• Published 18th Jun 2012
  • 2,262 Views, 52 Comments

Appleoosan kind of love - Gabriel LaVedier

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What is

The winds blew across the grand prairie land around the township of Appleoosa, rolling along eddies of dust from the scrubland that danced in the bright, clear moonlight. The wind fairly seemed to breathe, passing between buildings and materials at an angle sufficient to produce gentle whistles and low moans. It added to the sense of emptiness and aloneness. The town was surprisingly quiet; even the saloon was understated. The homes and shops were all dark and quiet. Outwards from there, in the outskirts with the farmsteads of the wealthier ponies, everything was as equally dark and quiet, save in one instance.

The Bell Estate was little more than a large hobby farm designed to justify the presence of a large manor house in the style of Upper-Terrace Canterlotian. Even so the property was bordered by the standard wooden fence with an entrance that boasted an arch which proclaimed its name and bore a few horseshoes, in keeping with the style of the area. A single light was on in the middle of the manor. And close to the window was a steady, huffing grunting and groaning that was disguised by the moaning wind.

Inside a parlor room, illuminated by candlelight, was the elegant miss Clarion Bell, sole heiress of the Hoofington Bell line and inheritor of a goodly chunk of bits. The unicorn mare was not her usual, well-put-together self. Her dark lavender mane was out of control, strands of it pasted down to her dusty orange coat by the sheen of sweat that glistened on the velvet-like hair. Her luminous green eyes looked at nothing, opened wide and fixed on a far point as she gave a drowned-out cry. Her shout was overpowered by the bellowing roar of her guest, a beefy, light-brown buffalo brave by the name of Howling Gale, one of Chief Thunderhooves’ bulls. He, too, was matted down with sweat, huge head thrown back as he trembled above Clarion’s smaller form.

The moment over, both mare and bull collapsed slightly, Howling holding himself up from pressing down on Clarion’s back. The only conversation, for a long while, was a nearly-identical panting from both of them. Finally, after a long sigh and deep breath, Clarion chirped, “May I draw you a bath, Howl dear? I certainly know I require one. Perhaps we could share.”

Howling released a deep, gruff laugh and finished it with a quick breath. “Whew! No thanks, Clari. I know your tub is huge, and you really… really had it tonight.” He leaned down as much as possible and rubbed his face against hers, unashamedly mingling sheens and finishing with a teasing lick over her lips. “The other guys won’t notice if I’m sweating. I’ll tell them I was stampeding. That’s not all a lie…”

“Howl! Goodness!” Clarion wiggled herself out from under the buffalo and gave him a mock-stern look. “That is a most disrespectful way to speak to a lady such as myself.”

“But… you love it when I talk like that.” Howling leaned in and kissed Clarion gently on the lips. “I’ll have a dip in the river. That should take care of it.”

“Most clever and expedient. Yes, that should do well for you.” Clarion returned the kiss and added a close, warm press of necks. She gently stroked his neck and nudged him gently. “Do you wish my companionship as you leave?”

Howling shook his head and set off, slightly rubber-legged, towards the parlor door. “No, that’s ok. You should run that bath. Besides, it might get complicated if we were seen together.”

Clarion opened her mouth to comment, but the words caught in her throat. She watched the big buffalo lumber out of the room, to discreetly and silently exit via the back door and then leave through a cleverly hidden swinging fence section. She wanted to tell him she didn’t care about being seen, but it was a lie. She wanted to say that was just the way it had to be. That broke her heart. But she couldn’t deny it.

- - -

In the bright light of day Appleoosa was quite a bustling and cheerful place. Lots of drinking and salt licking at the saloon, dances in the street, art projects, and lots of cheerful greetings. The primary difference, between how it was several months ago and how it was at the time was there were also buffalo going through town, bulls and cows. They greeted their pony neighbors in a friendly fashion, but there was always… some sort of distance between them. A socialized separation.

“So we have everything ready for the big festival. Plenty of pies for our… new near neighbors. It was never much of a concern before, of course. Changes the game a bit, doesn’t it?” Clarion was walking down the street, smiling and nodding as her fellow wealthy farmstead owner Abundant Sheaves discussed the latest, tedious news. “Of course you will come along and bring your charm and some lovely baked goods. You somehow seem to have a way with their kind.”

“With… their… kind…” Clarion disguised the ice in her voice behind a well-practiced warm smile and the appearance of slow agreement with the statement. “Yes I… I would rather say that I have that, indeed. But please… let us… leave off talk like that and try talking about something more pleasant. Have you been keeping track of the new matters from Canterlot?”

“From Canterlot? It is the first thing I look at before I even sit down for my breakfast! Oh I may live here, for my own excitement, but my heart, and soul, will always belong to the rarified atmosphere of Canterlot. Someday I shall return there. But never mind. Was there a particular piece of news you wished to discuss?” The wheat-blonde unicorn turned blue eyes eagerly across at her walking partner, quick to gossip.

