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pony-writer/pornographer looking for work. old stories undeleted. i'm sorry. Patreon here

Comments ( 84 )

I came. I saw. I read.

Not necessarily in that order.

Girls are quite capable of lying about rape. Or anything. Just as are guys. Humans can lie, in general.

Now, seriously and at greater length, because I'm on a laptop instead of my phone now.

This story is stylstically well-written porn, but ts major failure is that it explicitly raises issues (because you have the narrator think about them) which it never answers. Specifically, how prudish or libertne is the overall Equestrian sexual culture here? What's the Age of Consent? Is Babs normal and sane and typical in being, say, around 14-15 and casually sexually active, or very, very atypical?

I'm not saying that it has to answer these questions: on the personal level it's about the narrator and Babs being attracted to each other and havng sex. And it works on that level. But it does make me wonder what happens next, and why, and the answers to these would depend a lot on the questions you didn't answer.

One jarring note was the combination of the narrator's obvious sexual experience and social naivete ("girls don't lie about rape.") Most guys who really beleve that have very little experience with women. Most guys who say that do so to get into the pants of naive feminists. They don't actually believe it. Having the narrator think this to himself and do so in a situation where its relevance to himself was more than theoretical, was weird.

Darf's back! <3

Rev 8:12-13

that's about all that comes to mind.

I don't fap to clop but this story was very tempting.:raritywink:


"Veni legi veni" , eh?

Only one problem. Magical boxers. Babs took those off the first go around.

Twas good.

Wow. The... narrator? Anon? Whatever. Sure isn't very bright.

Girls don’t do that, I replied.

/slaps knee

Sit down Narrator-kun, I've got some stories to tell you! After you finish with your jailbait.

That was really hot! I dont see that much Babs Seed and human action, but i am very pleased with this :D

I think you forgot to add the "ught" in most of the "thoughts"


That is very true. The sad thing is though both parties arent taken equally as seriously. If a guy works up the courage to tell the authorities he was strapped down and raped by a woman (not common but can and does happen) he's more likely to become a joke around the precinct. Once guys turn a certain age they start losing credibility. Females however, their rape accusations have far better chance of getting males locked up left and right as long as they live.

Rejoice, foolish mortals, for the master has returned.


It's good to have you back, Darf. ^_^

Are you allergic to '-ugh' or somethin'?

7218996 Is that the one that says that you shouldn't fuck your neighbor's donkey...?

7221302 no, actually. It's the end of the world.

12 Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night.

13 And I looked, and I heard an angel[a] flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!”

"Naive feminists" I think you need to cut out the redundancy, for there is no other kind.


Wow, who knew that was the consequence of Anon lying with Babs? ????


Those post anal sex trumpet blasts are the worst. Seepage. :pinkiesick:

But it isn't the end of the world, it's just time to take a shower. Geeze. Those angels need to lighten up.

aww man. i honestly thought you'd have apple bloom walk in for her turn and be disappointed she never got "tagged in"

Please proceed directly to pony hell. :D

Is he... Is he back?? Has the provider of my most guiltiest of pleasures returned from the ether!?!

darf #31 · May 17th, 2016 · · 14 ·


this comment upset me. please reconsider what you know about feminism and do some research into actually understanding what it is.

7223517 7221896
Before you two start arguing past one another, perhaps you should agree on which definition of "feminism" you're using first?

So the motte-and-bailey doctrine is when you make a bold, controversial statement. Then when somebody challenges you, you claim you were just making an obvious, uncontroversial statement, so you are clearly right and they are silly for challenging you. Then when the argument is over you go back to making the bold, controversial statement.

Some classic examples:


3. The feminists who constantly argue about whether you can be a real feminist or not without believing in X, Y and Z and wanting to empower women in some very specific way, and who demand everybody support controversial policies like affirmative action or affirmative consent laws (bailey). Then when someone says they don’t really like feminism very much, they object “But feminism is just the belief that women are people!” (motte) Then once the person hastily retreats and promises he definitely didn’t mean women aren’t people, the feminists get back to demanding everyone support affirmative action because feminism, or arguing about whether you can be a feminist and wear lipstick.

Onyx, are you complaining about "women are people" feminism, or "kill all men" feminism? Which feminism are you defending, darf?

