• Published 28th May 2016
  • 7,761 Views, 619 Comments

Hùndùn - LoZLttP13

A powerful young Sorceress, her faithful apprentice, and her five new friends are tasked with preventing the return of the all-powerful God of Chaos.

  • ...

I-XXVI. The Best Night Ever

Pinkie was slumped over a table, resting her chin over her folded arms. She looked around at the other Beings, who were idly chatting or elegantly dancing, and let out a long, wistful sigh. "This isn't as fun as I'd hoped it would be...." Pinkie muttered. She buried her face in her arms for a moment before looking up at the ceiling and whining, "Why doesn't anybody here know how to have fun?"

Pinkie looked around again, then gasped and smiled as an idea came to her. "I know!" she cried. "I'll show them how to have fun!"

Pinkie stood, ran to the orchestra, and waited for them to finish the song they were currently on. Once they did, Pinkie lightly tapped the shoulder of the conductor Wolf Gang, causing him to turn to her. "Excuse me, Mr. Gang," Pinkie said, fluttering her eyes, "but would you mind taking a request for me?"

Octavia Melody, a rather plain young Human woman with dark gray hair, frowned angrily at Pinkie. "You most certainly may not make a request," she said. "The High Princess has already given us a schedule of pieces to play."

Pinkie nodded, then ran off towards Celestia, who was still answering Luna's questions as Luna interacted with the Olympian nobles, who were just as anxious to meet her as they had been at the start of the party. Twilight stood next to Celestia, fidgeting frustratedly and seeming desperate to get some time alone with Luna.

"Princess Celestia!" Pinkie cried, waving as she stepped up to them.

Celestia turned to her, softly smiled, and said, "Oh! Hello, Pinkie."

"Princess," Pinkie said, bowing her head deferentially to her, "may I make a request from the orchestra?"

Celestia raised a brow curiously. "What do you want to request?" she said.

"I'd like for them to play the Hokey Pokey!" Pinkie cried, jumping in place with excitement.

After gazing astonishedly at Pinkie for a moment, Celestia grinned as she replied, "Yes! That's a wonderful idea!"

"W-what...?!" Twilight said, giving a stunned gaze to Celestia. "Really?!"

"Of course," Celestia replied cheerfully as Pinkie squealed with excitement and ran back to the orchestra. "I think this party could use a little livening up."

Once Pinkie had reached the orchestra again, she waited until they completed their current song again before she shouted excitedly, "Princess Celestia says that I can make my request!"

"R-really...?!" Octavia stuttered, looking up towards Celestia. Celestia was smiling at her, nonverbally assuring her that Pinkie spoke true.

Sighing, Octavia said flatly, "What would you like us to play?"

"The Hokey Pokey!" Pinkie cried, excitedly jumping in place.

Octavia's eyes widened. "W-what?!" she cried disbelievingly. "Surely you can't be serious!" she said, looking desperately up towards Celestia again.

"I am serious!" Pinkie replied. "And my name isn't Shirley; it's Pinkie Pie!"

Octavia gazed distressedly at Pinkie for a few more moments, then lightly groaned as she muttered, "Alright, everyone... next is..." here she sighed, "the Hokey Pokey at a hundred thirty beats per minute in the key of B flat...."

The orchestra reluctantly began playing Pinkie's requested piece, and all of the partygoers abruptly ended their conversations to gaze astonishedly at Pinkie as she began dancing and singing,

"You put your left foot in, you take your left foot out
You put your left foot in and you shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey and you give a little shout
That's what it's all about!"

Twilight continued to stare bewilderedly at Pinkie for a few moments, then turned back to Luna, who was wrapping up a conversation with another noble.

Once Luna concluded, "... wish you well on your homestead investment," the lady she was talking to nodded before walking off, leaving Luna alone with Celestia and Twilight again. Luna made a quiet groan once the noblewoman was out of earshot.

"What's wrong, Princess?" Twilight said concernedly to her.

"I like to have peace and quiet," Luna muttered. "I am the Goddess of the Night, after all. These nobles look down on your friends, and yet their manners are no better; can they not see that I wish to have time alone with my sister and her apprentice?!"

Twilight stared astonishedly at Luna. "R-really?" she said. "You do?"