“Ahh, well… there’s more talk about us, out here in the wilds. The Canterlot elite seem to find us quite quaint and a worthy topic for conversation. Though primarily, I suspect, because of our very comfortable and peaceful coexistence with the buffalo. And, of course, the relation between our townscolt and one of the buffalo. It’s all very exciting and encouraging. As… far as the Canterlot elite are concerned.”

“Ahh, yes… our townscolt…” Abundant was in such a quandary that it actually showed on her face, to some small degree. If the Canterlot elite spoke about it, it was a topic of great interest to her, and her opinion was primarily slanted towards what they said. But for all her affectations of enlightenment and broadmindedness, Abundant was far from encouraged by the marriage of Braeburn and Little Strongheart. “I hear that they are the talk of the fine ponies. Isn’t that… wonderful?”

“I certainly think so. It makes us the talk of all the elites and, in some small fashion, gives all of us a higher profile and status. We become so much grander just for living here. Isn’t it exciting? We do nothing and all the wonderful reputation falls into our saddlebags.” Clarion allowed herself a smug smile disguised as a pleased look born from a bigness of heart.

“Mmm, yes well… let us leave off this talk of Canterlot and discuss more local matters. How is your farm coming along? I understand you have not hired any help. Most curious. One would assume that you would hire some strapping stallion or robust mare to assist your endeavors.” Defeated, Abundant fell back to the topic she had ignored previously.

“Why would I even need to? Let us not try to fool one another, it disrespects us both. It is nothing more than a hobby farm, growing food for myself and none else save for welcome company. I may easily tend to my plots with my own two hooves and the use of unicorn powers. The soil has been tilled and turned and the seeds planted. It is the place of the land’s mana to do the rest.” Clarion lost her winning smile, knowing what her supposed friend meant. Paid or induced eye-candy and perhaps more. She was so disgustingly naked in her impropriety… the accusation, even made internally, stabbed at her guts like a knife.

“Oh tush, Clarion, you’re no fun at all. So prudish and proper, one could hardly call you a mare at all. Where is your spice and passion? Probably locked up behind a chastity harness. I wonder if you even know what passion is.” Abundant rolled her eyes and looked with pity upon her companion. “My word. You could even use a buffalo for such. Anything. Debasement is better than complete celibacy.”

Clarion bit back a chillingly cutting comment and fought hard to keep herself from showing her dire offense. She turned her face away, hoping it was interpreted as hiding a blush. The new position allowed her to see Howling Gale, trundling through town just for the sake of doing it. Her hoof went up, automatically, “Hello How-!” That was as far as she got before she remembered. Stallions greeted buffalo bulls, if there was a reason, such as general camaraderie or a matter to be handled. Mares most certainly did not openly speak to bulls, least of all in such a familiar form. “How goes it, my townspony?” She lamely finished by greeting a nearby green stallion in a Stetson.

“Uhh… goes… good, miss Bell. Right nice of ya ta ask.” The stallion looked over in confusion, a sheepish look on his face, his hoof tilting his hat. Behind the confused stallion, Howling Gale looked a bit confused. Then he noticed Clarion. He just gave a small, secret smile and lumbered on, with the barest, tiniest flick of his tail. She was going to get it.

At that moment, Clarion wished she could show her anticipation of future bliss.

- - -

“You always… you always keep your… promises, Howl, dearest…” Clarion pressed her matted, sweaty body against the thick-bodied buffalo, as ever unashamedly mingling her moist fur with his, rubbing her cheek against his thick, powerful neck. “I do believe I shall need a pillow for near-future seating. I cannot thank you enough, my love.”

“You’re too kind, Clari. I’m just a big ol’ lumbering buffabrave. There’s a dozen more of me out there right now ramming their heads into each other.” Howling wrapped his surprisingly-stubby legs around Clarion and gave her a warm, tight squeeze.

“No. That is where you are wrong, Howl. You always have been.” Clarion grabbed that leg like it was the last floating debris in a squall. “There are not a dozen of you out there at this moment. Nor are there half a dozen, nor a hoofful, nor even a single one. There is only one of you. ONE. And he is in my embrace right this second, loved more than I can possibly say.” Tears began to slowly streak down Clarion’s cheeks, hitting the carpeted floor with soft plips in the silence.

“Hey, hey now, Clari… Shhh, it’s ok…” Howling slowly stroked Clarion, drawing her in closer and tighter to his huge body, rumbling deep within himself to try and give her a gentle massage. “I love you. I love you as much as you love me. I hope. I’m not as… classy about you as far as talking goes. But you mean everything to me. Clari… I don’t show it but I hurt too.”

Clarion grimaced, teeth gritting. Of course. Idiot pony. Stupid, stupid over-refined Canterlot boor! Wallow in your own self-pity some more, you wretched mare. “I know…” She whispered gently, coming up to kiss Howling right on the lips, licking them lightly as she pulled away. “I never presumed you were some block of unfeeling wood, immune to the suffering that comes from this. By Celestia, you must hurt even more. Your heart is so much bigger than mine. There is so much more to break.” Clarion smiled a tiny bit, and kissed Howling again.

