• Published 27th Nov 2011
  • 2,222 Views, 24 Comments

The Eternal Storm 2 - Eternally Devoid - TDarkchylde

Once and forever, she is Great and Powerful... and now all Equestria is in peril.

  • ...

Six - The World Belongs To Us

Eternally Devoid - Chapter 6 - The World Belongs To Us
"...The time has come to take control..."

Twilight was taking the lead now as the sun crept closer to the horizon. "We're almost there, Spike..." she said as she and her dragon assistant passed a disabled carriage.

Spike looked at the carriage as he flew by. "Isn't that Pinkie Pie's cutie mark on that carriage?"

Twilight stopped in her tracks as she took a closer look at the carriage. She peeked inside one of the windows. "Nothing inside, but yeah... definitely looks like Pinkie's carriage," she said.

"Maybe she was on her way to wherever it is that we're going?" Spike asked.

"Trixie did show me that she had Pinkie... I guess this confirms it. We need to hurry... It's still three hours to... that place, and I don't know how much longer I can keep up a sprint," Twilight said.

"Let's go then," Spike said as he took flight. "I'll fly ahead, see if I can stall for time."

"You don't even know where we're going!" Twilight shouted.

"There's only two things down this road!" Spike shouted back. "There's foreign lands, but before that is New Harmony!"

"Yes! Fly on to New Harmony, Spike! Try to assess the situation, I'll be right behind you!" Twilight cried as she sprinted in her assistant's wake. She almost stopped in shock. "Hey... I was able to say it!"

"Maybe it's because I figured it out!" Spike shouted. "Don't worry... I'll try to wait for you, but get there as quick as you can!" At speeds even he thought impossible, Spike flew up the mountain path.

"I'm coming, Trixie... then we'll get this all figured out," Twilight thought as she increased her pace as much as she could. "And if you're up there, Pinkie Pie, I'll rescue you. Count on it."


Scootaloo sprinted back to the hospital as fast as her legs would carry her. Within moments, she was inside. Dodging doctors and patients alike, she ran to Macintosh's room.

"Eeyup, this is so frustrating, sis," Macintosh said, still laid up in the hospital bed. "Ah wanna get back to work so bad..."

"Can't be helped, bro," Applejack said, sighing. "Ah did send a letter out to Appleoosa... hopefully, Braeburn can talk some of the extended Apple Clan into comin' to help at the Acres."

"Applejack!" Scootaloo shouted from outside the door. "Something's wrong! Something big! I need you! I need the Elements!"

"What in..." Applejack said as an exhausted Scootaloo bursted into the room. "What do you mean?"

"It's not just here and Cloudsdayle," Scootaloo said as she tried to catch her breath. "It's everywhere... Apple Bloom checked... Manehattan, Canterlot, Fillydelphia... all the magic is gone! And on top of that, Rarity's missing!"

"Horseapples," Applejack cursed. "We got a problem, though... either Ah or Fluttershy can go to help you, but not both... somepony's gotta watch Applewood."

"Already talked... to Mr. Cake..." Scootaloo said, still out of breath. "He said... Applewood could come over... since he has Pound and Pumpkin for the weekend... one more can't hurt..."

"You gonna be okay, Mac?" Applejack asked. "Ah ain't gonna leave if you need me here."

"Go..." Big Macintosh said. "Equestria's more important... 'sides, if'n you don't get the magic back, Ah'll just break another leg..."

"That settles it, then," Applejack said. "Let's get Fluttershy an' head to Canterlot. We'll have ta' get them from the Princesses."

"What about... Loyalty?" Scootaloo asked as she slowly got her breath back. "Rainbow Dash is still unconscious and I'm not in the greatest shape either..."

"You did fine before," Applejack said. "If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have Rainbow at all. Ah'm sure you'd be able to use it again."

"You get Fluttershy," Scootaloo said. "Meet me at the main highway in fifteen minutes. I'm gonna check in with Apple Bloom first... maybe she knows where Pinkie or Twilight went..."

