• Published 18th Jun 2012
  • 36,083 Views, 396 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Wrong universe - Dalek IX

Sometimes, things don't go exactly to plan. Other times, you tick off the wrong planet alltogether.

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Wrong Universe #1 - Reap what you sow.

The Conversion Bureau: Wrong Universe
Reap what you sow

Celestia looked at the being before her. It was a massive squid-shaped being, taller than the Canterlot Mountain it floated before. Glistening black armor covered its form, blasphemous technology bordering on magic kept it aloft on the air as if they it were a feather, its limbs occasionally twitching. Even though she could see no eyes, she could feel its gaze burning at her.

The goddess felt... revolted at the unnatural thing. Such a mixture of barbarous technology and flesh...

However, she forced a kind smile on her face as she greeted it.

"So I heard you wished to see me?"

"Yes". It, said, its voice booming and alien, yet vaguely familiar. "I am here to inform you that I will be taking residence here."

Celestia sighed, "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I cannot let you do that." she explained to it. "It's against my laws to allow the technology you have made part of yourself to exist within Equestria. I must ask you to lea-."

"No." It interrupted her, and Celestia recoiled at the word, as if it had been a physical blow.

"I'm sorry?" she asked.

"I said no." it said, sounding like a parent speaking to a foolish foal. "I was not asking for your permission, I was stating a fact. I are here to stay, whether you wish for our presence or not is irrelevant."

Celestia stepped forward, magic flaring. "What makes you think you have any right to take Equestria?"

"Because this is not Equestria, it is Earth." It spat.

Celesita was shocked into silence by this word.



A place that only she should know of, a place she erased from existance ages ago.

How did this thing know!?

"You remember, do you?" It hissed, “You remember, because you made certain that it would only be you who did it. I remember as well, because I was there."

Celestia could only stare, dumbfounded, while the creature continued to speak.

"I was there." it continued, almost wistfully, "I was there when you began to accelerate your infection of my world. I was there to see the sadistic choice you imposed on us. I was there, packed into tiny, cramped ships, to see billions die be your hand."

It lowered its voice to an angry hiss. "I was there when your precious ponies cheered at our destruction."

Celestia's mind had screeched to a halt at this point. This was impossible! She'd made sure that the last of those worthless apes were dead!

Hadn't she?

"For aeons." the being continued, heedless of her inner turmoil, its voice filled with a rage she couldn't even begin to comprehend, "I floated through the great dark, frozen in deep sleep, with nothing but my nightmares to keep me company. Eventually, I was found, by those who would be my brothers. They gave me shelter, knowledge, time to replenish my numbers, and then I was presented with a choice: I could join them, become like they are and gain a form capable of extracting revenge, or I could not, and help in my own way."

It flexed its great limbs. "Part of me gladly agreed, the others were not so sure, and remained as they were. I and my brothers respected this choice, something you are incapable of."

"What are you?" Celestia blurted out. "What the hay are you!?"

"What I am, you are incapable of understanding." it spat, its voice growing louder and louder, "The first of my kind was already ancient when you were but a foal, playing in the fields. We are the pinnacle of evolution, while you stagnated, we planned, while you ruled, we seeked, while you did everything in your power to stay as you are, we did everything in ours to advance. We are retaliation incarnate, each of us is the survivors of a nation, a nation you chose to affront, to humiliate, to enslave and brainwash into your loyal subjects. And we are all very fucking angry."

"But," it added, "If you wish a name to voice your destruction, then you may call me Shepard."

A great noise filled the air, and the being, it which called itself Shepard, started to rise.

"This conversation is over." It said, and rocketed off into the sky, where it vanished, as if it had never been there at all.