• Published 9th Jun 2016
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The Everglow of a Twilight Sunset - David Silver

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle (EQG Edition) try to make the portal safer. This does not end well and sends both catapulting in the body of ponies into a world of danger, magic, and unending adventure. Will they survive their trip to Everglow?

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18 - Dance for Two, Dance for You

Morning and Roll nodded towards the functionaries and bowed at the balcony that held the queen.

A message was quickly passed down and the mare in charge of speaking for the Queen gestured at Roll while her eyes were on Morning. "Is this your golem?"

Morning blinked. "Oh, no! Heavens no. She is a pony, and I will let her speak for herself."

Roll glanced back at Morning before raising her eyes to the balcony. "My kind are the clockwork. Though perhaps less numerous than other tribes of ponies, we are members of this nation proudly." She dipped her head toward the balcony. "Today we will perform for you."

Morning bobbed her head in agreement. "I will sing a few classic songs of my people, celebrating an old time of unity, while Rolling Precision will dance to celebrate the new age of collaboration, even with ponies we scarcely recognize." She took a slow breath and began to speak from the heart, a talent her people were known for. Her voice was clear and notes stirred those that heard it both in pitch and content.

Roll began to move, using her singing as a metronome for her own performance. With every beat that pulsed through her, she moved a little further, rising smoothly to two legs and bowing in the stance that would be awkward to others, but came with an artistic flair to her. With hooves out wide, she made a slow circle, tracing unseen patterns in the air. It would have been enough perhaps for her to move slowly and precisely to the music, but that was not how it would be.

She fell to the ground, but did not strike it, catching herself just before she struck to begin moving with greater energy. Picking up on the desire for greater tempo, Morning's song began to catch up as it faded into a new melody, speaking of new starts and energetic motions, of grand times that the pony race has brought to itself. They danced together, though they never danced at once. She led Roll in her tongues, Roll led her in her steps, and they worked together, guided only by the power of the music itself running through the hallway.

Her voice gently faded as Roll came to a smooth halt. Both bowed to the silent queen. Both bowed to the quiet room.

All eyes turned towards the balcony.

Queen Iliana leaned forward into clear view, quite young for one that qualified as an empress. She brought her forehooves together in a slow clopping, and soon the others joined in, following her in what would become a thunderous display of clapping and stomping approval of what they had just been witness to.

Twilight nudged Sunset. "So we're not getting home fast. Let's be on the same page about what we're doing."

Sunset frowned a little. "You don't have to be so happy about it."

"Happy?" Twilight raised a brow high. "Not exactly the emotion I was aiming for. Look, we're friends, and we want the same thing in the end." Twilight nodded firmly. "We'll get home, so let's be smart about it."

True pointed at Twilight, then Sunset, and hugged himself.

Sunset quirked a smile at his antics. "Yeah yeah, I don't plan to stay mad at her." She sat up and let out a sigh of breath. "We're still just two random people in a world we barely understand."

Twilight raised a hoof. "But that's where you're wrong!"

"I am?"

Twilight tapped her head. "I have genre savvy!" Sunset didn't look convinced, so she continued. "Besides the dragon being the wrong color for its element, everything is what I would expect it to be, assuming I was playing the game. So I vote we play to win, and then we get to go home."

Sunset rolled a hoof. "Great, let's assume we do that. What part of that makes us able to take on a whole mess of those gnoll things? I don't think my fire bolts will do much but annoy one by the time they run us over."

Twilight tapped her cheek softly. "I just wanted to get you and I on the same page. We don't have a plan, yet, but we can do this, together." She waved a hoof between the three of them. "Do you think Roll did well?"

True gave a soft squeak and thrust a hoof up.

Sunset nodded in agreement. "If she has a chance, she'll do it." She rose to her hooves. "As crazy as this world is, I trust her, which sounds crazy to me just saying it. We're friends with a robot."

Twilight frowned a little at that. "Robot implies she was made in a factory somewhere. She was born, just like us, she just happens to, you know, be made of metal."

"Right right." Sunset shivered faintly in memory of the fact that clockworks produced young in such a fashion. "Look, why aren't you freaking out more?"


Sunset reached out and poked Twilight gently in the snout. "You're a pony."

Twilight went crosseyed a moment looking at the hoof on her snout. "I am, and I did, but we have to get something done, unless we're happy remaining ponies forever. I mean, being able to hurl ice is pretty cool, but I do want to get home. I have responsibilities, and we both have friends waiting for us. I wonder what they think happened to us?"

True tilted his head a little bit as if thinking about it, but added little.