“I don’t know. You’ve got a really big heart in that petite body.” Howling gave a throaty chuckle and kisses Clarion on the forehead below her horn, and again right on the horn. “You have enough heart in you for a dozen ponies. A whole lot more than some other ponies I know. All the bulls talk about some cold-hearted snake that loves to watch them stampede and… stampede over her. They love to get that action, but hate how she seems almost offended by them being there. What was her name? Something like… Ample… Generous…”

“Abundant…” Clarion spoke the name with a mixture of shock and contempt. “Are you… are you saying that she… with your tribe mates? Abundant Sheaves the unicorn mare? Another rich pony like me? That Abundant Sheaves?”

“Well, yea. She’s almost famous. Now, she keeps them very, very quiet. And none of them want to ruin a good thing. She’s good for a quick romp, but she’s very angry about it, I guess. All the guys tell me that she lets them do pretty much anything, but she has this terrible look on her face, and wants them to leave the second they finish.”

“Yes… Yes, that sounds like my DEAR friend.” Clarion couldn’t believe it. And yet, she believed it all too easily. She had mentioned debasement was better that celibacy. She was never good at celibacy, but to think… she would dally freely with the bulls, hating them every second. And during the day, she trotted about grandly, acting like she was better than them. “We’re not all like that. Almost none of us are like that.”

“I don’t know about that. I haven’t met most ponies.” Howling could see that Clarion was upset, and a different type of upset than she had been a short time before. He kissed her on the lips and nudged her softly. “But that doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is you’re not like that.”

Clarion blushed deeply, her anger fading away with the pressure of Howling’s lips, her body slumping down, tamed and relieved, for the second time. She considered that she ought to just listen to her sensible darling more often. Her life would be better and easier. Better and easier… “I can’t possibly thank you enough, Howl. You may not even realize the scope of the help you have given to me. I see now I have been so wrong. I should trust you more. I finally know what I need to do.”

Howl looked down at Clarion, looking pleased yet confused by the compliment that seemed to imply more than just a bit of complimenting. “Uhhh… Clari… you ok? You’re sounding a little… odd.”

Clarion smiled an enigmatic smile and patted Howling on the neck and sighed loudly. “I feel wonderful. Now, stay here with me. I will hear no objections. You will stay here, by my side, until Celestia’s sun graces the sky. For the first time, I will see it with you.”

- - -

Howling and Clarion not only savored the sunrise together, but ate a large, elaborate breakfast together at Clarion’s table. Through it all, Clarion said nothing. Howling asked questions, and made comments, but got nothing more than an enigmatic smile and warm and tender kisses. They cleaned up together, with some fussing over Howling’s fur and the cleanliness of his feathered accessories.

Most surprising of all, they left her house together, though her front door, and traveled out into town proper. They were together, walking down the street and attracting some stares and whispers. Clarion walked though it all with a blissful, unconcerned smile; Howling was looking more than nervous, not sure what to think of all the attention focused on him, and on her.

They moved unhurriedly down the main thoroughfare to the center of town, the heart of Appleoosa near the saloon, the train depot and the art spaces. Once there, Clarion looked around at the inhabitants of the town center, and found her target. Abundant Sheaves, with whom she had a prior engagement at that time. “Clarion, dear? What are you doing? I thought we were getting together to discuss plans for our festival.”

“No. I’m not going to be doing that. I think we can no longer be friends, Abundant. Your disgusting contemptuousness towards our neighbors has sickened me for the last time. Now, be quiet.” Clarion spoke with a smile, her words all the more cutting as they lacked any rancor or flame.

“What?! Well I never! I have most certainly not been contemptuous towards our neighbors! I have nothing but respect and admiration for the buffalo Why else would I invite them to my soiree?” Abundant looked stung by the accusation, pleading her case to the crowd looking at her.

“For appearances. Making yourself look good in front of the good folks around here and the Canterlot elites. And maybe so you can butter them up to encourage them to keep working for you.” A gasp rose from the implications of the accusation, Abundant spluttering and flushing.

“Why you… that’s… how… You take that back!”

“Take what back? You always hire new folk to tend your field and plow the lanes. If folk take it wrong that’s their business. Why are YOU taking it in a way that I don’t mean?”

“I- I- I…” Abundant looked around. All her neighbors. Staring. Whispering. Knowing.

“But that’s no matter. The real matter is what I can’t deny anymore. I love you all, my neighbors and friends. But if I have to lie to you to get along, then it’s not worth it at all. I will say this openly, and without hesitation any longer, to break the dam of silence and fear!” She swiftly turned and grabbed a very surprised Howling, planting a hard, deep kiss on his lips, drawing gasps and cries from the watching population. Parting with a sigh, she smilingly said, “I love this bull, Howling Gale. I always have, I always will. And nopony will take that away from me.”