• Published 21st Nov 2016
  • 587 Views, 11 Comments

Bleak Sails - RedRandom

The Mane Six must team-up with a crew of deadly pirates to stop a mad skeleton from flooding Equestria with an ancient artifact from long ago.

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Chapter Four: A Maremaid's Song

Calm nights at sea allowed the sounds of merriment and fun carry far and wide from the confines of the Maremaid. It’s crew drinking, singing songs, and feasting for the successful raid on Ponyville, and the obtaining of the Elements of Harmony, the latter only being known to Captain Franz Le Mann and a few selected crewmates.

As most of the crew were too busy stuffing their muzzles full with delicious treats or drinking rum and grog while breaking the tables with their dancing, the first mate of the ship strolled his way down to the captain’s quarters. He quickly knocked on the oak door in the familiar shave and a haircut fashion.

“Franz...It’s me, Black Spot. Do you have a minute?” he asked, waiting patiently for the griffon’s response. As he waited, he began to reflect on the raid. Sure it was harder than he had expected, but ever since everyone got back to the ship he couldn't get his mind off that cyan pegasus. He had to admit she had guts to stand up for the town but something else about her that just enticed him and he didn't know why. Though, before he could continue his though, the sudden voice from behind the door caught him off guard.

“Of course I have time for ye, Spotty!” the griffon chuckled as he swung the door open, catching Black Spot off guard. “Come on in!”

As Black Spot was practically pulled by his captain, he noticed how strange Franz’s living quarters were, it wasn’t a pigsty or anything he would expect after being his friend for the last 10 years. It was as if you had combined a bedroom, study and a library into one room, and since the ship was pretty large to begin with, it was a massive, magnificent room.

He did notice however, that sitting in the six chairs in the middle of the room were the Master Gunner, Head Treasure Inspector, Head Demonologist, Lead Engineer and the Master Thief. They all turned to the zebra as he himself sat down in a chair, not knowing what was going on.

The Thief smiled, his beak turning upward in a seemingly caring way. “I’m glad that you could finally join us, Deary.”

“Yes, very good that you could join, little Spot,” Blunderbuss admitted, slapping Black Spot on the back lightly with his non-artificial arm.

“Alright, I guess that since the good doctor is busy, we should just get started,” Franz declared as he stood in front of the group, the others paying close attention to the griffon before them.

“Now I know what you may be thinking, what did I take when I went to Canterlot? It is very simple and I think that we will all enjoy it,” he began, his amulet glowing and a box floating quickly towards him. “As ye lads may or may not know, the Elements of Harmony are very powerful artifacts protected by Celestia, I’ll just cut to the chase and say that... I stole them.”

He then used his magic to open the case, the shine of the Elements almost blinding everyone else in the room. “Now, ye may be wondering, ‘Why?’, well, from my studies, I have discovered that these Elements are the key to artifacts of equal power, maybe even more powerful,” he started, putting the box inside a vault and shutting it.

“But Captain, why are we trying to find these artifacts? Aren't we big strong manly
Males?!” Blunderbuss boasted in confusion, looking over only to notice the young filly who sat two seats from him. “And strong female as well,” he corrected himself.

“If you were paying attention ye Blundering Buffoon. The Captain was more than likely about to tell us.” spoke the Master Thief, “Now how about ye shut your lips and listen for once.”

“Lads, if ye won’t shut yer cluckin mouths, I will hit ye with my ring claw,” Franz threatened, raising his right claw in a back handing motion as the two silenced themselves as he continued. “Now, while Shades is right, I do suppose that I should of told ye sooner.”

He quickly walked towards the only window in the room, opening the view of the night sky and sea for the rest to see.

“Mr. Rip, have you ever heard of an artifact called ‘The Trident’?” he asked, his back turned to the other griffon as he looked out towards the sky, thankfully the moon was hidden between some clouds.

“I would be lying if I said it hasn’t been a dream to obtain it.” Shades Rip replied with a childlike chuckle.

Franz smiled at his friend’s memory, turning around and letting out a loud laugh, the others feeling compelled to join in. “Good, good...then could you tell the others what it is please?” he asked with a wave of his claw.

“Well Dearies, The Trident is a mystical artifact that is said to belong to the Spirit of the sea, Davy Jones. It was used in a war a long time ago and was put away by the victorious alicorns,” Shades explained, gesturing with his talons in the air to emphasize his point.

Franz nodded, impressed at Shades’ bare bones knowledge of the artifact. With a smile on his beak he went over to the young filly, who had been sitting in silence with a blank, emotionless face while the others talked.