"Of course," Luna replied wearily. "Dear Sister, what has happened?" she said to Celestia. "I thought festivals were supposed to be fun and energetic! I remember how a thousand years ago, knights would joust while we watched them and feasted upon honeyed roasted hogs!"

"But... I thought you said you wanted peace and quiet?" Twilight said confusedly.

"That's true," Luna replied. "However, I love festivals, as well. If you're going to disturb me from my reading and meditations, you'd better damn well provide me a spectacular night to make up for it."

Luna groaned exasperatedly. She walked towards one of the castle's exits, and Celestia and Twilight glanced at each other before following her. Luna led them to a balcony, where she pushed open the doors before striding to the bannister and leaning against it. "This is so boring!" she cried as Celestia and Twilight shut the doors behind themselves again. "All anyone does is make small talk and delicately eat small foods from silver platters! Does anyone know how to celebrate properly anymore?!"

"I agree," Celestia said. "Parties ought to be enjoyable and lively affairs."

"Well, what do you want to do, Luna?" Twilight said, her eyes widening hopefully.

Luna deeply exhaled as she gazed out onto the castle gardens. They were underneath a clear, shining night sky, and so everything before them was well-lit. There was a river running through the statues, flowerbeds, and trees scattered throughout the gardens, fed by a massive fountain in the castle's side that perpetually pumped up water from a great reservoir beneath Mt. Olympus. Luna smiled after a few moments, then pointed at the river.

"It used to be," Luna said, "that during festivals, young peasants would strip, bathe, and mate in the rivers."

Twilight blushed intensely. "M-mate...?" she stuttered.

Luna nodded, chuckling lightly. "It was always a delight to watch the mortals' trysts. If I saw a particularly handsome Being among them, I would invite them to share my bed. If I saw several, I'd fly down and join in, myself."

Twilight was intensely flushing, gaping, and staring at Luna with tremendous shock. Of course, she'd known that festivals of the olden times were... not as inhibited as those of the modern era, but she'd still never imagined that Luna, the Princess of Equestria, would have been such an enthusiastic participant in their more sensual aspects, much less that she would be longing for them.

"Well," Celestia said, "I'm sorry to say that such things don't occur at formal celebrations any longer, Luna. However, echoes of that tradition still resonate today; if you like, you can go and find someone to warm your bed tonight."

Luna turned surprisedly to Celestia. "Really?" she said.

Celestia nodded, smiling softly.

"But- didn't you say unsolicited sexual invitations were frowned upon now?" Luna said, puzzled.

"There is a general exception for parties," Celestia replied. "It's considered to be a legitimate part of the celebrations. Just be sure that you take your companion to your chambers first, alright?"

Luna nodded, then grinned. Her eyes narrowed, and Twilight thought that she could see Luna's eyes dart in her direction for a moment. Twilight began lightly blushing again, and Celestia added, "Also, don't make advances on anyone if it's unclear whether they are looking for the same thing."

Luna seemed slightly disappointed, but nodded. "Very well," she said. She stood up, then made her way back to the balcony's doors. She stepped through them, leaving Celestia alone with Twilight.

Twilight blinked a few times, still stunned at what had just happened.

"Is something wrong, Twilight?" Celestia asked concernedly.

"I just...." Twilight began. She then turned to Celestia and said, "Were things really that different a thousand years ago?"

Celestia nodded. "Yes," she said. "People were much less puritanical back then. Beings were far more free-spirited."

"Were you?" Twilight said.

Celestia shook her head, then gazed forward. "Not a thousand years ago, no," she said.

Twilight nodded, but her brow furrowed with puzzlement. There was something odd about Celestia's answer.

"Why not?" Twilight said.

Celestia thought for a few moments, deliberating over how to answer, before she replied, "I must be... careful."

"About what?" Twilight said.

Celestia gazed down at Twilight, and Twilight could see a deep melancholy in the Princess's large, sparkling violet eyes. "You need only know this, my student," she said softly. "Only this- at least for now; I am not perfect. Powerful and intelligent, yes, but not perfect. I have made many mistakes, some of them quite great. Any mistake I make could result in far-reaching and unfathomably terrible consequences."

"What do you mean?" Twilight said.