"Yep!" Applejack said as she went to leave the room. "Mac, you better stay off that danged leg!"

"I'm not going anywhere," Big Macintosh said. "Hurry along!"


Rarity and Pinkie Pie awoke inside of Trixie's hut. "Ow... what happened?" Rarity said, wishing she could rub her temples. She took a look around and saw Pinkie still chained alongside her... the Nightmare was still present, and there were two other ponies laid out on the floor... then shock crept in. "No... that's not possible..."

"Geez..." Pinkie moaned. "Somepony get the number of that carriage? I think I got thrown for a loop..."

"Welcome back to the land of the conscious... albeit briefly, little ponies," the Nightmare said. "You've awoken just in time, though... the Dread and Omnipotent Nightmare wishes to show you her newest and greatest creations." She poked the two ponies on the floor with her hoof. "Wakey wakey, little ponies. Showtime is drawing near."

The unicorn was the first to wake up. "Oh dear... my head..." she said.

Soon, the earth pony was awake as well. "Wow, that threw me for more of a loop than the first cider of the year from Sweet Apple Acres!" she said, giggling.

"Very good, slaves," the Nightmare said. "Do the Dread and Omnipotent Nightmare a favor... state your names. It has been so long since she has used that particular spell..."

The earth pony replied nonsensically. "Uh... duh, Nightmare! I'm Pinkie Pie, just like I've always been!"

The unicorn followed suit. "And I, of course, am the world-renowned fashionista Rarity!"

"That... that's impossible..." Rarity stammered. "How did you..."

"Quite simple, Element of Generosity," the Nightmare began. "The Dread and Omnipotent Nightmare copied you... personality, memories, even your physical appearance... then she found two very willing subjects to make into perfect doppelgangers of you. And by 'willing,' she means 'totally unwilling, completely innocent, and now only existing in body, and even that can only apply using the loosest possible definition of the word.' Of course, the Dread and Powerful Nightmare had to erase their personalities and memories in order to make room for yours and the post-hypnotic commands... then reshape their bodies to make them look like you in all regards. Trust her when she says it hurt. Badly."

"You... you monster!" Pinkie cried as she tried to fight her way out of the chains. Suddenly, this whole situation had ceased to be a laughing matter. "You killed them!"

"No, dear..." the Nightmare said. "The Dread and Omnipotent Nightmare only destroyed the very essence of what made them individuals. Trust her... they are still very much alive."

"Yeah, silly!" the faux Pinkie replied.

"Shush, you," the Nightmare scolded.

"This is... simply unreal..." Rarity said as her mind started to break. "It's not real at all..."

"You meanie-pants, I swear to Celestia, if I get out of here..." Pinkie growled uncharacteristically as her hair flattened.

The Nightmare sighed. "Sadly... you won't, so the Dread and Omnipotent Nightmare needs not worry," she said as her horn began to glow. A magical wall covered the bound Rarity and Pinkie Pie. "Your friend Twilight is coming for you, and the Dread and Omnipotent Nightmare intends to release 'Pinkie Pie' and 'Rarity' to her as she promised... and you two will see every bit of the action, but be unable to tell her the reality of the situation... isn't it simply grand?"

Rarity, in her near-psychotic state, simply started to babble about unreality and dirt.

Pinkie sighed. "This isn't over..." The look in her eyes could kill...


Spike made his way into New Harmony, and immediately saw Rarity's carriage parked near the town entrance. "No... not her..." he said softly. "Twilight said she was here, but I didn't want to believe her... I'm coming!" He flew to the carriage and opened the door. "Rarity? Are you...?"

What he saw was not Rarity - instead, he saw her sister in the embrace of another vaguely familiar mare.

"Whoa... what the..." Vinyl Scratch stammered. "Not cool, dude..."

"Spike?" Sweetie Belle said, surprised. "Didn't Twilight Sparkle ever teach you to knock?"

