• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 911 Views, 25 Comments

Visiting Memories - SvenFoxx

A Pegasus visits Ponyville to pay her respects to a late friend.

  • ...

Under Overcast Skies

She sighed as she navigated her way through the maze of headstones and grave-markers, her blue and yellow jumpsuit hiding her body and the goggles over her eyes to protect them. She grumbled as her prismatic mane matted itself to her head and neck. It was, true to her luck, a raging downpour. Honestly, she could probably have the storm cleaned up in a half hour, but she didn’t really mind. She had flown through far, far worse conditions.

Finally, her eyes spotted the lone statue in the massive graveyard, depicting a Pegasus mare standing defiant in front of a few featureless ponies, protecting them. Making her way over, she sat down before the statue and smiled at it

“I’m sorry I haven’t visited in a while. The Wonderbolts have been pushing for me to take up the captaincy. It’s a bit of a struggle to get them to lay off.” She chuckled. “Me? Captain of the Wonderbolts? I like being a Wonderbolt, but that? I get enough paperwork as Wing-Commander of Prism Squad,” She shook her head with mirth. And then her eyes lit up. “Oh yeah! We were sent out to Cloudsdale the other day due to a rogue weather-front. I think Discord was involved, as it moved around way too sporadically to be natural. Plus, nopony really got hurt.”

She shook her head with a smirk. “We’re good… but that? That thing was a beast. It was going to take more than just one squad to get that thing under control before casualties started cropping up, regardless of how good said squad was. He probably just did it to add some excitement to my life. He’s always telling me I should be out and about more than I usually am.”

Her ears twitched, and she looked up to see a purple mare flying by under a magical shield, which kept the worst of the rain off of her. A chain around her neck glinted in the sparse light under the overcast sky. She smiled, but didn’t call out to her friend. Twilight looked to be in a hurry, and she really didn’t plan on staying long anyways.

“While I was there, I saw your parents. They’re getting by, but…” She sighed. “Well, they’re not the only ones struggling to adjust to the fact that you’re gone. They’re immensely proud of you, of course. Not many ponies will stand up to a maddened Alicorn like you did.” She glanced again at the direction Twilight had flown in. “She still won’t forgive herself, you know. We’ve all told her it wasn’t her fault, that the spell was to blame, but… well, Princess Luna is talking to her, so hopefully she’ll stop torturing herself with those chains one day.”

Magic nullification chains, otherwise known as null chains. Placed on an Earth-Pony or Pegasus, it saps all of the magic from their bodies and prevents them from recharging the magic so long as they continue to wear them. It grounded Pegasi and weakened Earth-Ponies. When placed on a Unicorn however, due to their larger reserves of magic, it lead to a constant state of exhaustion. On an Alicorn?

They can’t really drain magic from an Alicorn, not effectively anyways. The magic was too diverse and potent. That didn’t stop the chains from trying though, and having your magic yanked around without actually being drawn out hurt. She had felt something similar when somepony had placed a shoddily-made null chain on her. She had never felt something so painful in her life.

That Twilight could go through life with one of those things on her at all was a testament to her determination. Even Princess Celestia admitted to being unable to achieve stable flight or spell forms while wearing one of the chains.

“It’s been so long since she’s smiled a real smile. Not even Spike can get much more than a brief twitch of her lips from her. Every other time it’s those fake smiles she shows when speaking to nobles.”

She paused, brushing strands of her wet mane from her eyes. She chuckled as she noted the polychromatic dye running from it. “Guess I’ll have to get that redone when I get back to the Academy.”

A tap on her side caught her attention, and she looked over. She smiled at the orange mare standing there with a sad smile. “Hello, Applejack.”

Applejack nodded back. “Hey. Saw you sitting here on my way home. It’s been a while.”

She sighed. “Yeah, I really should try and visit more often, but between the Wonderbolts, training, and… well…”

Applejack shook her head. “You don’t have to say anything. None of us blame you for not wanting to be here too long,” She looked up at the statue of their friend. “Her death hit us all hard, Twilight especially. I’m amazed she can stand to be in that castle at all.”

“She’s strong,” she admitted, and then sighed. “She’s so much stronger than me. If I had just been a bit braver when it all happened… if I could have just moved…”

She flinched when Applejack smacked her in the back of the head with her hat. “None of that now. She wouldn’t blame you one bit for this, just like she didn’t blame Twilight,” She then growled. “Even if that ornery mare won’t believe a word of it.”