Celestia gazed out into the vast landscapes of Equestria. "I cannot permit myself to show weaknesses," she said. "I cannot afford to be vulnerable, or lenient, or make even the tiniest blunder. I was careless at the beginning of the summer; because of that, a group of mortals was successful in releasing Luna. Luna then captured me, which would never have happened if I had been more alert and on my guard. That tiny mistake nearly cost me, my subjects, and the entire world our freedoms; any more mistakes I make might have even more disastrous results."

Twilight gazed at Celestia for a few moments, and she saw something in Celestia's eyes she had never seen before: a sliver of deep, powerful, and hidden pain; the pain of one who never rests, who can never rest. For the tiniest fraction of a second, Twilight saw the pure agony of carrying the entire world on your shoulders in Celestia's sorrowful eyes.

Before Twilight could ask another question, Celestia answered it; "I wish I could ease some of my burden. I wish that I could remove this weight, and place it on another's shoulders. I wish that I could let go of my duties for the sake of my own inner peace and tranquility. But I cannot. Our world is peaceful at the moment, but that peace is fragile and might be shattered at any moment. If you scratch the surface of our world, dear Twilight, you'll find a hidden, festering heart of darkness that longs at all times to rise to the surface. I must ensure that that never happens."

Twilight and Celestia were silent for a few moments, then Twilight said, "Why... why are you telling me this?"

"Because you deserve to know," Celestia replied. "You may also someday need to know, though I hope you never will."

"What do you mean?"

"If the time comes, you'll know," Celestia replied simply. She was silent for a few more moments, then sighed, smiled softly, and said, "Come- let's go see some of your friends, shall we?"

Fluttershy tied one more knot, then nodded in approval at her work; she had made a simple trap with a wooden box and some string. She then placed the box upside-down over a carrot on a small patch of grass, draped the string over a branch, and hid behind some bushes. She then pulled the string, causing the box to tilt up onto its side. She then sat and waited patiently for some small creature to come for the carrot she'd set as bait.

After about half an hour, Fluttershy saw some movement in the shadows that was going towards the carrot. She gasped, then released the the string, which caused the box to fall back into place.

"Yes!" Fluttershy cried victoriously. She then slowly made her way to the box, whispering gently, "Don't worry, little friend; I just want to meet you!"

However, once Fluttershy was a few meters away from the box, she saw it tilt back up as a tiny monkey lifted it up over its head. Fluttershy's eyes widened, but the monkey soon broke her out of her shock as it set the box back down behind itself and began running towards a tree, holding the carrot in its other hand.

"Wait- stop!" Fluttershy cried, running towards it. However, the monkey panicked, hissed at her, then rapidly scrambled up the tree.

Fluttershy stopped running as soon as the little monkey was out of her reach. She then sighed and sat back down, thinking up another way to catch one of Celestia's animals.

Applejack was tapping her finger against her countertop, gazing anxiously at all of the nobles who strode past her cart. Then, after a few moments, she saw a middle-aged couple making their way towards her.

Applejack gasped excitedly, but then the couple walked right past her; they were going towards a tray of delicate, flakey biscuits, instead of her own cart, as she had thought.

Applejack groaned, then looked up at the clock. It was two forty-six. She didn't have much longer to start selling off her treats.

Growing desperate, Applejack hatched a plan; first, she went back to the cashier and requested that they quadruple the prices of her wares. Then, she returned to her apple cart, where she carefully opened a jar of apple jam before discretely spreading a thin film of it across the floor before her cart.

Sure enough, within minutes, a young nobleman slipped and fell before Applejack's cart. "WAAH!" he shouted as he suddenly fell.

"Are ya'll alright, Sugar?" Applejack said, rushing forward to help him up while trying to hide a smile. Once the nobleman was back up, Applejack said, "Ah'm so sorry about that! Tell ya what: why don't I make you a deal? Buy one of these here wares, and you'll get another one completely free!"

The nobleman sneered down at Applejack's wares, shook his head, then moved on. Once he was out of earshot, Applejack growled in great frustration and anger.

Rarity and Blueblood had reentered the castle proper, and made their way to one of the tables provided for the guests to eat at. Once they had reached it, Blueblood stood behind one of the chairs and pulled it out.

Rarity softly smiled as she placed her hand over her chest and stepped towards the chair. "Tha-" she began, only to see that Blueblood had already taken the seat for himself.

