• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 1,322 Views, 18 Comments

Fashions Fade, Style is Eternal - Jenova2

2nd Person fic between you and Rarity

  • ...


You see her standing in the crowd at the center of the boutique, talking amongst a group of mares. This was it. You finally worked up the courage to ask her out. You have waited your entire life for this moment, and you weren’t about to screw it up. She’s standing right there! Come on! You can do it! Go get her.

Slowly you trot over to the mare of your dreams. Your heart is pounding out of your chest and into your throat. You swear there are butterflies whizzing around in your stomach. You open your mouth, hoping to Celestia you can find the right words.


The beautiful white unicorn with the curly purple mane and tail turns around to face you. She's wearing a maroon dress with yellow stripes, glass slippers, and a golden tiara adorned with many types of precious jewels.

“Yes, darling...? Wow you look marvelous tonight! And your mane! It’s simply done to perfection! Who is responsible? I must know!”

“Umm... nopony is responsible. I just added a little more shampoo and conditioner than I usually do.”

Rarity gives you a seductive look. “Well you look simply dashing tonight, and I might say... quite attractive. What was it you so dearly needed to say?”

Hearing those words come out of Rarity’s mouth nearly caused you to collapse on top of her with excitement.

“Oh... Thanks, I just wanted to thank you again for inviting me to the ten year anniversary party for Carousel Boutique. This party is really a blast!”

“Why thank you darling! My friend Pinkie Pie really outdid herself with this one. She even convinced a band all the way from Fillydelphia to play here! Isn't she magnificent? Anyways, I am so glad you are enjoying it dear.”

Good, you got all the initial chitchat out of the way.

Now, for what you came here for...

“Thanks Rarity, you don’t know how much that really means to me, say there’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

“Yes, darling?” Rarity’s facial expression turns to one of a more serious nature.

You look deep into her large azure eyes.

“I was just wondering... if... you would like to go to dinner sometime... you know... just you and me somewhere nice,” Your heart is nearly pounding out your mouth.

“Darling... you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that.”

Rarity unexpectedly raps her hooves around your neck and pulls you towards her. She locks her lips with yours in a passionate kiss. Your eyes widen in pure shock, it takes a few seconds to register what is happening. Soon it becomes blissfully clear and you begin to return the kiss. She sticks her tongue out and licks your lips, begging for entry. You gleefully accept, and her tongue enters your mouth, you doing the same to her. Together your’s and Rarity’s tongues seem to do a little dance, rubbing past one in another in perfect synch.

Everypony else turns to watch the display in the middle of the boutique. They all begin to clap and cheer like crazy. Even a few ponies throw roses at the two of you. You gaze to your right where your best friend, Caramel, grins and winks at you.

This could not have gone any better. Rarity, the love of your life, shares the same feelings for you! You couldn’t believe it happened like this, but you didn’t care. Now you get to hold her in your hooves, and you can gallop off into Celestia’s sunset together for a life of happily ever after.

The two of you are still kissing, when you begin to hear a faint sound, something eerily familiar. It can’t be...





Your alarm clock on the nightstand next to your bed goes off violently. You quickly reach over to silence it with your hoof. It reads six o’clock. You hated that stupid clock. It ended so many of the best moments of your life, even if they weren’t exactly real. Damn, that one felt so... detailed... you were absolutely convinced this time it was happening.

Climbing out of bed, you realize what day it is. Monday... No...

Mondays. Oh how you hated them. It seems like Discord himself created them as a practical joke on every working-class pony in Equestria. Nopony liked them, it meant the beginning of another long... ugh... five day week. Just the thought of another one of those made you cringe.

Every day of the workweek is an ongoing cycle. It begins with you getting out of bed, angry at the world. How did you let your life slip into this monotonous pattern? Then you proceed to your tiny, grimy bathroom, where you shower and make yourself look presentable for the day. You honestly don’t care what you look like much, but your boss does. If you trotted into work looking like you did on the weekends... let’s just say the utility companies would lose one of their favorite customers.

You always loved taking long showers for some reason. Going back to foalhood, you often took twenty-minute showers, thus resulting in being late for school on numerous occasions. You just couldn’t get out for some reason. Whether you enjoyed the smooth feel of the water on your face, or you simply hated the cold air outside the shower, you weren’t sure. It even annoyed you sometimes, considering how much you paid the water company. For Celestia’s sake, your cutie mark was the picture of a water droplet!

You weren’t exactly happy with your “special talent,” You remember all the times you had to explain to everypony that your special talent wasn’t swimming. Nope, you just liked sitting in moving water. Apparently you were damn good at it.