“And you Eclipse, since ye are our demonologist, then ye must know a bit about this Davy Jones don’t ye?” he asked, putting his talons on her shoulders before they were shoved off by the filly.

“Yes… But unfortunately we don’t know about where the alicorns hid the Trident, the only thing about Davy Jones is that it was imprisoned in a sword called Torn, ” she responded, her zero emotion not really helping matters as Franz gave a sly smirk.

“Well it’s good that I, with a little help from Shades, have been able to “acquire” the maps and clues to find the Island where the Trident is held,” he stated as he then put a claw on Shades’ shoulder. “Thank you for that by the way”.

“You’re welcome,” Shades said with a hint of pride, “What are we without a bit of honor amongst each other, but animals with no sense of how to appreciate a good heist.”

Franz nodded as he turned to the treasure inspector, the earth pony looking back with a calm smile. “Hermetic Lexicon! Do you know how much this artifact would be worth?” he asked with the biggest grin on his face, said earth pony thinking about it for a moment.

“Well, judging by the fact that it is said to be as old as the first alicorns. The only descriptions along with the only picture that exists show that it was made of solid gold that was encrusted with ancient solidified water spirits. I would have to estimate that it would be worth about…” he stopped as he scratched his chin in thought.”About, two hundred billion bits at the least,” he stated before his eyes widened in surprise. “...B-by the gods…”

“Two hundred billion ye say? Well that’s just a bonus,” Shades stated in mild shock.

The others stared at each other with wide eyes, how could they even manage to share all of that with the rest of the crew? All of them would be richer than rich!

“Yes...two hundred billion bits, with that kind of money we could all live in luxury! Now whe-,” Franz began before the sound of the door opening caused everyone to turn their heads.

Walking through the door, pulling a metal cart with delicious treats which made some of the mouths in the room water, was a red female unicorn. She calmly walked
to the middle of the room and let the cart go, fixing up her her two toned mane of yellow and blue and sitting down beside Shades.

“Sorry for being late everyone, I was busy treating Blaze, seems he and Stryker got into it again... I got us lunch!” she apologized while turning to Shades. “And how are you Shades?” she asked, a smile on her face.

“I’m doing wonderfully.” Shades responded smirking, “Thank ye for asking Madam Rose.”

Rose giggled in response to the way Shades spoke, still smiling as she turned to Franz. “Captain, have I missed anything?” she asked with a chuckle being Franz’s answer.

“My dear Rose, you haven’t missed a thing. Well, except most of it but that doesn’t matter. How is Gnash?” he asked, Rose frowning in response.

“He’s still bed ridden, Captain, poor thing keeps saying your name.”

Franz looked down, leaning on his desk for a bit. “I’ll visit him once I get the chance...can you tell him that when you return to the med bay?”

“Of course, Captain,” Rose answered with a small nod.“

“Now, back to business, shall we?” Franz asked before his amulet began to glow softly, a rolled up map coming to him from one of the vast amounts bundled together on the many selves on each side of walls. “Once Shades ‘Acquired’ the map that we needed, I’ve been studying it non-stop for weeks...cracking the codes that the good Ole Commander of the Equestrian army had placed in order to keep the Isle of Deceit hidden from the world…”

He then put the map into his desk, turning to the others as he smiled, quickly beginning to hover in the air. “So, ye filthy, scum sucking maggot molestors, do you want to be richer than yer wildest dreams?!”

“Ye know, I definitely wouldn’t be minding that sort of investment,” Shades Rip said, throwing a wing around Rose with a smile.

“Da! We will be very rich, manly stallions!” Blunderbuss shouted with glee. Turning to Flintlock who had been staying silent the entire time. “Don’t you agree Flint?”

“Wha-oh, yeah, it’ll be great,” Flintlock admitted, going back to thinking his projects over. “I could definitely use the money for my experiments.”

“I don’t mind it,” Rose started, giggling as Shades’ feathers tickled her. “Shades, could you please s-stop that, you-you’re gonna m-make me blush.”

“Apologizes Rose, I just be excited about all this,” Shades apologized with a hint of romance in his voice, causing most of the others in the room to glare at the two with varying degrees of disgust and envy.

“Ah, even among pirates, love finds its place in our crowd,” Franz sighed with his grin being sincere. “Shades, when do ye think you’ll stop with the flirting and just get a room?” He chuckled while teasing the fellow griffon.

“Whenever the lady is more comfortable with my ways,” Shades returned with a hearty and gentlecolt’s chuckle.

