• Published 26th May 2016
  • 1,435 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Dangerous: Episode One: Spare Spike a Thought - SpikeyWikeyTheDragon

A spell that Twilight had been yearning to cast ever since she arrived in Ponyville goes awry leaving Spike without his memory

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Spell gone Awry

Twilight Sparkle was happy for today she was about to test a spell she had longed to test ever since she had arrived in Ponyville, a spell which would allow her to enter the minds of other ponies and see what they are thinking at any given time, although this may have sounded like a stupid idea to everypony else, she was sure that nothing would go wrong with such a thing. She traced her hoof down the parchment mumbling to words to the spell as she went along. She giggled out of pure glee when she finally realized that the spell she so yearned to complete was now ready in its entirety

“Spiiiiiiiiike!” She called out hoping that her assistant was awake enough to be able to hear her, when she didn't get an answer however she frowned and used her teleportation to arrive in Spike's room to see that he was cuddling a Rarity plush. He let out a gasp and threw the plush aside then blushed and rubbed his claw against the back of his head “Twi! You have got to stop doing that, I need my privacy!”

Spike whined, cheeks as red as the gem he had handed Rarity many moons ago. Twilight of course rolled her eyes “Oh, of course. I'll just leave you to your-...ahem 'privacy'”

If Twilight were born with human hands she would have made air quotations with her fingers, but she didn't so her hoofs would make do for now “Now, I have wonderful news!” She exclaimed bounding towards Spike with a single stride which made Spike stumble and fall backwards onto his bed, he blinked and sat up looking at the unicorn in-front of him with the almost maddening smile spreading across her features “Okaaaaaay, i'm waiting for you to tell me?” He said an eyebrow raising and his arms quickly crossing against his chest.

Her grin seemed to widen at what he said which confused young Spike even more so than he was now “it's finally ready!” She proclaimed, punching one hoof in the air as though she was high fiving an invisible entity that only she could see “If by 'it' you mean your cell in the Canterlot Crazy house then I'm happy that you'll finally be cured of your sudden week long bout of madness” Spike said pointedly, smirk crossing his face which was soon dropped when he felt Twilight's hoof smack him on the upside of his head. He was sure that he saw stars from that moment on “I won't be making a joke like that again anytime soon.” he whispered to himself, claw against the place which Twilight's hoof had hit.

“If you are done with your jokes. I have the spell here!” She teleported the spell which once rested upon her bedside table but now resided within the purple unicorns hoof and waved it around as though it were something a flagbearer would wave if he were leading ponies into a battle.

Spike's head followed the spell as best as he could but from what he could see the only words which made any kind of sense to him were 'mind' and 'dreams' his confusion was obviously noticed by Twilight who stopped her waving of the spell and blushed the tiniest bit, she cleared her throat and decided to explain herself to her assistant “for quite a while now I have been fascinated with the concept of hearing ponies thoughts and entering their daydreams and now that idea has come to fruition!” she squeaked waving the piece of parchment once more. Spike sighed and grabbed her hoof to stop her from shaking it any further “daydreams? Isn't the dream domain owned by Princess Luna?” he asked inquisitively, to which he received an immediate answer.

“Oh, it does! But I sent a letter to the princess earlier this month inquiring about a possible admittance into said dream realm annnnnnnd...” she paused as though she was waiting for some pony to give her a drum roll, Spike waited patiently for her to continue but when she wouldn't he nudged her and she begrudgingly did “she allowed me to do so! Providing that I would only observe said day dreams and not interfere with them in any kind of way!” Twilight clapped her hoofs together like an excited filly to which Spike smirked “and you are going to be my first test subject!” Twilight proclaimed happily, lifting the dragon up with a levitation spell and spinning him around whilst she herself span, the smirk that was once on Spike's face dropped immediately and instead his eyes widened slightly.

“What about Rarity?!” He exclaimed, his world still spinning due to the fact that Twilight had been spinning him around for the past minute and a half.

Twilight scoffed at the idea “Rarity is a busy mare Spike! She had a shop to deal with!” Spike opened his mouth to try and counter her argument but Twilight cut in before he could say anything “If you do this for me I will help you write your song for Rarity” he stiffened slightly at her words and felt his cheeks become inflamed slightly “How did y-..”

Twilight smirked and nudged him playfully “You speak when you sleep.” she said simply, clearing her throat and stepping away from Spike “now, Spike this may feel-...weird but you'll just have to trust me right now” Spike gulped and nodded wordlessly as he watched Twilight's horn glow a brilliant purple before he knew it the same light which had now set Twilight's horn aglow had now engulfed his entire body, the dragon felt both hot and cold at the same time. His head felt as though he had run full force as into a herd of stampeding yaks and before he knew it his world had dimmed to black.

Twilight stopped immediately when she noticed that Spike had dropped to the ground his eyes shut firmly and his body shuddering as though he had been left out in the coldest of nights imaginable. She pleaded to every god she knew to let her assistant live and cursed herself for being so stupid and performing a spell which she herself had never performed before on him, Twilight felt her vision blur as tears filled her eyes and spilled down both her cheeks “Spike?” she asked, breaking the silence which to her seemed as though it were consuming all matters of sound itself. She didn't know how long she waited beside the dragon it could have been minutes but it felt as though the entire life span of time itself had passed until finally she heard a groan and then watched the small body beside her twitch and move and finally watched Spike sit up and stare at her “Spike?! Oh, I am sooooo sorry!” She grabbed him and pulled him into a tight embrace but to her horror she found that the dragon pushed away and stumbled back against his bed his eyes wide with terror

“W-who are you? Where am I?!” Spike whimpered, those words and those alone caused Twilight's heart to break.

Author's Note:

I apologize if this is not the /best/ I have only just recently been able to find my feet (or hooves) with writing again so apologies of punctuation and other such things aren't amazing!