• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 440 Views, 5 Comments

You know that splattery stuff on the ground that you can sometimes see faces in? That's what this is. - PiercingSight

A scrapbook of sorts. Full of blobs and blabs and spatterings of verbage.

  • ...

A dead pony walks into a bar...

Vinyl Scratch ignored the terrified stares and gasps of the other patrons as she floated up to the counter. The barpony finished serving a mare on the other end of the counter before turning toward Vinyl.

"How may I help yoooooo~..."

His face flushed when he saw a see-through Vinyl floating impatiently in a seat.

"Uh.. V-..B-.. You're dead!" he managed to stammer out.

"Yeah. And?" Vinyl snarked. "I want a drink."

"But I went to your funeral! What... How... "

"Well, you always said you wanted to get some more spirits in here." Vinyl winked.

The barpony promptly fainted.

"Well, dangit. Guess I gotta help myself."

The rest of the patrons were frozen in horror as the terrifying specter floated over the counter, grabbed a bottle, and chugged it down. Parents covered their children's eyes, babies cried, and one stallion lost his liquor into his lap.

Suddenly, the entrance to the bar exploded. A gray mare with a pink bowtie and beeping goggles ran in and aimed a gun at the specter. "Drop it!"

Vinyl turned towards the newcomer and gave her a deadpan stare... then she returned to emptying the bottle in her magical grasp.

A loud bang rang out, scattering glass and liquids throughout the room.

"Aw, come on, Tavi! I was drinking that!"

"Begone! Begone! BEGONE!" Octavia repeatedly yelled as she fired round after round at the bored looking ghost.

"Tavi, stop it, your scaring the turtles," Vinyl stated, pointing at a small cage of shivering reptiles. "Also, now that you're here, I have to ask. Were you the one that killed me?"

"Of course not! Why would you assume such a thing?"

"Uh... well, you were just shooting at me trying to get me to go away. I just figured that, y'know, putting two and two together..."

"Oh nononono, dear. This is just a dream where you've come back from the dead to haunt me."

Vinyl looked around at the still frozen patrons, the shaking turtles, and the unconscious barpony, before returning to Octavia. "No, I'm pretty sure this is real."

"You there! Drop your weapon or we'll shoot!"

Octavia turned to see multiple officer ponies surrounding the bar. Her chest glowed with the green hue of aiming lasers. "Oh..."

A ghost Octavia and ghost Vinyl sat in the corner of the bar, cards in their hooves and glasses on the table.

"Go fish," Vinyl stated before taking a large swig.

Octavia reached over and grabbed another card from the pile. "Buck!"

"Hah hah~" Vinyl taunted.

Then they played cards all night long and had a good time.