• Published 25th Jun 2012
  • 3,591 Views, 61 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: One Pony's Terrorist - boredhooman

The Conversion Bureau from the perspective of the Human Liberation Front

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Chapter 1

Lord hear me now
Junk boats and English boys
Crashing out in super marts
Electric fences and guns

Jack Beckett drove his old Jeep through the southern Indian streets, taking his time as the music played through the speakers. It was an unusually hot day out, bright and sunny enough to make him hate it.

You swallow me
I'm a pill on your tongue
Up here on the nineteenth floor
The neon lights make me come

He checked his phone one more time, making sure he had the time and date of the message right. He knew it was, it just never hurt to double—or in his case, quadruple—check his gear and information.

And late in a star's life
It begins to explode
And all the people in a dream
Wait for the machine
To pick the shit up, leave it clean

It read “Mike has a cold, cancel party. Meet at Scotty’s for his present.” He automatically translated it in his mind as he read it: “Mike group has been captured by PER, most likely converted. Meet me at Scotty’s for further details.”

Kid, hang over here
What you learning in school?
Is the rise of an Eastern sun
Gonna be good for everyone?

He sighed and put his phone away. He was planning to go out in the next few days with his fiance, Rachel Dorn, instead of fighting psychotic magical horses. He only joined the Human Liberation Front—he felt the word “liberation” was more rhetoric than description—to protect against the PER.

The radio station disappears
Music turning-

He turned off the car’s radio and stepped outside into the hot, sunny air and walked down the street towards the designated bar. He opened the door and stepped inside, only to be greeted by a loud argument.

“So Equestria is not allowed to defend its own citizens from outrageous human aggression?” a pony yelled at a human several feet away from him, stomping his hoof for emphasis.

“There’s a difference between ‘defense’ and ‘occupation,’ asshole,” the human countered.

“It’s not an occupation if they stay within their own borders.”

“Yeah, it takes all those troops to fight off riots. No ulterior motives there.”

“When you have those-”

Jack passed the arguing customers and sat down at the table his contact had. “Eric,” he started.

“Hey,” Eric replied, shaking Jack’s hand. “Here’s that present for Mike,” he said as he handed Jack a small box.

Jack stored the thin, rectangular white box in his pocket. “So,” he whispered, “basic rundown?”

Eric feigned interest in several women walking in through the door. “Scientist who worked on the original serum,” he answered. “Details in the box.”

“Turned?” Jack asked.


Jack followed Jimmy, the squad leader, as he quietly led the fire team through the forest brush surrounding Jurisburg, a small Ohio town with a large Amish presence. It was a relatively peaceful town; there had been little resistance when ponies began to move in although it was rather tenuous. Luckily for everyone involved, the peaceful Amish residents kept to themselves, despite the uneasiness of having a different species moving in next door. Jack thought they were doing well, considering this was an entirely new situation. Unlike the rest of the first world, where fiction genres often fantasized about meeting new, alien species, this quiet culture was caught utterly unprepared. They did not know what to expect, they did not have any idea how they would act, they had not been mentally preparing themselves for a similar situation. Fortunately, they approached their neighbors with an open, albeit shaky, hand. Amish and pony alike realized that in some areas, they were not that different. They both yearned for a simple life, both abandoning the temptations of the modern human world.

This was, however, until they learned of the Turned, or “Newfoals” as called by the ponies themselves. To them, the body was God’s gift to a person. To harm it was a slap to God’s face, a sin. To give up, no, throw away that gift, to trample upon its essence and nature was one of the most vile actions one could commit. They felt that, in a similar manner to rejecting God, rejecting nature itself was not an act of making one’s self unworthy of paradise. It was to jump directly into the maws of Hell regardless of past actions. They felt was no greater mistake than to willingly reject God.

Jack wasn’t sure if he disagreed with that. He wasn’t a religious man himself despite almost being married to a strict Catholic woman, but he did have an innate sense of self-pride. Something about changing yourself into a different species and brainwash yourself for the sake of happiness made him uneasy. He just couldn’t put it into words.