Spike was taken aback. "Sweetie Belle? Vinyl? Where... where's Rarity?"

"Don't know," Vinyl said, surprisingly calm despite Spike barging into the carriage. "Her guards were looking around for her... not sure why they haven't come back yet, actually..."

"Where is she?!" Spike asked, his anger quickly growing - not at the two lovers, but at the fact that his own love interest could be in danger somewhere inside the town.

"West part of town... up a hill, there's a hut that was putting out some weird vibes," Vinyl said. "The guards went there... maybe you should check it out, dude..."

"I think I will... and Celestia have mercy if she's been hurt!" Spike growled as he flew off.


Applejack and Fluttershy were waiting at the highway leading from Ponyville over to Canterlot.

"I'm coming... hold on!" Scootaloo said as she ran up to the other two mares. "I brought... help..."

"Sis! Where's Applewood?" Apple Bloom cried as she followed Scootaloo.

"Never you mind that," Applejack said. "Why'd you come along?"

"You might need all the help you can get here, Sis," Apple Bloom said. "Scootaloo ain't exactly in no shape to fight..."

"What do you mean?" Scootaloo protested between hard breaths. "I'm good to go..."

"I hope it doesn't have to come to that..." Fluttershy said, meekly.

"Well, an extra strong set of legs ain't gonna hurt us none," Applejack said, smiling. "Let's go!"

With that, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Fluttershy started running toward Canterlot.


Spike flew up to the hut that Vinyl had indicated. He could sense the magic inside, so he decided to fly around it until Twilight arrived or the sun had set.

Luckily for him, Twilight arrived in town just as the sun met the horizon. "Spike?"

"Up here, Twilight!" he shouted. "This hut! That's where they are!"

"Let's hurry, then..." Twilight said as she started climbing the hill.

A couple of minutes later, Spike busted down the door, Twilight in tow.

The Nightmare didn't exactly look pleased. "You're early... and you brought your dragon friend. How unexpected. The Dread and Omnipotent Nightmare absolutely despises unexpected..."

"Trixie?" Twilight asked as she laid eyes on the creature before her.

The Nightmare had twisted Trixie's body beyond recognition. Where she and Twilight once stood at the same height, this Nightmare now stood as tall as the Princesses. A pair of wings had sprouted from the being's back, though they appeared woefully undeveloped. Trixie's cutie mark was still present, but other than that, there was no indication at all that this pony ever was her.

Sprawled at her hooves were Pinkie Pie and Rarity. They were both unconscious, but otherwise looked unharmed.

"I'm here, Trixie... like I said I'd be," Twilight said. "Let Rarity and Pinkie go. It's me you want."

"Patience, Element of Magic..." the Nightmare said. "The last player in this performance should be arriving..."

A familiar voice called out from the sky above the hut. "Child... you have some explaining to do before I send you into oblivion..."

"...Now," the Nightmare said, unfazed as she walked outside. "Father, it is so good to see you again... how has imprisonment treated you?"

"...Father?" both Twilight and Spike asked.

"Much better than I shall be treating you, brat," the voice answered as it came closer. "How dare you steal my magic?!"

"The Dread and Omnipotent Nightmare dares because she can," the Nightmare replied.

Suddenly, the three were met with the visage behind the voice. "You dare to call yourself omnipotent, you whelp?" Discord said, none too happy with his child. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

The Nightmare laughed. "Twilight Sparkle... you can have your friends... they will do you no good now!" she cried triumphantly as her horn and eyes began to glow. "Father... shall we bond?" A black miasma began to seep from her body.

At the same time, magical chains appeared around Discord's body, binding him in place. "What is this insolence?!" he shouted.

"Brilliant, wasn't it, Father? A bit low according to the Dread and Omnipotent Nightmare's usual standards, but brilliant nonetheless!" the Nightmare cried as her miasma began to cover Discord's prone body. "Remove all pony magic from the world... this includes your stone prison... then twist this pathetic showmare to the Dread and Omnipotent Nightmare's purposes... all for you, Father! She did this all for you!"

