• Published 19th May 2016
  • 8,109 Views, 81 Comments

"I'm Not CUTE!" - Summer Dancer

Fluttershy is called cute. She is shocked and appalled by this.

  • ...

"Don't Call Me That Please..."

Fluttershy hummed to herself as she trotted through the marketplace. It was that time of the week again, and Fluttershy made absolutely sure she got up early that morning in order get all the ingredients for Angel Bunny’s salad. Disappointing him was the last thing she wanted, after all.

It was a beautiful Tuesday morning...the sun hovered just behind the hills, bathing the town in a soft golden glow as the night began it’s retreat. There were quite a few ponies milling about, but barely enough to form a huge crowd. That’s how Fluttershy liked it.

Even though she had grown to adapt more to other ponies, she still preferred to be around fewer ponies if she could. Quickly and efficiently, she breezed through her list of ingredients for Angel Bunny’s salad. “Hey, don’t put my loaf of bread in that way!” a customer yelled to her right. The pony putting the bread in the customer’s saddlebag raised an eyebrow.

“Well, how else do ya want it?”

The customer rolled her eyes. “Obviously the bread needs to go on the bottom! I don’t want my tomatoes to be damaged! They’re very fragile! Don’t you know how to pack food!?”

Casting a wary glance towards the bickering pair, Fluttershy trotted a little faster. She approached a carrot stand that already had a small line. With the gentle flap of her wings, Fluttershy flew over to the back of the line and waited patiently.

“Fluttershy? Hey, Fluttershy!” The pony in question turned with wide eyes to see a light blue earth pony with a dark blue mane and tail trotting over to her with an excited expression on his face. From what she could remember, he was one of the ponies she met and bonded with on her trip to see the Breezies. He was very polite not using flash photography, which she admired.

Her smile quickly faded, however, when she realized something important. Her brain went into a slight panic as she regarded his expectant smile. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish in desperate need of water before grinning. “Heeey...you!” She chuckled nervously. "What are you doing here in Ponyville?"

“I'm actually only staying here for a little bit. The train coming from Manehattan stopped here, and now I'm waiting for my last train ride home. How’ve you been?” he asked cheerfully. “Did that baby Ferret’s arm heal alright?”

Fluttershy’s head bobbed up and down rapidly. “Oh yes. Fernie’s arm healed wonderfully.” She shuffled awkwardly as they lapsed into silence.

Oh, Fluttershy! she mentally scolded herself, avoiding eye contact. How could you have forgotten something important as his NAME? She opened her mouth again before closing it shut, thinking against it. I’d ask what is, but...oh, that would be rude of me. He’ll think that I think his name wasn't important enough to remember!

As the line moved forward, Fluttershy looked over her shoulder. “Erm...how about you? How are you doing?”

Blue pony gave a lopsided smile and held up his hoof. Fluttershy’s own hoof automatically went up for a hoof bump, until she saw the thick white cast wrapped around the stallion’s hoof. Blushing wildly, she brushed her hoof through her mane and cleared her throat. “Oh. W-What happened?”

“Sprained my hoof when I was out hiking near Yak Yakistan,” he sighed, carefully lowering his injured hoof. “Good thing I sprained it on the way back instead of the journey up. Took lots of good pictures while I was still able!”

Fluttershy nodded and stepped forward, finally reaching the front of the line. Unfortunately, she was so wrapped up in trying to figure out that pony’s name, her train of thought once again screeched to a halt. “I...um…”

What was she getting again?

The sales pony peered at her over her glasses. “Can I help you?”

“I..uh..oh! That’s right. Do you have any carrots?”

The salespony smirked. “Well this is a carrot stand.”

Warmth spread in Fluttershy’s cheeks as the sound of soft laughter surrounded her. “How much do ya want, hon?”

“Two please,” Fluttershy mumbled, lowering her head toward her saddle bag for some bits. Fluttershy payed for the carrots and stood off to the side to put them neatly inside her bag. When she looked up, however, she noticed her friend giving her an odd grin.

