• Published 26th Nov 2011
  • 3,598 Views, 77 Comments

What you've got - Broneyofnoel

Fluttershy is not kind in this universe, she is a stone cold assassin

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Target #4 Royal Baked Goods Supplier

The two day break was nightmarish for Fluttershy, she had lost the rush from her killings, and she was tired all the time, there was nothing to do, so she cleaned her weapons, twice, and she went to the shooting range. She read up on some new ammunition she would be getting soon, anti-tank incendiary, exclusive for her .50 cal rifle.

The morning of her third morning, she rolled lazily out of bed, and she turned off her alarm. not even a minute later, she was summoned. This time, she didn't hesitate to respond, she needed the rush again. She walked quickly down stairs, hoping that her next rush would not be far off.

"Fluttershy, I have your next target," Nightmare said looking at a paper.

"Who is it?" Fluttershy asked, she was out of energy.

"Her name is Pinkie Pie, she owns a large bakery in Trottingham, she delivers food to all royalty in the world, but she also sends large amounts of food to the rebels, your base point is 7,500 feet from her bakery, this is a sniper mission," Nightmare said, handing Fluttershy a .50 caliber rifle.

"What does she look like?" Fluttershy asked, taking the rifle.

"She is a pink mare with a pink mane," Nightmare said.

"How will I get there, I can't just lug this there," Fluttershy said, the rifle gave her some energy.

"An unmarked chariot will take you to the building's roof, form there, you will set up and have 5 minutes to line the shot," Nightmare said.

"When?" Fluttershy asked.

"Now," Nightmare said, leading Fluttershy to the chariot, which had two unarmored pegasus guards leading it.

Fluttershy climbed in to the cart, placing her rifle in the side of it, she checked the operations manual for it, it was a wire led bullet, u to 7,600 feet, the bullet could be steered up to 100 feet at that range. For most of the ride, Fluttershy checked the alignment of the sights, and the ammunition, one bullet per clip. One bullet is all she would need.

The chariot finally arrived at the roof of the building she would be firing from, the time was 11:55 a.m, she had four minutes. She jumped out of the chariot, adn set up her position, fastening the rifle to the building, to lower kick.

She lined up the sights, the pink pony was in her sights, the bullet would take three seconds to reach its target, a new record for Fluttershy.

11:59 a.m. Time to shoot. She had one shot.

Fluttershy pulled the trigger, the whole set-up shook, the guards recoiled. Fluttershy made sure that the bullet was going to its target, the bullet hit the front window, shattered it and hit a pink pony square in the head, and she exploded, blood sprayed all over the customers.

"Success," Fluttershy said, she moved away from the rifle, unlatching it from the building.

She and the guards took the whole set up and attached three pounds of C4 charges to it, no evidence could be left, except the rifle, which they took with them. About a minute after they took off, the building was still in sight, and Fluttershy detonated the charges, they exploded, glass three floors down shattered.

All in all, this was a successful mission, she had killed the pink pony, there was no evidence left, adn she had that rush again. The sound of tat rifle shot had relaxed her.

They flew quickly, hoping to reach the Palace before the news would play the story. If they didn't, Fluttershy would have little to report, well not much that the news hadn't already said. They did, because when Fluttershy ran in, the rifle across her back, the story was up next.

"I hear you killed her," Nightmare said, turning off the television.

"Head shot," Fluttershy smiled.

"Good, good," Nightmare said, looking out the window at her busy city.

"Are we going to watch the report?" Fluttershy asked.

"Okay, we will," Nightmare turned on the television.

"A city is terrified tonight, a sniper took the life of a baker in our city, it seems to no connections, who ever did this, he will face his punishment," the reporter said.

"She just handed me a box of cookies, and she exploded," a witness was crying, "she-she was young, I can't believe anypony would do this, it was horrible,"

"Authorities have released the last name of the victim, the last name was Pie," the reporter said, Nightmare turned off the television.

"Good job Fluttershy," Nightmare said.

Fluttershy nodded and went up to her study and fell asleep, that day had not been exhausting, but killing all of these innocent people, it was starting to wear on hr after 20 years of violence;


"Mom, want me to sell the order of cookies for you?" Pinkie's daughter, Cherry, asked.

"Yes, and take their money first," Pinkie said.

"Okay," Cherry said, she walked out, the box of cookies was hard to lift, she was just a little filly after all.

Cherry Pie was 9 years old, she had just gotten her cutie mark, it was a cherry pie, she was a baker. Pinkie had been so proud of her, and this was her second sale.

"That's 24 bits ma'am," Cherry said.

"Here you go little one," the woman handed her 24 bits, and took the cookies.

"Thank you, come aga--" Cherry was stopped by the window shattering, and she was hit with a large bullet, it killed her instantly.

Pinkie was in the kitchen when the bullet hit her daughter, and she heard screams, she ran in to the main section, she saw her daughter, laying dead on the floor, bleeding, no life left in her.

"Okay, can everyone please leave," Pinkie said crying, they all cleared out of the bakery.

Pinkie held her daughter, so young, and she had so much potential, why couldn't it have been her, not her daughter, her daughter didn't do anything wrong, it was her, she had sent food to rebels, and now she had nothing to lose, but she had everything to gain.

Pinkie was going to Everfree....and she would get revenge.....