• Published 11th Jun 2016
  • 13,054 Views, 389 Comments

MLP: The Magic of... Music? - The Bricklayer

So Twilight discovers human radio and decides to share it with her teacher. However, they are shocked at what they find. And soon, everypony wants a listen...

  • ...

Part 24: Ghost-Er, Zombiebusters! (The Final Battle Part 2) (Gore)

Author's Note:

Okay, so the final battle has reached it's second half, and the danger level has been upped, or doubled as Luna might say as Grogar debuts his Trump Card, Zom-Ponies! On a side note, I imagine Grogar's voice to kinda sound a bit like Mark Sheppard. (Same voice I use for Written Script, actually), so yes, that means there will be Crowley quotes. Y'know, I almost did a "The Road So Far" style recap, but I decided there was a little too much to recap, so I skipped it. Anyways, time to kick some ass and shake the house down! You'll have to forgive me for any spelling errors here, as I submitted this without going through my usual editor, but anyways... Let's rock and roll!

Last Time...

"T-Thanks... Trixie." Lyra said, hanging her head in shame for her previous actions. "I never thought I'd say it, but can we be friends?"

"Of course Trixie and you can be friends, but we can save the getting to know each other better for later." Trixie said as she bucked a skeletal pony into pieces. "After all, we have undead flanks to kick!"

Lyra grinned, and blasted another into bones. Meanwhile, the Rainbooms were still playing Megadeth's "Sudden Death", with Sunset singing "Now death descends upon you, like a bloody white dove." before launching into another solo where she dueled once more with Rainbow Dash while Twilight and Sonata blasted energy from their Elements into more undead ponies while Pinkie's drum kit thundered out a heavy beat. Finally, after five minutes of intense heavy metal playing, the song came to an end, but Grogar wasn't defeated yet. He still had an army of undead ponies to serve his every whim, and so with great fever, the Rainbooms launched into another song, the perfect one to deal with the rising dead...


After the final ending notes of "Thriller" finished playing, (With the Doctor gladly substituting in for Vincent Price, much to his enjoyment. Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack privately thought he enjoyed it a little too much, but kept it to themselves not wanting to ruin the Doctor's fun.) and the Boneyard Boys were smashed to bits by the various ponies participating in the battle, bones lying everywhere in the street, everypony thought they finally had time to take a breather. Panting and sweating from the various devastation they had laid upon Grogar's forces, everypony, including the Royal and Night Guards (Led by Flash Sentry and Galaxy Swirls respectively.) who had joined in the battle at an unknown point in time thought everything was over. But then, there was a crash of thunder and the skies began to darken black as night and blood red rain began to fall on the ground and through the clouds, a two horned, goat like figure with bat wings could be seen, and he raised his head and let out a long and loud cackling laugh.

"W-What's h-happening...?" Fluttershy squeaked in terror as the blood red rain fell upon her pristine butter-yellow fur coat and pink mane. She felt a great fear wash over her, greater than any fear she'd ever felt before, even when Discord betrayed them to Lord Tirek and stole their magic along with everypony else's in Equestria.

"I dunno sis..." Rainbow Dash muttered as she gazed up at the sky, and was ominously reminded of the storms from the Everfree, only much, MUCH worse. She then felt a surge of fear, even if she didn't want to admit it. Rainbow "Danger" Dash was never afraid, not for anypony or anything! This was just like a Daring Do adventure, only much more awesome, and the stakes much higher. And her idol Daring Do never, EVER gave up, no matter what the odds or the peril she faced. And for that reason, neither would she. Wrapping a comforting wing around her sister, she looked at her with a reassuring look in her eyes and a cocky grin on her face. "But we'll get through this together, just like we always have."

"T-Thank y-you..." Fluttershy whispered gratefully as she smiled at her sister in all but blood. If Rainbow could make it through this, so could she. She was a Bearer of the Element of Kindness, and she was chosen to bear that burden for a reason. This... This would just be another day to show why exactly she was chosen.

"Well, would somepony tell mah what the Hay is going on 'round here?" Applejack exclaimed in anger and confusion. Twilight had the answer, although nopony would like it.

"No... It can't be." Twilight whispered in horror as her eyes widened like saucer plates, her blood running cold as ice as if from a Windigo's chilly touch and her hair whipped in the howling wind as the ground began to shake and rumble beneath everypony's hooves. "The Rapture has come."

"T-The Rapture?" Applejack exclaimed, her eyes as equally wide as Twilight's. "Oh sweet Celestia... Girls, Ah never thought Ah'd say it, but this just might be it for all of us." She whispered and thought of her family back in Sweet Apple Acres. Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, Big Mac, all of them. And then she thought of her parents as a tear dripped from her eyes. Ma... Pa... Guess Ah'll be seein' y'all again real shortly now."