Eyes darting left and right, Fluttershy turned her face away slightly. “...Is there something wrong?”

He slowly shook his head, still grinning. “You’re just so cute, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy’s mouth fell open as she reared back, her eyes wider than saucers. “What...what did you say?” The ponies who had gathered to stand in line all started to chuckle, making her redder than the most fragile of tomatoes. Did he just call me cute? CUTE!? Of all the...well I just...I don’t know what to...

“Ain’t she adorable?” Blue pony simpered as he purchased his carrots.

“Is she ever,” the salespony agreed, giving a wink in the mortified mare’s direction.

As Blue pony stepped out of line, Fluttershy took a deep breath and immediately went up to him. “Excuse me.” He looked down at her. “I appreciate you trying being nice and everything, and...I know we’re good friends, but…” She gulped. “Could you please not call me that?”

“What? Cute? I don’t see why not..” Without warning, he booped her on the nose, leaving her flabbergasted. “You’re cute as a button.” More laughter bubbled up from nearby customers.

Fluttershy looked around uneasily and turned back to the earth pony, knitting her eyebrows together. “It just makes me uncom--” She gasped suddenly when her eyes fell on the cherry stand across from them. There were only four more cherries left!

Fluttershy held down her friend’s shoulder that weighed between gentle and firm. “Don’t go away! I’ll be right back!” Kicking up dust, she zoomed over to the cherry stand, putting both hooves on the table. “I’d like one cherry, please!”

A greasy smile crept across the sales pony's face. Fluttershy sighed inwardly, realizing it was the pony who gave her trouble before. “So you reeeaallly need this cherry, huh?”

Fluttershy straightened up and looked him dead in the eye. “I really don’t have time for this! I’m not paying anymore than what I need to.”

Putting his hooves up in defense, the sales pony nodded. “Alight, alright, take it easy! Here, I’ll tell you what. For you, it’ll only be one bit. How’s that, cutie?

Fluttershy wished more than ever that she was born an Ostrich instead of a pony. As she grumbled and snatched the cherry between her teeth, she wanted nothing more than to go and bury her head in the ground.

Blue pony walked up to her chuckling. “See? Everypony knows you’re cute!”

Fluttershy dropped her cherry in her bag and looked up sternly. “Please listen when I tell you this: I’m not cute. He only called me that because you said it! He’s making fun of me!”

“Aw, I’m sure he’s just teasing,” he reasoned, ruffling the top of her head.

A growl vibrated gently inside her throat. “I’m not cute,” she repeated, gently pulling away. “And I’d like it if you stopped calling me that.”

She took in some air, trying her very hardest not to let her frustration to get the best of her. “Now, It was nice seeing you, but I have somewhere to be. Goodbye!” She turned with a huff and stormed away, until she realized that she and Blue pony were walking in the same direction.

“What? The banana stand is this way.”

Fluttershy gave an irritated sigh and flew off into the air.

“Come again soon!” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully as a customer left Sugarcube Corner. Spike sat slumped at the counter, swirling his claw around the lone marshmallow in his hot chocolate.

“It’s just so empty in the castle when Twilight and Starlight aren’t around,” he complained. “All there is to do is clean, read comics and nap!”

Pinkie gave a reassuring smile as she wiped down the counters. “Aw, cheer up, Spike! I’m sure there’s somepony you can have fun with before Starlight finishes her friendship lesson! How about Owlowiscious? I’m sure he’s--”

Spike glared.

“You’re right.” She sighed, drumming her hooves lightly on the counter. “I’d love to spend time with you today, but with the twins sick upstairs, and the Cakes working hard to stop the fevers, I’ve gotta--Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! Our breakfast specials today are Blueberry muffins and double chocolate doughnuts!”

Spike sighed as Pinkie attended to another customer. “Everypony’s gone! Rainbow Dash has Wonderbolt training, Rarity’s at her Canterlot Boutique, the Apple Family went camping…” He sighed heavily. “I just wish something interesting would happen.” The door opened, and the young dragon perked up. “Hey, Fluttershy! What’s up?”

