• Published 28th May 2016
  • 10,501 Views, 20 Comments

Righteous Anger - Drago Cadenza

Twilight Sparkle is now back to normal. But what about the one Responsible for nearly getting the world destroyed? Well, Dean Cadence has something to say about Abacus Cinch's actions, and she tends to express her reactions in a more...direct manner.

  • ...

The Only Chapter

The battle for the preservation of the human world had ended quickly, with an equestrian turned human known as Sunset Shimmer, victorious over her foe, Midnight Sparkle. But Sunset didn't do it alone, for she'd won with both the power of Friendship ,and the aid of a talking dog known as Spike, who somehow managed to distract Twilight and remind her of what she was sacrificing in order for her to complete her goal: Ultimate Knowledge of Equestria's Magic. Thankfully, Twilight abandoned her own goal and chose to accept Sunset's friendship, which reverted her back to normal. Not only that, but the multiple portals that were created by Midnight Sparkle herself had all dissipated into nothingness, revealing the only thing around the area that was destroyed, the wondercolts statue in front of Canterlot High School.

"Twilight! I'm so glad you're OK!" Cried Cadence, who was quickly rushing to her Sister figure and giving her a very tearful hug. Her face was already covered in tears and began crying loudly on her shoulder, "I'm *sob* I'm so sorry Twilight, *sob* I *sob* made a *sob* promise to Shining *sob* before the *sob* Friendship *sob* games *sob* that I pro...*sob* protect his little *sob* Sister from any *sob* harm, but-" suddenly, she was interrupted by a sudden tightening around her chest, and looked to see the one she promised to protect hugging her as well.

"Shhhhhh...It's Ok. It's Ok Cadence, I...I know what you mean," Twilight replied, comforting Cadence's sobbing form while trying to reassure her that none of it was her fault, but her sobs still continued, despite being muffled on the purple-haired girl's shoulder.

Both sisters stayed in that heartwarming position for several minutes, but Cadence had a flashback of what happened Yesterday.

Before the Friendship Games, Shining Armor told Cadence that he would have to leave with his Parents in order to get into a Police Academy he always wanted to go to even before he'd graduated from Crystal Prep Academy. Though she was upset that he didn't tell either her or Twilight until now, her boyfriend made it clear that this was to make sure that his little sister didn't have too much on her mind while she competed in the Games themselves. In the end, Cadence said goodbye to him and promised that she would protect his sister, no matter what. After sharing a loving kiss on the lips, Shining armor parted ways to meet up with Twilight Velvet and Nightlight so they could head to the Police Academy that was far from home.

The Flashback ends, and Twilight still has her arms wrapped around her older Sister figure, even when there was a large crowd of people staring at them both.

But, something about this crowd made Twilight cringe inside her head. For all she knew, the students at both Canterlot High and Crystal Prep Academy would do nothing except hate her for what she'd just done. And they were right, Twilight had transformed into a monster right before their very eyes not too long ago, and it took slightly less time for her to start acting like a mad scientist. Both of those things would be more than enough for all these students, whose lives were put in danger nonetheless, to resent her like the freak she is. Though Cadence, Spike, and Sunset have forgiven her, they would most likely be the only ones to do so. 'Not even my own family would dare to love a horrible person like me,' she thought to herself. Suddenly, two voices that called out her name broke her out of her thoughts. Both Cadence and Twilight turned their heads to where the voices came from and saw Spike and Sunset Shimmer.

"Twilight," they called in unison, joining the group hug while Spike jumped out and licked his owner in the face and said to her, "Are you guys alright?" Both Sisters nodded and kissed the purple canine on the forehead, earning a happy bark from him.

"How are you feeling Twilight?" Sunset asked.

"Better, but I still feel a bit...hurt. I nearly killed all of you just for knowledge of another world and I...I feel like I shouldn't be forgiven. Maybe I should-" Twilight was about to finish her until someone shouted in her direction with a raspy voice.

"Hey! Don't you dare insult yourself like that Twi! We don't think of you like that, do we girls?"

Twilight then saw five familiar faces shake their heads, but what she was more surprised by was the rainbow-haired girl who was called Rainbow Dash, refusing to let her mope around. The four girls next to her were: The Country Blonde with the Stetson who helped her with the archery stage in the Friendship Games named Applejack, the Fashionista with a Violet curvy hairstyle known as Rarity, the pink-haired Shy one who'd snuck in some of her pets earlier today who prefers the name Fluttershy, and finally, the Party Girl at the get together who calls herself Pinkie Pie.