Discord tried to resist the magical chains, but to no avail. Even as a mystical, all-powerful being... he too was still part pony in some shape or form, meaning his own magic was stripped away as well. He had no way at all to resist his child's spell. "I commend you, child... well done..."

Twilight decided to take advantage of the distraction. "Spike! Grab Pinkie and Rarity and get them to Canterlot! Go!"

"What about you?" Spike asked.

"I'm not important compared to them, and I can handle myself. Go now!" Twilight ordered.

Spike sighed and flew into the hut. He emerged carrying the prone bodies of both Pinkie Pie and Rarity. "I'll come back for you!" he shouted as he took off from sight.

Discord slumped over in midair as the miasma completely overtook his body.

The Nightmare collapsed, and its modifications to Trixie's body soon began to fade.

Twilight ran over to Trixie. "Are you okay?"

Trixie rubbed her head as she looked up. "Owww... oh no... what has the Great and Powerful Trixie unleashed upon this world?"

Discord began to laugh maniacally as his eyes opened. "Finally... we are whole once more!" he shouted. "The greatest power Equestria has ever known, united with the most evil entity ever created... order and chaos united, we are unstoppable!"

The earth began to shake beneath Twilight and Trixie's hooves.

"We have not forgotten the indignities visited upon us by the Elements of Harmony, Twilight Sparkle..." Discord said. "Do you remember when we called out your hypocritical Princess of the Sun, Element of Magic?"

Trixie rose to her hooves. "What the... what do we do now?"

Twilight Sparkle looked at Trixie. "Run. Go to Canterlot. Find my friends, find the Elements! They're the only thing that can stop this now!"

Trixie didn't need to be told twice as she slid down the hill. "The Great and Powerful Trixie shall return for you!" she cried as she disappeared from sight.

"As we recall, we told her that we never turned ponies to stone..." Discord said.

Twilight felt the spark of her magic returning.

"We have decided to render that statement a lie. Farewell, Element of Magic!" Discord shouted as he snapped his fingers.

Before Twilight Sparkle could even react, everything went black as her body was petrified...


Back in Canterlot, Luna felt a familiar magic as she raised the moon into the sky. "Sister... my magic is returning... we may yet retain control over the sun and the moon!"

As Celestia felt her own magic returning, she felt a disturbing presence in the direction of New Harmony. "No... we're not out of the woods yet, Sister..."

Luna soon felt it as well. "No... impossible..."

"Sadly... it is... and we must assume the worst. Twilight Sparkle has failed and he... he has returned... and he is back at his fullest power," Celestia said as she got up from her throne. "Come, Sister... we must prepare."

Luna sighed as she walked over to her sister. "What can we hope to do? When we imprisoned him before, he wasn't nearly this strong..."

Celestia sighed as she motioned for Luna to follow her. "Assemble the Elements of Harmony, Sister... and pray to Mother and Father that they are enough..."


Applejack, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom stopped momentarily as they felt the earth tremble beneath their hooves.

Fluttershy stopped in midair when she heard it. "What... was that?" she asked.

"Ah don't know," Applejack said, turning to her friend, "but we gotta hurry. Ah feel somethin' wrong in the land..."

"You don't think...?" Scootaloo began to say.

"Ah don't know," Applejack repeated. "Come on, we gotta hurry. Fluttershy, if you can fly, go ahead of us an' let the Princesses know we're comin'!"

Fluttershy nodded as she took off ahead.

"What... what are we in for, big Sis?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Ain't nothin' good..." Applejack said as she resumed her gallop. The others quickly followed suit.


Discord laughed loudly, so loudly that it could be heard across all of Equestria. "The time has come to take control," he shouted. Everything in the world... ponies, zebras, griffons... everything heard his words at that moment. "Ponies of Equestria! The world belongs to us!" His laughter resumed into the night...