• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 9,088 Views, 505 Comments

The Stranger With a Big Iron on Her Hip - Omega_code

Scarlet is taken to Equestria and isn't quite happy being there.

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Chapter 19

Thanks to ProtheanBrony PiquoPie for proofreading.

Just need to reattach this wire and... done. Scarlet reattached the cover on the transponder and turned it on, making blue electricity dance inside the glass tubing. Scarlet lifted the transponder and pulled the trigger, nothing happen. Well what were you expecting Scarlet. It's not like the transponder alone will be able to bring you back to the Mojave. She turned the transponder off and set it back down on the dresser. Exactly how the hell am I going to get back anyway? Ask Cadbury nicely for him and Celestia to make a portal back to my world so I can leave and let them go at each other’s throats? Scarlet chuckled softly to herself. Still…hopefully there is a way for me to get back. After all Celestia got back from my world so there has to be some way to do the same here without any help of Cadbury. Because the last thing I want is to spend the rest of my life here while Vegas runs leaderless.

Vegas... a place she thought she never be running, and the only reason she got mixed into trying to take over Vegas was because of Benny. If only he had asked nicely for the platinum chip, then maybe he would’ve still been alive, possibly even ruling Vegas instead of me. But no Mr. Smooth Lips had to shoot me in the head and leave me in a shallow grave. Then he believed me, the person who he thought was dead, wanted to have sex with him. The next thing he knows I stuck a knife in his throat while he was taking his pants down. Scarlet got up and left the bedroom. I still can’t believe he fell for that. As she entered the main room, the sight took her by surprised.

Every pony was lying down on the floor with their eyes closed. Some of them were making small noises as if they were in a bad dream. Scarlet went up to Applejack and shook her shoulder hard. “Hey, wake up.” No response. Scarlet then picked up her head a few inches in the air and let it fall back on the floor; nothing. Well this is not good. Scarlet went to check everyone else to see they were all in the same condition. Passed out, and mumbling in their sleep. Can’t get help from the townsfolk otherwise they might think I have something to do with this. Scarlet thought for a while. I could give a small dose of jet and psycho, that would snap anyone awake. She went back upstairs to get her medical bag. I’ll bring some fixer too, just in case.

She opened her duffel bag and pulled out the doctor bag full of the drugs she carries. Don’t know why I still carry these; I only used the hydra and med-x. Guess old habits die hard. She pulled out an empty syringe along with psycho and jet, and with her medical skill she mixed the two together in the syringe. Only got one shot at this. So who’s going to be the lucky pony? Obviously it should be Celestia, but Scarlet feared the dose she had wouldn’t be enough for Celestia big body, so it would have to be one of the others. Braeburn…he’s a male and if anything goes wrong I can just use my lady like charm.

She picked up some fixer and headed to the main room again with everyone still asleep. She sat down next to Braeburn and started to look for an artery on his neck, which was hard to do since she was unfamiliar with pony physiology (plus, the yellow coat was annoying). Finally finding one, she prepared the syringe to inject the drug.

Braeburn’s eyes sudden opened up and he let out yelled of panic as he shot up. Scarlet quickly pulled the syringe out of the way before it impaled him. Soon the other ponies woke up and did their own little jumps of shock. Well, that was a waste of drugs. Braeburn’s eyes rapidly darted around the room, until they locked onto Scarlet. The pupils shrank to a third of their original size, full of horror.

Scarlet looked at the syringe in her hand, then back at Braeburn. “Just to let you know, this was supposed to wake you up.”

“Get away from him you monster!” A voice shouted out. Scarlet suddenly felt as if something grabbed her entire body and she was thrust and pinned to the nearest wall. She then saw the purple unicorn come into view with her horn glowing and an angry scowl on her face.

Scarlet tried to pull away but it felt as if the whole weight of a super mutant was being pushed against her. “What the fuck did you think you’re doing? LET ME GO!”

“Never! I won’t have the likes of you…”

“Twilight Sparkle, release Scarlet now!” Celestia voice overcast Twilight’s. Twilight looked over to her mentor to see Celestia looking disappointingly at her.

“But Princess...”

“Twilight,” Celestia said again with a hard tone. Twilight’s mouth fumble with a few words but soon released Scarlet from her magical grip. “Let me also remind you Scarlet, that I’m far more powerful than my student is.”

Scarlet pushed herself away from the wall. She gave a hard glare at Twilight (which Twilight returned), “Point taken.” She looked at Celestia. “Now would you mind telling me why your student decided to attack me?”

“Because you’re a monster!” Twilight yelled.

“A downright brute,” Rarity disgusting said.

“A total meanie,” Pinkie finally added.

Scarlet, unfazed by the names the ponies were calling her, looked at everypony. Every single one of them (expect for Applejack and Braeburn who had looks of fear, but with sadden eyes) had some sort of anger on their face. She looked back to Celestia. “Is there a reason for the sudden hate?”