"That's right Sugarcube. We ain't like those Shadowbolt fellers at Crystal Prep," Applejack then turned towards Cadence, "Uh, no offense ma'am," who in return just giggled at the Country Girls remark.

"Why would we ever hate you? You chose to be friends with Sunset Shimmer, and we will always respect you decision Darling," Rarity pointed out, flicking her hair to keep it from blocking her eyes.

"We still care about you Twilight, and we would most likely hate ourselves if we were ever mean to you. I know I wouldn't live with myself if I was cruel towards others," Fluttershy said quietly while getting a pat on the back from her best friend Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah," Pinkie replied, "And acting like a bunch of meanies for your upcoming 'Congratulations for Being Friends with all of us Twilight Sparkle Party' wouldn't be fun and all of us would be sad and depressed and-" the Party Girl was then interrupted by Rainbow closing her mouth and whispering, "Pinkie Pie, that's quite enough for now."

Rainbow then continued, "Look Twilight, we just don't want you putting yourself down into depression. I know what it's like to earn a bad reputation and we can help you. So please don't make this harder on yourself," As soon as the rainbow-haired athlete finished, Sunset stepped forward.

"They're right Twi," The flame-haired girl teen started, "and to tell you the truth, I..." she paused for a second before continuing, "I traveled down the same path you did not long ago."

This revelation had shocked not only Twilight, but both Spike and Cadence as well, with the canine growling at Sunset and the milkshake-haired woman grabbing said canine and preventing him from mawing the other teen to death.

Afterwards, Sunset continued, "Yes, I too transformed into a She-Demon who cared little for this world, and it was...horrible to say the least. But, after all the evil magic that consumed me was destroyed by the powers of Friendship, I then decided to change my ways forever, but not without the help of these five girls right here," She gestured to the rest of the Rainboom crew and, after a gasp from Twilight's human-counterpart, she continued, "My point is Twilight, if I was able to be forgiven by all these people, then you're able to be forgiven as well. It just takes time for them to do so, just like me," Soon after, all seven teenagers gave each other a group hug.

It took a few seconds for those words to get into Twilight's head, and only one afterwards to group hug her new friends with tears of joy in her eyes while muttering as many 'Thank yous' as possible, along with the other five girls being glad to have her as a friend. As Cadence was watching them, Spike suddenly turned his head left and began barking at what appears to be a random person, Only for the Dean of Crystal Prep to look in his direction and realize who it was. The person that Spike was barking at was none other than Abacus Cinch, Principal of the Academy, and the one responsible for everything leading up to the atrocity that'd recently happened. By this point, Cadence has had about enough of her bullshit as she already had, but what came out of the cruel woman's mouth made her snap.

"I demand to know what has happened here. For everything WILL go to the evidence room when the police arrest everyone at this school, including those seven FREAKS and that STUPID DOG!"

Cinch's outburst had caught everyone off-guard, including Principal Celestia, her sister Vice Principal Luna, all of the CHS student body, the Rainbooms (Rainbow Dash, Spike, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, and Applejack were now absolutely furious at such a comment), and Twilight herself. Speaking of which, said violet and pink streaked-haired teenager was now sobbing uncontrollably (along with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie). Both Celestia and Luna were about to step in and tell the stubborn woman that this would mark her insane, but Cadence barged in. And, with her Sister figure at stake here, she did what she felt like she should've done a VERY long time ago.

"What happened? WHAT HAPPENED? I'll tell you what happened, this whole mess was caused by YOU, you fucking ungrateful HAG!" She shouted halfway, causing Cinch to look at her in shock.

"How dare you raise your voice to me Dean Cadence. I'm the Principal of Crystal Prep Academy and I-" Abacus tried to retaliate, only for it to fall under Cadence's righteous anger (or wrath) and never get up again.

