• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 659 Views, 15 Comments

Lost Pegasus - Dreadnought

Moving to a new place can be hard. Especially when you crash and lose your memories. Good thing Air Heart has her amazing cousin Rainbow Dash To help her. Right?

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Chapter 1: Awakening


Nothing but empty blackness filled existence...Beep....Yet somewhere, out there, existed a strange tone, a sound that beckoned...Beep….It existed momentarily on its own before echoing off dozens of nonexistent walls...Beep….It grew louder...Beep....Much louder...Beep....It grew closer...Beep....Much closer...Beep....Echoes...Beep....Echoes and echoes everywhere...Beep....Deafening echoes...Beep....

Light came in, a blurry scene unfolding in front of her. Slowly her eyes began to focus, the room becoming clearer. A plain bed lay before her. To her right she could see a half-full bag filled with a clear liquid. It hung suspended from a rack, with a tube running down. To her left, a strange device…Beep….That must be the source of the tone…Beep….But what was going on?

A door opened and in walked a cream colored unicorn with a brown mane. He wore a simple white lab coat over a collared shirt and glasses framed his eyes. Beside him a clipboard floated in a blue aura. “Miss Heart, I am Dr. Horse,” he said.

“Where am I?” she whispered.

“You are in Ponyville Hospital.”


“Yes, you’ve been here the last two days recovering.” He looked over at one of the machines in the room, taking down notes.


“I’m afraid you took a nasty hit to the head. You had a serious concussion,” he said, not looking away from the machine.


“There will be plenty of time for questions later Miss Heart. Right now you need to rest.”

“But –”

“I will have your cousin come in tomorrow and explain the situation,” said Dr. Horse as he walked to the door.

“My cousin?”

“Yes, Rainbow Dash.” He gave her a reassuring smile. “Please, you need your rest. Have a good night, Miss Heart.” He stepped through the door and closed it behind him.

Miss Heart, is that who I am? she thought. Slowly her eyes grew heavy. The soft monotonous tone from the machine lulled her away. She slipped back into the darkness, into a deep sleep….



Miss Heart slowly opened her eyes. Bright sunlight flooded the simple hospital room, indicating it was late morning. The machine to her left continued its monotonous beeping. To her right she found the suspended bag nearly full.

She closed her eyes and lay there, thinking, trying to sort out her thoughts through her headache:

“Miss Heart, I am Dr. Horse.” So I am Miss Heart. But is Heart my first name, or my last? “…your cousin…Rainbow Dash.” Am I Miss Dash? Miss Heart Dash? Or do I have a different last name? Miss Heart…Something? And how are we cousins? Is she my first cousin? Or second? Or third? A fourth cousin twice removed? “You are in Ponyville Hospital.” So cousin Rainbow Dash lives in Ponyville? Or maybe she’s travelling to Ponyville to see me? Maybe she had to take off from work to see me? Will she be happy to see me? Will she be mad? What the hay does she look like anyways? Maybe like me? But what do I look like?

Miss Heart pushed the blankets down, revealling her dull green hospital gown. She could see her orange forlegs stretched out before her. She raised her right foreleg to get a better look, shifting her bodyweight slightly. She could feel less pressure on her right side, but a little more on her left. Something was in the way. She rolled over slightly to get a better look and saw a wing poking out from her hospital gown.

So I’m a pegasus? That would explain the wings. But alicorns have wings too. Could I be an alicorn?

Hesitantly she raised her hoof to feel around her forehead. Nothing.

No horn. So I’m not an alicorn. I must be a pegasus. So cousin Rainbow Dash must be a pegasus too? Well, she could be an earth pony, or a unicorn. Nothing said she had to be a pegasus. She could have married into my family. My family! They must be so worried. But. Who is my family? I must have a mom and dad. Are they still alive?

She felt a twinge of heartache deep down.

So they’re dead. But I don’t know who my family is, so maybe they’re still alive? But I feel this pain when I think of them. Something must have happened. But what? Was I there? Could I have saved them?


She looked over at the machine, the frequency of its beeping increasing. She took a deep breath. She cleared her mind, slowing her breathing and letting the tension subside.


So cousin Rainbow Dash is coming to visit me in the hospital. “Yes, you’ve been here the last two days recovering.” Two days? Now three. “I’m afraid you took a nasty hit to the head.” So I must have hit my head on something. Perhaps while flying? No. I’m an awesome flyer!

She paused.

How do I know I’m a great flyer? Well, I’m related to Rainbow Dash, and she is a totally awesome flyer! How do I know that? I don’t even know my own name.

But somehow, deep inside, she knew that as well.

“You had a serious concussion.” A concussion? So that’s why my head hurts so much. That would also explain why I can’t remember anything before yesterday. But I can remember. Well, no I can’t. Those were just…feelings. They felt kinda like memories. But I couldn’t remember anything. They were just feelings. “…the last two days recovering.” So, how long do I have to stay here? When can I get out and go home? Except. Where is home? Do I live here in this Ponyville? Or somewhere else? But where? And will anypony be there when I get back? Do I even –

A door swung open revealing Dr. Horse. “Ah, Miss Heart. I hope you had a good night’s rest.”

“Yeah.” She felt surprised by the strength of her voice.

“Are you feeling better?”

“Yes. But my head hurts a lot.”

“Well, that is to be expected. The painkillers we’ve given you can only help so much.”

“You said I could see cousin Rainbow Dash today?”

Dr. Horse seemed a little surprised by her question, but gave a subdued smile. “Yes, she is out in the waiting room. Do you feel up for a visitor? We can wait – ”

“No! I mean, I would like to see her if that is alright?”

