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Problem Grippin

Now, anyone can wipe!

Comments ( 103 )
Comment posted by Problem Grippin deleted Aug 5th, 2016

Not a bad job on this one. I'm hoping to see some more of FutaDash. Especially the Male on Futa kind. :twilightblush:

I don't really understand why this is getting so many dislikes. Could someone who down-voted tell me why you did so I could understand?

Comment posted by Problem Grippin deleted Aug 5th, 2016

7316836 I'm asking them because I like understanding people, not because I want to argue with them.


Maybe it's the long and abrasive description? The subject matter? I don't know.

7316934 If I had to bet then it's probably the latter, as the sentence structure and grammar are perfectly fine.

I'm gonna hazard a guess that the human protagonist is Hispanic and therefore people are butthurted, hence the down votes.

Can't wait for an update bby


U sure u ain't just butt mad BC teh HiE fic has something other than a white male lead human, m80?



7317131 since its first person the guy is whatever you want him to be really

7316934 The abrasive description (which 'stealthily' insults the use of Anon as a placeholder name) certainly isn't going to win it any points, no.

7317131 Nobody cares about the protagonist's race unless the author plans to beat them over the head with it.

7317985 However, when someone goes out of their way to claim that it's the cause of hate, and not any of the other potential issues with the story (like, for instance, the extremely frequent errors in punctuation and the stiff, downright wooden dialogue, the obvious and off-puttingly aggressive disdain for a large and popular genre in the description, the very blatant self insert, etc) it only serves to shield a story from deserved criticism by making excuses on its behalf, silencing criticism that's needed by the author if they ever expect to improve.

A few random Spanish words is so utterly beneath notice that it feels downright insulting to hear someone claim that people cannot dislike the work without also being racist.

Also, yeah, there's definitely an aura of fedora tipping in the way things are described. I don't think I'd call it autistic, but even as someone with a taste for basically all the elements present in the story, I still found myself cringing a bit. You won't get a down vote from me, but I'm gonna pass on any future chapters.

7316772 Merry Christmas.


Man you ain't gotta write a guilty -sounding wall of text to conceal your issues, also like 90% of HiE fics feature white males; a retard can put two and two together to figure out which way the wind blows.

Nearly every HiE related group has a white male in the icon. That's not a bug; that's a feature. It is intended to Send a Message.

Don't fuck with me.

Don't play dumb with me, either. Most HiE shit written worse than this earns uptokes because it stays within the brony-acceptable lines of featuring a white male protagonist.

7319523 Thank you very much for the insight, I appreciate that you took the time to type this and respond to so many of the comments at once.

Although I do take umbrage with your idea that I'm excusing myself from criticism just because of a description, I would like more detail as to some of the errors your found. I would appreciate it.


He has an issue with the protag's race, if that wasn't super obvious from his rubbishy nonsense statement about "pushing race in others faces", which is coded dogwhistle language for "It upsets me when people talk about their ethnicity".

It'll be fun to see what hogwash he comes up with to nitpick at this story's flaws when rubbish like DanxPinkiePie is popular.

Let's watch him twist himself into knots here trying not to say what we know he means.

Edit:. I ain't defending this fic, I just see no need for homie to lie about such things.

7319542 Thank you for being a polite and courteous individual.

7319545 I actually never said that you were the one making excuses, rather, I said your fan was the one doing it on your behalf. I apologize if I came across that way, I may not have assembled my thoughts as well as I'd believed that I did. In any case, I'm on my phone at the moment (which would make doing a copy/paste of all the errors pretty time consuming) but I ought to be able to compile a list for you later.

7319532 Let's see. Radical leftist (you wrote liberal but I suspect you mean the modern incarnation and not the type espoused by libertarians since you're also a) Democrat, early 20s, huge fan of Frozen, fixation on race (in The Current Year, no less!) and unironic public adoration of weed, to top it all off. SJW signs left and right, which almost invariably indicates that the person in question is prone to projection. Hey, look at that, I can play armchair psychologist, too! Crazy how nature do that. So no, I ain't fuckin' with you, I'm calling you out on being a race-obsessed SJW who thinks the whole world is out to get him.


No, I just think you're lying and it's sad that you would lie about it.

