• Published 18th May 2016
  • 1,548 Views, 25 Comments

Bartering With Changelings - Orkus

Xûr, Agent of the Nine, has been sent to Equestria to seek out more of the strange coins his enigmatic masters value. His tireless search soon brings him to the kingdom of the changelings, who prove to be a most interesting group of clientele.

  • ...

A Desperate Request

The dancing orange flames of a torch illuminated what little there was to be seen in the small, dank, sunless tunnel. Xûr had decided to set up shop at a corner of this dark little place, for it was as he found most appealing and comforting at the moment. It was here he made his bargains, and those who wished to utilize his services came down here for just that.

Also, it so happened to be a spot sitting right next to a small prison cell made of a resiny, green, and very solid substance, whose occupants were a pair of changelings. In front of the jail was a single drone. The guard had been counting something in his holed hoof for a few minutes, and began his little activity once the fair line of changelings dealing with the being nearby had finally shortened, then ceased and vanished from sight. Looking around, as if making sure nobody else was watching, he left his post and buzzed over to Xûr's location.

"Greetings to you," Xûr welcomed in the same tone he used with all of his past customers.

"I'm looking to buy, and I'm looking to make it quick. So... how much'll five of these coin-things get me?" the drone inquired. "I could've sworn I had six, but this is all I managed to dig up."

"Hrmrm... I shall show you," Xûr spoke back with a small gurgle, opening up his satchel and pulling out three objects. What he displayed on the rock in front of him was a golden pocket watch, a book with a picture of a pegasus dressed in exploring attire, and what appeared to be an earring made of silver, lined with small jewels. The changeling bit his lip as his teal eyes scanned over the three choices, before finally resting on one.

"I'll take this," he finally said, pointing to the book. Handing over the strange coins to Xûr, the changeling snatched up the book with giddy expression and quickly scampered off into the tunnel, most likely to deposit his new possession in a safe place before returning to his post guarding the prisoners.

That appeared to be the final changeling of the hour. For the last two days he received an ample amount of visitations by the creatures, each one more than willing to pay as many coins as they could find and carry for his wares. Most received an assorted miscellaneous item for their troubles, but a select few nabbed themselves something a bit more lavish, such as a ceremonial knife from a far-off land, or a well-crafted short sword of some kind he had been storing away.

But now, he could feel usual pangs within himself telling him his time trading here was at its end. Even the current, and unmistakable sensation of the planetary alignment was beckoning every cell in his twisted, spindly form that he now had to leave for elsewhere. It didn't take Xûr long to start putting his things away. As he worked on it, fitting what he had into multiple places on his satchel, he couldn't help but notice a curiosity-inspired commotion coming from the prison adjacent to his position.

The pair of changelings sitting in the cell, which were a male and female, and clearly mated by whatever custom the beings of this world practiced, bore a mildly different appearance from what changelings he saw so far living freely in this hive. They had a green tint to their monochromatic eyes, greatly unlike the teal coloring of the workers and soldiers, and while each of the two were heavily bruised, scratched, and battered from what could only be assumed as aftereffects of the methods that their capture induced, Xûr could see, from what little attention he had paid to them, that they didn't seem to possess the trademark holes in their hooves. In said hooves of the female was a dirty, grey cloth bundle of a kind with the girth of a bag. Not a very large one, but one nonetheless.

With his time up, coins collected, and things packed away safely, Xûr passed by their jail, heading in the direction that would eventually lead him to the exit. While he stayed on course, a loud, guttural cough sounded; clearly a blatant signal for a want of attention. Letting his eyes wander to its location, Xûr soon came across the sight of the imprisoned changelings once again. They were both standing at the very edge of the greenish prison, staring at him intensely. It was quite clear that they wanted to talk.

"Please sir. If you'll hear us, we both have a simple request of you. Before you go, may you take our eggs with you?" the male of the pair asked in a hurried tone practically reeking of desperation. Xûr slowly looked at the female as he talked, spotting the cloth she held, which was now slightly open and revealing what was within. The two eggs - in other words, two small spheres - were of a rocky grey complexion, and seemed to be covered in a few recognizable crater-like protrusions, also like rocks. He continued, "We are changelings from another hive, and we are expected to be punished severely for just being that, but... but we want our unhatched children to survive. I just know that Chrysalis will either smash them or force them into her own, cruel hive, and neither of us want that. You are our only hope in this matter."

"I am afraid I cannot," Xûr replied in a monotonous and blunt manner, staring at the eggs "Your plea caused something inside me what I can only guess is a hint of discomfort, but I only ever negotiate for coins. The fate of your offspring is none of my concern. Goodbye."

