time in my life, and soon, despite me trying not to, I fell in love with her.”

“But it was forbidden, so it wasn’t easy,” Night cut in.

Luna snorted, “I never cared, and that was the point where I was doomed. I took her as my mate and used the same enchantment I provided you and your wife with. But the outcoming was unusual,” Luna had a silent tear on her muzzle before she continued, “The doctors, they had never seen anything like her. Our daughter wasn’t a normal pony. Her ears were adorned with fluff and her wings leathery, like of a bat. It was a huge uproar as it came out, nobles and ponies demanding to kill her.”

All gasped, but nopony said a word, letting Luna continue as more and more tears flowed freely, “My sister and I quickly silenced the shouts, but it wasn’t enough. As soon as she developed more and more marks, it was over. Fangs soon adorned her muzzle, her senses were sharper, all signs to the ponies that she was an alien, that she was to hunt,” Luna stopped and choked, “Everypony and every single story tells that I just became mad because of the ponies sleeping in my night, because they only loved my sister. That is just half of the truth.”

As she stopped, Midnight silently opened her wing and laid it on Luna’s back, but quickly withdrew it as Luna’s eyes flooded with white, her power unfolding, “I became Nightmare Moon because the ponies of this land killed my daughter,” she shouted before closing her eyes and sighing, “We slowly developed the darkness in our heart, but before we truly transformed, we had another daughter,” she looked up, “Her name was Moon Sparks and she is the origin of you all.”

“Origin? But one single mare can’t,” Midnight started but Luna held a hoof.

“Understand that in those time, herds were the most common art of relationships. Most ponies took four or more lovers, taking them as mates. So did my daughter. Moon Sparks took herself two mares and one stallion, creating many, many foals. But her lovers were just ordinary ponies, and only three of her foals were like her. That was the beginning of your race.”

“So, in the end you are in some sort our mother? I mean, in an ancient sense?” Midnight asked, eyes wide.

“I think you could see it that way, little one. The bat ponies take their origin with me, as I was the origin of Moon Sparks. The rest of it is history,” Luna looked down, bitterness in her voice, “I became Nightmare Moon, and Tia locked me up in the moon,” Luna stopped, sobbing silently before she took hold, her voice croaking, “The rest I just know from Tia. It was too much for Amethyst. My sister tried to support her, but she threw herself from the top of a building into her death. With her gone, Moon Sparks tried everything she could to ensure the safety of her race. Over a thousand years, the race grew and grew, but the ponies never understood them. This is why you are hated by most, and ignored by all. They don’t understand you, but you are no freaks. You have a natural origin, just like everypony in this world. But, you are special.”

“What do you mean?” Moon Shield asked.

“Well, you should know it,” Luna smiled, “You’re reflexes are much better than those of an ordinary pegasi. Your hearing is much sharper, as is your sight. Not to say that you can pick up a scent much quicker than the normal ponies. It makes you what you are!”

Midnight cocked her head, “But you don’t have fangs like we do, so how come your daughters had them?”

“We, without fangs?” Luna smiled wickedly before her horn glowed to life. Two sharp fangs rose from her mouth and she quickly gave them a lick with her tongue, “I just put an illusion on them so they aren’t noticed. It makes my life easier,” Luna said with a small shrug, “Is your question answered, little one?” she added with a smile.

“Yes!” Midnight shouted excited before blushing, “Uh, I mean, yes, Princess. I think it helped a lot as well. I don’t have to listen to Grey Plate and the others, because I’m no freak! I’m a bat pony, and special!” she puffed out her chest, bringing them all to laugh.

While it hurt Luna to remember everything, she was glad that she could help them. And truth to be told, her night guard were her friends. She stopped her thoughts and looked at Blue Moon and Night Watch, deeply snuggled against each other. And some were, she had to admit it, more like her daughters, but they all were children of the night, in some way.


Grey Plate walked silently through the castle, a large container on his back. He wore no armor, but he had no need for. Everypony he walked by glared at him or pitied him, because they all knew what had happened.

Grey Plate was no royal guard anymore. He was dishonorably discharged, forced to take his leave without excuse. He snorted as he continued his way, trying to ignore the gazes, so as his whole mind concentrated on the ones, that had in his eyes the real fault.

Nightmare Moon and her cursed night guard. We will see who will laugh last.

Since yesterday, he couldn’t think about anything but revenge, ever since his fight against Blue Moon and then Night Watch. At first, he thought Night Watch had broken his back, but thank Celestia it was only the shock from the impact and a few broken ribs.

“Grey Plate,” Sunset Streak greeted him with a cold nod as he approached the door to the royal guards barracks, “You are late. Follow me.”

He followed her, new anger fueling him. If it wasn’t for that mare, nothing would have happened. He was sure that she had told Luna everything, for that was the only reason that the princess had hidden next to them while everything played ahead.

“Drop the container here and leave. You have no place under us anymore,” Sunset spat and pointed at a small table where a list laid, “If something is missing, we will visit you.”

Grey Plate did just that and dropped the container, not even caring. For all he knew, this was not the end. As he walked out, his mind once wandered to Blue Moon and Night Watch.

We will see how tough you two are in the end. This is not over.

Author's Note:

Here it is, a new Lunar Tales story!
Better late than never, huh? :rainbowlaugh:
Expect more LT soon! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 8 )

Nice chapter ScratchnTavi, loved the origin story high class bat tax as always.

- Snow


(Pity there are no batty emotes.)

I thought Grey Plate was already kicked out of the guard in an earlier story of this series. Had to go back and look again to see he just got stripped of rank. That was confusing for a moment.

Otherwise I liked it. :)

Thanks, there will be an optional LT story following soon.
Nah he was just stripped of his rank, but that wasn't the last to see of him, trust me :twilightsmile:

7179446 I didn't think that would be the last of him. Dummies like that never learned when to quit.

Although it was a little odd he didn't seem to remember getting his flank and his buddies' handed to him in a taco at the party where he was stripped of his rank...but denial and selective memory is a hallmark of that type of character. :p "she cheated, therefore it didn't happen!"

I can see the plot twists already! (insert evil laugh):pinkiecrazy:

I like where this is going, at first I thought it was going to be a simple love story and the story of a bat pony's rise to greatness. Yet here there is clearly an antagonist and many possible ways for the plot to continue. Excellent job and I look forward to what will happen in the future. :rainbowdetermined2: :yay:

Plus I just love bat ponies! Off site, my OC is a bat pone and I always enjoy sweet stories like this involving them. I'm really quite excited to see this twist! :rainbowwild: :heart:

Tia you have a very big problem with your guards and you need to address it NOW!

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