• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen Jul 15th, 2017


I shall recount for you tales of the shadows, and ones of light. Read if you'd please, we can discover what is right.


Welcome to the future. Ponies have grown. Our main cast and others have got married and had their children, and it's time for you to meet them.

(Contains different arcs. Contains sex tag because of some pretty close calls by siblings and parents. Some tags will change over different arcs.)

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 8 )

Congratulations. I think you're the first person to create a QuibbleDash fan foal (definitely the first on this site).:twilightsmile:

Comment posted by ShadowsOfThePast deleted Aug 3rd, 2016

7447579 You're welcome, saw the pairing and immediately she popped in my mind.

i like it and didn't spike and thorax has a dragon/changeling son

7552024 I know it's unexpected, but I found myself shipping it.

7552928 ok and are you we going to see more of spike and thorax has a dragon/changeling son

7553018 Yes, he might even have his own ark!

7553058 ok, yes please let him have his own ark

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