Nothing to say about how most trashy rubbish HiE fics have white male leads and how nearly every fucking HiE icon has white males in their icons? Good. Great.

You were so busy grandstanding you failed to address those points. Also, I would expect someone who gets butthurt about race to take issue with my person because that's all you've got. I'm saying that is exactly your problem.


Yo, man, I'm done commenting on your story, by the way. I just get tired of people going "NOPE NOPE SORRY NOOOOO" about things that are patently obvious in this site, such as these:

1.) Most HiE and Human/Pony fics have white male protags or "Anon", who is obviously a white male.

2.) The icons for the respective groups of these genres have white males in them.

3.) Bucking these trends and attitudes gets you down votes.

Theo Bromine's unhinged ranting about SJW's notwithstanding, them's the breaks.

I have seen this phenomenon numerous times. I know people who have had their fics down voted for having people of color in them, when their previous fics not including this content earned high up votes and almost no down votes.

And I can't stand this insincere nitpick nonsense people do with their vagaries on how there was a minor grammatical error here or there when fics riddled with errors get hundreds of up votes.

We know the cause for their upset. It has very little to do with the quality of the writing.

[Throws mic on the ground]

I'm done. I'll let you get back to your job, and I shall go back to writing my epic story with a black female Zebra-humanized lead character, who is in Hong Kong and has a colored male human boyfriend and is generally being awesome - and black.

7319545 I'm sitting at a comp now, so I'll go over the story and pick the bits out one by one, then send it your way in a PM.


You know what's funny? FiMFic sends me an E-mail with any comment that replies to one of my comments. You've got an amusing habit of editing your posts after the fact, adding in extra stuff, like the 'points' you made while I was in the middle of writing down a reply. So, I have in my inbox a post that merely says "Man you ain't gotta write a guilty -sounding wall of text to conceal your issues, also like 90% of HiE fics feature white males; a retard can put two and two together to figure out which way the wind blows." which, of course, got my hackles up (congrats, I mad!) because you implied, pretty blatantly, that I must be some racist white guy, so I don't really think it's unreasonable that I met a personal attack with a personal attack... but I guess it's perfectly fine when you do it, right? I did refresh the comments while writing, chuckled at your additions, and then wrote a bit of dismissive blather at the end because I couldn't be bothered to address what I thought were absolutely absurd talking points, buuuut if you're gonna start calling me a liar after throwing a boatload of editing into your own posts...

"No, I just think you're lying and it's sad that you would lie about it.

Nothing to say about how most trashy rubbish HiE fics have white male leads and how nearly every fucking HiE icon has white males in their icons? Good. Great. You xan

You were so busy grandstanding you failed to address those points. "

Lie about it? I can't have a different opinion from you, you're objectively right in your conspiracy theories, so I must be lying to everyone. Now, grandstanding I'll give you, sure, but what points? Here, lemme just take a look at that post again, maybe there were 'points' in there I initially ignored because they looked like insanity to me. On a side note, I like how you dismissed all of my points, because you aren't obligated to set any sort of example, or provide proof of your own statements, just lay out a few lines about how everybody's out to get you and it's all whitey's fault, right? Anyway...

Man you ain't gotta write a guilty -sounding wall of text to conceal your issues, also like 90% of HiE fics feature white males; a retard can put two and two together to figure out which way the wind blows.
Nearly every HiE related group has a white male in the icon. That's not a bug; that's a feature. It is intended to Send a Message.
Don't fuck with me.
Don't play dumb with me, either. Most HiE shit written worse than this earns uptokes because it stays within the brony-acceptable lines of featuring a white male protagonist.

Hokay, that's a lot of insanity to unpack! I mean, now that I'm actually sitting at a computer I can do that, but still, I kinda feel like it's pretty self-evident that you're somewhat obsessed with the topic of race. First, let's take a look at the statements you've made, here. "It is intended to Send a Message." This, as far as I can tell, means you believe that white users on the site want to push out, on purpose, all other ethnic groups, presumably because... what? They find them repugnant? They simply dislike them? I mean, it's fairly clear that you believe white people must be racist by default, as if that's an inherent part of who they are, given the statements made.

Don't fuck with me.

