• Published 14th May 2016
  • 990 Views, 132 Comments

Majesty: Queen of the Castle - Paradise Oasis

Queen Majesty of Dream Valley, one of the most misunderstood Ponies of our time. But how did she become the ruler of a kingdom south of Equestria? The story of a teen filly, who will grow to become the most enigmatic queen in all the pony kingdoms

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Among Friends

"Stupid mom, stupid nanny!" Majesty grumbled, trotting along the path that led from Dream Castle, and heading out into the wider open world. "Who needs them? I'll show them I'm better off on my own!"

As she walked out past the castle's apple orchard, an orange pony with a blonde mane working at one of the trees saw the white unicorn going by, and began to grow concerned as she saw the young filly trotting out of Dream Castle's outer courtyard wall. Dropping the last apple she had picked with her mouth into the nearby basket, the orchard worker galloped after the filly, jumping in front of her path before she could depart through the large bronze gates that stood at the entrance to Dream Valley itself.

"Hey now, where do you think you're going, kid?" The mare with the seven-apple cutie mark demanded. "Don't you know how dangerous it is out there? Ponyland isn't exactly the safest place to go for a pleasant stroll, little filly!"

"I know very well how dangerous it is out there, Apple picker!" Majesty snorted, easily figuring out this was one of the seasonal migrant laborers who worked Dream Valley's fields during harvest time. "And what right do you have calling me 'filly' and 'kid'? You don't look much older than I do!"

The orange mare seemed to roll her eyes at that statement, as if she had heard it a million times before. "Fine, I won't call ya kid. But I still think it's really dangerous for a young mare to be wandering out in the world by herself, anyway. Ya could be eaten by a troll, or-"

But Majesty was already trotting past her, heading out onto the path into the wide open world. Rushing back to throw a few things into her saddle bag, she quickly galloped to catch up with the little filly again.

"Well, if you're going to go out into the wide open world, you might as well have some company. I'm tired a' pickin' apples, anyway." She reached into her saddlebag with her mouth, grabbing an apple out to munch on. "So anyway, what's yer name, kid? And where are we headed?"

"My name's Majesty, and I'm leaving Dream Valley because I've had enough of my mother's stupidity." The unicorn mare snorted angrily. "And I don't exactly know where I'm heading, Applejack, but if you want to tag along, I won't stop you."

"Majesty?! Ya mean like, the queen's daughter? Wow, your mom must've done something REALLY bad ta get ya to run away from home!" Applejack reached in to grab another apple, before a realization finally hit her. "Hey, wait a sec... how did you know my name?"

"Oh come on... with that mane, cutie mark, and colors, it's kind of obvious who you are." The unicorn filly replied, rolling her eyes. "Besides, I've heard a few of the servants talk about a silly and greedy pony who keeps raiding the royal pantry for apples!"

"Hey, I'm not a silly and greedy pony!" A.J. protested, grabbing another apple out of her bag, and downing it in the blink of an eye. "I'm the most honest and dependable of ponies in all of Ponyland! I'll be the best companion you could ever- whoaa--ooaaa-aooa!"

The orange earth mare suddenly stumbled over her own hooves, tumbling off of the path, and bumping her head into a nearby tree. Stumbling her way back onto the path, she nearly fell over as Majesty used her magic to help the dizzy pony stand.

"Whoah, did somebody get the license plate number of that dragon that ran me over?" The klutzy Applejack asked, her eyes almost rolling around in her head from the dizziness. "I think I'm gonna be sick!"

"Are you going to knock into every gate and bump into every fence along the way?" Majesty sighed. "Are you coming or are you going, why don't use your horse sense?"

"Sorry..." Applejack replied sadly, as she desperately tried to keep up with the other mare. "By the way, friends call me A.J. for short."

The road was a pleasant one at first, well kept rows of trees and a clean and smooth path. But the deeper they went into the Mastifisecnt forest, the more wild and untamed it became. Darkness seemed to creep in all around them, as the canopy above prevented sunlight from reaching the forest floor. The whole forest seemed to grow quiet at their presence, with only the sounds of their own hoof steps breaking the silence.

"Good grief, why is this place so creepy?" Majesty asked nervously, looking around. "I really, really don't like these woods."

"Some ponies say this place is enchanted." Applejack replied nervously, equally unhappy to be here. "In olden times, the ancients called this the everfree, and believed to forest had a will of it's own."

A small laugh echoed from the trees all around them, stopping the two girls dead in their tracks.

"W-what was that?" Majesty asked nervously, her eyes darting around wildly. "It sounded almost like... laughter."

"Probably just the wind." Applejack replied, reaching in to Majesty's saddlebag to eat an apple. "Or maybe a bird or critter or something."

"Would you get out of my saddlebag?!" The unicorn snapped angrily, pulling away from A.J.. "You don't need to be eating every five seconds!"

"Sorry, but I already ate all of mine!" The orange mare whined. "I can't help it if I'm always hungry!"

"Hee hee hee hah ha ha...."

The laughter came again, and the two mares huddled together clinging to each other. The darkness the the gloom of the shadows of the trees came in closer, as the sun continued to set. The entire forest seemed to be watching them, waiting for the right moment to pounce. The soft laughter seemed to come from everywhere at once, until the two ponies heard it coming from directly above them.

"Oh no! The forest is after us!" A.J. yelled in a panic, clinging so tightly to Majesty that she couldn't breathe. "This is it, we're done for!"

Just then, a blue comet with a pink mane dive bombed the two mares from above, knocking all three of them to the ground.


"Ooof! Ahhh!"

"Ah hahahahaha! I can't believe you two! What a pair of fraidy cats! Ha Ha!"

Majesty and Applejack pulled themselves back up to their hooves, and found their 'attacker'' was a teenage Pegasus filly about their age, with a blue coat and pink mane. She had several whistles on her cutie mark, and an eternally wide grin that spread all the way across her face.

"Wow, I can't believe you fell for that scary monster routine! -Tweet!- I mean who falls for that kind of junk anymore! -Tweet!-" The motormouth went on, punctuating her sentences with whistles. "You two are, like, a totally fun pair of friends to be around. -Tweet!- Could I so, like, -Tweet!- join your group? You two could, like, so totally help me find the amazing and wonderful thing I'm -Tweet!- looking for!"

"Would you please be quiet for a moment, you whistling airhead! How dare you scare two other mares who are lost in the woods and scared!" Majesty snapped, bringing the Pegasus mare to silence. "Now, one thing at a time... who are you, and what are you out here looking for?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry... my name's -Tweet!- Wind Whistler!" The air headed Pegasus exclaimed, flapping in the air around them like a foal who'd had too much sugar. "And I'm out here looking for that legendary mythical cryptid creature of pony legend, the Cuteasarus!"

With a sigh, Majesty realized that she had only been away from home for a few hours, and was aslready pulled into a crazy pony adventure with two crazy pony friends....

"Lucky me."

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