She nodded, deciding not to rehash old arguments. Besides, Applejack wasn’t afraid to lay out a friend who was being particularly stubborn, the hypocrite. She had a brief chuckle in her mind over that thought.

“You better be coming by the farm later. Mac’s gotten real good at baking since Granny’s gotten too old to cook without burning down the kitchen.” Applejack said.

She flinched. “I… I don’t think…”

Applejack sighed. “I swear it’s like trying to get two north magnets to touch with you two.” She grumbled. “I will drag you there myself, even if I have to get Spike to help.”

She caved. “Fine,” She sighed. Spike had grown into a very handsome dragon and a very powerful one as well. She had no doubt he could, and would, drag her to Sweet Apple Acres by her wings. “Though I wonder how Rarity will react to how you’re threatening to use her coltfriend as a means of enforcement.”

Applejack huffed. “She’d be in full agreement.”

“Probably,” She agreed.

They sat there under the rain for a bit longer, just enjoying the comfortable silence that had arisen. They both stared at the statue, recalling fond memories of their friend. There were many, despite her early departure from life. It easily counteracted the sadness of her absence.

That didn’t make it any easier to stay in Ponyville though. Everywhere she looked, she kept seeing flashes of fire, screaming ponies, and feeling the phantom emotions of absolute uselessness.

“I heard about what happened to Pinkie.” She suddenly spoke up, gathering Applejack’s attention. “Has there been any word?”

Applejack frowned. “None, beyond the occasional letter Gummy shows up with. She tells us she’s okay, that she’s spreading so much happiness in all the places she visits… but nopony can track her down. Some of us are beginning to think she’s not travelling at all, and holed herself up somewhere to be alone.” She shook her head. “She’s stubborn. She works so hard to help other ponies be happy, but when it comes to her own happiness? She’ll never ask for help.”

“Applebuck Season.” She coughed, ducking the hoof that tried to hit her in the head. “You walked into that one.” She noted.

Applejack just huffed. “Every time I see you, you’re getting worse and worse.” She grumbled.

She shrugged. “She wanted me to be brave,” was all she said.

Applejack grew silent, turning to stare sadly at the statue of their friend. “Yeah…” She whispered.

Applejack stood after a bit and turned. “I should get home. Mac’ll be worried enough as it is now that I’m late.”

“It was good to see you, Applejack.” She said, not taking her eyes from the statue.

“Don’t forget, dinner at the farm.” Applejack reminded her.

“I won’t.” She promised.

After the farm pony was gone, she continued to stare at the statue for a bit longer, just letting herself coast along the river of memories that poured from it. The rain actually started to let up, allowing her to take the goggles off. Her blue eyes glimmered with unshed tears as she sat there.

Eventually she sighed and stood as well. She once again brushed her now pink mane aside. “Well, I guess I better get going also, or Applejack really will send Spike after me. I’ll visit again, I promise,” She said, turning and walking away.

She paused though, and, looking over her shoulder, read the plaque at the base of the statue, just like she did every time she visited.

Rainbow Dash
Element of Loyalty

Brave and loyal to the end.

978 CE -1008 CE

She eventually left, off to meet with her friends and likely drink herself silly reminiscing on better times. Then, tomorrow, while dealing with the hangover, she’d get back to her job as a Wonderbolt. She’ll have to remember to get her mane dyed again. Maybe this time buy the dye that didn’t wash out easily.

Achieving her dream, wearing her colors… To Fluttershy, this was the only way she could think of to honor and thank Rainbow for saving her life all those years ago.

Author's Note:

This is more me practicing my grammar than anything. Hope you all enjoy it!

Comments ( 25 )

Now that was a twist! Great short story!

7292617 Thanks. The story was half-inspired by this, and I felt like seeing if I could pull one of those "Wait, what?!" moments. Tell me, when did you figure out it wasn't Rainbow?


Only at the end. I felt it was possible that she was currently dying her mane but after rereading the story it is kinda obvious who it was. I am no saying who so people got to read the story to see the twist.

7292617 I agree!

The whole time I was reading this, right up until the end, I was think that it was Dash visiting Flutter's grave, then BOOM! right at the end there, we find out that it's the other way around.