Rarity frowned slightly at Blueblood as he turned to her and said, "Lady Rarity, would you be a dear and get some desserts? I'm famished."

Rarity blinked, then forced a smile as she said, "Why, yes, I most certainly can."

Rarity turned around, and balled her hands into fists and glared at the ground as she made her way to the food stands. Of one thing she was sure: as soon as this date was over, Rarity would not spend a second more with Blueblood.

Rarity found Applejack's cart, then sighed relievedly as she made her way to her. "Hello, Applejack," she said pleasantly.

"Howdy, Rare!" Applejack replied cheerfully. "Careful, there- the floor's slippery."

"Thank you, Applejack," Rarity said.

"How's yer date goin'?" Applejack said.

Rarity forced a wide smile as she replied, "It's going great!"

"That's good," Applejack said.

Rarity cleared her throat. "How much for two apple tarts?" she said.

"Aww, Rarity," Applejack said as she picked two up. "Ya'll don't have to pay; you can have these on the house."

"Really?!" Rarity said surprisedly as she took them. "Are you sure-?"

"Yeah, Ah've got too many anyway," Applejack said. "Ya'll just take those and enjoy your evenin', y'hear?"

Rarity nodded, smiled gratefully, then took the tarts back to Blueblood.

"What's this?" Blueblood said with slight disgust as Rarity placed one of the tarts before him.

"They're apple tarts, Your Highness," Rarity replied, fighting hard to keep her composure.

Blueblood sneered. "Common carnival fare?" he said contemptuously. He looked up and frowned at Rarity. "You expect my royal lips to grace that thing?"

Blueblood scoffed, slid his chair back, then made his way to the food stands himself, adding haughtily, "I'm going to the buffet to get some hors d'oeuvres."

Rarity gazed in offended disbelief after Blueblood for a few moments, then shrugged. "Well, more for me," she said, picking up the second tart before rapidly eating both of them.

While Rainbow was eating and talking with the Wonderbolts, she and Lightning Dust constantly threw passive-aggressive jabs at each other.

"Why would anyone want to leave Asgard?" Lightning said, casting a quick glance at Rainbow. "It's the greatest city in the world."

"Maybe, if you're a coward," Rainbow replied. "How insecure do you have to be to have dick-measuring contests all the time?"

"Funny," Lightning replied, "weren't you the one who competed in five different events at the Olympics last year, Rainbow?"

"Y'know, they've really lowered the bar on who gets to be a Wonderbolt," Rainbow said. "These days, all you have to do is suck a few cocks and they'll let you in...."

"Hey, Rainbow Dash, guess who nailed Horus last month? Tell me again, Dash- who was the last God you scored?"

Rainbow snorted. "Oh yeah, like Horus hasn't fucked every girl in Asgard," she said. "If you really had game, you'd be able to nail a Goddess."

"Maybe I will!" Lightning shouted back, growling.

"Alright then," Rainbow said, smirking. She stood up, then pointed towards Luna, who was flirtatiously talking to a young Elvish man a few meters away. "She's trying to get some," Rainbow said. "Why don't you try your luck with her, Dust?"

Lightning Dust gazed at Luna for a moment, then turned away with a contemptuous, "Hmph! She'd be too easy!"

"Suit yourself," Rainbow said. She stood up, cracked her neck, then said with a smirk, "Watch and learn, Lightning. That Goddess puss is mine."

Rainbow began to walk towards Luna; however, she felt something heavy and wet hit the back of her head. She brought her hand up, picked up a ball of slime that had hit her hair, then held it before her face. It was a ball of phlegm.

Rainbow turned back around, glaring at Lightning Dust, who was idly picking at her teeth with a toothpick.

"That's it," Rainbow muttered in a low growl.

Fluttershy's eye was twitching, her eyes were narrowed, and a wide, manic grin was spread across her face. She lightly chuckled as she finished knotting together a wide, tightly-woven net.

"I'll get you yet, my pretties!" Fluttershy said. "Oh yes. As soon as one of you little birds, or monkeys, or bears touches this net, you'll be mine! MINE!!"

Fluttershy continued giggling as she set up the trap; once she'd finished it, she burst into hysterical, booming laughter. However, she then tripped and fell into the net.