The yellow pegasus slouched into the store, her wings drooped at her sides. “Nothing much,” she mumbled, stepping up to the counter. Spike and Pinkie shared a look of confusion and concern.

“Is something wrong, Fluttershy?” Spike asked. Fluttershy closed her eyes and slowly shook her head. Pinkie’s lip puckered in concern for her friend.

“Can I get you anything, Fluttershy?” Pinkie asked with a hopeful smile. Thinking off the top of her head, she grabbed a menu and placed on the counter in front of the downtrodden pony. “Our Breakfast specials today are Blueberry muffins and double chocolate doughnuts. Or, I could make you those peanut butter cookies you like so much!”

She looked left and right before leaning in close.“Technically cookies aren’t supposed to be served until lunch hour--but I could make an exceptioooon~!” She jabbed Fluttershy’s side with an elbow, accompanied by a sly wink.

Fluttershy shook her head again and dropped her saddle bags. “That’s okay, Pinkie. I’ll just have some chamomile tea.”

“C’mon, Fluttershy,” Spike coaxed as Pinkie retreated to the back. “We’re your friends! You can tell us!”

“We won’t tell a soul!” Pinkie shouted from the kitchen.

“That’s just the problem,” Fluttershy muttered, glaring daggers at the innocent floor tiles beneath her. “Everypony’s gonna know soon!”

Spike was genuinely surprised. This must be serious if news was already spreading! “Well...it won’t make any difference if you tell two of your closest friends,” he pointed out. “Maybe if we heard your side of things, we could clear this whole thing up!”

“He’s got a point!” Pinkie said, arriving with a steaming cup of chamomile. “Come on, Shy! It can’t be that bad!”

Accepting the cup between her hooves, Fluttershy sighed. “Okay,” she relented. She looked back at the customers chatting at their tables before averting her gaze back to the floor. “Today at the market, I ran into a pony I made friends with on my trip to see the Breezies. But I forgot his name…”

“Wait, what?” Pinkie cut in incredulously. “You made friends with somepony and you forgot their NAME!?”

“I didn’t mean to!” Fluttershy protested, shrinking a little. “I only met him once!”

“Yeah,” Spike smirked, rapping his fist against Pinkie’s skull. “Not everypony has a photographic memory like you do! Go on, Fluttershy. What happened next?”

“Well, we talked for a bit, and I bought some carrots for Angel Bunny’s salad. That was when…”

Pinkie and Spike leaned in simultaneously.

“That was when he…”

“Yes, yes?” Pinkie pressed.

Fluttershy turned away, squeezing her eyes shut tight. “He called me…”

“Tell us, Fluttershy!” Spike said, his green eyes filled with worry.

With a sharp exhale, she finally blurted it out. “He called me CUTE!”

Spike’s mouth curled into an odd shape while Pinkie blinked twice. “He...called you cute?”


Pinkie shared another look with Spike and raised an eyebrow. “That’s it?”

Fluttershy gasped, her turquoise eyes alight with shock. “That’s it!? It was only the most humiliating experience in my whole entire life!”

Spike looked thoughtful. “Well, unless you count flight school, that incident with your wing power, performing with the Ponyto--” Pinkie Pie pressed Spike’s face into his cup of hot chocolate before she turned to Fluttershy with a smile.

“Well, I don’t see anything wrong with that! Maybe he was just being super nice!”

Spike lifted his head from his cup, licking the marshmallow stains from his cheeks.”Besides. I’m referred to as cute all the time…” He sat back with a proud expression. “You don’t see me complaining about it!”

“That’s because you’re a baby dragon,” Fluttershy said. “You’re supposed to be cute! Cute is how you describe puppies and kittens and...baby dragons! I’m a fully matured pony!”

“That may be true,” Pinkie said lightly, ruffling Spike’s scales. “But that’s not a bad thing! I always thought you were cute! I’m cute, you’re cute, Spike’s cute…” She threw her front hooves up in the air enthusiastically. “Everypony’s cute! Everypony wins!”