“Yes, I can show her in. First, let me take down some notes.” He walked over to several of the machines, scribbling a few words here, jotting down a few numbers there. When he seemed satisfied, he walked back to the door. “I will go get Rainbow Dash.”

“Thank you.”

The door shut, leaving her alone once more in her hospital room. Alone with her thoughts….Beep….And whatever that was.

She could hear hoofsteps in the hall, coming closer. They stopped and there was a pause. Slowly the door opened. In the doorway stood a blue pegasus, with a disshevled rainbow colored mane and tail.

“Rainbow Dash?” asked Miss Heart hesitantly.

“The one and only!” Rainbow Dash trotted towards the bed. “How are you doing Air?”


“That is your name.”

“I thought it was Heart.”

“Yeah. Your name is Air Heart. Didn’t they tell you that?”

“No. Dr. Horse just called me Miss Heart.”

“Well, your name is Air Heart.”

“Okay. So you’re my cousin?”

“You got it.”


Rainbow stood there expectantly. Finally, she prodded “Air?”

“I’m sorrow Rainbow Dash, I -, I -, I just don’t remember you.”

“Yeah, I get it.”

“You do?”

“Dr. Horse said your concussion could have caused you to lose your memory.”

“I lost my memories? How long until I get them back?”

“Well, Dr. Horse doesn’t know. You may have lost your memories for good.”


“But he – uh – said you might get them back. Nopony knows.”


“So, how did I get a concussion?”

“Well, you were on your way here to Ponyville and, even though I warned you, you flew through Ghastly Gorge. That place can have sudden, high gusts of wind. You were blown into the side of the gorge and hit your head.”

“Oh, okay. Why was I on my way to Ponyville?”

“Well, since I joined the Wonderbolts – ” She paused for dramatic effect. When nothing happened, she seemed a bit surprised. “I haven’t been able to work as part of the Ponyville Weather Station. So you were coming here to take over my old job.”

“Oh. I don’t remember that.”

“Again, you’ve lost your memories.”

“So I moved here to Ponyville?”


“I have a home here then?”

“Well, you’ve been here a few days. Should be ready tomorrow.”

“Is it nice?”

“I think you’ll like it. It’s not far from my own house.”

Air Heart paused to think for a moment. “So, have I missed much work?”

“Your assignment was kinda short notice. The paperwork is still being processed, so it’s okay.”

“When can I start?”

“When you get out of the hospital.”

“When will that be?”

“Dr. Horse thinks you’ll be able to leave tomorrow.”

“Okay.” She hesitated. “Rainbow Dash?”


“I don’t know my way around Ponyville. Or anypony who lives here. Well, except for you. And Dr. Horse. Could you, if you’re not too busy with your Wonderbolts, show me around and introduce me to ponies?”

“Yeah. I’m on leave from the Wonderbolts to help you get settled.”

“I’m so sorry you had to take time off to help me. After all, it’s my fault I’m in here.”

Rainbow akwardly ran her hoof through her mane. “That’s all right. I’m glad to help.”

There was a long silence. “Rainbow?”


“Can you – I mean – I kinda have these feelings I can’t explain.”

“Yeah?” asked Rainbow Dash, her voice showing signs of concern.

“Can you tell me about my parents?”

“Your parents!?”

“Yes,” she replied timidly.

“What do you remember about them?”

“Well, I don’t really remember anything about them. I just – well, have these feelings.”

“What kinda feelings?”

“I – I’m not sure. I don’t remember them at all, yet, I have this sad feeling when I think about them.” She looked to Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow Dash, are my parents – dead?”

“I – uh. I don’t think we should talk about this.”

“Please Rainbow Dash.”

“I – uh.” She stood there for a moment thinking. With a heavy sigh, she said “Yes Air, your parents are dead.”

Air Heart felt sorrow, and a long held sense of grief. But somehow, as much as she hated to admit it, she felt relieved. Her parents weren’t worrying about what happened to their daughter. But also, though she couldn’t remember anything, the feelings she had gave her hope that her memories weren’t gone forever. Perhaps she would remember her parents someday.

“Air Heart?”


“You – you okay?”

“Can you tell me what happened?”

“I – I don’t think this is the time.”


“Air Heart, I need to go.” Rainbow Dash walked to the door.



“I hope I didn’t make you upset.”

“No. I know you’re just trying to figure things out.”

“Please don’t go. I’d like to talk some more.”

“I need to go help Twilight and Rarity.”

“Twilight and Rarity?”

“Yeah, they’re helping to set up your new home.”

“Oh, okay.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll come by when you’re checked out and take you over to the weather station.”

“Okay. I really don’t want to stay here.”

“I know. I didn’t like it here either when I had to stay here.” Rainbow reflected for a moment. “Be sure to get your rest.”

“I will.”

“See you tomorrow.”

“See you.”

Rainbow Dash stepped through the door and gazed upon Air for a brief moment, and then shut the door.

Air Heart was alone once more with her thoughts. She had much to think about….

Author's Note:

Good morning,

So I wrote this chapter a few weeks ago, but have only now been able to publish it. First I've had internet issues, forcing me to write on my PC and transfer the chapters to a library computer (not always available) at a later date. Second, I needed to find an artist for cover art (once again thanks to Calibra2 for the amazing picture!). Finally, I'm traveling this week, so my life has been hectic to say the least. But I hope y'all enjoy it. As compared to my other big story, Dreams of the Heart, I used this story to experiment with different writing techniques. Let me know what you think.

I'm not one to give spoilers, but I will say this is definitely going to be a much more expansive story that will be revealed over the coming chapters. We've only scratched the surface!

Keep Writing,