After showering, you trot over to the small kitchen, where you either eat some cereal or make a quick hay toast. After breakfast, you walk back into the bedroom, where you find your work clothes lying somewhere on the dirty floor.

Ugh... you hated your work attire. They included a very uncomfortable white button-down shirt, and a tight blue vest to go over it. You always seemed to have trouble putting them on. It didn’t matter though, that’s what your boss wanted you to wear. Since you couldn’t afford to lose this job, you had to obey.

You work at Quills and Sofas, a small store in the middle of Ponyville. They sell, what else, Quills and Sofas. Davenport, your boss, is quite strict about your appearance at work. The store, as he claims, is, “The finest writers' and furniture establishment in Equestria,” You would never say it to his face, but you think that's pretty stupid. Why would somepony start a business like that? Quills and Sofas is the only store in Equestria to sell strictly those two products. Whatever, you put up with it. The bits you make pays the bills, even your annoying habits, though not really much else.

As an Earth-pony, you were kind of restricted for professions. You only have this job because Davenport is a friend of your father's. You would never normally have the confidence to get a job like this, with the whole regular interview process; you used to almost cry yourself to sleep some nights thinking about actually going to an interview. Talking to other ponies you don’t know in a stressful environment is basically your worst nightmare.

Your job included two tasks. In the morning, you record special orders from customers. It can be very tedious work, since sometimes annoying ponies request the most ridiculous of custom designs for their sofas. You don’t actually make the sofas, that is some of your coworkers’ job, but it’s still annoying to write down all the dimensions and stuff. It gets exhausting.

Since you are a fairly strong Earth-pony, you also make most of the deliveries. That can also be very exhausting work, having to drag around all the furniture in a cart attached to your aching back.

Once you finally manage to struggle into your work clothes, you walk out the door of your house towards your workplace. You live in a rented small, one story home on the edge of Ponyville consisting of a tiny living room, kitchen, bedroom, and one bathroom. Since you’re strapped for bits, it’s really the best you can afford.

Your landlord, an old stallion whose annoyingly long name always seems to slip your mind, is constantly on your tail about making payments. He lives next door, and he swears he will evict you if you miss the monthly deadline, so you've grown paranoid about preparing and paying your rent. You can’t afford to be in debt, and you really don't want to live on the streets.

You walk down the road towards the center of Ponyville, a fairly long stroll. You pass by several buildings along the way, most notably your alma mater Ponyville Elementary School. You often see the teacher, a purple mare named Cheerilee, standing in the schoolyard preparing for the day. Whenever she sees you, you’re greeted with a simple and friendly “Hello,” or “Good Morning,” Of course, you pretend to be happy to see her by greeting her back.

You remembered Cheerilee from school, she was a couple of grades above you.

You always want and occasionally try to avoid her, even sometimes going as far as taking a different, much longer route to work. You hated talking to other ponies on the street you didn’t know well, especially mares. You were bad with words and conversations, often stuttering when you talked.

Back in elementary school, you weren’t exactly the most popular foal around. You were a geeky colt, with a strange mane-cut your mother made you wear. Wow... you were poked fun at a lot for that. Stage fright was also a big issue, you dreaded speaking in front of the class more than anything. Whenever you did, you always messed up, and you often received a barrage of laughter from other students. Even the teacher would smirk at you sometimes.

The only pony who ever offered you any support was a brown colt named Caramel. He was your only friend during your time at Ponyville Elementary. The two of you would hang out together, play together, eat lunch together, do projects together, everything. You don’t know how you would have made it through school if it weren’t for him.

You and Caramel have remained close over the years. Though he may not be the brightest pony in Equestria, he has kept himself afloat financially. You and Caramel were even roommates for a time. After a few months of living together, he recently decided to move out to take a job at the apple orchard farm outside of town. It was a lot of work from dawn until dusk six days a week, so his employers provided him with a place to stay.

Whenever you work up the courage to walk past the schoolhouse, which actually was most days, you initially regret it. Why relive those bad memories again? It just reminded you of the things you desperately wished to forget.

Maybe it’s because it reminded you of her.


You often wonder how her parents knew how to choose the perfect name. Everything about her fits her name perfectly. She is, for lack of better words, a true rarity.

There were other pretty fillies in your class, but nothing like her. She was the most beautiful filly in your class. Since the first day you first laid eyes on her, you were infatuated with the unicorn. The beauty of her perfectly styled purple mane and tail could rival Princess Celestia herself. Her cutie mark, three diamonds in a triangular pattern, was coveted by all the other fillies. Whenever you stared at her in class, you always got that warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach.

