• Published 14th May 2016
  • 6,685 Views, 164 Comments

So you're about to be a father with a Sun-Goddess. - TheDawsonator1

The Feel of Marriage and new responsibilities were finally settling down, but as life proves again, some things in life just can't be prepared for, as in this case...

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They said once you leave Earth, you never get back. NOT IN THIS HIE!

1 week later...

I guess I'm doing this, I'm going home...well my former home, time to get closure. I don't want to sound like I'm a hurry but I really want this closure so I have less worries but it's my family, I owe it to them to know I'm alive. I talked to Space and Time, they are sending me back to Earth precisely one day after my disappearance. Celestia is coming and Rainbow Dash is, just those close to me, besides, I don't think I'd detach the likes of Twilight Sparkle from Earth.

We were to go from Equestria to Earth and then travel back in time. And then go forward and then travel back to Equestria. I walked up to Celestia's parents with Celestia at my side and Rainbow Dash already waiting.

"Wassup Jason?" Rainbow says hi to me.

"Nothing much, just about to travel back to my former home and through time, so yeah..." I trailed off.

"Jason, are you sure you're ready for this?" Time asks.

"If not now then it may be never and I'd never get this worry off my back" I say.

"Then shall we be off since we are all here?" Space asks.

I looked around the palace garden courtyard, I was suddenly reminded of when I was first pulled into Celestia's presence here, heh. To think I was scared of her back then...Luna is still much more frightening.

"I'm ready" I decide I am ready.

"Everyone hold onto me, to take others they must be in contact with me" Space advises us.

We all did so.

"On three...three...two...one...." Space counted down.

I felt a sensation I felt only once before in my life, the sensation of being pulled through a portal, a falling sensation and then...


"Owww! That hurt, that and the sense of deja vu!" I felt a bit of pain on landing.

"Where are we?" Dash asked.

"Well this looks about two streets away from home." I answer.

So, this is what the years passed look like. I admit it kinds of looks a tiny bit different but mostly the same, don't see any flying cars, Back to the Future lied to me.

"And now we go back to the past" Time says.

"Same deal as last time" Space says.

We did the exact same thing, except instead of the pulling sensation, the whole place was going in reverse. the Cars started going backwards and then faster the reverse process went as everything came a blur and...


May 2nd, 2012. Townsville, Australia, Earth.

Yeah this is familiar... I remember this street, down further was where the car was supposed to hit me but...it never did, and I ended up in Equestria. Poor car driver got a fright I think.

"This is Earth?" Celestia asked me.

"Yeah on a street, things called cars travel at speed to get us to our destinations, further down was where I was supposed to get hit by one" I explain.

"This place looks weird" Dash says

"I could say the same about Equestria...which reminds me...don't know if I ever mentioned this, but we're kind of the only sentient species here so you guys might wanna make yourself invisible or you'd attract attention that may hinder our goal" I say
"This true, we can cast camoflague so only you can see us properly and others cannot" Space says.

Space quickly moved to remedy the problem as everypony but me came out of sight and then back in sight.

"There. That should do it, now you should lead on to your home." Space says, satisfied with the results.

I looked around, the houses seemed so boring to me, like a background you don't pay attention to. Now I can't help but notice the differences, I do hope my parents still have air conditioning because I suddenly miss it, plus hot days in Equestria are the worst. Have I ever told you that ponies really despise the heat they get from really hot days, I've heard Rarity whine about it so much I wanted to jump off a cliff. You will of course, tell her no such thing, else I'll bury you where diamond dogs find your bones later...

I walked down the street, A person would only see me not my entourage of ponies.

"What is that moving metal thing?" Dash asked.

"Oh that's a car, you put humans in it, one human drives towards a desired location at decent speed, kind of like you chariots but no dragging it by pony power" I explain.

"How does it work?" Celestia asks.

"Eh...I'm not really a guy that knows these things but it needs fuel to run, a I think it runs on an internal combustion engine or something" I scratched my head trying to remember details.

"I must remind myself never to show my former student this place" Celestia muttered.

"Second that" I agreed.

We walked down a couple more streets until I turned the corner into my street and immediately, I felt nostalgia, I felt a warm feeling of coming home. There were the usual people in their homes, cars driving by and stuff, it was the weekend thank the lord which means my parents should be home and my brother too.

I ran down the street in excitement, I couldn't resist it, I didn't stop running until I was in front of my house...just as I remember it. Red, a garden out the front a lot style going into the home by mom and dad. I just had to go to the door and go in and see them...and tell them...

I paused at the door, this was my dream for many months after learning I couldn't get back to Earth. Deep down it was always something I wanted before I loved Celestia. But I paused, I remembered all the days I'd wasted in High school, I never got it, but now here I am, wiser, older and now in a position of power on another planet.

"Jason, are you alright?" Celestia asked me.

"Yes, just thoughts..." I trailed off.

"We got your back dude, just go in there and do it, or I could drag you in there kicking and screaming." Dash says next to me.

You got this Jason...don't let anything hold you back, you have a mission to do so do it!


I waited and waited for what seemed like an eternity and then the door opened and I saw my mother's face...

"Jason! Where have you been!? We've been worried sick! And why are you smiling?" My mother was giving me a lecture...

"Well It feels like I've been gone for years but...I have something to tell you, something important, can you get Dad and Daniel over her please?" I asked my mother.

"Why? What is it Jason? Is everything okay? You didn't do anything bad...?" Mom asked me.

"I'll explain it when everypo--everyone is here" I corrected myself.

I entered my house, it was just as I remembered it, I went towards the living room and sat down, the ponies with me did not sit but elected to remain out of the way. I remember watching TV, playing games on it, never wanting to get out of bed so I could go to school. It felt like a lifetime ago...

My parents and my older brother Daniel came in and sat down opposite me.

"So son, your mother tells me you have important to tell us all" Dad states.

"Tell me, do I look different to you?" I asked them.

"Well you do look older all the sudden, and I don't remember ever getting you these clothes and you look more like your father when I first met him with all that muscle" Mom answers.

"Well there's a reason for that, see...this is hard but...The Jason you knew is gone, he's in another world. I am Jason from five years in the future." I explain.

"Pfff...HAHAHAHAHAAHA! Oh my god Jason! See you ARE funny! Another world? Time Travelling! BWAHAHAHA!" Daniel laughs like he's Rainbow Dash...maybe that's why I got along with Rainbow Dash, she reminds me of Daniel a bit.

"Ponies, you can drop the spell now" I simply say in response.

With that, a light occured and Celestia, her parents and Rainbow Dash appeared...

"W-What is that!?" Daniel screamed as his jaw dropped.

"Well I did say another world, a world where ponies are the big existing creatures" I explained.

"Hello...Daniel wasn't it? My name's Celestia, nice to meet you" Celestia speaks.

"Oh and one more thing...see, Celestia's my wife and she's pregnant and I'm going to be a father" I revealed quickly.

With that, my mother fainted...

Author's Note:

I'm BACK BITCHES!! So yeah, I know I said Jason was 21 years old at the start but in this point in this story he's 22 so therefore been about five years since he teleported to Equestria. Imagine the Surprise if Jason found out who Donald Trump is...or what's been happening...

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