"WHO-OA-!" she cried out surprisedly as the net engulfed her and pulled her into the air. She looked down and around to see that several small animals had gathered beneath her.

Pulling out her surgical scalpel, Fluttershy quickly cut away the ropes holding the net up, causing her to quickly fall back to the earth. The animals scattered away from her, provoking her to frustratedly scream, "COME BACK!!" and begin running after them.

The Gala was quickly devolving into pure chaos; in the dining hall, a brawl had broken out between Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust. The nobles screamed at the guards to break them up, but the guards were afraid to; they could see that both Angel girls were extremely well-trained combatants who could easily critically injure them.

At the same time, in the ballroom, Pinkie was breakdancing in the middle of the floor. The nobles were beginning to panic; they'd angrily told her that the Gala wasn't the kind of party where you did the Hokey Pokey (despite the fact that the party's host had explicitly ordered it).

In response, Pinkie had declared, "So, you guys don't want to party... you want to PAR-TAY!" before turning to the orchestra and crying, "Give me a hip hop beat, please!"

Octavia had looked distressedly up at Celestia, but Celestia made no objections. Gulping, Octavia began plucking at her cello, and the other musicians followed her lead.

Pinkie began with some basic popping and locking, then moved on to acrobatic flips and spins, and was now performing flares and headspins. The vast majority of the onlookers were quite distressed; everything that Pinkie had done, from her spontaneous Hokey Pokey, to her removing her ball slippers and tearing her skirt to allow herself more freedom of movement, to her currently performing a commoners' street style of dance in the middle of the Camelot Ballroom was practically making all of their heads spin.

Meanwhile, Applejack had rolled her cart into the ballroom. Perched on top of the cart was a tall, many-layered, red cake, which Applejack loudly advertised thusly: "How 'bout some cake then?! Is ordinary, simple cake not good-enough for your high and mighty tastes?! Come have some, ya smug-! ... Wait, what's Pinkie do-?"

Rainbow and Lightning, however, had suddenly crashed into the cart. They were grappling while flapping low through the air, and had flown right into Applejack's mobile food stand.

The cake quickly rolled towards Pinkie Pie, who unwittingly kicked it high into the air while performing one of her flares.

Rarity and Blueblood were entering the ballroom just as the cake began to fly. However, when he saw the cake approaching them, Blueblood gasped in panic and pulled Rarity in front of him, using her to shield himself from the cake's path.

The cake splattered all over Rarity.

Rarity snapped.

Rarity spun around, fuming with rage as her entire body burned scarlet. She glared, bared her teeth, and growled at Blueblood so fiercely that everyone watching was afraid that she was about to tear Blueblood's throat out.

Rarity began stalking towards Blueblood, and Blueblood began anxiously backing away from her. "You, Sir, are the most uncharming prince I've EVER MET!!" Rarity roared. "The only thing royal about you is that you are a ROYAL PAIN!!"

"Eww! Stay back! I've just had my hair groomed-!" Blueblood began.

"Afraid to get DIRTY?!" Rarity bellowed.

Rarity then took a chunk of cake in her hand, raised it high into the air, then brought it down and slapped Blueblood across the cheek with it as hard as she could. The blow was so powerful that Blueblood grunted "Oof-!" and spun through the air before landing face first on the ground.

The ballroom was now completely silent, except for Rarity, who was breathing hard with still-remaining barely-contained fury.

"Well, at least things can't get any worse...." Twilight muttered.

Then the doors to the gardens slammed open, and a stampede of animals, both large and small, scrambled inside. Behind them stood Fluttershy, who looked every bit as disheveled and infuriated as Rarity.

Fluttershy looked up, then roared, "You're... going to LOVE MEEEEEE!!"

All of the nobles began panicking, screaming, and running for the exits. Twilight, her friends, and the Princesses, however, silently watched and remained where they were until all of the nobles had left. All that was left now was them, Blueblood (who was still standing back up and stroking his bruising cheek), the orchestra, and the castle guards.

Once the animals had calmed down a bit, one of the guards said, "Erm... Princess? Should we round your animals back up into your garden?"

After a moment, Celestia nodded. "Yes, please," she said.

Nodding, the guards began casting magical barriers to aid them in returning the animals to the garden.

All was silent for a few moments, then they heard Blueblood growl, "How dare you strike the Royal face, you little cu-!"

