• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 1,675 Views, 19 Comments

Queen Hysteria: The Fallen Star - SuperCyclone

Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment. -Mahatma Gandhi

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The Long Awaited Reunion

To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved. -George MacDonald

The sun washed the land in sunshine as many ponies gathered around Hysteria's gates to her home. Over the years Hysteria's castle had grown so much to the point where it totally overthrew Canterlot! News ponies from all over Equestria came to write in the newspaper about this amazing day. After ten years Hysteria's castle gates would open. But among the crowd were nine ponies and a draconequus. They were the lucky few that were chosen to meet Hysteria after ten years.

"Mommy, why did Queen Hysteria close the gates to her castle?" Asked a little fillie next to her mother. Starlight Glimmer noticed this and walked over to them, "Hi there, what's your name?" The little fillie looked at her mom and she nodded, saying it was ok to talk to Starlight.

"Yellowstar, my name is Yellowstar. Are you Starlight Glimmer?"

"Yes I am, and I overheard you saying something about the gates closing?"

"Yes, I did. Do you know why?"

Starlight nodded, "Well, at that time, Changelings were invading Canterlot again; the princesses had to fight for their kingdom, but very few survived. Celestia and Luna were lost in the battle, fortunately Princess Cadance was able to make it out alive. But Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor and queen's parents weren't the only one lost. Our dear friend, Rainbow Dash, was in the battle as well. She fought proud and will always be remembered." Starlight started having tears in her eyes but continued the story, "After the war was over, and the Changelings just...disappeared and Hysteria held a funeral for the three. After Rainbow Dash passed away, Hysteria just suddenly announced that she was closing the gates to her castle, forever. That is until today, and Canterlot is now a long-lost abandoned city."

The little fillie was in awe, "That's a sad story. I'm sorry about Rainbow Dash, I wish I could've met her. But what was the reason for Hysteria to close the gates?"

Starlight shrugged, "That's just it, no pony knows why."

Suddenly, the gates started to open. All the ponies watched in awe as the rusted crystal gates opened slowly. When the gates were finally opened all the way, many soldiers came from Hysteria's castle. They marched and chanted as they got to their positions. Then, after the soldiers got in place, the queen walked into the outside world for the first time since long ago. They all stared in awe at her beauty, she even got taller. The queen then stopped in front of her friends. All of the sudden she ran towards them and gave them a big hug. The five were surprised by this and the queen started laughing.

"Oh how I've missed you all!"

The five started laughing as well and hugging her back.

"We've missed you, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie said as the queen let go of her friends with a shocked look on her face. The others were really confused now.

"What's wrong?" Asked Applejack. The queen apologized, "I'm sorry. It's just that I've never been addressed as Twilight since, you know. But do not worry, you deserve to call me by my old name. You're my best friends, you do deserve this."

She smiled and looked at the guests they brought. She had a surprised look on her face when she saw the Cutie-Mark Crusaders.

"Oh mother of me! You three have grown so much!"

The three laughed and hugged their old friend.

"We've missed you so much, Twilight!" Exclaimed Sweetie Belle.

Tears came from the queen's eyes as she realized how long it had been for the three to grow up. Twilight turned and saw Cheese Sandwich.

"Why hello there, Cheese Sandwhich. I should've know that Pinkie would bring you."

The crazy-maned pony brought out his accordion, "Of course! I even have a special song for this moment."

Before the pony could sing the queen covered his mouth with her hoof and chuckled, "Maybe later."

The queen then walked up to her final guest, Discord.

"Hello there, your highness."

Discord said as he bowed and gave her flowers.

"Why thank you, Discord. Are you still up to your crazy schemes?"

Discord chuckled, "I've missed you too, Twilight. Ponyville isn't the same without you."

Twilight smiled and tears came from her eyes again.

"Come along my friends. There is so much to see!"

Her friends followed as the gates closed once more. The ponies watched as Twilight and her friends left.

"My dear friends," Twilight said as they approached her castle, "It is my great pleasure to welcome you to my humble home."

Starlight looked up at her friend's home and got an uneasy feeling. Something wasn't right. The ponies then went inside the castle, before them was a huge hallway; decorated in many precious gems. Pinkie Pie sniffed the air and licked her lips, "Something smells good!"

Twilight turned and laughed, "Well of course Pinkie! That is the delicious food that awaits us! I hope you have room for dessert! Follow me, the only way to the dining room is through this door here."

The ponies followed her to the beautifully decorated door.

"This castle is absolutely marvelous, Twilight!" Rarity said looking around.

The queen smiled at her friend's amusement, "You haven't seen anything yet."

Twilight then stopped at the door and faced her friends.

"Now, over the past ten years I've kept myself busy. This room, for example, will show you why my castle is so huge."

The queen ordered for her guards to open the door as her friends awaited what was next. The guards obeyed and slowly opened the door; a bright light shone from the room and dimmed. Twilight's friends gasped at the amazing sight before them.