Gathering his thoughts together, he pulled out binoculars and scanned the area, looking for the group of ponies they were tracking. A few hundred feet from the forest were the closest buildings of the town. Jack made a mental note to keep his shots tight if a fight broke out. He found his targets as he scanned past the buildings, by the main road that had several offshoots into the town. The four-man team crept through the brush until they reached a vantage point to properly view the pony caravan parked by the edge of the road, next to a large plain of recently harvested grain. They needed to make sure they were neutralized as efficiently as possible. There was no backup, only Jack’s three teammates and the sniper team hundreds of yards off in a nearby forest as support, indistinguishable from the surrounding flora.

The group surrounding the caravan was naked, as most ponies were, and each lacked the oblivious stares and glossy eyes of the Turned. He counted eight total outside of a large carriage, two inside. Three were unicorns, five pegasi, and two earthies. One was fiddling with a broken wheel while the others rested, oblivious to their surroundings. Several boxes were already taken out to make the roadside fix more manageable, many covered in a tarp rather than a solid top. A strong breeze rustled through the area, blowing Jimmy’s wide-brimmed hat away; luckily none of the ponies noticed. The same breeze also lifted a corner of one of the tarps however, gifting Jack a few seconds to view the contents before it died down. He saw glass vials of purple liquid.

“Objective?” one of his squadmates asked.

“Doesn’t matter. Guys are PER,” Jack answered. “I see potion bombs and I don’t like where my thoughts are headed. We need to take them out either way.”


Good? Ignoring the man next to him, Jack quickly pressed a button on his radio, sending a click to the sniper team’s radio. He received a click back. Jimmy received a nod from Jack, and made a signal to form up and began moving. They eased closer to the caravan and readied their weapons. Jack pulled the bolt of his M14 back slightly, making sure a round was chambered. He checked the safety and aimed his sights at one of the unicorns.

“Now,” Jimmy ordered.

The furthest unicorn’s head exploded into a shower of chunks, brain matter, and misty blood as the sniper fired his weapon. His team fired several shots off in the resulting confusion. Jack killed his target, and moved onto the next as three pegasi were neutralized by his team. The sniper fired again, killing one of the remaining pegasi while Jimmy took care of the other. Jack saw that of the two in the carriage, both unicorns, only one got out to fight while the other hid in the bottom. He quickly shot the former, leaving the last one for when everything calmed down. The two earth ponies were taken care of by his other two teammates.

“Beckett, carriage,” Jimmy said from behind him. Jack obliged, walking up to the vehicle and scanning the horizon with his rifle. His three teammates formed a semicircle around him, watching for any ponies that may sneak up on them. He lowered his weapon into a low ready position in case the unicorn tried anything.

“Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot! I’m the scientist.” the unicorn said to Jack.

And here we are. “Who is my favorite author?”

The pony calmed down, but was still shaking from fear. “R-Ron Barlehue.”

“Objective here!” Jack yelled to his teammates. He looked at the pony’s magical ass tattoo—he refused to even think of the word “cutie mark”—and saw that it resembled a stylized double helix.

The pony shakily got onto all four hooves. “Name’s Gene Seed, I was one of the scientists working on the original serum.”

Jack dropped his rifle to his side, clicking on the safety. “Kinda curious that you’re defecting. I’d think that someone working on something like that...”

“Why do you think I’m defecting!?” Gene Seed burst out, causing one of the insurgents behind Jack to glance at the scientist. “Sorry. Listen, I know what you’re thinking. I’m thinking the exact same. But right now, we don’t have time; the...” he trailed off as he looked behind Jack


Gunshots came from behind him, his teammates forcing a recently arrived group of ponies into cover as they did so themselves. Jack jumped behind a nearby log as the unicorns of the incoming group launched magical lightning strikes at his fire team. Upon seeing shadows against the bright sky, he raised his rifle to the sky and let several shots off, all shots missing but forcing the ponies to retreat into relative safety. A magical bolt of energy from one of the unicorns struck Jimmy, charring his torso beyond recognition. Jack let loose a flurry of rounds onto the unicorns before ducking his head back down. He stayed as low as possible, staying out of the unicorns’ lines of sight.

He looked between the tall blades of grass, seeing several ponies run around the surrounding buildings while several more pegasi took to the skies. They threw potion bombs at him, but luckily his gas mask kept the mist from entering his lungs. He aimed his rifle at them, steadying the shaking from the sudden rush of adrenaline. He wrapped his rifle’s sling around his arm for better control and tried to steady himself again. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. He fired his rifle twice, managing to hit one of the fliers in the wing and forcing it into landing.

