• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 2,371 Views, 91 Comments

A Scratch in My Heart - IAreBrony

Oh, look, another OctaScratch shipping

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DJs Party Hardest

A light movement on Vinyl’s exposed chest caused her eyes to shoot wide open. The surprise of being touched had sent her brain into overdrive, absorbing her surroundings incredibly fast. She saw lightly painted walls and white moldings around the ceiling. She lay exposed on a soft taupe couch and a mare lay next to her. Well, next to her probably wasn’t a very accurate description. The pony had one back leg tossed over Vinyl’s own right hind leg, a grey left leg was tucked under the same hind leg, and the pony’s right foreleg was tossed over Vinyl’s chest. However, Vinyl had a harder time seeing all of this with a black mane in her face. The touch had obviously come from the other mare unconsciously nuzzling Vinyl’s chest, which caused her to blush and adjust her glasses.

After a few more seconds, Vinyl’s memory kicked in, causing her to realize the mare entwined in her own limbs was her favorite cellist, Octavia. As much as Vinyl wanted to extract herself and put an end to the awkward situation, she couldn’t pull herself to disturb the moment. Octavia looked cute with her mane messy and gently holding onto the unicorn. Vinyl tried desperately to calm her heart beat and even out her breathing, but it was no use. She just wasn’t used to having another pony so close to her, let alone another mare. It had been months since a mare had held her like this, and Vinyl loved every nervous second of it. Sadly, Octavia wasn’t nearly as asleep as she appeared.

“Nice to hear you’re awake,” the grey earth pony said without opening her eyes right away. Slowly, her eyelids rose as well as her chin, bringing her eyes level with Vinyl’s face. Even behind the tinted sunglasses, those lavender crystals melted Vinyl’s insides. Her heart rate shot skyward and she pulled her chest from Octavia’s ear before the pony noticed. Octavia pulled her head back but didn’t pull herself completely away from Vinyl’s body.

Clearing her throat to prevent embarrassment, Vinyl said quietly, “Nice to see you, Tavi. Listen, there’s something I need to say. . . I was a real bitch back at the hospi-“ She was stopped by a hoof being lightly pressed to her moving lips.

Octavia just shook her head before replying with, “Vinyl, there’s no need. I went by your apartment with Doctor Whooves and he told me it all. I had no idea you were in such a horrid situation.” The earth pony’s eyes sparkled as she said it. “I went out to find you because I was afraid you would be hurt, or worse. . .” She looked away as tears threatened to spring into her eyes.

Vinyl remained quiet for a second, pondering what the pony had told her. “I don’t remember much after waking up, to be honest. What happened?” Octavia could only shrug.

“I found you alone and freezing to death in an alley outside the pizza parlor.”

“Well how the hoof did I end up here?” Vinyl inquired, gesturing with a hoof to the room around them. She had barely noticed as the grey pony had laid her head back on the unicorn’s own chest. Octavia smiled sweetly at the question.

“Well, friendship makes ponies do stupid things. . . I carried you on my back all the way here, though I couldn’t quite get myself to my bed. I apologize if you are uncomfortable with our. . . Situation, but I was just so tired,” Octavia explained. Vinyl’s eyebrows rose at the mention of Octavia carrying her, suggesting that her eyes went wide. For a short moment, Vinyl couldn’t find her words, so she resorted to her only reply to the pony. Octavia had never felt a more heartfelt hug in her whole life, even when she had left home. Secretly, Vinyl’s eyes were brimmed with tears behind her glasses.

Very, very quietly, she whispered to her friend, “Thank you, Tavi. . .” She hadn’t realized that she could have died in that alley, but she now knew that Octavia had saved her life. Twice, actually. Octavia returned the hug as best she could. When they released each other, Octavia rolled off the couch and trotted into the kitchen. When Vinyl managed to pull herself and her injured leg off the furniture, she followed her grey friend. Inside the kitchen, Octavia had a coffee already sitting out for them both. Sitting in the slightly uncomfortable chairs, they drank in silence. The silence was anything but awkward, more a content silence.