“Now, since that’s about it, I think it’s about time to cheer up the crew, they are probably really bored, wouldn’t ye agree?” Franz asked as he started to head out the door.

“I do,” Shades Rip replied, standing with the others and heading for the door.

As the rest of the group left the cabin, Black Spot stayed behind, still thinking about the Blue pegasus through most of that group talk. With a sigh he got up and left through the door, he knew a song was on it’s way.

The only word that could describe the deck of the Maremaid was chaos. Most of the crew being under the influence of rum as they danced about, not noticing the captain staring at them with cross eyes.

“HEY, YOU FILTHY PIGSKINNED SLAGS!” he shouted in the most threatening way he could. The crew stopping almost instantly as they all lined up, saluting as the captain walked passed them. “I can’t believe this! Dancing and drinking most of the rum, and you didn’t even invite me??” he said as he began to laugh a hearty laugh.

The crew looked at their captain with confused eyes before laughing along with him, the pirates with instruments beginning to continue their Jig as the party started again.

Franz turned to Black Spot and put a claw on his shoulder. “Come on, let’s sing that song you like so much," he asked, Black giving a small smile before nodding his head. He then turned to Shades, who was beside the pirate band.

“Shades, if you would?” Black asked with a patient smile.

With a nod Shades turned to the pirates with instruments and softly said “And a one… And a two… And a one, two, three.” The band then changed songs

*The lyrics to “Yo Ho(A pirate's life for me)"*

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.

The crew began to dance, every one of them enjoying the music as they jigged until they could jig no more. Black Spot and Franz were drinking rum and dancing on the table, almost breaking the wooden structure a few dozen times.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We extort and pilfer, we filch and sack.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Maraud and embezzle and even highjack.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We kindle and char and in flame and ignite.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
We burn up the city, we're really a fright.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.

The sound of Blunderbuss’ laughter dwarfed everypony else as Flintlock triedall he could to stop his larger companion from drinking all the rum. “Blunderbuss you dumbbuck, leave some for the rest of us!” He shouted in annoyance.

“Oh, come on Flintlock,” Rose said to the unicorn as she danced with Shades. “Let Blundy have his fun!” She then turned to her dance partner. “I never knew you were a good dancer,” She complimented.

We're rascals and scoundrels, we're villians and knaves.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
We're devils and black sheep, we're really bad eggs.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.

“Why thank ye kindly, Rose.” Shades thanked as he gave the mare a twirl and a dip, “I do find dancing as quite the way to express one’s self in the deepest of ways.”

“I agree,” Rose giggled as she was twirled. “Though...I think your dancing is better than anything I could do,” she said before looking into his eyes, blushing slightly.

We're beggars and blighters and ne'er do-well cads,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!

Shades smiled and gave Rose a quick peck on her cheek as a unanimous “Dawww, look at the lovebirds.” came from the rest of the crew.

“I’ll claw out each of ye eyes ya yella bellied whale blubber sacks if ye say one more word!” Shades shouted back in response.

Rose simply blushed as she was kissed. “...Thank you,” She said with a smile before she laughed at his outburst. The dancing continued for some time before it was finally stopped.

Franz stood up onto a table with a smile. “Every one of ye stinkin, bilge rats listen up!” He shouted, the entire crew turning to their captain, the music having ceased. “I believe a toast in order...as it time for that thing ye all enjoy quite a bit!” He said with a smile. The entire crew smiling as well.

“What is it Captain?” One of the crew members asked rather impatiently, one of the other members smashing his head with an empty bottle of rum. Franz laughed as he saw this, turning to Shades. “Would you please?” He asked with a wave of his claw.

“To good fortune and riches for us all!” Shades called out raising a glass in his talons, “And to our lager, which art in barrels, hallowed be thy drink, thy will be drunk. At home is upon the sea, and forgive us for our spillages, as we forgive those that spill against us. For thine is the beer, the bitter, and the lager. Forever and ever Pirates.”

The crew listened to the “prayer” with closed eyes, when it was finished, they all opened their eyes and raised their cups. “Amen to that!” They all shouted in unison before the music and dancing continued.

Franz smiled before he turned to the sky, the moon was about to come out again, which caused him to worry for a bit, he looked at his claw and saw it to be bone. He quickly put the claw into the sleeve of his jacket, hugging his chest, hoping that no one noticed. “I shall be heading off to my quarters for the night, set a course for Trotuga...we be needing supplies soon,” He said quickly, in a sharp and almost nervous tone. “Wake me if something goes awry…” He said before he made his way into his quarters, closing the door and locking it.