She grabbed Fluttershy’s chamomile and held it out towards the other customers. “To being cute!”

Exchanging confused and wary glances, most ponies hesitantly lifted their mugs. Fluttershy looked doubtful. “But I’m not cute, Pinkie Pie! I don't want to be cute! Now almost everypony in town is calling me cute! I got four cutie calls on the way here!”

She stood back from the counter, bristling on all fours. “Ohh, I’m so frustrated, I could just scream!

Spike turned to Pinkie. “Aren’t the Cake twins trying to rest upstairs?”

Pinkie waved a hoof. “Don’t worry. Fluttershy’s got the perfect indoor scream.” A customer came up to the counter while Fluttershy screamed. “How can I help you?” Pinkie asked brightly.

“Can my daughter have a sample of one of your almond muffins?” the pony asked in a high nasally voice.

“Sure!” Pinkie replied picking one up from the glass display. “Would you like one too?”

“No thanks,” the mother said, accepting the muffin. “I just wanna see if my daughter's allergic.”


Screams from outside the bakery caused everypony to perk up in alarm. Spike’s eyes widened as he witnessed ponies outside running frantically past the windows. The Cakes came bounding down the stairs. “What’s going on!?” Carrot cried.

Suddenly, Mayor Mare burst into the store, frantic and disheveled. Her gasps came in short bursts as her eyes scanned the bakery. “Has anypony see--there you are!

“Mayor Mare!” Fluttershy exclaimed as the leader of Ponyville stumbled forward. “What’s happening?”

“Hydra attack,” Mare rasped, struggling to catch her breath. Collective gasps filled the air. “It’s headed towards Town Hall! It’ll be upon us any minute! We’ve looked everywhere for Princess Twilight, but--”

“Twilight and Starlight left to solve a friendship problem,” Spike said.

Mare’s pupils dilated. “Err...Okay. Okay, maybe Rainbow Dash could--”

“Wonderbolt training,” Pinkie interrupted.

“Well...Applejack can surely--”

“Camping,” Fluttershy said softly.

Mayor Mare trembled, a bead of sweat trickling down the side of her face. She looked at the three of them, her eyes pleading. “...Rarity?”

The trio shook their heads.

Roots and twigs! This...this can’t be happening!”

Pinkie Pie pounced on top of the counter. “But we’re here! We’ll take care of the Hydra!”

Fluttershy stared up at her friend as if she just announced she was a changeling. “We will!?” Pinkie took her by the hoof and hoisted her up beside her before draping a foreleg across her shoulder.

“Sure we will! It’s not like we haven’t conquered a Hyra before!”

Fluttershy quickly turned both of them around and leaned in close. “We didn’t conquer anything!” she whispered. “We got away from the Hydra!” Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes.

Yeah, but we still lived to tell the tale, didn’t we?”

Fluttershy gave her a look. “Aren’t you scared of Hydras?” Pinkie’s blue eyes softened.

“Oh, I’m terrified. But I’m even more terrified of letting Ponyville get destroyed when it needed us the most!” Fluttershy stole a glance over her shoulder at the frightened customers peering out the windows. “I know it’s a slim chance without Twilight and the others here, but at least we still have a chance!”

Fluttershy gazed searchingly into Pinkie’s eyes. “Do you really think we can do this, Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie thought for a moment. “According to my brain...I’m seventy percent sure.”

Fluttershy swallowed.

Pinkie pressed a hoof to her chest. “But according to my heart...absolutely. We might not be as strong as Rainbow Dash and Applejack...and we might not have magic like Twilight or Rarity. But we do have our own strengths we can use to help defeat it.”

After mulling over her friend’s words, Fluttershy finally looked up and nodded, determined. “Let’s do it.”

With a cry of joy from Pinkie, the two jumped down from the counter and headed out the door. “Bye everypony!” Pinkie waved.

“Oh, for goodness sakes, be careful!” Mrs. Cake cried out.

Spike brushed past her and followed the two mares outside. “Wait for me!”