You dreamed of telling her how you felt... but in reality you couldn’t. You weren’t in her league. The other colts in your grade felt the same way as you, and they were more popular than you. That’s what mattered in those days, popularity, and she hung out with the popular fillies and colts. You had no chance. You were invisible to her. The only interaction was partner activities in class where you didn’t get to choose your partner.

After you graduated from school, you tried to forget about her. But it turned out to be pretty much impossible... She had a funny way of creeping back into your thoughts when you least expect it.

After elementary school, you know Rarity continued her studies at the Manehatten Fashion Design School, before returning to Ponyville to open up her very own fashion business. Carousel Boutique, situated near the center of town, is a large, mostly purple colored structure with beautifully crafted architecture that looks similar to its name, a carousel. There one could find the latest and most chic pony attire. You’ve only been inside it once, pretty recently when Davenport sent you there to deliver some specially made quills used for writing on fabric.

You recall your encounter with Rarity. It was your first in years, and more awkward than you previously thought possible. You usually didn’t need to talk to anypony much when you made a delivery. You simply handed over the clipboard to the customer, they signed it, you handed them the quills or carried the sofa to the designated location, then you were on your jolly way.

Rarity was different.

You were excited, yet extremely anxious. You finally get to talk to her, something you did next to nothing of in school. Yet you also wanted to gallop away as fast as your legs could take you. That wasn’t option though. You’d lose your job.

You can do this, you just have to play it cool. You’ve heard she digs that.

You knock on the purple door, and a small filly with a striking resemblance to Rarity answers,

“Hiya there mister. Are you looking for my sister Rarity? You know she’s the bestest fashion designer in all of Equestria! I tried getting my cutie mark in fashion too, but it didn’t turn out so well.”

She shows you her blank flank. Isn’t she kind of old to not have a cutie mark? You were much younger when you received yours. Well, at least her cutie mark probably won't be a stupid water droplet.

You didn’t know Rarity had a sister. You also swear the amount of voice cracks in the filly’s statement was not possible. But she managed to pull it off.

Even though you’re talking to a filly, you still want to look and sound as professional as possible, just in case Rarity might be listening.

“Y... Yes I have a delivery of custom quills for Miss Rarity!”

You nearly yelled that, and the filly gives you a puzzled and slightly frightened look. You really hope Rarity isn’t listening.

“Um, okay then, I’ll go... get her,” she turns around and walks through a door on the other side of the large front room. This made you even more nervous. You hope she doesn’t tell Rarity there’s some creepy stallion at the front door.

You look around the inside, and you notice several ponyquins to your left, and some cabinets holding various clothes-making items like string and fabric to your right. Directly in front of you was a small stage you assumed was used for modeling.

About a minute later, you hear hoofsteps coming. You’re heart is pounding with excitement. This is it, you’re really going to talk to her. Will she even remember you?

The door across the room opened and out Rarity came. Her raw beauty nearly makes your jaw drop. She’s even better than you remember. Oh horsefeathers don’t stutter.

She trotts across the room towards you, “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, featured by Fancy Pants himself in Canterlot’s very own Best Small Salons and Boutiques of Equestria Magazine,” It was painfully obviously that Rarity’s little sister had forgotten to tell her you weren’t a customer. “We carry the finest pony attire in Ponyville, and today we are having a sale on sleepwear...”

She suddenly stops talking. Your heart sinks, you feel like somehow you offended her.

“Dear, it simply cannot be. It’s been so long, elementary school I believe. Is it really you?”

Your spirits suddenly skyrocket to cloud nine. She actually remembers you.

“Um... y-yeah, we were in the same class at Ponyville Elementary. It’s pretty sweet to see you again, honeybun.”

Stupid, stupid, STUPID. You cannot believe those words actually just left the tip of your tongue. You obviously must've learned your "playing it cool" tactics from your grandmother. That wasn’t cool, that was the cheesiest thing anypony has ever said. The only way she’s going to remember you now is how much of a loser you are.

“Why... thank you. I am... happy to see you as well. But please, call me Rarity.”

A painfully awkward moment of silence passed before Rarity finally spoke again,

“If I am not mistaken, you were friends with that Caramel colt. He now works for my friend Applejack down at Sweet Apple Acres. She has recently told me many... things about him. I remember you two were sent to detention for fighting over a hay sandwich in the middle of class.” Rarity chuckled, “I admit It was quite amusing darling.”

Your face turns a light shade of red. She remembers you for that? Wow you really are a loser. It was actually lunchtime, not class, and the sandwich was Caramel’s. You forgot your lunch at home, so you were starving and wanted a piece of his. No big deal, right? He refused, and you two fought in front of the entire class over a... ugh... sandwich. That resulted in a quick detention for both of you, and Caramel was pretty pissed. Everypony in class laughed at you for days on end afterwords. After some tension, you and Caramel eventually made up.