"Well, this all seems rather horrible." The Doctor commented lightly as he readied his Sonic Screwdriver, not afraid in the slightest. He'd faced Daleks, Cybermen, The Master, and even The Devil himself, and loads of other horrible things that not even your wildest nightmares could dream up during the final days of the Time War along with a corrupt and decadent government in his own High Council. To him, this was nothing. And then from out of the sky, Grogar came, wings flapping, his eyes glowing demonically, and landed on the ground right in front of the group, the cobblestone street cracking beneath him into a small crater from the sheer force of his landing.

"Oh really, did you honestly bloody think that you could defeat me and my army that easily? Seriously? SERIOUSLY?" Grogar snarled in triumph and mockery. "Puh-Leeze, gimme a break. You thought the Dazzlings were tough, you really haven't met me yet have you sweethearts?"

"And what was our role in all of this ultimate plan of yours Grogar?" Sonata snarled, truly wondering, even from the start why exactly they of all monsters had been recruited for the task of prepping Equestria for his return. It had bothered her ever since Grogar had come to them with an offer to restore their magical, seductive powers, and now she wanted answers.

"Oh, just a small taste of the terror I would have unleashed upon Equestria." Grogar commented lightly with a chuckle and a mad gleam in his eyes. "But you and your "Sisters" got too greedy, too ambitious. Wanted to take this world and another for their own ends." He explained before shaking his head and muttering a few long forgotten curse words in the ancient Equestrian tongue to himself. "Sigh... It's so hard to find good help these days, don't you agree? But enough chitter-chatter. I've got a world to bring to its knees! You thought my bone boys were tough enough?" He laughed before Rainbow laughed at him, interrupting him.

"Actually, I thought they were kinda pathetic." She commented, with the rest of the Rainbooms nodding along in agreement.

"Well!" Grogar said in mock offence before he continued. "Clearly you haven't met me. Now that I'm back up to full strength, I can do THIS!"

With a stamping of his hooves, the ground rumbled and shook some more, and then hooves, clearly in various states of decay rose up from the ground all around the city with the rest of the bodies they were attached to swiftly following. Grogar just laughed some more.

"You know what the biggest weakness in Ponykind is?" Grogar inquired sarcastically. "You have so many dead. Sic 'em boys!" He crowed and took back up to the skies to watch the ensuing chaos unfold.

All across Canterlot, hundreds upon hundreds of undead warriors risen from the grave trodded through the city streets, reeking of death and decay. The Guards engaged, slicing zombie after zombie, making them spill from their wounds mounds of black blood and gore. One caught a guard by his wings from behind, and stabbed him through the stomach with a sword making a waterfall of blood pour from his wounds and the unfortunate guard slump to the ground dead. Another set of guards, twin unicorn brothers found themselves losing their horns, with the second one losing more than that, namely his head. Vengeance was swiftly delivered by Galaxy Swirls, who sliced the offending zombies in half with his scythe before using his hind legs to buck another zombie into the glass windows of the Canterlot Observatory behind him. All the while, in the middle of this unfolding chaos, the Rainbooms launched into another song, this one being about a piece of history (A famous battle in fact) from the human world. In a lasting 60 days siege in Vienna, the Ottoman Empire was on the verge of capturing the city when the elite force known as the Winged Hussars (Husaria in Polish) led by the Polish King John III. Sobieski turned the tide by leading the largest cavalry charge in history and rampaged through the enemy campsite, utterly destroying them. Sunset smiled as she sung the lyrics of great heroism, remembering all of this from Written Script's history course back at Canterlot High. She wished she had that force right now, but for now she and the rest of the Elements of Harmony would have to do. With great blasts of power, they unleashed their energies. From their guitar headstocks which had split in half to reveal miniature cannons, Sunset, Rainbow and Applejack fired off their Elements. Sunset incinerated zombies with solar power and turning her foes to ash, Rainbow fired off pure red lightning bolts burning zombies to crisps and Applejack made vines sprout up from the ground to either strangle or pierce the hearts of the zombie hoard. Pinkie brought out two Party Cannons and fired them into squads of zombies, scattering them far and wide enough for Sonata to blast them away with bursts of sonic energy and Twilight with magic streams from their microphones while Rarity imprisoned zombies in large crystals all the while being protected by Fluttershy's energy shield even as they launched into their next song.

The song began with powerful electric guitar chords and as it progressed, Sunset sung of the days of Heavy Metal's golden years. Pinkie Pie and Applejack stamped their hooves, and great cracks in the ground opened to let zombies fall in or rocky spikes jutted up from the earth itself to block their paths and lead them into the Royal and Night Guards' clutches. Nearby, in another part of the city, the Doctor had found himself faced with a swarm of zombie Griffins. With a confident grin on his muzzle, he raised his Sonic Screwdriver.

"And what are you going to do about us?" One zombie hissed. The Doctor smirked as he straightened up his tie and aimed his Sonic.