Mare Mayor stared after them. “Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are going to save us?” She sunk to the floor, gripping her head in her hooves. “We’re DOOMED!”

Panic filled the streets of Ponyville as a 30 foot Hydra came stomping through town, its four heads screeching at a deafining pitch. Many bolted inside their homes while others cowered behind food stands and flower bins. “Moooom!” Button Mash cried frantically, his head whipping from side to side. “Mom, where are you!?”

A hiss came from above him. He looked up and screeched as the open mouth of a Hydra head descended towards him. It was then when something strong slammed into him, knocking him out of the way. Button landed flat on his back and groaned. “Oww…” He opened his eyes to see a heaving stallion standing over him, concerned.

“Are you okay, kid?”

Button never got to answer, however. Faster than the blink of an eye, the stallion was clear plucked into the air. “AAIIIIIIEEEE!” Button gasped and held out a hoof towards the stallion in vain.

“Random guy, NOOOOOOOO!!!”

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie rushed up beside the colt. “Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked him, looking the colt over for any injuries.

“That pony just got snatched up!” Button exclaimed, pointing upwards. “He saved my life!”

Fluttershy suddenly gasped. “Oh my goodness! It's Blue pony! He's the one who called me CUTE!”

Pinkie beckoned Spike over. “Get Button Mash out of here! We’ll handle this!” Spike gave a reluctant nod before hurrying Button Mash away, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie trotted towards the Hydra, taking caution of its big feet. As one of the heads roared again, Pinkie gulped and looked to her friend with a queasy grin. “Are you scared?”

“Yes. Are you?”

“Yep. Let’s do it!” They neared closer. Blue pony screamed as the creature held him up higher into the air.

“It’s gonna eat him!” somepony yelled.

Fluttershy’s eyes narrowed. “Pinkie Pie. Distract it.” She flew up behind the Hydra and hid behind it.

A shrill whistle pierced the air. “Heeey Hyyyydraaa!” All four heads stopped short and turned towards the ground. Pinkie pedaled a unicycle, juggling sparklers between her hooves. “Over here!”

The Hydra hissed, their forked tongues slithering out between their teeth. Now that all eyes were on Pinkie, Fluttershy took advantage and hovered near the distracted Hydra’s claw.

Blue pony took notice and his eyes widened. “Fluttershy!” Said mare held a hoof to her lips.

“Shh! I’m here to save you!” she whispered.

“You are?” His face contorted into an expression of endearment. “Awww..”

Fluttershy glared.

Blue pony coughed, his cheeks brightening. “Right. Sorry. Force of habit.” He gave a shout when he suddenly moved away from her. Fluttershy held in a scream when the Hydra moved near a cluster of houses. Ponies shrieked and ran out of their houses as the Hydra raised its foot, intending to crush the buildings into the ground.

Before Fluttershy could move, a number of multicolored balls bounced off the creature, making it jerk away. Looking down, Fluttershy could see Pinkie Pie with a score of balls in her hooves. One by one, she chucked them at the Hydra. “Taaake that! And that! And this! And some of these!” The Hydra roared and swung its tail at the pink pony. Pinkie quickly ducked, causing the appendage to swoop over her, missing.


Fluttershy almost fell out of the air when she saw Spike come back from the other direction. With a hardy yell, he kicked the Hydra’s foot. Two of its heads focused on Spike, their eyes blazing.

“I don’t think they can keep it up for much longer,” Blue pony grunted.

Fluttershy regarded the Hydra quietly. Although she had little to no experience with Hydras, she couldn’t miss that something felt...odd with this one. Its eyes were near bloodshot, their roars were more throaty than she remembered...and..now that she really looked at it, its scales were looking really dry. “Something’s wrong,” Fluttershy muttered under her breath. “Hydra's not rampaging for the sake of it...he's irritated!”

“I can see that,” Blue pony choked as the grip around his body tightened. Fluttershy shook her head. “No...it's something else."