I ain't fuckin' witchu, bra!

Don't play dumb with me, either. Most HiE shit written worse than this earns uptokes because it stays within the brony-acceptable lines of featuring a white male protagonist.

See, this could be a point, but then,

Most HiE and Human/Pony fics have white male protags or "Anon", who is obviously a white male.

you go on to say that Anon is specifically a white male, which means that you consider those to be part of the group you're talking about. Fun fact, over on /mlp/, there was an entertaining thread where all the Anons were asked "What's your race/gender/age?" and the answers came back with around 30% of the users being non-white. Those Anons clearly don't think that Anon is an inherently a white protagonist, or else they wouldn't identify as Anon, would they? They wouldn't write stories about Anon, they wouldn't call themselves Anon, they wouldn't self insert as Anon, but they do, and they do it because you are wrong. I get that you feel like you're very much in the minority, but even in a place like 4chan there's a considerable amount of diversity, so if I had to guess I'd assume that most people here just don't like to make a big deal out of their race. You, on the other hand, are fixated on it.

"Nothing to say about how most trashy rubbish HiE fics have white male leads and how nearly every fucking HiE icon has white males in their icons? "
Says the black guy with a white woman as his avatar, like a massive hypocrite. You are projecting, and you're doing it hard. Or are you going to say that random anime girl #4,937 is Japanese? Does that make it better? Just as long as it's not white, right?

"He has an issue with the protag's race, if that wasn't super obvious from his rubbishy nonsense statement about "pushing race in others faces", which is coded dogwhistle language for "It upsets me when people talk about their ethnicity"."

Really? Man, I thought "beating people over the head with it" meant "KONICHIWA BAKA GAIJIN I AM JAPANESE AND YOU GOTTA DEAL WITH IT!" As in, the only defining or the most important part of the character is his race, rather than it simply being a part of him. That is what people take issue with, that is what annoys people, and you calling it a 'dog whistle' is a pretty blatant display of how fast you are to clap your hands over your ears and go "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOUR DISSENTING OPINION WHITEY!!!" like some kind of child. Do you seriously think people would enjoy it if the protag constantly went on about his "beautiful white skin" and "long, blonde hair" and "perfect Aryan heritage"? It'd get old, fast, assuming it wasn't just a parody (and everyone would assume it's a parody because it's so utterly ridiculous as to be impossible to take seriously) because constantly being reminded of specific physical characteristics on a character when it's entirely unnecessary feels skeevy, for lack of a better word for it. If I saw that in a story, I'd assume the author were trying to fetishize it, and in the case of an author self-insert, that's essentially going to result in feeling like the author is fetishizing himself, you dig? It's weird, in other words. It's just the same as if someone is lovingly detailing the shape of their feet, and doing it over and over, even though it's a physical trait that, once established, really doesn't ever need to be brought up (assuming it was necessary to begin with) unless it becomes directly relevant to the story at hand. For instance, Dean Koontz wrote a lovely little story called Tick-Tock, where the story just didn't quite work until he adjusted the protagonist's race and heritage, and had everything click properly into place as a result. That's an instance, right off the top of my head, where the race was actually important to the story, and was worth bringing up more than just at the beginning, and I do suggest it as a quick and easy read for anyone who wants a solid example of that kind of thing.

If there is a white majority, then yes, the majority of things will be written from a white perspective because, shock and awe, people tend to write things from their own point of view. This isn't a plot to push you out of the fandom, it's not some concerted effort to shut you down, it's not a vile attack on your person, though let me assure you there is plenty about you to attack, it is simply people writing themselves into a story without actually thinking about it.

Jesus, I cannot believe how much text you've coerced out of me, but all of this racist nonsense of yours takes a while to unravel. In any case, I really don't feel like digging through the rest of this. Seriously, it's nothing but insults to my person and my views without any real substance, lots of accusations without anything to actually back it up, some conspiracy nut garbage and blah blah blah.

tl;dr man on the internet thinks everybody's racist, film at eleven.


Says the black guy with a white woman as his avatar

It's very suspicious that you would be so badly rattled by that, or even find it worth mentioning.



You literally brought up white avatars and then say it's suspicious that I point out that you have one? Are... are you kidding? You have to be kidding. I'm being trolled, nobody is this thick.