Celestia sigh. “Cadbury somehow forced us asleep and put us in a share dream state. He showed us a memory of yours of you killing a large group of men.”

“You’re going have to be more specific. I’ve done that a lot of times in the recent year.”

“They were wearing red armor and you had a man name Boone and robot who you called ED-E.”

Scarlet thought for a while, then a small smile grew on her face. “Ah yes, the attack on Caesar’s Fort.” Her smile grew bigger and she gave a soft chuckle. “That was a great day.”

“How could say something like that!?” Twilight demanded.

“Because on that day I did something no one was ever able to do for over four years. Kill the great Son of Mars, Caesar, and right on his own land. I also killed lots of his soldiers and freed a lot of slaves, but those are small side notes.”

“Why would you ever do that? They were your own kind.” Rainbow Dash asked.

Scarlet looked at Dash with an insulted look. “Was that a joke? Because I am not a rapist, a slaver, a raider, or a senseless cold blooded murderer. They killed anyone who didn’t accept their ‘great leader’s’ ways, and took the rest as slaves to do as they please.”

“So aimless killing them was the only answer?”

I can’t believe I’m having this kind of argument. “Look, if any of y’all seen what they did to countless people, you should be glad that I kill them all. Hell, ask any one person in the Mojave and they all would’ve said the same thing. I did the Wasteland a big favor killing him and his men!” Scarlet looked at Celestia. “You should explain it to them; after all you’ve been to my world.” Celestia remain silent. “Well?”

“Like I said Scarlet, I understand your ways, but I have never approved of them.”

Scarlet looked at Celestia with disbelief. “Well, thanks.” With that Scarlet stormed off and went back up stairs.

“Scarlet wait,” Applejack called out.

“No Applejack,” Celestia intervened. “I’ll handle Scarlet, can you please comfort your friends.” Celestia walked to the staircase, leaving Applejack and Braeburn with five unhappy mares.


Celestia walked up to Scarlet’s room and found the door shut. She used her magic to grabbed the door handle and found it locked tight, for a human that is. She could’ve used her magic to unlock it, but she wanted to give Scarlet her room. “Scarlet,” she gently called out.

“Leave me alone, Princess.” Scarlet tonelessly said on the other side of the door.

“I’m sorry for the way the Elements treated you, but what Cadbury showed us was very disturbing to them. They’re just not used to your world’s violence. I tried to wake us up, but I couldn’t use my magic.”

“Nice excuse, but you still didn’t help defend me. What I did is basic, normal in my world, and you know it. I’m not ashamed of what I did that day. Every single member of the Legion deserved to die.”

“Even the children?” Celestia asked.

Scarlet remained silent, then a low chuckle could be heard. “Oh, he showed that little scene eh? Not my most righteous moment I know, but there was nothing else I could’ve done.”

“That’s not true; you could’ve easily stopped him by shooting the spear away or a number of other possibilities.”

“And then what?” Scarlet’s voice harshly rose. “Take him with the rest of the free slaves hoping he wouldn’t grow up with some sort of plot for revenge for his fellow fallen soldiers? When he grabbed that spear and started to yelled ‘For Caesar’ he made a statement that he was fully part of the Legion. So I had to make sure he had died like the rest of them.” Scarlet voice started to chuckle and get a bit delusional. “You know it ain’t easy... killing children. Some of them you know you can stop and make them change their ways, but with the rest...” Her voice grew silent once more. “The ammo was Hallow pointed. He only suffered for a few seconds.” Her voice was back to its monotonous state and it sounded as if it she wasn’t all there too.

The sound of the window opening along with something heavy landing on the ground faintly filled Celestia’s ears. “Scarlet, what are you doing?”

“Leaving. You have your weapon Celestia, you really don’t need my help.” Celestia quickly used her magic to unlock the door and open it just in time to see Scarlet leapt out of the window. There was a loud thud along with Scarlet grunting a few seconds afterward. Celestia trotted over to the open window and look out. Scarlet was dusting herself off before grabbing her duffle bag and the rest of her equipment. She looked up at Celestia. “I’ll be around the campsite I made a few days ago, out of sight and out of mind. I should have enough supplies to last me for about a week. Come see me again once you finish this little war of yours and have a way back to my world.”

She put something on top of the Pip-boy and finally stated. “Also, I’m still in the shoot first asked question later kind of mood. So if anyone comes up to me and isn’t someone I’ve meet before, I will shoot.” She flipped something and vanished into a barely visible outline of herself, walking out in the middle of the street and out of town.


Fallout New Vegas is copyrighted Obsidian Entertainment and Bethesda Softworks.
MLP: Friendship is Magic is copyright to Hasbro.
All characters that belong to their companies are rightfully theirs. This writing is for fun and nothing else.