"NO! You wanna know why I say this is all your FUCKING fault? Here's WHY! First, you delay Twilight's opportunity to go to Everton by forcing her to compete in the Friendship Games. Next you step in at the get-along party to prevent all the students from getting along with each other, which put one of the student's time and effort into waste. Then you accuse Canterlot High of cheating when they were using magic to SAVE not only THEIR own, but OUR students as well from giant man-eating plants from another world. And Finally, you tried to use that magic just to win the games, but in the end, that magic corrupted MY SISTER FIGURE and yet you even go as far to outright deny any involvement in it whatsoever. This act you committed was so awful, even your own students won't support you anymore," Cadence paused to catch her breath before continuing, "Abacus Cinch, you've not only gone too far with YOUR reputation being more important than the welfare of others, but you've also crossed a line I never thought you would cross, family. Even before I've dated Shining Armor, Twilight has always been like a little sister to me, and seeing her spirit being broken bit by bit by you has made me fully realize that what you've been doing has really been considered DANGEROUS to everyone around you. I'm going make sure that you never harm anyone again, starting with getting Twilight away from YOU!" Once she'd finished, now everyone was in complete shock from all that has just now transpired, even Cinch was unable to hide her fear.

Eventually, not a single sound was heard for several minutes except for the sounds of birds chirping obliviously and squirrels gathering food to the calm gales of wind and the rustling of trees.

By the time everyone snapped from that moment of stupor to finally show anger towards Abacus Cinch, the Crystal Prep Principal was able to find a means to retaliate towards Cadence before anyone else could react.

"Well, it seems you won't be able to do that, because you're going to be fired from your job as Dean of Crystal Prep when I get back there. And once I do, it looks like Twilight and her new friends, along with YOU, will be spending the rest of your filthy little lives in prison, and there is nothing you can do about it, NOTHING!" She finished with a malicious laugh and lightning strikes in the distance for dramatic effect.

No one was really surprised by her revelation, for they ALL knew too well that Cinch's 'evidence' would never fly through with neither the Schoolboard nor the Police, so the milkshake-haired woman only had a smug grin, which surprised the older woman.

"You know Cinch, you can't fire me because I QUIT!" She finally responded.

"WHAT? You can't quit, I fired you. Remember?"

"Well then good luck trying to show that you're not insane, along with no real evidence of the magical portals to another world," Celestia finally said, directly at Cinch.

"Let us not forget the lack of any magical students with pony ears and wings, and the talking dog as well," Luna also said, joining in on the fray.

"Yeah!" Spike barked.

"You won't be picking on us anytime soon," Sunset said.

"Begone you Ruffian!" Rarity exclaimed in a disgusted tone.

"Serves ya right ya no good snooty tooty Varmit!" Applejack bluntly remarked.

"You're a MONSTER!" Fluttershy screamed.

"Also, if I ever see you trying to hurt Twilight or anyone else again, I will fight you on the side of the street!" Rainbow yelled.

"I already got new friends Cinch, I don't need you to control my life anymore," Twilight said Proudly, all the while relieved to have stood up to her former Principal.

"Yeah, and you're not invited to the party, cause big meanie pants like you are off the list of parties...FOREVER!" Pinkie finished in her over the top kind of way with a glare.

"But...But...But you forget that I can call the Police on-" Cinch was about to use her last resort option when suddenly, Cadence threw a powerful punch right into her face, knocking her completely out cold.

"Good luck with that you Bitch!" Cadence hissed with venom.

The Next Week

Everything was finally settled in Canterlot, from Twilight Sparkle accepting the Rainboom's friendship and coming back to the good side, the Friendship Games ending with a tie, to Abacus Cinch finally being fired by the schoolboard for making up the whole thing and thus, getting herself thrown into an insane asylum with a whole bunch of other loonies to keep her company. Oh, and as for Crystal Prep, the staff had chosen the Human Chrysalis to become Principal while a pink, Fluffy-haired woman named Flufflepuff was next to be Dean of the Academy since Cadence announced that she would resign from her position once she'd transfer over to Canterlot High along with Twilight Sparkle. Speaking of Cadence, both her and Twilight were in Principal Celestia's office while Vice Principal Luna, and the Rainbooms were at the former's own office. Principal Celestia was currently discussing with both her niece and Sister figure about their decision to transfer to Canterlot High, and after several minutes of pondering, the aurora-haired woman finally gathered their attention and came to a decision.

"Twilight Sparkle, Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadence), since you've both filled out the applications to transfer to our school with permission from the schoolboard. It has come to me that..." She paused for five seconds of dramatic tension before continuing, "...I shall approve of them and allow the two of you to be transferred into Canterlot High School. Congratulations and may I be the first to wish both of you, my dear nieces, good luck," she finished, earning a gasp from both of them.

