• Published 29th Jun 2016
  • 9,871 Views, 245 Comments

Child of the Moon - _Moonbeam

When Princess Luna shows up in my house, I expected just about anything. Me being her long-lost daughter is not, as it turns out, "just about anything."

  • ...

The Houseguest

The fate of two worlds hung in the balance.

" Galactus has reached Equs!" shouted Luna in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

"We'll take down his minions," Wolverine responded. "Take the X-Shuttle to space and-"

I threw my head against the back of the chair in frustration. Were I not in public, I would have slammed my forehead into the desk. I held down the backspace button for a few seconds and resumed my normal task of staring at a blank Word document. Everyone else in the room was still stuck in a physics test I finished fifteen minutes ago. I had other problems. I never did figure it out, I could write essays just fine in English class, but when it came to this, I just couldn't think of anything. I kept hoping inspiration would strike someday. Apparently, that was not going to be today.

After a few more minutes of staring at a blank sheet of digital paper, I gave up and shut the laptop. Despite the fact a few other students had finished, we all had to sit quietly. That, and think about our mistakes. Not on the test. I probably got the best score in the class. For the past several years, I'd been running around on the Internet. Watching YouTube videos, reading My Little Pony fanfiction, the usual stuff. I'm not sure why I started trying so hard to give back now, in my senior year of high school. I've got enough to worry about anyway, but that's just how I do things sometimes. Maybe that's what makes it all the more embarrassing that I can't write to save my life.

Eventually, enough people finished for the teacher to let us go. I was hardly surprised to see my girlfriend, Sara, standing outside the classroom waiting for me, despite the fact she was supposed to be in the middle of class. I still don't know exactly what it was we saw in each other; I was a straight-A student who had just gotten accepted to the best liberal arts college in the state, she barely showed up at school half the time. “Heyyy, handsome.” she said, grabbing my arm. She was trying to sound seductive and failing so badly she had to be faking it.

“Hi, Sara.” I haphazardly responded back. “Wanna come over to my house later tonight? My parents are gone for the weekend on some business trip.” That was unlike me, but circumstances were changing. The college I was accepted into was over an hour away, so I'd would up spending more and more time with her.

She shook her head. “Sorry, Chris. I've got a job interview at 5. Maybe tomorrow?” That was a surprise. She hadn't tried to get a job since the babysitting incident in her sophomore year. Even so, she sounded sincere enough.

“All right.” I answered. “Tomorrow.” I never did find out if she was telling the truth.

The last hour or so of school was pretty mundane. There's not much I could say about it you couldn't already guess. French was the worst. I nearly fall asleep in there multiple times, and I like school. My seat was near the back of the room, so if anyone else noticed me that day, none of them bothered to point out that I was completely out of it. The only thing even remotely interesting happened halfway through, when I was practically asleep at the desk. I heard a voice, in my head. It sounded… Choppy, like a radio with a bad signal. The voice was female, but I couldn't make it out. I just heard something that sounded vaguely like “M---*shrnnk* --a- -*buzz* ---ng.” I sprang up, and my knees hit the bottom of my desk, sending my pencils rolling onto the ground. Everyone else must have been at least as tired as I felt, because none of them pointed it out, not even the teacher, who didn't miss a syllable. As I picked up the pencils I knocked away with when I came out of my little stupor, I concluded I had just had a daydream, and my thoughts got away from me. Yeah. That was totally it.

The auto shop I worked at was closed on Fridays, so I more or less had the whole house to myself. I walked into my room, shut the door, and pulled out a high-capacity USB drive. I carried the thing everywhere up to that point, even if it was largely unnecessary. My parents wouldn't get it, but I doubt they would freak out too much if they found out what I had on it; I mean, it's not like there was porn or anything. (That was in the external hard drive.) Then again, I've been wrong before…

I plugged it into the computer and opened the drive. I had all five seasons of My Little Pony on there. It took me quite a bit of googling to get them all (thanks, Hasbro! buckers.), but it was probably worth it. It had been a few months since I watched the first two episodes, might as well start there.

I never got tired of the Nightmare Moon storyline. Don't get me wrong, more recent seasons are great too, but I always did like the original few the best. By the time I was done with the episodes, it was almost 6, so I went to the kitchen and threw some Kraft Mac n’ Cheese on the stovetop. It's not exactly gourmet dining at my house when I'm the only one there. Mom called my aversion to cooking laziness. I called it advance preparation for college.

As I was waiting on the water to boil, something felt… off. Not in a “deja vu” way, but… when someone is near you, even if you can't see them, you know. I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting - a break in, or maybe Sara’s job interview went even worse than I expected. I was not expecting to turn around and see Princess Luna.

Luna Eclipsed did not adequately prepare me for what the Princess of Night actually looked like. Obviously, she looked like her cartoon counterpart, but, well, that's a cartoon. It vaguely resembles the real Luna, in the same way Bilbo from the animated Hobbit movie vaguely resembles Martin Freeman. She was sitting on the floor, and was probably about at eye level with me. She didn't have on her crown, or the chest armor and horseshoes she usually appears with in the show. Obviously, she looks quite a bit like a horse on Earth, but that would be like saying a supermodel looks quite a bit like a gorilla. She was significantly more evenly toned than a horse, and had a brain cavity nearly as large as a human’s. I later found she was incredibly light - about fifty pounds, despite being nearly as large as a horse from Earth- but could still get slammed into a brick wall and walk away without a bruise. Her cutie mark was about the same as it looks in the show, but it seemed more like a pattern in the fur itself than any kind of tattoo. The crescent moon was pure white, a sharp contrast to the pitch black fur splashed around her flanks, as if someone had spilled India ink all over her back. The rest of her body was covered in a thin layer of dark purple fur, which was immaculately well-groomed. Not a hair was out of place.

Luna’s mane and tail still waved in nonexistent wind, but they didn't look like hair. If anything, I'd say they look like an animated picture of the night sky. And I don't mean they're dark with a bunch of white, glow-y areas, I mean I couldn't see any individual strands of hair, and the stars actually twinkle without Luna doing anything. I swear I saw a shooting star in her tail. Her wings rested at her sides, and were way, way bigger than they look in the show. If she fully extended them, she'd probably have at least an eight-foot wingspan. Her horn was an even deeper purple than the rest of her, practically black. It was nearly two feet long, and looked sharp enough to impale someone with. Her eyes were a brighter blue than any I'd ever seen on a human, and were pointed straight at me. I thought it was an optical illusion at the time, but they were glowing. Actually emitting a small amount of light. While not as ridiculously large as they appeared in the show, they were still quite a bit bigger than a human’s, and seeing them so focused on me was almost mesmerizing.

After I walked a full loop around her, Luna stood up to her full height, about a head taller than me. I wasn't sure why at the time, but when she finally said something, it made my hair stand on end. I guess some things are just universal, no matter what universe you grew up in.

"We need to talk."