You literally brought up white avatars


No, I did not.

I spoke about group icons. Big difference.

No, no there is not. They're pretty little pictures that people put up and look at/wear. But thank you for your obvious doublethink.


I work with websites for a living. From a coding standpoint they are independent of each other.

One represents users, one represents groups, and you can't combine their functions. Your purposely obtuse gag is getting old.

Comment posted by Problem Grippin deleted Aug 5th, 2016


Maybe there is some bias regarding race, maybe there isn't. This isn't the place to argue about it; it's just a smut fic.

That is really all I was saying. The people here don't want to read about nonwhite people doing things. And that's okay. That's cool. That's rad, even.

Other dude be like, "YOU THINK ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST", and that's not what I was conferring to this discussion. Just that some themes are unpopular for obvious reasons.


Comment posted by Problem Grippin deleted Aug 5th, 2016


You all need to fucking calm down, this is a mature fic, yet you are all acting like toddlers fighting over a toy, cute yet immature, it boggles my mind how you people argue with each other, do it somewhere else, the comment section is for giving your opinion on the story.

I mean no direspect its just that I get fucking annoyed by shit like these, this is fimfiction, not a war zone


Bruh, I don't even care. If people want to write one million "White Male In Equestria" stories, it doesn't impact my life.

I prefer not to be party to people lying about how it totes-ma-goats doesn't happen, though. It's a real thing people do no matter how buttmad that guy gets.

It makes me irrationally angry that people want to lie about something that can easily be verified.

Also, fwiw I am talking about the story. I'm talking about how the story is getting down vote bombed because it doesn't have a standard, Acceptable white male protag, but since people want to lie about this really hard (why? What are they protecting? This shit ain't fucking logical), I'm done.

I'ma talk about the demographics of this site real quick.

FiMfiction is owned and operated by a white male.
The staff are mostly white people.
The majority of the users are white.

They wanna read about white people. This is cool. I am okay with this. What I am not cool with is people lying about it.

This isn't a conspiracy. It's all simply fact. Fighting against the status quo is going to get you punished.

There are people in control here and it isn't my people, or the author's. That's all.

I am forced to obey the commands of the white people in authority positions here. Do I care about this? No. I can accept their control of my person, since this is a privately owned enterprise, and, what's more, pushing back against it will earn me swift punishment.

I ain't gonna pretend I don't know who is in control on this site, though.

And I shan't pursue this line of dialogue further, because I know that it is hazardous, perhaps even dangerous, to fight back against those in control. If I do, I'll be dealt with swiftly.

Comment posted by Alsvid deleted Aug 6th, 2016
Comment posted by Alsvid deleted Aug 6th, 2016
Comment posted by Alsvid deleted Aug 6th, 2016
Comment posted by Dented Thorn deleted Aug 6th, 2016

It's a good idea.

Also, could you do something like that, but with Luna or Celestia, or both? (Anthro futa pony X human male.)

Comment posted by Problem Grippin deleted Aug 5th, 2016
Comment posted by Problem Grippin deleted Aug 5th, 2016


No, no, no. I know you're Hispanic. I was talking about the other guy.

Also, man, I apologize for having the debate in the first place.

It's just that I am employed as a website manager for a news/political activism website owned and operated for black people, by black people.

We often discuss the demographics and racial makeup of websites there, and how it affects users.

Does the fact that the majority of people on a pony website are white, by itself, affect our lives in a meaningful way? That they have a preference in their horse fics? No, it doesn't.


It just makes me mad that we - you and I and our other racially diverse comrades - are at the mercy of the white people on this site.

I mean, goddamn! They own half if not 3/4's of the Internet! Why, then, should they feel the need to step on our genitals - on a pony website, no less?

However, I just realized I'm being one of those tedious people who takes their day job home with them, and I'm sorry about that. You're right; I'm off the clock and shouldn't be doing this at the moment.

Than about who you care enough to write a story? (Exept Rainbow)


I warned you to cut it out with that exact sort of attack. Take a day off.

Comment posted by Problem Grippin deleted Aug 3rd, 2016
Comment posted by Problem Grippin deleted Aug 3rd, 2016
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