Sunset sighed softly. "I bet they've visited both our houses by now looking for us. Let's get back quickly and put their fears to rest." She pointed ahead. "For now, let's head to the castle and pick up Roll, win or lose."

"If you would stay behind?" The functionary pointed to a small area where only one other performer stood, sending Roll and Morning to join them as the next act was brought out to perform.

The one other performer was a pegasus, smiling as they approached. He nodded to either. "Splendid show you gave there. Did you two practice together?"

Roll considered that question. "Yes, but not in the way you likely imagine."

Morning deferred to her friend, waving to Roll. "I just sang. Roll was the one performing the intricate steps of her routine with such precise timing."

The pegasus perked his ears. "So modest. You were both lovely. Clockwork, was it? I've met another of your people before, though he was no performer. He liked making traps for hunters and the paranoid alike. Quite in-demand, if I recall."

"Next," spoke the functionary in precise tones, dismissing the current act of a pair of goats.

Morning tilted her glittering head. "I imagine it's quite like any tribe. She can be what she wants to be, and she likes to dance."

Roll nodded at Morning. "Dancing is a preferred hobby of mine, but not my profession."

The pegasus seemed surprised at that. "Not your profession? What is, madame?"

Roll paused. "Well, I'm a warrior..."

Morning started at that. "You're a warrior?!"

If Roll could have blushed... "Normally!"

The pegasus shook his head. "Well, for a hobby it is clearly close to your heart, be it flesh or otherwise." He dipped his head at Roll. "It is a pleasure to know you are a peer."

Morning joined the motion quickly. "Yes, a pleasure knowing you, and performing at your side. I trust my own performance was good enough?"

"We are here," noted Roll with a bit of a smile. "We succeeded."

Another performance was selected of those remaining, a trio of the three major tribes that formed a gymnastic group. The pegasus, unicorn, and prairie pony settled with the earlier victors, all smiles and joyful. Roll noticed something. "The performers with less-than-satisfactory attitudes were not selected regardless of ability."

Morning perked an ear. "Why I think you're right." She just finished shaking hooves with the last winners. "All those that got this far have been quite personable."

The unicorn of the trio nodded. "We do try to be reasonable sorts."

The pegasus pumped a hoof. "Reasonably awesome! Look at us!"

The earth pony nudged his friend. "Easy there. There were many good performances today."

The functionary that had been calling out each performance approached them. "You are the last of the day. The Queen would like to see you each personally." She glanced from pony to pony. "Even in the case of groups, she wishes to see you individually." She raised a hoof to point at Roll. "She wishes to start with you. Miss Precision was it? This way."

Morning nodded at her new friend. "Good luck."

They shared one last bumping of hooves before Roll followed down opulently designed and furnished hallways. She was led into a small room where the Queen sat, looking out a window. "You may go," spoke the Queen, and the functionary bowed before departing silently.

Roll nodded at her as she took in the details of the room. It was furnished with decorations of pony greatness, but little of it directly reflected of the Queen. "You wished to see me?"

"I did." She turned to face Roll with a faint smile. "You need something from me, don't you?"

Roll started. That was not the path she expected. "I--"

"Don't be shy, they all do." Iliana rolled a hoof slowly. "You're a performer. I imagine you just need to be paid, and that is hardly an unreasonable thing."

Roll needed more than that, but she hesitated a moment before words found their way to her lips. "I have a more serious matter. I apologize if I am upsetting you by bringing it--"

"You sound serious." Suddenly she looked focused. "You need something, but not for yourself. What is it?"

Roll pointed in a Northeasterly direction. "The short-legs have been assaulted by the gem gnolls and taken prisoner."

Iliana winced. "I..." She heaved a sigh. "I told them it was not safe. That land, north of Turves, we have scarcely anyone there, save the short-legs, and I feared for them. I asked them to join the empire, to come where it was safe." She looked to Roll, not with anger, but with sorrow and shame. "I wanted to protect them."

Roll pivoted an ear towards Iliana. "You can still protect them by sending an armed for--"

"I can't..." Iliana sagged. "I've seen the numbers. We're lucky to keep the empire intact. Declaring war on the gem gnolls would be disastrous, no matter how distasteful they are." She sat up tall, spreading her wings. "I would ride down on them myself, dashing the dirty gnolls to the wind, but this is my cage, and I'm needed here..."

The room fell to quiet as Iliana seemed to consider things. "You are a brave pony. Why are you here, a clockwork pony, to tell me of their capture?"

Roll gestured to the city as a whole. "I was with them during the attack and escaped. One of them is in the city."

"One of them made it?" Her eyes shone with hope. "At least there is that... Will you bring him or her here?"