Once Vinyl had finished her coffee, she stretched and cracked her neck. The sound made Octavia twitch, but she bared with it. Yawning, Vinyl said to the mare, “Well, I can’t thank you enough for what you did. Any of it. But I’ve overstayed my welcome, so I’ll let myself out.” When she stood up and turned towards the doorway, she immediately found her grey friend blocking her path.

Octavia confidently shook her head in disagreement. “Oh no, you’re not going anywhere. You’re going upstairs right this minute and getting into bed,” the cellist told her.

“Tavi, you’ve done enough, you don’t need to go out of your way to help me anymore.”

“Vinyl, your life is hard enough right now. You need a place to stay and I could use somepony to spend time with. Now go up to my bed and I’ll bring you breakfast in a bit,” the pony ordered. Vinyl realized she had absolutely no say in this, and she didn’t want to offend her host. With an exaggerated groan, the DJ pulled herself slowly up the white carpeted stairs. At the top of the stairs, three doors sat. One sat slightly ajar, showing the corner of a messy bed. Vinyl was shocked by the sight of an unkempt bed, as she had expected every aspect of Octavia’s home to be spotlessly neat.

With a tasking jump, Vinyl’s body sent bed sheets flying all over. Pulling herself up to the pillows on the bed, she noticed a small open book on the nightstand. It’s probably Octavia’s diary. I should just leave it alone. It would be wrong to read it. Vinyl thought to herself as she grabbed the book and leafed to the latest entry. In immaculate hoofwriting, it read ‘Dear Diary, today I finally made a friend. She’s a bit strange, and she has a different taste in music, but I think we’ll be great together. We had a bit of a falling out after she had an accident, but I hope to mend things later. Oh Celestia, the accident. I can still see Vinyl’s broken body lying unconscious in my hooves. I swear I could feel her dying while I sat there helplessly. I told myself I wasn’t sleeping in the hospital because I didn’t want to miss her waking up, but I know I couldn’t have slept even if I wanted to. Every time I blink, I see her lying there. It’s so terrible to watch a friend in pain, even a new one like Vinyl.

‘She really is a great pony. We haven’t talked much, but I can tell she’s not one to betray her friends. It feels so great to finally meet somepony. I just hope everything is alright with her, she seems to be having a hard time with life right now. Tomorrow I’ll go find her address and tell her I’m sorry.

P.S. She has these magical ruby eyes that catch the light in a way that takes my breath away.’ Once she finished Vinyl blinked a few times to try and absorb what she had just learned. Apparently, she was Octavia’s only friend. Not only that, but it sounded like she had made the pony’s life particularly difficult. Also, it sounded as though the cellist might have a bit of a crush on the DJ. Vinyl sat staring at the journal for a bit before she heard hootsteps coming up the stairs. The unicorn panicked and quickly stuffed the diary under her flank as Octavia entered the bedroom.

“I brought you some eggs, toast, and yogurt. I hope you like it,” the earth pony said as she slid the tray onto Vinyl’s lap. The food smelled delicious and, despite her terrible sadness from reading her friend’s diary, dove right in. In minutes the plate was cleared and Octavia just sat there smiling at her. Vinyl looked up at her and smiled uncomfortably, looking anywhere but her eyes. With a deep breath, Octavia said, “You know, Vinyl, I know you’re out of a home right now. It just so happens that I have a spare bedroom down the hall. . . If you’d like, you can stay here until you get back on your hooves. . . Or you know, as long as you want. . .” The mare whispered, her eyes boring deep into the carpeted floor.

“Octavia, I don’t want to bother you. I mean, I just met you and we’re pretty different. For one, I’ll admit I can be a little annoying with my music sometimes. I’m also kinda sorta unemployed, so I wouldn’t be able to pay rent a lot. . .” She looked up to Octavia who was just waving a hoof back and forth.

“I don’t expect you to. Let me rephrase what I said. What I meant was that I’ll be banished to the moon before I let my friend live on the street, feeding herself on a single pizza for a whole week. I won’t be taking no for an answer, so I recommend you make this as simple as possible.” The mare looked dead serious, so Vinyl swallowed hard and nodded silently. Smiling again, Octavia rose from the corner of her bed as the doorbell rang. Once she reached the door out of the bedroom, she paused.

