• Published 25th Aug 2016
  • 914 Views, 23 Comments

Nights: Discharge - Tunefulsubset72

Nights. A name that haunts me, I have no memories of my past, all I know is that I'm a freak and people are after me

  • ...


"THERE'S TO MANY OF THEM!!!!" a soilder yelled as he ducked for cover from an oncoming enemy." WE NEED BACK UP."

"NO GOOD!" another soldier yelled as a creature came out of a portal." THEY JUST KEEP COMING!!!!"

"I can't shake them!!" a Flyer said being chased by flying creatures." I NEED SUPPORT."


"He's missing, and so are the others." The admiral said

"IM HIT, I NEED SUPPORT!!!!" The flyer said

"WHERE'S OUR REINFORMENTS!!!!!!" A soldier yelled

"THE KING'S DOWN!!!!" another soldier yelled before getting shot in the head.


My name.....is Nights, That's all I remember. This dream has always haunted since I was young. I do not why. Every time I have this dream, I fell like I should remember what it means, I feel like I've seen some of the people in my dream before, but I can never remember, in a way, I feel like I'm....lost. My name is Nights, and I want to remember my past.

"NIGHTS WAKE UP!!!!" someone yelled banging on my door." OR I'LL GET THE DOG TO WAKE YOU UP AGAIN!!!"

"Just a minute." I said with a groan as I got up, the banging continued." I'M UP SPITFIRE!!!"

"Get dressed, Soarin and Fleet Foot are here, they wanted to see you off." Spitfire said as she stopped knocking." Be down in ten minutes."

"Got it." I said, then looked at my calendar and noticing the date." Thirteen years already?"

---Flashback, thirteen years earlier---

"So when will the portal work?" Spitfire asked as she watched people working on the circular machine." Doc?"

"Soon." Doc said with looking up form his device." It's amazing we got it almost perfect the first few times."

"Same." Spitfire said." Is the portal REALLY going to work this time?"

"Hope so." Doc said as the last piece was put in." If so, we will be able to travel to one point on the planet to another in a matter of seconds."

"I still prefer to fly." Spitfire said shrugging." But this is still pretty cool."

"You and your Wonderbolts." Doc said chuckling." How are the new recruits?"

"Soarin is getting the hang of it, but Fleet Foot could still use some work." Spitfire said crossing her arms." Lost three planes because of her."

"She crashed three planes?" Doc said surprised.

"She never made it of the end of the runway." Spitfire said laughing." Anyway back to the portal."

"Ah yes, once everyone clears out, I can activate it." Doc said before pushing a button." Please clear the room, activating portal in five minutes."

"So how are you testing it?" Spitfire asked as someone walked into the room." Oh, hey Iron wolf"

"Hey Spitfire." Iron wolf said then turning to Doc." So when will things be ready?"

"Any minute know." Doc said as the portal started activating." This test is going to be on how long it can stay open."

"What if it fails, like the first twentyy something times you've tested this thing?" iron wolf asked.

"That's the fun." Doc said chuckling as Spitfire and Iron wolf gave each other nervous looks." Activating portal.....now." he said as the portal gate began to spark and form some sort of orb in the middle of it."It working. HA HA IT'S ACTUALLY WORKING!!!!"

"Amazing." Iron wolf said as he stopped closer to the glass." You actually did it."

"I can't believe it myself." Doc said smiling widely, then turned serious after a beeping was heard." That's not good."

"What is it?" Spitfire and Iron wolf asked in unison.

"I believe something's coming through the portal." Doc said as the portal began to expand." BRACE YOURSELVES!!!!!" Doc yelled as the
portal released a wave of energy knocking things over." That's new." He commented as the wave dispersed.

"WHAT!?!?" Spitfire yelled in rage." What do you mean new?"

"I mean that's never happened before." Doc said as as another wave of energy burst form the portal this time shaking the room." I suggest we leave."

"I agre..." Before Iron wolf could finish he was interrupted by the sound of glass breaking." SPITFIRE LOOK OUT!!!" he yelled tackling
Spitfire as the windows of the viewing room shattered, sending glass in all directions. Then Spitfire yelled out in pain." You okay?"

"Some glass hit my leg." she said as blood ran down her leg." Doc, we need to get out of here." no answer." Doc?" Spitfire called as Doc laid on his side not moving.

"Doc, you alright?" Iron wolf said crawling over to him." Doc, listen to me." He siad turning him over." Oh no."

"What is it?"Spitfire asked worried.

"Doc's dead." Iron wolf said as he looked at Docs face, as blood pooled under his head." I guess we're stuck here."