So have a Fave and an Upvote for a job well done, my friend!

Oh, and a Follow, too.

I honestly thought it was Dash visiting Fluttershy's grave from the summary to the near end of the story! The mention about her redoing her mane dye made me confused. It threw me off when the blue eyes were presented and I feared the worse. That twist gave me the feels! :fluttershyouch: Fluttershy dyed her mane to honor Rainbow... that fact almost made me cry. :fluttercry:

(sniff) Excellent job on the emotional content of this short story. Sad, but logically so and certainly quite well-written. (sniff) At least Rainbow went out a true hero. And, hopefully Twilight's guilt won't end up twisting and corrupting her like it did at least a dozen different alternate Supermen. At any rate, I will definitely be looking forward to more of your work (especially if it's either the next chapter of your "Tartarus Forged" story or an update on your "Harmony League" story) as soon as time and inspiration will allow.

Now that... was a twist at the end.

This is certainly a surprise, seeing a new story all of a sudden. Still, I admit, it was quite well-written other than a few minor grammar mistakes. Nice twist at the end, I didn't see it coming, although the clues were apparent looking back. Good work!

Now, although you didn't ask me to, here are some mistakes I saw, just skimming (just the biggest mistakes really):

I think Discord was involved, as it moved around way to sporadically to be natural.

"to" should be "too"

He’s always telling me I should be out an about more than I usually am.”

"an" should be "and"

Placed on an Earth-Pony or Pegasus, it saps all of the magic from their bodies and prevents them from recharging the magic so long as they continue to where them.

"where" should be "wear", and this sentence is in present tense instead of past tense like it should be.

Grounds Pegasi and weakens Earth-Ponies. Placed on a Unicorn, it does the same, but because of their larger reserves of magic it leads to a constant exhausted feeling.

It grounded Pegasi and weakened Earth-Ponies. When placed on a Unicorn however, due to their larger reserves of magic, it lead to a constant state of exhaustion.

She had felt something similar when somepony had placed a shoddily made null chain on her.

Should be "shoddily-made"

Again, not everything I saw (you still have some trouble with proper format of quotes/dialogue), but the major ones that had incorrect words and such.

Tragic. :fluttercry: This story is a Tragic one, but Heartwarming nonetheless. :heart:

:rainbowkiss: Fav! :yay:

And here's my reaction to that amazing twist of an ending:

7293815 Thank you for taking the time to go over it. And I know there were some fractured sentences, but most of them were made that way on purpose.

I suppose, but I still don't like them very much to be honest. Just makes things sound very choppy and jarring to read, at least to me.
But really, I meant your tendency to capitalize the next word after a quote even when you end a quote with a comma, and such, that's all.

7294337 Ah, yeah. I'm working on that. Or trying to anyways. I take I missed quite a few? It's a little hard for me to tell when I should and shouldn't do it.

Eh, you were definitely much better than usual, I saw an improvement. I'll try to explain more later, possibly after I get done looking at the two chapters of Tartarus Forged I haven't looked at yet. It'll be slow though, finals are early next week and I have to prepare.

7294341 If you have to, just shelve them until school settles down. I wouldn't blame you at all. School is way more important than this.

*Neatly ignores how hypocritical I am.*

Luckily, the classes I had this quarter were relatively easy, and I'm hoping the finals will be too. See you sometime next week then!

What happened? i know flutershy is alive and it was Dash who died.

But what happened?


I'm a hard nut to crack, but I still cried...

Maybe I'm not that tough at all...

Damn... Taste the Rainbow, mutha******.

*hugs & kisses*


7327474 Basically, Twilight tried to tackle a spell that has a corrupting influence if you don't control it perfectly. She failed to control it, and the spell twisted her mind and awareness. The rest of Mane 6 tried to snap her out of it, and it wasn't until Rainbow Dash died stopping her from killing Fluttershy that she finally regained herself. It is, of course, a bit more complicated than that, but that's the basic backstory.


dam. that terrible, no wonder she placed those spell chains on herself, she killed one of her closest friends.
While others may forgive her she'll never forgive herself.

I don't want to spoil, but man, you didn't have to do that! I'm crying now! This story is so good. I don't usually cry after reading a story, but man, this one just pulled all the right heartstrings. :fluttershbad: Although, on second glance, the cover should have tipped me off, huh?

I had the same exact reaction...

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