• Published 22nd May 2016
  • 221 Views, 3 Comments

The Demons Inside - Paradox Theory

Stonewall is a lonely stallion who just wants peace and quiet, and travels to Ponyville to find it.

  • ...

Chapter One: Pinkie's Promise

Pinkie watched the bridge outside of Ponyville intently. She was waiting for a new pony to walk into town. Her pinkie sense told her there would be one, and sure enough, a grey coated stallion appeared.

He was average sized, had a short brown mane with a brown tail. His cutie mark was a quill drawing a clock, and it looked like it was drawn on his flank with ink. His brown eyes darted everywhere, as if he was expecting a pony to jump out. Normally, Pinkie would have, but something told her to stay put. She learned from Cranky that some ponies need a different approach to friend making. Maybe this stallion was one of them.

As he got closer to her hiding place, Pinkie could hear him whisper. "This place looks good. Small, out of the way. No pony has noticed me. I can slip in and slip out before anypony notices a difference." Then he walked out of range.

Pinkie sat in her hiding place a bit longer before crossing her heart, hoping to fly, and sticking an actual cupcake (which she has on hoof) in her eye. She would befriend this stallion, if it's the last thing she'd do. "I pinkie promise!"

Pinkie followed the stranger through town, waiting and wondering.

Eventually, the stallion stopped by Twilight's castle. There, he pulled out a map and studied it for a moment.

Pinkie slowly made her way up to the stallion. "Whatchya lookin at?" She asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Kya!" The Stallion cried, falling over and obscuring the map. "W-who are you?!" He asked frantically.

"My name is Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie answered him cheerily.

"Well fantastic! You know your name!" The stallion mocked, "Now please go away."

Pinkie pouted for a bit before grabbing his shoulders. "Why so grumpy?"

"I'm not grumpy. I'm busy." The stallion stated.

"To busy to talk?" Pinkie questioned, putting her face right up in the stallion's.

"Exactly, now, go away." the Stallion shooed before turning and walking away, only to find that Pinkie had magically appeared in front of him.

"But it's a tradition of mine to welcome every new pony who comes to Ponyville." Pinkie explained, "So please let me welcome you."

The stallion arched an eyebrow before answering, "Okay, consider me welcomed."

Pinkie shook her head, "No silly, I have a song and dance routine."

"And I bet there's another pony who'd like to hear it." The stallion assured.

Pinkie pointed across town. Almost everypony was indoors, those who weren't were taking down their stalls and heading home.

"Oh. . " The stallion sighed, "It's a lot later then I thought."

Pinkie beamed, "So, you wanna hear the song and dance?"

The stallion shrugged, "Guess I will have to."

Pinkie bounced with glee before pulling some contraption out of nowhere. She also donned several instruments.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome, a fine welcome to you." Pinkie sang, dancing back and forth.

The stallion rolled his eyes at this strange pony.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome, I say 'How do you do?'" She continued, oblivious to the stallion's reaction. "Welcome, welcome welcome, I say 'Hip, hip, hooray!"

Pinkie jumped into the air, flipped and landed on her knees as she sang, "Welcome, welcome, welcome to Ponyville to daaay!"

The stallion went to get up but Pinkie pushed him down. "Wait for it. . "

The machine she pulled out earlier went ding and shot a cake out of an attachment. Then a few canons shot streamers.

"Wow." The stallion said, trying not to show too much awe.

"You liked it?" Pinkie asked enthusiastically.

The stallion nodded, "I did."

Pinkie sqeed, "Thank you!" She then hugged the stallion.

"Uhm, Pinkie? Please let go." The stallion pleaded.

Pinkie released her grip, "So, what's your name?"

"Call me Stonewall." Stonewall answered, turning away from Pinkie, "Now if you excuse me, I have to find a place to stay for the night."

Pinkie immediately grabbed Stonewall again and dragged him down the street, "No need! You can stay with one of my friends."

Stonewall groaned in response as he was dragged to what he assumed was his doom.

If doom meant a pretty yellow pegasus, the Stonewall was okay with doom.

Pinkie had explained to Stonewall that Fluttershy was a lot like him, and that's why staying with her would be the best idea.

". . ." Stonewall stared at Fluttershy.

". . . " Fluttershy stared back through her mane.

". . ." Stonewall looked at Pinkie, who signaled to do. . .well. .ANYTHING.

". . ." Fluttershy didn't hardly move at all.

". . ." Stonewall looked around, trying to think of something to say.

Pinkie was looking between the two, hoping one of them would say something, ANYTHING, to break the silence.

"Thanks for having us Fluttershy, it was nice meeting you." Stonewall said politely, standing up and making his way to the door.

"OH COME ON!" Pinkie yelled, scaring both Fluttershy and Stonewall. "You really can't say anything?!"

Stonewall shrugged, "I don't know what to say. I just thought I'd take off before it became more uncomfortable."

"But, but you two are both quiet and shy! You're like the same pony!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Stonewall nodded, "And that there is your problem, Pinkie. Me and Fluttershy are the kind who only talk when talked to. Or talk when comfortable enough."

Pinkie hummed for a moment in thought. Then a light bulb appeared above her head. "I know! Follow me!" Pinkie shouted, grabbing Stonewall and dragging him along once more.

Stonewall found himself standing outside a barn looking at a orange earth pony.

"Stonewall, meet my friend, Applejack." Pinkie introduced him.

"Howdy Stonewall. Pinkie said you needed a place to stay for the night?" Applejack asked.

"I do." Stonewall answered, "I suppose if you don't mind, I could bunk here."

Applejack smiled, "Of course you can!"

Pinkie bounced with glee, "See? I told you I knew what to do."

Stonewall rolled his eyes as he stepped inside Applejack's house. The front room held a few couches, some shelves with pictures and a fireplace. "Cozy." Stonewall commented.

Applejack pointed to the larger couch, "You can sleep there, I'll run up and get you a few blankets."

"Oh, and don't forget there's a breakfast party at Twilight's tomorrow!" Pinkie called after Applejack.

Stonewall sat on the couch Applejack had pointed to, "Hmm, comfy."

Soon, Applejack returned with blankets for Stonewall, "Aw shucks, the party is tomorrow mornin?"

Pinkie nodded, "Yup! Oh, and Stonewall can come too!"

Stonewall rolled his eyes before curling up in the blankets and falling asleep.

Applejack stared at Stonewall for a bit, "Real piece of work, ain't he?" She joked.

Pinkie nodded, "Yeah. From the moment he walked into town, I knew he needed my help." Pinkie agreed, glancing towards Stonewall's still form. "But, I made a pinkie promise to make friends with him. And I never break a pinkie promise."

With that, Pinkie and Applejack said their goodbyes and left the room. Stonewall opened his eyes sometime after that.

He sat there for the next few hours, Pinkie's final words echoing in his head. "And I never break a pinkie promise."