“Hehe, yeah... pretty funny. Say, the reason I’m here... I’m here to deliver your order of custom fabric quills.”

Rarity let out a little gasp.

“Oh I apologize dear, please excuse my sister Sweetie Belle, she must have forgotten to tell me why you were here. I simply believed you were another customer. Sweetie’s always running around with her little friends trying to find ways to earn their cutie marks. She may have mentioned something about that when she answered the door. If she did, I apologize for that too.”

“She did, but It’s alright, I don’t mind. Foals... will be foals. Anyways, I need you to sign this, and then I’ll be on my way.”

Foals will be foals? How could you say that. That’s worse than Ponyville’s postal mare is at delivering mail to the right address. All the time your mail is ending up in your landlord’s mailbox. Of course, your landlord gets mad at you.

“Oh so soon? Darling I simply must hear more about your profession!" said Rarity with a hopeful look. "It seems so interesting, and I am not taking no for answer! Is it true you import some of the wood for your sofas from trees deep within the Everfree Forest? Some of the rare wood is just to die for! It just speaks style!”

Rarity wants to hear more about YOU. This is your chance, say yes.

Say yes.

Say yes.

Say yes.

“Umm yes it is, but it's not my job. Look I’m sorry... but I really can’t stay. I have a tight schedule I need to follow,” you lied. “I wish I could stay and... um... chat, but I need to head back to Quills and Sofas for more deliveries.”

You didn't have any more orders for the day. This was your last delivery. You blew it. She wanted to talk, and you let your stupid nerves get the best of you! You wish you could go back in time and buck your own mindset silly.

It’s over.

“Oh, alright then. It is regrettable, but If you really must go, then I will not stand in your way. We shall talk another time.”

Yeah...no. You knew that wasn’t going to happen. Whether she really wanted to talk again or not, it didn’t matter. She was going to forget all about a pony as insignificant as you. You had your chance to let her get to know you.

Rarity signs the clipboard, you give her the quills, you say farewell, and you walk out the door feeling as dejected as you’ve ever felt in your life. You turn to take one last look at her beautiful face, but she’s already closed the door.

That’s basically the story of your whole life. A big closed door. A failure.

You’ve since heard stories of Rarity’s kindness and generosity. She didn’t even want to talk to you. She just did it out of... courtesy. Yeah courtesy. She probably even felt bad for you. She knows you’ve never actually spoken to a mare before.

After work, sometimes you'll treat yourself at Sugarcube Corner if you can afford it. But most days you just walk back home. It’s a long work day, and by the time you get home, Celestia’s sun has almost set. If you're tired enough, you'll sometimes just go to bed right away. Sometimes you'll read a book, and other times you'll go hang out with Caramel, if he’s not too tired. He's usually free after dusk.

When you arrive at work on Monday morning, Davenport immediately hands you an order for a large brown sofa. You needed to drag it over to a cottage just outside of town near the Everfree Forest. Great. That place gives you the creeps, like it did for most other ponies.

You're also probably going to the hospital afterwards. Considering how far away the cottage is, your back is probably going to break. Good, you need a vacation...

It's going to be a long day indeed.

Comments ( 17 )

I do enjoy me some Rarity shipping, and I can relate depressingly well to the OC. Let's see how this goes.

I am tracking to see your interpretation of a romace involving Rarity.
800470 I concur!

Yep. Totally following this.

Good job.

Parity fits so well for the protagonist.
Also, way to include one of the most hilarious parts of the show. Gratz man. Followed.

This is really good! Please continue. :pinkiehappy:

Following for sure. Great work so far!

There seems to be a lot of second person fics since Scorched came out. Not that I am complaining of course. Time to read !

Oh I like it. I shall be following this.

It appears I have me a stalker.
Really, it's either that or I'm unbelievably cliche in trying to find excuses to talk to attractive people, then blowing it and fleeing. I refuse to be thought of as cliche, therefore this author must be a stalker.

801873 Iol I know the prologue is pretty cliche, it's meant to be. The rest of the story won't be though, I promise. :twilightsmile:

maaaaaan, that's AWESOME!:yay:
Can't wait for next chapter, soooo: thechive.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/girls-with-cleavage-28.jpg

It's still a wonderful story, and I demand more...
Just stop stalking me, 'kay? :raritywink:

805069 Your use of kay reminds me of Star Ocean: The Last Hope. Pretty crappy game. But I still nostalgia'd.


Update!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

Bravo, my good man. I found this to be quite intriguing. I can TOTALLY relate to this. Anyway, this is really good, and I hope I see an update soon.

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