"Thank you Principal Celestia! Thank you Thank you Thank you THANK YOU!" Both of them shouted in unison, immediately tackling the older woman to the ground while crying tears of joy and satisfaction.

Meanwhile, Vice Principal Luna, Sunset Shimmer, and the other members of the Rainbooms were talking about an upcoming celebration party that Pinkie Pie had said while chastising Abacus Cinch. "Come on Luna, you gotta let me plan the party here. I Pinkie Promise that it won't cover the whole school in cupcake batter this time," The Pink-haired Party Girl begged, receiving a groan from the Night-hared woman instead.

"NO! I already had to pay for the damages of that fiasco, I will not be doing that here," She hissed.

But sadly, that never really stopped Pinkie before, nor will it this time. "But what about that party where we all got to meet the Shadowbolts? You allowed me to do that party, so why not this one?"

"Because it was a required party by tradition of the Friendship Games, not an Optional one," Luna answered in an annoyed tone, earning a 'So' from her talkative and naïve acquaintance while the others were talking amongst themselves.

"Ya think one of them would get the message by now. They'd been fightin about parties fer quite a while, and Ah'm getting tired of it all," Applejack groaned to herself.

"Um...I think we may try to have a private party instead, If that's ok with you guys," Came the soft whispers of poor Fluttershy.

"I must admit, it does seem like she always wants to plan a party whenever she's given the opportunity. *Sigh* There's almost no point in persuading her otherwise Fluttershy," Rarity said.

"I agree with you Flutters, I don't think anyone besides us would want to come to one of her parties if Twilight is there, unless they want to beat her up of course, but we'll never allow that," Rainbow Dash answered.

Sunset, who's been looking at her phone the entire time, has finally received a message from Principal Celestia saying: "You may now come to my office. I will tell you all my final decision." Quickly, she managed to whistle for everyone's attention, including Luna and Pinkie, ending their argument. Once she managed to explain her Text, they all left Luna's dark and threatening office soon after, eager for their new friend to be accepted into CHS.

Afterwards, all seven of them managed to reach Celestia's office without issue and were immediately invited in by the Aurora-haired Woman herself. All the while, both Cadence and Twilight were sitting on a bench holding the biggest smiles they could ever muster. As soon as the two of them told the others that they were staying at Canterlot High, the Rainbooms rushed in to congratulate Twilight while Luna just had her mouth open, unaware that Celestia was patting her right shoulder and winking at their niece.

"YAY, YOU MADE IT TWILIGHT! I'M SO HAPPY THAT I JUST WANNA THROW THAT PARTY I PROMISED YOU! IT'S PARTY TIME EVERYONE!" Pinkie shouted, hurting all of her friends ears, new and old, but when Luna suddenly overheard her and shouted 'NO', everyone was looking at her in either shock, or annoyance, mostly from Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Sunset. Before the Night-haired woman could shout even more, Cadence tapped the bubbly-haired girl's shoulder to get her attention.

Two seconds later, and both Celestia and Luna's beloved niece spoke out, staring at Pinkie, "A party you say? Well, seeing how our lives will change, I don't see why not," She then glanced over from Pinkie to her little Sister figure, "Do you mind having a party being thrown in your honor Twilight?"

"No, I don't mind it at all, though I'm a bit nervous about it, that's all," Twilight responded, making Pinkie pull out a smile that widened from ear-to-ear.

"Fine," Luna Grumbled, "But only after school. And no going over-the-top this time! You understand me Pinkamena Diana Pie?" She finished in a serious tone, earning a quick nod and salute from Pinkie as she immediately ran off, dreading the name that her parents gave her when she was only a small child. As for Principal Celestia, she informed the rest of the students in her office and her niece to get to the cafeteria, for lunch was about to start.

As for Cadence, she explained to her aunts that she wanted to become a Consular for CHS's students and help them with all sort of problems whenever they needed any. Not only that, but she also said that she knew Chrysalis, the new Principal of Crystal Prep, so she would get in contact and try to get the two warring schools to let their defenses down and become friends. It won't be easy for the schoolboard, but it will happen someday. As Cadence got her lunch, she settled into her new working space and called Shining Armor, saying that there're some things to talk about once he and his parents got back from police training tonight. Though for some reason, Cadence could never call them during the week, which was odd to say the least.