Flapping her wings twice, she zoomed higher into the air until she was directly in line with the Hydra’s sights. “I know you’re upset,” she began in a gentle voice. One of the jaws snapped towards her, but she managed to move aside.

She looked upon the creature more sternly. “Now let’s not resort to biting…” Once again, she zipped out of the way when another head lunged at her.

Now she was starting to get angry.

“Now you liste--” The third head moved, but Fluttershy was quicker. The yellow pegasus snarled.

“You know what? I didn’t want to have to do this...but you leave me no choice!” Before the Hyra could act, a crushing force stopped the heads dead in their tracks. Blue pony watched in silent awe as Fluttershy’s stare penetrated the minds of the Hydra. Lost in the endless pools of turquoise, the Hyra felt its will crumbling. It slowly backed down and sat down on its haunches.

A blanket of silence fell over Ponyville.

“I need you to stop terrorizing Ponyville,” she said in a soft, yet commanding voice. “When I release you, you’re going to put my friend down, and you’re going to tell me what’s wrong. Understand?

After a moment's hesitation, the Hydra nodded all four of its heads. Fluttershy released her hold, and the Hydra bent down and placed the stunned stallion safely on the ground. Pinkie and Spike stood next to him, smiling in relief.

Fluttershy smiled sweetly at the Hydra. “Thank you. I really appreciate that. Now why don’t you tell me why you were so upset earlier?” One of the heads began to utter something in a low, guttural sound.

“Oh my!” Fluttershy gasped.

One of the other heads continued, looking apprehensive. “Well, no wonder! I’d be upset too.”

Another, more sad noise came from the fourth head. “Aww. Now don’t you worry…” Fluttershy flew up to pet the fourth head. “Why don't you go on home now. I’ll make sure it’s taken care of.”

The Hydra sounded considerably happy as Fluttershy flew down to the ground. Ponies slowly started to come out of hiding while the Hydra slowly turned and stomped away.

“What did the Hydra say, Fluttershy?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“The swamp water at Froggy Bottom Bog is thinning out,” Fluttershy explained. “Without enough water to keep them concealed during the night, they have little to no comfort. Without proper comfort, they can’t sleep! Poor Hydra was so sleep deprived and upset, they just threw a liiitle bit of a tantrum. That’s all.”

“Ohhh,” everypony said at once.

“It has been pretty thick with logs and tree branches lately,” Mayor Mare said, approaching them. “I didn’t think that would be much of a problem, but it could be the cause of blockage. I’ll round up a few ponies to help clear a few things.”

“I’ll help!” a pony volunteered.

“Me too!”

“Count me in!”

Mayor Mare looked on in approval as ponies scattered about, gathering buckets and shovels to help the Hydra. “I can’t give you three enough credit,” she smiled. “I knew you girls could do it.”

“It was mostly Fluttershy here,” Pinkie grinned, elbowing Fluttershy’s side. “She really saved the day!”

“You saved my life!” Blue pony said. “Thanks, Fluttershy...I really mean that.”

Fluttershy blushed heavily. “Oh...thank you, but...it was really a team effort.” She pawed at the ground coyly.

“Awww,” a group of ponies chorused.

“That’s so cute,” a mare laughed, eliciting chuckles from her peers.

Blue pony draped a hoof across Fluttershy’s shoulders. “I’d go with courageous,” he said with a wink. “Suits her.” Fluttershy blushed even more, but smiled at him in silent thanks.

“And don’t forget to stop by Sugar Cube Corner!” Pinkie announced to the ponies walking by. “Not only is it the most scrumdiliumcious bakery in town, but it’s also a great refuge from Hydra attacks!”

Fluttershy giggled behind her hoof. Then a thought entered her mind, making her smile widen even further. She grabbed Blue pony's hoof and pulled him forward. “There’s somepony I’d like you to meet!”

The stallion laughed. “Okay!”

When they neared Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy pushed Blue pony towards her. “This is my friend Pinkie Pie,” she said barely hiding the sneaky look on her face.

“Nice to meet ya!” Pinkie said as they shook hooves. “What’s your name?”