Looking over her shoulder, Octavia looked intensely at Vinyl’s face. The earth pony’s face became a light pink color as she said, “I wasn’t lying; you do have beautiful eyes.” With that, the grey mare trotted down the stairs. Vinyl just stared in awe at the doorway where her friend had stood just seconds before. She knew. She knew I’d read her diary. Oh hoof, I feel terrible now. . . Quickly, Vinyl took the journal out from under her behind and placed it back on the nightstand. In the distance, she heard Octavia call her name.

After a struggle and some near-death stumbles down the stairs, Vinyl found Octavia and several boxes in the living room. Lifting an eyebrow in confusion, the DJ looked at her new roommate. Octavia grinned and told her, “When I went by your apartment, the Doctor told me about your situation. I figured if I found you, I’d convince you to come live with me. . . Sure, it was a tad presumptuous, but I didn’t think you’d have the heart to decline, so I went ahead and bought your things from him. Well, actually, when he heard my plan, he just gave them to me and thanked me a bunch for helping you out.”

Once again, Vinyl felt like she had been slapped in the face by reality. All her worldly possessions aside from her computer and music player had been in that apartment, and Octavia had gone out of her way to reunite her with her things. Vinyl just gave up trying to hold back tears any longer, Octavia’s kindness and generosity were just too much. She tackled the grey mare to the ground, her glasses falling from her face in the process. Vinyl hugged her roommate for a long moment before standing over her. Her crimson eyes glittered like rich jewels, her tears making them shine even greater than before. The sight of her friend in such a state caused Octavia to stare deep into those endless eyes.

They’re so amazing. . . I’ve never seen anypony with just beautiful eyes. . . The cellist thought before Vinyl asked, “Do you know what this calls for?” Confused, Octavia shook her head slowly. Vinyl hobbled over to the boxes and opened the largest one. Inside were random furnishings and the only thing she had ever kept in her fridge. One single tall bottle filled with a clear liquid. Lifting it with her magic, she shouted out, “SHOTS!” Octavia’s eyes grew wide as the DJ kicked one box and it fell apart. Inside sat an enormous speaker, to which Vinyl plugged her music player into.

In seconds, the entire condominium was filled with sporadic beats and earth-shaking bass. Octavia recognized the song as one of DJ PON-3’s, and she grabbed the bottle of vodka from the DJ. Vinyl frowned at her, but the frown quickly grew into a grin as Octavia took a big drink from the bottle. If she was going to be living with Equestria’s wildest DJ, she might as well start it off right. Together, they drank, talked, and danced well into the night. The whole thing wore them both out, but they loved every minute of each other’s company. Some time roughly two hours before Celestia’s golden sun rose on the horizon, they called it a night. They had no idea where the hoof they were when they fell asleep, but they lived together now, so they couldn’t care less.

The last thing Vinyl remembered was staring into the lavender abyss of Octavia’s eyes. She had no idea how long they had lain there, looking into each other’s eyes, but Vinyl didn’t remember in the morning anyway. Unfortunately as well as fortunately for Octavia, she remembered every moment she spent with Vinyl that night. Which wouldn’t have been so bad if the DJ had kept to herself. But of course, after sharing so many nice moments that day, the unicorn took it upon herself to drunkenly pull Octavia closer.

“You’re the bes’, Tavi. Jus’ great, I tells ya. So talented, so nice, and beautiful, too. . .” The compliment hadn’t even sunk in to Octavia’s mind before Vinyl pressed their lips together. On any other occasion, Octavia would have pulled herself away, but she was far too intoxicated and entranced by the unicorn’s mystic eyes. So instead, she pulled Vinyl even closer as their tongues began to share an intricate dance. The taste of vodka and electricity ran through Octavia’s whole body as they both fell asleep, their lips still pressed together. It was certainly going to be a rude awakening for one of them. . .