Suddenly, he felt a tug at his rifle, along with a brownish glow. Perfect, he thought bitterly. The rifle lifted sharply into the air at an angle, bringing it towards the unicorn. However, the sling around his arm kept him attached to the rifle and the pony was forced to let go as the added weight was too much of a strain. Jack quickly got up from the ground before on of the unicorns could hit him with a blast of magic and ran at the offending unicorn. He tackled it to the ground and elbowed it in the face and detached his bayonet from his belt. He stabbed the neck of the unicorn, ceasing its struggling and allowing Jack to pay attention to the other ponies.

Jack clumsily pulled his pistol from its harness and shot at the remaining enemies, managing to get one shot on target, who quickly crumpled to the ground with a cry of pain. The remaining unicorn aimed at Jack and fired its magical lightning, but missed wide as it was cut down by the human fighters it turned away from. He got up from the ground and turned back to the unicorn he stabbed. The poor bastard wasn’t going to get to a hospital nay time soon, and he knew neither of his teammates would help it. He aimed his pistol and ended its pain.

Holstering his handgun, he walked over to where his rifle lay and picked it back up. It was then that Jack noticed the smell of burning wood. And the sound of a bonfire, followed by the sound of roughly a dozen screaming children. Shit shit shit shit-

He looked around the building, which was on fire from the unicorn’s missed attack.

This is bad.

He found no easy way in as he walked around the building. The only opening was the door, which was partly on fire and the surrounding wood was beginning to char. I’m not just going to let a bunch of kids burn to death, he thought as jumped through the weakened door. He looked around the room. There was a light blue female earth pony, her hair in braids and a scroll as her magical-ass-tattoo, that was staring at Jack with fear evident in her eyes. Surrounding what he presumed to be the teacher were thirteen or fourteen foals, ranging from six or so and what he assumed to be early teenage. Several of the smaller ones looked like they recently wet themselves.

Ponies, he thought bitterly. Why should I help them?

Because I’m fighting against racist assholes, he scolded himself.

He wondered why they were stuck in a burning building until he saw that the doorway he just went through collapse, bring down part of the roof and creating an even larger fire where it was.

“Did you try the windows?” he asked, turning to the teacher.

“Yes, but-” she managed to say before another portion of the roof collapsed, making a large crash and startling the children even more. “But some ponies came by recently and said they were putting in force fields on important buildings to protect them,” she continued, “in case a situation like this happened.”

“And you weren’t curious as to why they would prepare for a rather specific circumstance?” Jack asked as he turned towards a window at the farthest wall from the fire.

“They said they came with the authority of the princess.”

“Were they wearing Royal Guard armor?”


“Of course not.”

“But ponies don’t lie about something like that,” the teacher muttered, her face contorted in confusion. “No-nopony would ever-”

“Alright, stand back!” he yelled over the din of the fire. He pulled out his rifle, set it on automatic, and aimed towards the window. Burned building, dead kids, human corpse... As he let loose a burst of rounds, the children shrieked and hid behind their teacher, stools, table, each other, and anything else they could find. Jack reloaded and fired again, this time causing a small floating crack in the air. Pretty clever set up.

Smiling at his progress, he took his knife out and stabbed it into the crack. After wedging it in until it became stuck, he bashed it with the butt of his rifle and widened the magical crack even further. He pulled his knife back out when chunks of the magical barrier began to dissipate, separated from the rest of it. He hammered it directly with the stock of his rifle, the metal plate smashing the glass-like surface.

When the hole in the barrier was wide enough, he smashed the window open with his rifle and turned to the ponies behind him. “Go outside and catch the kids,” he ordered the teacher. She hesitated, to which Jack repeated, but in a raised voice. She quickly relented and jumped out. With the teacher outside waiting, he grabbed the first foal, who struggled in his grip.

“Calm down, I’m not going to hurt you,” he grunted, trying to get a solid grip on the small filly.

“My mommy said humans hurt ponies!”

“Fires hurt ponies too!” he yelled, paralyzing the filly with fear. He adjusted his hands and threw her to the teacher. He glanced at the fire, noticing that it was much closer, and gaining speed. There was little time left. He grabbed the next and threw it, the next and threw it, the next and threw it...