This is it, Fluttershy thought, biting her lip excitedly.


Fluttershy gasped and turned around to see the last sparks of emerald flame disappear into the air. “Spiiike,” she groaned.

The Dragon looked up. “What? I just sent a letter to Twilight to let her know everything’s okay!”

“But I didn’t get to hear his--”

“Well, I better be off,” Blue pony said, strapping on his saddle bag. “My train’s gonna be here soon. It was really nice meeting you again, Fluttershy. Thanks again for saving me! Your really are the bravest pony I've ever met."

Fluttershy couldn't help but grin. She'd take brave over cute any day! “Thank you. And it was nice seeing you too...my friend!”

He laughed. “Send me a letter sometime,” he said, trotting away. “So long!”

Fluttershy waved. “Bye...you!”

“Uhh, Fluttershy,” Pinkie spoke up. “How’re you going to write him a letter when you don’t know his name?”

“...Oh, ponyfeathers.”

Author's Note:

Now Ponyville is more cautious the next time they call Fluttershy cute.

Beware the consequences.

Comments ( 79 )

I know the feeling. :fluttershyouch:


I'm sorry, Flutters, but there's no denying it. :pinkiesmile:

That was a cute...
Nice story.

Nice job!

7228572 Thanks! Writing Fluttershy is hard, I never wrote her as a main character before :raritydespair::rainbowlaugh:

Congrats on getting featured:pinkiehappy:

Needs... More... SPIKE!

"Hey so I just saved your life from a Hydra and I'm mad at you for calling me cute, so the least you can do is forgive me for forgetting your name."

7228506 Yes eLLen, you're cute too! :scootangel:

I finally managed to find/ stumble into a Fluttershy (Explore Equestria series). Yay, finally got myself FS. And she's adorable.

(Kinda ticked off that Starlight is part of the series, but no Sunset anywhere.)

Don't worry too much. For a first-time attempt at writing about Fluttershy, this seems pretty decent.

I'll give a more insightful comment later regarding the story and the technical details.

Can we call you adorable Fluttershy-?

:flutterrage: NO!!!

Hmm. I wonder what that guy's name was though.

As always, great story Summer!

7229355 Thanks Kids! He shall forever be the pony without a name :ajsleepy:

Doh! Blasted Spike sending letters at just the wrong time!

plot twist his name is blue pony or Yew something lol

“Can my daughter have a sample of one of your almond muffins?” the pony asked in a high nasally voice.

“Sure!” Pinkie replied picking one up from the glass display. “Would you like one too?”

“No thanks,” the mother said, accepting the muffin. “I just wanna see if my daughter's allergic.”


Well that was random. :rainbowderp: (That seriously felt like something out of Clerks...)

Pinkie Pie pounced on top of the counter. “But we’re here! We’ll take care of the Hydra!”

Fluttershy stared up at her friend as if she just announced she was a changeling.

Would it matter if she was? :trollestia:

Pinkie pressed a hoof to her chest. “But according to my heart...absolutely. We might not be as strong as Rainbow Dash and Applejack...and we might not have magic like Twilight or Rarity. But we do have our own strengths we can use to help defeat it.”

Plus, y'know...Spike can breathe fire at it.

Mare Mayor stared after them. “Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are going to save us?” She sunk to the floor, gripping her head in her hooves. “We’re DOOMED!”

Yeah, it's not like Fluttershy ever vanquished a dragon and a cockatrice or anything. It's not like Pinkie Pie saved Ponyville from a swarm of Parasprites.

“When I release you, you’re going to put my friend down, and you’re going to tell me what’s wrong. Understand?”

Why do I get the feeling I know exactly where this is going?

What did the Hydra say, Fluttershy?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“The swamp water at Froggy Bottom Bog is thinning out,” Fluttershy explained.

Oh. Guess I was wrong. Makes more sense, though. I thought it was mad because somepony called it cute. :derpytongue2:

That was a fun little read. Love the running joke with Blue pony's name. :rainbowlaugh:

Denying that you're cute just makes you seem cuter.