As she was about to eat her food, Cadence gave out a deep sigh, wondering how both her boyfriend and his parents would react to Twilight's transformation, quitting Crystal Prep and having new staff members run the place, Abacus Cinch being put into an asylum, having the Friendship Games end with a tie, or of the sudden transfer to Canterlot High, the hated rival of the academy she'd worked in for so long, all of these worried her to no end. But regardless, she knew Twilight was thinking the same things as well, 'She's suffered too much, and she's still only a young girl, my little Sister,' She thought to herself before eating her lunch, which consisted of an apple, a BLT sandwich, a small bag of dill pickle chips, and a can of coca-cola as a refreshment.

Speaking of Twilight, she went to the cafeteria alongside her newest friends: Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset Shimmer while wondering about what would the future hold in store for her, and if her dark alter-ego, Midnight Sparkle, had truly disappeared forever. But as Sunset and the Rainbooms approached the door, they looked at her with concern and asked if she was alright.

"Yes, I'm fine. Now, why don't we get something to eat at the cafeteria girls?" Twilight replied with confidence in her voice, the same kind that Rainbow Dash would love to have. As the double-doors to the cafeteria opened, Twilight's eyes changed into that of Midnight Sparkle's for only a few seconds before changing back to normal. Then, all seven of them walked to the cafeteria together, thus starting a new chapter on all their lives.

Author's Note:

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah *Insert obvious fanfic thingy here* :rainbowhuh:

Since Cinch was allowed to go unscathed in The Friendship Games Movie (which was awesome by the way), I decided to add a little 'What If' scenario of where Dean Cadence would be like: Screw it, I'm gonna smack this Bitch. Because Twilight would be both Cadence and Shining Armor's Responsibility during the movie, I thought it would create a much bigger Impact to have Cadence or Shining Armor beat the tar out of Cinch instead of one of the Main Characters from that Movie, just to show: You mess with one of us, you mess with ALL of us.

I added Slice of Life tag because it's a good substitute for Heartwarming also for the Uplifting moments throughout the beginning and the ending. By the way, do you like the little Cliffhanger at the ending? I 'MAY' create a sequel for this whenever I feel like it because reasons.

All jokes aside, please comment, rate, or follow me if you want to see more Fanfics. :twilightsmile: Please be civil in the Comments section and use constructive criticism, I don't want insults or threats as comments. :facehoof:
Thank you for reading this story and stay tuned for more. :moustache:
Though I like to make stories at my own time and not at a rush. :rainbowwild:

Comments ( 20 )

"But...But...But you forget that I can call the Police on-" Cinch was about to use her last resort option when suddenly, Cadence threw a powerful punch right into her face, knocking her completely out cold.

"Good luck with that you Bitch!" Cadence hissed with venom.


Er, as much as I hated Cinch this all seems a bit over the top and Cinch seems just a tad off then the movied showed. Sure Cinch was a bitch (Cadence was right on the money there) but outright insane?:applejackunsure:

7254435 Well Ok, I might've overdone it just a tad bit when it came to portraying Cinch, but can you ask yourself these Questions?
How would you react when you've just seen someone transform into a monster and try to destroy everything without remorse? And What would you do about it? Or in Cinch's case: What can I do without acting like a madwoman and would I succeed? That's all I got for now. :twilightsheepish:

Either way, I am glad I got to hear your opinion and I will respect it.

Thanks for the input, :twilightsmile:

7253888 I guess you like it then? :raritystarry:

7255981 Well, as Mario would say: YIPPEE! :pinkiehappy:

What is shining and human twilight parents reaction?

7307360 It's a surprise. :twilightsmile: I might do a bonus chapter if you want me to. :raritystarry:

EDIT: Actually, Scrap the Bonus Chapter. I'm doing a separate story instead. Sorry. :pinkiesad2:


Though the sentiment is appreciated, I feel the execution is lacking. I recommend reading fiction often to get a better feel for what works (and, as always, practice makes perfect).

You know, if that's alright with you. :fluttershyouch:

Yep. Someone saw that name and immediately assumed.

Kinda think Spikes reaction was a bit off when it comes to Sunset’s admission.

I would have been that student in the background instigating.

I'm always happy to see a Fluffle Puff cameo.

Well then, I'm glad I was able to make you happy with one. :twilightsmile:

Assaulting your boss is an incredibly quick way of getting yourself fired, BTW.


Cadence out here laying it out how it is. Cinch getting socked and sent to the madhouse was just... joyous. Beautiful. Also... Midnight cliffhanger. Cadence, do your job. Pls.

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