Jack awoke to the sound of voices. He tried to look around, but the bright sky hurt his eyes. He felt grass at his bare hands, and rocks digging into his head. How did I get outside? I was-

Oh, right.

Note to self: use mask’s air tank when in fires, he quipped to himself. He had the strangest feeling this little chapter of his life wasn’t quite done with him yet. He tried to get up, but he was too weak and dizzy. He turned his head to see a squat, four-legged creature.


“It’s alive!” one yelled. “Bring bindings!”

It? Pricks.

He was quickly tied up, and dragged across the field. As he was moved, he spotted a glimpse of the school building, but none of the former occupants. He also saw some of the local inhabitants, several dozen wide-eyed pony farmers staring at the spectacle. Wait, aren’t there humans in- His carriers eventually stopped and very roughly threw him onto a chair and tied him to it. Another pony came up to him.

“How do you live with yourself, human?” the gray pony asked, anger etched across his face. “Why does...”

Jack stayed silent as he thought of a plan of escape. He didn’t need to listen to the pony. He already knew what the damn horse was saying. Humans suck, ponies don’t. Ponies love and tolerate everyone—Jack suppressed a smile despite the irony of that thought—while humans blow up day cares for fun, have pony shooting sprees with all of those evil inanimate objects, tie maidens to train tracks and twirly those evil mustaches. Therefore, the only solution to saving humanity was to turn it into something that wasn’t humanity. He had heard it all before.

“... full of greed. You know, I’ve realized something. You humans are too stupid, selfish, and ignorant to know what is good for you. You humans refuse to take the obvious path to salvation.”

Jack subtly moved his feet. “Yeah, yeah, stupid and evil humans who twist everyone and everything to their will. That’s us.” They were tied together, but not to the chair.

The pony gave him a cold stare. Jack could reach the rope’s knot with his fingers.

“Listen, can we hurry this up?” Jack asked. “I was planning on burning down some homeless shelters later today when the orphan schools let the kids out.”

“ENOUGH!” the pony yelled, irritated. “You have stalled LONG ENOUGH!” It was enough for Jack. As the pony moved closer to Jack, his feet shot up and hit the pony in the throat. Jack pulled the knot loose, freeing his arms. He tackled the pony, smashing the syringe against the ground and spilling its contents into the dirt. He reached at his feet and untied them, and punched the pony and knocking him back down. Before Jack could get up and escape, he felt a sharp pain in his back, followed by another. A third syringe finally stabbed him in the abdomen before Jack fell unconscious from the exertion and potion entering his bloodstream.

“An ‘offensive defense’ as described by the Princess of Equestria has battalions of Equestrian Infantry soldiers stationed throughout western Africa, particularly in-

“Massive riots have broken out across western Africa in response to ‘an attempt to destroy our people, our culture, and our heritage’ as described by New African Dominion leader General Attah-

“We will respond to any threat against our people. It is unfortunate it had to come to this, but the issue has escalated it to a point-

“This is a blatant attempt to exert Equestrian control and influence in a land-”

Colonel Holt of the Third Special Forces Group stopped flipping through the news stations. “I’m sure you can see why I brought you here.”

“I guess leave’s cancelled?” The four-man squad’s demolition expert, Conan, asked.

Rambo, the squad’s marksman, sighed. “Shut it, C.”

“Yes, it is cancelled,” replied Holt. “The president doesn’t want them to just walk all over the globe like they own the place, but he doesn’t want a war either.”

Archer, their rifleman, raised his hand. “Any particular reason we’re going in alone?”

“A larger force cannot do what you men can without detection. I’m sorry, but this is the only option at the moment,” he answered sadly. He knew what they were thinking. Four men with no almost no support against thousands? “I wouldn’t send you if I didn’t think you could accomplish this.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Archer replied. How was he going to tell his family, especially his younger sister? They had been looking forward to him getting home for months. Simply waiting would crush her. What if he was injured or killed? Ponified? He knew what happened to his mother. He didn’t want his family to go through something like that again. “When do we leave?”

“Within the day,” Holt answered. He turned to exit the room, leaving the four Green Berets among themselves.

“Well, shit,” Conan muttered.

“You got that right, C,” Rambo acknowledged. He got up and headed out the door. “Shit, I’m going to relax while I still can.”