The room was an entire paradise! There was grass on the ground, tress and plants of all kinds grew, there was a river and even a waterfall, and the roof before them was as blue as the sky. The only difference was that everything but the grass and water was crystal. The queen lead them inside and she smelled the air, "Just smell that fresh indoor air. I told you I kept myself busy. Now, don't get too excited, hehe."

Starlight was dumbfounded by the magnificent wonderland that stood before her, "It's beautiful."

Twilight smiled at her friend, "Yeah, it is beautiful. Now we mustn't dilly-dally.

"I think I need my couch for this one," Rarity said walking a little funny. Twilight started laughing at her friend's behavior. Discord was even surprised by how well kept he place looked, "I'm amazed Twilight. How did you manage to do all this?"

"I have my ways. The reason I made this room was to keep my mind off Ponyville. So I made my own lovely world. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, there are still more marvelous things that I can do. For example, I can show you all your future."

Scootaloo had a great big smile across her face, "You can?! Can you show us?"

Twilight laughed, "Of course! Let me just concentrate for a second here."

The ponies waited for a few seconds until Twilight opened her eyes, they were white and the room suddenly went dark. They then each saw their own future. Applejack saw herself settling down with a colt, owning a huge apple farm. Fluttershy saw her future with her animals, she owned a shelter to keep animals safe. Starlight Glimmer saw her future with Sunburst. She smiled at the image before her and then, it went fast. Suddenly, their future started going faster and faster.

Applejack started getting worried, "Twilight, what's goin' on?"

Twilight simply smiled, "Faster! Faster! Faster!"

Their future went even faster then before. They all started getting worried. The images before them changed to images of them becoming older and older until their fur and skin started disintegrating before them. They started screaming in horror as Twilight started singing.

There's no earthly way of knowing,
Which direction we are going.
There's no knowing where we're running,
Or which way the future's flowing.
Is it ending, is it starting?
Is there still something missing?
Not a speck of light is showing,
So the danger must be growing.
Are the fires of Tartarus a-glowing?
Is the grim reaper moaning?
Yes, the danger must be growing,
For the future keeps on showing!
And it's certainly not showing,
Any signs that it is slowing!!!!!

Twilight started screaming as her friends were now freaked out by what they were witnessing. Discord had had enough, "Twilight! This joke has gone on long enough!"

Twilight nodded, "You're quite right! Stop!!!!!"

The ponies opened their eyes slowly, before them was a large table. They were each seated and were absolutely dumbfounded. Starlight looked at Twilight with a little concern, "Where are we?"

"We're here. The dining room."

"But how did we get here-"

Before she could finish her sentence, several ponies came from the doors behind her holding silver dishes of food. When all the food was given, Twilight laughed, "Well aren't you all going to eat?"

Several Hours Later...

Twilight lead her friends to another room and she opened it.

"Here you go. A bed for each of you!"

They all looked at the room with astonishment. Each bed was perfect in its own way. Pinkie Pie jumped into a bed and screamed, "This is so exciting!!! It'll be like a sleepover, only in a castle! I don't know if I'll be able to-"

Pinkie then fell asleep in an instant. Twilight chuckled and turned to her friends, "Well, I'm going to be conducting something important. If you need anything just wring this bell right here and one of my guards will help you. Try it."

Starlight was the first to try it and a guard came, he was an orange pegasus.

"I'm here," he said quickly. Twilight smiled at her guard, "Don't worry, Flash. This was just an experiment. You can go back to your post."

The guard nodded and left Twilight and her friends alone.

"You also have your own bodyguard. But I think you know him already."

"What do you mean, darling?" Rarity asked.

Twilight stepped aside as a teenage dragon stepped forward. Rarity gasped and ran towards the dragon.

"It's my Spikey-Wikey!"

Spike blushed and hugged her back, "I've missed you too Rarity."

Twilight started walking away, "Now get some rest, there is still so much more to see!" She then closed the door behind her. Twilight walked to her room and closes the door behind her. She sighed and turned to her right to see a cyan pony with a rainbow mane sitting.

"So how did it go, Hysteria?"

"It went great, Rainbow Dash! My friends were absolutely amazed by the place. I just can't wait for them to meet you again!"

Rainbow Dash smiled at her best friend, "Me too! And are they going to-"

The queen cut in, "Yes! Yes they are! Finally, after many years we will all be together again!"

Author's Note:

Okay, before you say anything, Yes, I did put Yellowstar there! XD It was a reference to the new Rainbow Dash Presents that just came out yesterday. And boy was it creepy! I hope you found this chapter even more interesting and there is still more to come! And I bet you're surprised about the Rainbow Dash part right? XD You'll simply have to wait and see what happens next. And remember to leave a comment if you haven't done so yet, I like seeing what people think. See ya later! -SC