• Published 6th May 2016
  • 1,094 Views, 26 Comments

Frozen Tears - Greatazuredragon

How far would you go to protect those you love? That's the question Snowdrop is faced with while seeking out a way to save her dearest friend in her hour of need. A question whose answer she will have to find out.

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III. Snowy Sky, Starry Night

Snowy Sky, Starry Night

The Everfree forest.

It’s by far Equestria largest forest, and also its most unique one, with its tall, imposing, and gnarly trees that seem to blot out the sun, its massive, seemingly never ending maze-like expanses, easily marking it as one of its most notorious landmarks.

Which in addition to the many dangerous creatures that inhabit its depths, its treacherous terrain and nearly untamable wild magic, marking it as a place few ever venture to, and that even fewer ever return from.

But it hadn’t always been so.

Once, long ago, the Everfree had been a gentler place.

A deep luxuriant forest unlike any other in the world, full of life and joy, a gardened woodland realm where creatures of all kinds could thrive unafraid in peace and harmony, as if embraced under the gentle protection of an all caring mother.

Back in those days it was the very seat of Equestria’s power, the shining symbol of its greatest ideal, of the dream that had given birth to the young nation: peace and equality.

For amidst its verdant leaves was the place of residence of their rulers, the ones tasked with protecting and safeguarding the kingdom, the two Royal Pony Sisters.

Once, long ago, before its harmony had been forever shattered.

The sun was slowly setting, its warm light disappearing little by little under the horizon as its golden light gradually turned into the gentle shades of grey of twilight, heralding the coming moonlit shadows of the night.

Most ponies were swiftly returning to their homes, using the dwindling light to guide their way before the shadows could truly come forth as night truly set in, as if running away back to the safety of their homes, unwilling to brave the growing darkness that would soon be revealed beneath the starlight.

But even as the last few stragglers hurried home, a solitary figured soared through the wind, her white coat a stark contrast with the darkening sky, her pace calm and unhurried, the gentle smile that could be seen on her face unbothered by the growing shadows or the now swiftly fading light.

For to the young mare calmly flying above the trees, her wings carefully feeling the breeze and her ears perked up, attentively hearing the world all around her, the growing darkness meant extremely little.

For said darkness had been her constant companion since the day of her birth.

Turning her head slightly towards the southeast Snowdrop slightly corrected her course as night truly fell and Luna’s moon rose unto the horizon, her content smile firm on her face as she flew high above the forest, her pale silver eyes fixed into the direction of the distant castle despite their inability to see the way, the beacon of magic that was the Princess of the Night as she shepherded her moon assuring her she was approaching her destination.

But even with that knowledge she couldn’t help but stop for a moment, head held high towards the sky, ears perked and smile firm upon her face, the light of the stars shining upon her coat as she intently listened to a song so precious few seemed to even realize existed, the song of the stars twinkling upon the night sky.

She stood there a moment longer, one with the night sky, before with a quick beat of her pale wings she restarted her journey, her feathers carefully reading the wind as she gained speed, eager to reach her friend’s home deeper into the woods.

It had been far too long since she had last seen her oldest and dearest friend.

With a soft clopping noise Snowdrop touched down in the outer gardens of the castle, the sweet fragrant smell of flowers invading her senses as she let out a quick snapping noise with her tongue, calmly waiting as the echoing sound mapped her surroundings.

The returning echoes allowing her ears to create a rough map of what lay around her, allowing the blind mare to ‘see’ her surroundings in a manner of speaking, and granting her a freedom of movement she hadn’t dared to hope back when she had been just a filly.

Trotting forward past a pair of on duty night guards in their dark armors, the two ponies so unmoving and still that she always questioned how anypony could bear to stand the job, she entered the towering structure.

Letting out another sharp click with her tongue she ventured forth, her primary feathers still fully extended despite the fact her wings were closed and resting at her sides, the sensitive pinions carefully reading the airflow around her and adding another layer to what she could ‘see’ of the world.

Both abilities had been imparted and taught to her thanks to the Moon Princess herself, either directly in the case of the latter, or indirectly in the case of the former.

Remembering the lessons she had received under Luna, both as the Guardian of Dreams personally taught her how to read the wind with her pegasus magic, or with many of the bat ponies under her rule regarding echolocation, Snowdrop couldn’t help but smile even wider, the memory of her friends warming her whole body.

