• Member Since 24th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Not really paying attention to any of this anymore, but I keep the tab open... for some reason.


On the night of her coronation, Twilight Sparkle joins Celestia in her chambers. But before the young new alicorn can confess her feelings, Celestia has a startling confession of her own to make: She is not who she seems.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 23 )

This is so absurd... and yet, I laugh. I think I saw a concept similar to this once, but I can't for the life of me recall what story it was.

Okay, now I'm curious. What happened to the original Celestia and Luna?

We've got to go deeper.


This story seems to be off to a good start. I think I'll watch to see what happens.

Oops. Forgot to change it to completed. Sorry to disappoint but sleep deprived crack-fic inspiration comes but once for every gem of an idea. :twilightblush:

They're a little bit inaccurate, though. Twilight's not the only one to hop across universes.


Entertaining read. Have a well-earned Like.

One part in particular stood out for me...

“Why does existence require a metaphysical god?” Newlight asked.

“Because why else are Twilights like this? Why do we exist to hop between universes? By all rights we should live like other alicorns or be confined to our own universe. There must be an all powerful entity making this possible for us.’

Newlight saw the logic of it. “Is she worshiped?”

“What would be the point? The Ultra Twilight already favors us clearly. Besides she’s the one and only god above literally infinite Twilights. Do you think individual prayers could reach her?”

“I must be more mature than you in this one way, Oldlight, because I believe in omnipotence.” Newlight laughed. “After everything you’ve shared how can I not? If there is a prime mover out there she must necessarily be capable of absolutely everything.”

Middlelight spoke up. “Unless that first movement she made was in a realm of nothing. It doesn’t take much to disturb nothing.

Oldlight snorted. “Profound.”

I especially liked that part; reminded me of why I believe in God, but not in religion(s).

"God neither asks, nor wants, nor needs to be worshipped. Why...? By definition of being God."
~ George Carlin


Got two theories: First, they wound up suffocating in an embarrassing, possibly erotic situation that may, or may not, have involved both of them at the same time, with or without company...likely during the early bit of their reign after getting the wingss and position...alcohol might have also been involved.

Second, they wound up tripping and breaking their Alicorn necks on a set of stairs, designed by Sombra, hence Evil Stairs.

If there are more theories I think of, I'll add them later, but those were the two that would have made my Luna/Middlelight know she was in hell.

I loved both the story and the author notes.

So... wouldn't that mean that knowing the importance of the event, Middlelight disguised as Luna became Nightmare Moon, allowing Newlight to meet her friends and get The Elements of Harmony, allowing everything to happen as per canon?

who told me about the Ulta Twilight.

You may have been typing too fast late at night and forgot an 'r' probably just saying-

7292488 Thanks :twilightsheepish: I can't keep myself from salting stories with a bit of philosophy no matter how silly they're supposed to be.

7292575 Who said they died? :pinkiehappy: But trust me friend... To know of the unspeakably embarrassing event is a curse that even Mary Sue power-fantasy Twilights are crippled by. Were a mortal to hear the truth of that happening, they would cringe themselves out of existance, leaving a shamefaced hole in reality at all points forward and backward in time.

7293297 For the most part, the disguised Twilights from Other Universes exist and act like Celestia an Luna would. It's only when the normal chain of causality breaks (Newlight becomes an alicorn, or if a fourth Twilight had arrived and begun disrupting things) do their true self supersede their disguise persona.

7293603 Fixed, thank you. :twilightblush:
And yes, I was struck by the odd impulse to make this fic around midnight and spent until 4:30 AM writing it. My sense of humor and inhibitions go way down without sleep. So too, apparently, does my editing skill lol.

B-but, I like Luna and Celestia. :fluttercry:

7291934 There was a story on how Twilight discovers that Luna has many "shadows" representing different facets of her, and Celestia is just the perfect side, while Nightmare Moon is her jealous side, so Celestia is actually just a part of Luna. Just for the record, Twilight is not also Luna.

Here you go: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/316780/the-shadow

This story is quite similar, honestly.


What the fuck did I just read?!!?
Wait a minute is this pure crack?! Because it has to be. Oh what ever this was hilarious.


7397510 I have made purer crack before. I'm sorry if you were expecting heartfelt or insightful from this fic. Perhaps the tags could have tipped you off. :rainbowlaugh:

7293628 That seems code for 'I cant come up with something adequately hilarious' :rainbowwild:


This is gonna give me a headache:pinkiecrazy: o well, onwards with the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pinkiehappy:

.....Now you have to do one of what happened.

nice work on all chapters

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