"Firstly, introductions. I'm the Doctor. Hello!" He greeted cheerfully with a wave of his hoof before clearing his throat. "Right, well. Now normally I don't reeeeallly like to get involved in little skirmishes, but seeing as how you lot seem to want to threaten the ponies I love and play your roles as monsters, it seems I now must be forced to play mine, as the stallion who stops the monsters. I'm sending you back to the grave. Who knows, some of you may even make it back there in one piece, but know this, this world, this plane of existence is protected! Protected from creatures like you!" He snarled and with one blast of a wave of sonic energy from his Screwdriver, the zombies were sent flying backwards and back into the ground from whence they came from. The Doctor then whirled around to find himself faced with another hoard, but he needn't have bothered worrying about it, as Discord then appeared with a bright flash of white light and snapped his lion's paw. Next thing the Doctor knew, he saw the zombies shaking violently before he was covered in gore.

"You do know that's completely disgusting right?" The Doctor deadpanned as he wiped off a bit of zombie guts from his suit in disgust.

All the while, Grogar watched from above, not even participating in the battle so sure of his army's victory being at hoof. Then, he heard two sharp explosions coming from the direction of Canterlot Castle and saw two blurs, one white and one midnight blue coming straight for him. He was then hit from the side by the white blur and then from the left by the blue one, who soon revealed themselves to be the Royal Sisters, freed from their imprisonment.

"YOU!?!" Grogar roared in fury and surprise. "But how could you escape? My dark magic should have trapped you there forever!"

"Grogar, there's one thing you never understood about magic." Celestia grinned. "There's always a counterspell, or in this case something loud enough to break a spell. Music, it seems, is more than just for entertainment." She mused, as her and her sister's horns glowed with a magical aura, before firing off twin energy beams forcing Grogar back and into a nearby clocktower, reducing the top half of it to rubble, parts of it falling down all around into the streets, with one clock hand piercing a zombie clean through.

"Whatever. I'm the daringest devil you ever met, love." Grogar scoffed, directing the word "Love" towards Celestia even as he recovered himself and his wounds healed all on their own. "You simpletons just don't understand that I can't be beaten. Look at the size of my army! Eventually, your magic will run out and your soldiers will fall like dominos. Tartarus, which I never got to thank you for imprisoning me in there by the way, they already are!" He bragged, but he was soon cut off when a pink aura lit up the sky, and a magical swirling portal, with the image of the Crystal Empire being seen through it, opened up in the sky above, and waves of the Crystal Guard poured out from it, weapons at the ready. Then, Grogar was hit from behind by a pink blur sending him back towards Luna and Celestia who blasted him into the ground below creating spiderweb style cracks in the street even as the pink blur revealed itself to be the Princess of Love, Mi Amore Cadenza.

"You really need to stop your bragging. Honestly, it gets on a pony's nerves after a time." Cadance said simply. With the addition of the Crystal Guard, the tide had been turned. Three sets of Guard fought back the ensuing army. Cadance smiled to herself, they could win this battle. But then, her smirk was wiped clean off her face when the "Grogar" that had just been smashed into the street below flickered out of existence, revealing itself to be just a masterfully crafted illusion. Then, the real one appeared behind Celestia and Luna and grabbed them with shadowy whips and with all of his strength flung them into a rooftop behind him sending shingles flying every which way.

"How about next time you don't miss, okay? MORONS!" Grogar roared even as Cadance blasted him with pink magic beams that split into multiple ones and then wrapped around him forming a ball like cage.

"You were saying something about missing?" Cadance laughed. Meanwhile, down below Rainbow Dash had found herself waging a personal battle of her own. She had run across another zombie, and even in it's dead and decaying state she could see the sky blue fur and the darkened and dirt covered prismatic colored mane. Rainbow's eyes widened, it was her worst nightmare coming back from the grave, literally, to haunt her. It was her father, Rainbow Blaze.

"Well well, isn't this a surprise. My dear daughter, my how you've grown up." Rainbow Blaze commented in a mock sweet tone of voice. "Come on, give your dear old daddy a hug."

"You... You are no father of mine." Rainbow growled, her voice etched with fury as she remembered every beating, every insult she ever took from her so called "Father".

"Worthless child!"

"You'll never fly!"

"You never should have been born!"

"Aw, I'm hurt. Just for that, I think I oughta give you some punishment!" Rainbow Blaze snarled and flew towards his daughter who was too stricken with fear to move but was soon grabbed by a vine that wrapped itself around him and lifted him high into the sky. The vine's creator soon stepped besides Rainbow, an enraged Applejack.

"You've got a lot to answer for, ya bastard." Applejack snarled.

"Aw, isn't that sweet? My gal's got a girlfriend. Mind you, she should have better taste. Really, choosing a Mudpony over a pegasi?" Rainbow Blaze mocked, but a vine soon covered his mouth to stop him from speaking.