"B-but you could sell them to someone! I'm sure that if you tell a pony that you have changeling eggs, they'll pay whatever you want!"

"That is not certain. What I seek is rare, and not everyone has them. Once again, I bid you farewell."

He started to limp off again, when the much lighter voice of the other imprisoned changeling cut through the stale air. "N-no, wait, please!" she called out, sending out a small echo through the tunnel. Unfeeling toward the pity in her tone, Xûr paid her no attention... until she said something else.

"I-I have a coin! One of those coin-things you're looking for!"

The sound of his boots no longer scraping over the ground signaled Xûr had stopped in his tracks. With a squelch of heel over dry dirt and rock, Xûr turned fully about and looked back at them, seeing now that the female of the pair was brandishing a familiar object in her free hoof, as the other remained cradling the bundle.

"Th-the guard dropped it a short time ago, and I grabbed it before he could notice," she explained, as the otherworldly being began to pace back toward them in leisurely fashion. "You want this thing, right? If... if I give this to you, will you promise to take our eggs far from here and bring them to a safer place?"

After Xûr's shadowy shape had reached the bars of the cell, he stood as still as his twitching form could allow, and made no noise for nearly a minute. As his glowing eyes moved to and fro, the changeling couple could see he was staring at the three items and was apparently thinking.

"The Nine... allow this transaction," he finally answered. With a long sigh that echoed pure relief leaving their lips the moment their webbed ears heard his words, the male changeling sank to his wobbling knees as the female looked back to the eggs with a heartfelt, affectionate, hopeful gaze. She dropped the coin to the ground with a small clatter and kicked it to the resin bars, which Xûr bent over and picked up, promptly stuffing it into his pocket without a second thought.

The pair looked at the eggs with loving, forlorn eyes, and the female kissed them both once before raising the dirty, moistened strand of cloth they were wrapped in. "Please, I implore you to be careful with them. They are as fragile as glass, and perhaps even more so," she said again.

"I handle all of my items with care. Even ones of little worth," Xûr reassured as he grabbed the bundle from them in his hands by its tip like that of a bag, though he didn't sound like he used much effort to comfort the two. Briefly taking his pack off of his back, Xûr placed both of the eggs into the knapsack before closing it up and hoisting it back over his shoulders. After trading a final stare at the two parents, he stood back up fully, before facing the opposite direction and sauntering off as he was once doing before.

Tears of mixed sorrow and happiness flowed down the female changeling's green eyes as she sniffled several times, while the male tried his best to hide his own emotion, failing in the process. As they watched the strange merchant's shape finally become concealed by the darkness of the far end of the tunnel, the two hugged one another under the light of the torch in a comforting embrace, ready to accept whatever fate was in store for them, with the knowledge that what they held most dear and precious now had a chance to go on.

Comments ( 13 )


can..... can i help them, please? :fluttercry:

it's just... just that they struck my feels with their.... ehm, "problem".....:pinkiesad2:

i just want to help them..... can i help them to gain freedom, please?:applecry:


Hope Chryalis isn't evil in this at least not to Her own people.



Here I thought I could get through the day being a stone cold lump of butter, but you just had to stab me with the heated butter knife of feels. Please lets those changeling babies/foals/nymphs live.:fluttercry:

7245616 Me to, I prefer her to be reasonable and not needlessly cruel.

This has to be the best Xur I've ever seen written.

Granted, it's the only Xur I've seen in a fanfic, but still. You're successfully building off of what little Bungie has given us, and forming something that fits.

This is a cool story. I actually half expected to see hundreds of changelings wielding gallajorns and paitence & times, but really I'm glad that hasn't happened... At least not yet.

Aw no man, the . . . The feel-hhnnggg! :pinkiegasp:

All I can imagine now is Xûr selling the changeling eggs to some unsuspecting Guardian, only to have them hatch and now this Guardian has the responsibility of raising two creatures they have never seen before and know absolutely nothing about.

Actually, now that I think about it more, it would pretty neat to have two changeling pets that could possibly even disguise themselves as Fallen, Hive, Vex or Cabal and slip behind enemy lines to gather information, basically acting as spies for the Guardians.

After you finish this story, can you make one where Xûr goes and barters with the ponies?

If u continue this, u could have xur raise the changeling to be the equestrian agent of the nine

And now Xur has some changeling eggs. Who knows where those will end up...

Alas it seems I've run out of story. I'll track this in case we ever get more, Hope springs eternal after all...

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