Oh, Fluttershy! she mentally scolded herself, avoiding eye contact. How could you have forgotten something important as his NAME? She opened her mouth again before closing it shut, thinking against it. I’d ask what is, but...oh, that would be rude of me. He’ll think that I think his name wasn't important enough to remember!

Ha! Yeeeeeep! I know all about that!
I'm terrible with names and of course being too embarrassed to admit it and not wanting to come off as rude I regularly end up having full conversations with acquaintances while having absolutely no clue what their name is! :ajsleepy:
So nice portrayal of Flutters I guess! And it's certainly interesting to think about how she might feel about her fans and their... general... view of her :fluttershyouch:
Then again...

“I’m cute, you’re cute, Spike’s cute…” She threw her front hooves up in the air enthusiastically. “Everypony’s cute! Everypony wins!”

Pinkie's got the right idea there...

7229473 yes it does

7229365 Plot :twistnerd:: Button Mash actually knew and yelled his name when he was snatched by the Hydra.

Yes, that means his name is Random Pony. Problem?

That is what the title reminded me of. Watch the video in full its funny as hell

“Oh, I’m terrified. But I’m even more terrified of letting Ponyville get destroyed when when it needed us the most!”

One too many When's here.

I love the story by the way.
The characterization was just top notch.
I especially liked Spike and Pinkie in this, that first fee scene where Pinkie and Spike were just talking before Fluttershy arrived. I think it would be kinda awesome to see a story about Pinkie and Spike spending the day together and getting into trouble. :moustache: :pinkiegasp:

But the true gold of this fic was the Shy one. Nice. :yay:
So many yays.

“Can my daughter have a sample of one of your almond muffins?” the pony asked in a high nasally voice.
“Sure!” Pinkie replied picking one up from the glass display. “Would you like one too?”
“No thanks,” the mother said, accepting the muffin. “I just wanna see if my daughter's allergic.”

That deserves a like. :rainbowlaugh:

I hate being called "cute".

"Don't Call Me That Please..."

Why does it makes me want to call her cute even more?
Am I an horrible person for going against the wishes of such a cu-er... nice pony? :twilightoops:

Anyway, that story was... cute! :pinkiecrazy:

Wow, that sounds like a new episode of tv show. Except Spike, isn't cowering when the hydra attacks and it has 85% less Starlight. So I really like this story. (Spike is my favorite in the show and I believe they are over using Starlight.)

“You’re supposed to be cute! Cute is how you describe puppies and kittens and...baby dragons! I’m a fully matured pony!”

-looks towards camera- :applejackunsure:

Poor Fluttershy doesn't realize that ponies are both cute and adorable.

Pretty fun.

One thing though, it sounds odd that Fluttershy says "when I release you". It isn't an actual spell, that stare and it would work just as well without that sentence, if you just went with “You’re going to put my friend down, and you’re going to tell me what’s wrong. Understand?” and not sound so much like she was using a spell or a physical bond.

Well done otherwise.

The moral of the the story?

Hydras sleep in water?

Cutie calls instead of cat calls? Oh, that was clever.

“Yeah,” Spike smirked, wrapping his fist against Pinkie’s skull. “Not everypony has a photographic memory like you do! Go on, Fluttershy. What happened next?”

I find the phrasing of this incredibly disturbing. I know what is meant to be said here, but the way it's set up, it seems like Spike is doing something a tad bit more morbid.

Other than that, fun.

Good story I had a few good laughs.

7232516 Hahaha :rainbowlaugh: I did almost put knocked, but I thought that sounded violent :rainbowwild:

A shrill whistle pierced the air. “Heeey Hyyyydraaa!”


wrapping his fist against Pinkie’s skull

It should actually be "rapping" rather than "wrapping".


How cut-:flutterrage:

Hmmm.....I wonder what would happen if someone called her silly....probably nothing

Come on, Fluttershy. Don't deny it. You know you're a cute pony.


Anyways, that was a nice and fun story to read. :pinkiehappy:

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