‘And speaking of friends…’ She thought with a hint of amusement as the fragrant smell of lilacs permeated her senses as she crossed what for all intents and purposes looked to be an unremarkable empty corridor.

“Hello Star, a truly lovely night isn’t it?” She cheerfully asked to the darkness amidst the moonlit columns, stopping right next to a particularly dark spot.

“Ah, c’mon!” An annoyed voiced shouted from the shadows as a form seemed to materialize from the darkness. “How do you do that?! I know that I wasn’t making any noise, and the angle of the columns should block any echoes from reaching me, there is absolutely no way you could have known I was here!”

“A lucky guess maybe?” Snowdrop playfully asked as she approached what could now be seen to be a plum colored bat pony, her messy light greenish-blue mane falling in ringlets around her miffed looking face.

“Once is a lucky guess, two or three times if one is feeling particularly generous.” Starseeker said as she too started to approach the other mare, her muzzle scrunched up in annoyance. “Finding me out every single time, without a single miss is most definitely not a lucky guess!”

“I taught you all you know about echolocation you silly filly.” The bat pony firmly stated as she stopped right next to the blind mare, her noses inches away from each other, a ray of moonlight illuminating her flank, displaying a single silver star surrounded by three ink black clouds. “And as a member of the Night Guard whose Special Talent is stealth I say that there is no way that was a mere lucky guess! So how did you know I was here?!”

“Perhaps you are simply losing your touch?” Snowdrop asked in faux worry, her large silver eyes blinking innocently, as if butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.

Starseeker simply stared at the innocent face standing before her, mouth slightly agape in incredulity, before leveling towards the white pegasus her best glare, both ponies keeping their respective poses for several moments before dissolving into a fit of laugher, closing in the last few inches between them amidst their laughs and giving each other a warm hug.

“It’s good to see you again Snowdrop, it’s been far too long.” Starseeker happily proclaimed while nuzzling the pegasus side.

“Likewise Star.” She said returning the gesture. “But you know how busy things seem to get for me nowadays during winter, this is the first chance I got to come and visit.”

“Yeah, right.” The bat pony answered with a huff and an eye roll. “A mare makes one Equis-shattering discovery, revolutionizes how a whole season is managed and suddenly it’s like nopony can do anything during said season without her direct input.”

“You are just grouchy because I found you again.” She playfully stated gaining an faux annoyed look from the other mare.

“I’ll find out how you do that soon enough, mark my words.” Star firmly stated, before turning around and starting to walk down the corridor. “Now come on, can’t leave the Princess waiting after all.”

Fighting back another giggling fit Snowdrop followed her friend now that their own little ritual was over, her mind lost in remembrance.

While learning under the other mare's tutelage it had become readily apparent that Snowdrop had a natural affinity for echolocation, an extremely rare gift for a non bat pony, and so little by little their lessons started to become more and more challenging, until her echolocation could compete with even veterans amidst the Night Guard.

That added with Luna’s lessons regarding how to ‘read’ the wind meant that Snowdrop senses had slowly shifted from ‘impaired’ to above average and finally to exceptional, nopony being able to escape her new ‘sight’. A fact that the plum colored mare whose special talent was hiding took as a personal challenge.

Which in turn had given birth to their little game, Starseeker attempting to surprise Snowdrop, only for the white mare to catch her in the act every single time.

Leisurely walking behind her friend, she inwardly mused if she should tell Star that it wasn’t through her sensitive ears that she always found the other mare, but actually through her nose, as she scented the mare's unique aroma.

‘Perhaps next time.’ She finally decided with a small chuckle while hearing her old friend good naturedly grumbling about being found once again, calmly following after the pleasant fragrant scent of lilacs drifting from the other mare’s small body.

Author's Note:

I would like to sincerely apologize for the long wait for this to be updated. I'm looking at the publish dates and I still can't believe how long it took me to gather myself together and finally continue with this story.

Thankfully I'm back in business and already writing the next chapter, so the waiting period for it should be far, far shorter.

So with this chapter we truly start Snowdrop's tale, hope you all enjoy it.

Mandatory disclaimer: I do not own the “My Little Pony” franchise or the OC “Snow Drop”.