That's the second Babs Seed butt story I read on FiM

7223649 This tbqh fam. Modern "feminism" is based in fanatic delusion, and is a threat to the moral core of society. Real feminism is as old as any woman's rights movement and is about exactly that. Rights, and equality. They already have all the rights, now the fight should be about getting rid of the little details gradually. They will go away on their own given time, but I can understand not wanting to wait.

Of course, that is not what modern feminists want, and it certainly isn't what they are doing. They want supremacy, they want the supression of other groups, and they want the restriction of personal liberties.

It's rather undefendable really.

7224016 What was the first?

A clopfic that's not on here anymore apparently

7221071 Agreed here. I wouldn't screw or go somewhere private with a woman until a ring has been put on. I mean with all the advantages they'd have on the rape accusation? (Which i'll list for you here:lower sex drive,parts males don't have,Breasts and pussy which male rapists generally aim for and the fact human females are the only ones that don't go into estrus... they have periods.) All of these combined with some really good acting practically guarantees the male going to jail. After you purposely pick up any cum left over and place it in your ass or pussy. So you can ass rape a man with a dildo as long as you put the cum in one of your booty-holes and send him to jail.

In short i view women as possible monsters who cheat and lie their way out of life. With those advantages of their's they most likely can cause the first impeachment in U.S. history if they can get close enough to the president. So i'll never fully trust a girl no matter what they do,i'm always going to be a little skeptical.

7224512 Didn't expect to see a MGTOW here.

7224512 You think marriage can save you there? No... no it can't. Even if it's your wife, if she says you raped her, you go to jail. Heck, even your mother could go up to the authorities and say that without evidence and you'd probably go to prison, reason being that the law system is bias as all hell.

If you want any security at all when it comes to this kinda stuff, you'd have to become jewish and become a citizen of Israel. That's the only way I'm aware of where your wife can't scew you over like that.
By the way, always be suspicious of statistics, 'cause you can be sure someone made them to support a given thesis. For all we know, not a single rape male-on-female ever happened (this is a very dark take on it, and unlikely to the point of absolute absurdity, but it could techically be the case). Obviously discouting child (and animal) abuse, given they can, by law, not give consent.

I was about to make points but then I noticed the essentials were already covered. Historic feminists did good, a certain proportion of modern feminists are doing the mopping up and thereby okay(I would argue we have bigger problems that are easier to hit, but at least it's something), and another certain portion of modern feminists are a bigoted supremacy group pretending to redefine equality and having a scary amount of success at it.

7224853 What's an MGTOW if i may ask? I'm just saying i won't fuck a woman until i married them... well until this showed up. 7224876

While there are some points i won't agree with the 'marriage won't save you' part did get me thinking. The mother one makes no sense whatsoever. I mean how and why would a child rape their own mother? Sense is off the charts right there and that assumed advantage is unusable. Plus even if the child did they can just ditch the child in the woods or whatever for what they've done as the mother has the right to do so after that. The last bit makes even less sense.

Go up to a cop and say that someone raped your ass/pussy? After a trial and not to mention a little look inside of the ass/pussy for any DNA left by the assumed sperm/cum. If the cum/sperm is in there then you go to jail for a very long time. If not then the woman goes to jail for lying (I think it's 10 years or something for that). So if you want to rape a man you have to pick up their left overs and put it in your ass/pussy. Your argument makes no sense on that point. The evidence must be there or else the woman goes to jail too for a slightly longer time.

7225103 I don't know what exactly what groups 7224309 is talking about but if any of them are completely harmless male groups that don't suppress woman's rights then you can see the equally dark side of women. While men are dark one could say given the option to women could've done the exact same stuff alongside men. In my opinion nature intentionally made it so that all races that are not like chickens or any other species that doesn't self produce:Will be stronger but must have two of the opposite forms. In other words men depend on the survival of women just like women depend on the survival of men. If one side of the species dies,the other goes down with it. Kinda like the destiny bond move from pokemon.

To put it short women could've been as equally dumb as men back then and there will never be any true supremacy until one side can survive without the other. Which i'm pretty sure any men that realize that will do their best to prevent women from achieving true supremacy which is: Asexual reproduction. It chills me to the bone knowing that if the advancement of technology goes far enough that it creates Asexual reproduction. The side that gets it first with have the option to kill off or spare the other side.