"Well, ya gonna deal with him or what, cause if ya won't, Ah sure as Tartarus will. Stallion really needs to learn some manners." Applejack commented, and Rainbow nodded before her eyes narrowed and her hooves went for her guitar strings, with her father's eyes begging mercy. But his daughter had none.

"Go to Tartarus."


Elsewhere, Twilight had found herself separated from the rest of the group in the chaos, and was fending off ten to twenty zombie Changelings all on her own. Just as she had finished off the first batch however, more rained down from the sky like bullets surrounding her and just as they began to close in, Twilight heard a familiar voice...


There stood Shining Armor, wielding the sword only given to the Captain of the Royal Guard, the magnificent gold and blue blade known as the Stormbringer. With one single slash, multiple beams of electricity were sent through the Changelings, destroying them completely as Twilight embraced her brother in a hug.

"BBBFF!" She cried.

"I'll always be here for you Twiley, always. Never forget that, okay?" He reassured in that calm loving tone only a brother could have before he looked skywards towards Grogar, who had broken free of his cage. "Besides, I've got some payback coming." He snarled before with several slashes of his sword he sent three arcs of electricity towards Grogar making him roar in pain giving Luna and Celestia a chance to wrap up Grogar in beams of magic energy, ensnaring him like a python around one of it's victims and lowering him down to street level.

"Now! Now is the time! Strike now, Elements!" Luna ordered, and as the eight Elements of Harmony along with the Doctor regrouped, they got into one final song.

With one magnificent guitar rift, and a cry of "Power Rangers Lost Galaxy!", Sunset fired the first beam from her tiara. Even as she did so, memories came flashing back to her. She remembered watching the show on Netflix, even back when she was the Queen Bitch of Canterlot High. She especially loved the character of Karone, (Even if she didn't want to admit it at the time, nor would she admit to loving the show as she'd lose her uncool status quite fast.) and how she turned from the Dark Empress Astromena into the kind and caring Pink Galaxy Ranger. Secretly, at the time, a small part of her wanted to be that girl, the one who showed that there was still light inside of her despite all the bad she'd done in the world. As the lyrics continued, ("Turn on the Power, Power Rangers, Lost, Lost Galaxy!") the other Elements fired one by one and combined into a rainbow beam of energy which fired itself at Grogar who screamed in rage at the top of his lungs, as just like Discord before him, he was turned into a stone statue.

"Goodbye... Lover." Celestia thought quietly as a tear slipped from her eye and the skies began to clear and the rain stopped falling, revealing the true extent of the damage done to Canterlot. Bodies lay in the street, both of Royal Guard and zombie, not counting the civilian deaths. Buildings lay smashed and in ruins. It would take a very long time to rebuild indeed. Despite all this, Celestia smiled. Armageddon had been adverted, and the day had been won, and by the Magic of Music of all things! Celestia let out a hearty laugh, even as everypony stared at her in confusion.

"Ya know, I'll never understand her." Galaxy commented to himself as he shook his head. "Now, is somepony round here going to wipe the blood off me or do I have to do it myself?"

Later that day, The Elements of Harmony along with Discord, the Doctor, Shining Armor, and the three Princesses stood in the Royal Gardens of Canterlot, watching the now statuefied form of Grogar, his face permanently locked in rage and fury, being moved into place where it would now lay forevermore.

"Ya know, I've been thinking." Luna commented. "The Gardens have been needing an interesting new statue ever since Discord got freed."

"Hullo...? You do know I'm standing right here right?" Discord commented in an offended tone as Fluttershy patted him on the shoulder. Luna just gave him a roguish grin and Discord groaned, letting a talon slide down his face before he blew a raspberry at her as everypony else just laughed. Celestia stood quietly with a deeply saddened look on her face as she watched the statue be moved into position. Twilight, noting her fellow Princess' distress walked up to her and put a comforting hoof on her shoulder.

"Are you going to be alright, Pri-I mean, Celestia?" Twilight asked softly, after mentally reminding herself that she no longer had to call her former mentor by her title anymore.

"Yeah... I'll be fine." Celestia lied, and said no more on the subject. Just then, they heard the galloping of hooves and a female voice shouting "Doctor!" joyfully. The Doctor turned, and grinned widely. Running up to him was Derpy and his family, and was tackled by all of them as Derpy gave the Doctor a big passionate kiss in front of everypony who blushed and looked away in embarrassment with Applejack hiding her rapidly reddening face with her Stetson. Suddenly, Sunset grew an almost evil smile on her face and turned to Twilight, before grabbing her with a hoof and passionately kissing her.

"Oh, well now this is just getting ridiculous. What next, Fluttershy and Discord kissing?" Rainbow exclaimed in disbelief, and sure enough...