However, before he could finish, Celestia struck his cheek again. Blueblood looked up astonishedly at Celestia, who glared contemptuously down at him for a moment before pointing to the staircase. "Go wash up," she said.

Blueblood glared at Celestia for a few moments.

"NOW!!" Celestia shouted.

Scoffing, Blueblood made his way to the grand staircases.

Celestia turned to Rarity. "I'm very, very sorry about him..." she said, her voice full of remorse. "My nephew's a bit of a prat, to put it politely."

Rarity blinked surprisedly. "You're... not angry...?" she said quietly.

"Of course not," Celestia replied, shaking her head. "He's been spoiled rotten, and he had it coming to him. I just hope this is the last time he'll need to be put in his place."

Twilight was trembling, and gazing down at the floor. "I'm... I'm...." she said, her voice breaking.

Celestia turned to Twilight. "What's wrong, Twilight?" she said concernedly.

Twilight whimpered as tears fell from her chin to the floor. "This is all my fault...." she said, wiping at her eyes. "I ruined the Gala... I... I made it turn out awful...!"

Twilight sobbed for a moment, looking away from Celestia. "I'm so, so sorry...."

Celestia blinked, then said gently, "Twilight-"

However, Celestia was interrupted by the front doors bursting open again. "Hey, guys!" they heard a familiar voice cry out to them. "What's up?"

They all looked towards the door, and saw Spike walking in. Spike was followed closely by Donut Joe, who was wheeling a cart that was absolutely brimming with all kinds of donuts towards them.

"So, the party's over, huh?" Spike said. "How was it?"

Twilight sobbed again, and Spike looked worriedly at her. "Twilight?" he said. "What's the matter? Are you alright?"

"It turned out just awful!" Twilight cried. "I've ruined everything, Spike! Oh, I should never have come-!"

However, Celestia then suddenly burst into merry laughter, to which all the others stared astonishedly at her. "Oh, Twilight!" she cried cheerfully. "No, you didn't ruin it! Heavens, no! On the contrary, the Gala is always awful, and you and your friends were undoubtedly the best part of it!"

"Wha-? Bu-... Huh...?" Twilight stuttered.

"My sister's right," Luna said, grinning broadly. "She invited you all with the hopes that you'd make it a bit less dull and drab, and you've done exactly that!"

"That was the most fun I've had at a Gala in centuries!" Celestia added, laughing elatedly as she clapped her hands.

The others stared at Celestia and Luna some more, then Spike grinned. "I wish I were here, then," he said. "I guess I missed out!"

Twilight was silent for a few moments, then sniffed, wiped her tears away, and gently smiled as she shook her head. "No.... It's... it's better like this, Spike," she said. She looked up at him, then continued, "We're all together now, and we can all enjoy each other's company. Just like you wanted."

Spike grinned, then ran forward to embrace Twilight.

They all ate donuts, talked, laughed, and danced some more. Twilight and Spike were especially able to impress them at this; Rainbow taunted Twilight that she was the worst dancer she'd ever seen, but Twilight simply replied that Rainbow hadn't seen her ballroom dance. She and Spike then requested a South Arcadian dance piece from the orchestra, to which they performed a very impressive pasodouble together.

Luna then spoke to Rainbow for a few moments, then the two of them went to Luna's bedchambers together. Rarity began speaking to Donut Joe, and all of the others yawned and stretched.

"Gosh, I'm tired," Pinkie said.

"Me too," Twilight replied.

"You all have rooms for the night, yes?" Celestia said pleasantly.

Twilight nodded. "We do. Thank you, Princess," she said.

Celestia and Twilight embraced, then Celestia gave a hug to Spike as well. She then bowed to the rest, saying, "I am honored to have served as your host this evening, and thank you for accepting my invitation."

The rest curtsied and bowed back. "Thank you, Your Highness," they said in unison.

They all then made their way to the bedchambers Celestia had lent them for the night. Twilight and Spike, of course, returned to the neighboring rooms they'd had before moving to Avalon.

After they had bathed and brushed, Twilight and Spike shared one final embrace as they bid each other goodnight. As Twilight climbed into bed, she reflected on the fact that her summer vacation was over now. That was alright, though; in her opinion, this had been the best night ever.