So if i hear any experiments on asexual reproduction... well i can guarantee you i will find every man on Earth,every weapon,every bomb, anything that can shut down that experiment for good just to know that human males will live another day without the threat of asexual females looming over us. But if it's for men i will do my best to instead make sure that the female side get's equal rights and not die cause of it. It ain't right to kill off or enslave an entire species or race (Hint hint civil war of America fighting for the freedom of black people.) just because one side is supposedly better than the other in terms of anything.

This is all my own view on that stuff so do keep in mind it's my opinion. I will never submit my life to a woman not because of what they are,but what they might do to me. It sounds at first glance a fuck happy life where you just have to do chores but it instead might be endless amounts of ass raping with a dildo for no reason,non-stop chores,poor food and conditions.

7225534 Uhm... it being her child is irrelevant in this case. The "why?"-part is too. If you think rape can't happen just because it's between two members is hopelessly optimistic. Of course, if you assume the child is... well, a child, that is one thing, because then the mother goes to prison if she takes it up to the authorities, period. But if the child is an adult male and a sick enough person... it's clearly possible. Of course, this is an extreme example, so it sounds insane at first, but if you've been witness to as many law f**k-ups as I have, you loose enough faith in it that you can see it happening.

And I'm not sure were you take the prison sentence thing from. Of course, if she's discovered lying, then yes, she goes to prison. However, if there is no evidence for her lying either, it may very well be possible that she get's off just as free as the guy does (and, of course, if she actually HAS a sperm sample, the guy is just straight up screwed). The Jackie-scandal, for example, was as one-sided as it was (law-wise) because there were witnesses that could confirm that her stories didn't make sense, not just because there was a lack of evidence.

So yeah, while I have to agree with you that my pessimistic view makes it seem far more likely for the woman to get off scot free, it is far from impossible.

7225592 Well, the lack of asexual reproduction really only hurts the murder part, not the enslavement part...

7226415 Well played... I concede defeat in this debate, you win.

darf #46 · May 18th, 2016 · · 6 ·

i bathe in downvotes, they are my blood. if any one of you is a woman, i would like to talk to you more about feminism. if any of you are male, the idea that you know what feminism is from your online encounters and conjectural evidence is absurd. have any of you taken a women's studies course, read a book by a feminist writer, or gone to a presentation/lecture about feminism? we can discuss waves and sub-movements, but feminism is, at its core, a belief that women are equal to men, and a social movement about correcting inequality due to sexism. there are many definitions of feminism, but a good succinct one is in bell hooks's Feminism is for everybody: "Simply put, feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression. (...). Practically, it is a definition which implies that all sexist thinking and action is the problem, whether those who perpetuate it are female or male, child or adult."

why is there a sociological debate going on in a porn fic?

7226745 because internet


argh! curses! my logic has failed me again!

MGTOW is "men going their own way". Think the R63-version of separatist feminism, but without the encouragement of homosexuality. The benefit-of-the-doubt short version is this: "just as women need men like fish need bicycles, men need women like bicycles need fish. Marriage is at best useless and at worst harmful to men, dating isn't worth the headaches, porn is awesome, and artificial wombs and sexbots are coming in the future. Why the hell should men bother to have any sort of relationships with women at all?"

At the extremes, it turns into the mirror image of the #KillAllMen feminists. Yuck.


if any of you are male, the idea that you know what feminism is from your online encounters and conjectural evidence is absurd. have any of you taken a women's studies course, read a book by a feminist writer, or gone to a presentation/lecture about feminism?

What would you say to any hypothetical males who have done all of the above, and still disagree with you, or with any of the many feminisms found in the wild, or (shock and horror!) even disagree with the possibility of "equality" as used in this context?

"Simply put, feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression. (...). Practically, it is a definition which implies that all sexist thinking and action is the problem, whether those who perpetuate it are female or male, child or adult."

OK, now we need to agree on what constitutes "sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression", and "sexist thinking and action". This definition is also going to go over poorly with free-speech and free-thought absolutists, who would agree with "women are people" feminism, but hold the right of everyone to think and/or say whatever they damn well please as a terminal value.

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