"Not until the portal shuts down." Spitfire said as another burst of energy came from the portal, shaking the bulding again, but this time a crackling sound followed." That's doesn't sound good."

"It looks like its about to blow." Iron wolf said peeking over the monitor." And Doc was right, something is coming through."

"Then get down!" Spitfire said as iron wolf ducked back down as the portal began to glow brighter." HANG ON!!!" Spitfire yelled as the portal sent out a shockwave and a blinding light shone as the portal dispersed." Is it over?"

"I believe so." Iron wolf said as the light faded." need some help?"

"Much appreciated." Spitfire said as Iron wolf helped her up." I may need some help getting out of here."

"Got ya." Iron wolf said he draped on her arms over his shoulders, then looking at the portal gate." Something's down there?"

"I see it too." Spitfire said looking in the same direction." Looks like a person."

"It's a child." iron wolf said as they entered the portal section." Hey, kid, you alright."

There was no response.

"Over there." Spitfire said pointing towards a chair with wheel." Set me in that and you can push me out, but first check in the kid."

"Okay then." Iron wolf said flipping the chair back up and letting Spitfire sit in it." Kid you okay?" he said approaching the child, now noticing he had dark blue hair and was wearing a brown leather jacket and black jeans." Kid, what's your name?" he asked tapping the kid on the shoulder, as the kid groaned."You hurt?" Iron wolf asked as the child turned over and looked up him." Kid?" the kids eyes went wide." Please don't scream."

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" The kid screamed in fear backing up quickly." WHO ARe YOU?!?!?, WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!?!"

"Kid calm down." Iron wolf said as the kid backed into a tipped over desk." My name is Iron wolf, and that over is Spitfire, we're here to help you."

"Are you sure?" the kid asked nervously." Do you know where I am?"

"You're in a lab, in a place known as Crown city." Iron wolf said as he slowly got closer." What's your name?"

"N-Nights." Nights said as Iron wolf said kneeling down.

"How old are you nights?"

"I'm four." He replied.

"Where are your from?" Iron wolf asked." Your family must be worried about you?"

"I don't remember." Nights siad sadly." I don't remember where I'm from either."

"Don't worry." Iron wolf said as he stood and picked up Nights." Let's get out to here."

"Don't forget about me." Spitfire said as she stood up and limped over to them, supporting her self with a pole of some kind." Let's go." she said as they made their way out of the lab.

"So what do we do with him?" Iron wolf asked as they walked at a fast pace down a corridor." We can't leave him alone."

"I'll take care of him."Spitfire said sadly." I don't even want to put him in an orphanage, I know what's its like to be alone."

"Well tell whoever is waiting outside that." Wolf said as they pushed open the doors, immediantely being helped to an ambulance." I'm fine, it's Spitfire who needs help."

"Ma'am come with me." one of the paramedics said leading her over to one of ambulances." We can get you patched up."

"Thanks." Spitfire said noticing all the police cars and fire trucks." Who else got out?"

"Everyone except doc." One of the lab workers said." Do you know where he is?"

"He was killed by the blast." Spitfire said sadly." His body is still in the lab."

"We'll let his family know." One of the police officers said." You and your friend came out with a child, is he related to anyone?"

"You means Nights?" Spitfire asked pointing over to Nights who was sitting next to wolf." He told us he can't remember."

"Well if we don't find his family, we might have to send him to an orphanage."

"No." Spitfire said glaring at the officer." I'll take care of him."
"You'll need to sign some paper work then." The officer said." Thanks for your help."

---Present, nights---
"First day of high school." Soarin said as I came down the stairs getting my jacket on, which was black and high red streak in the chest." Excited?"

"I can hardly contain my joy." I said sacrasticly." If middle school wasn't bad enough."

"C.H.S is a nice school." Fleetfoot said." You'll love it."

"You said the same thing about the last school." I said grabbing an apple." I hated it."

"I promise you." Fleet foot said as I sat at the table with them." Don't you ever smile?" I just stared at her." never mind."

"So Spitfire." Saorin said as Spitfire came in." Exicited for our show this weekend?"

"Of course." Spitfire said, " Matter of fact who wouldn't be?"

"I kinda am." I said messing around with my necklace, which had Spitfire's family symbol." Even though I don't seem like it."

"So do you think that criMMMFF!!!!" spitfire put a hand over Fleet Foots mouth before she could finish, glaring at her." What?"

"Who do you think who will what?" I asked.

"Nothing." Soaring said as Spitfire stepped out." Fleet Foot was just asking if that Rainbow dash girl will be there."

"Mostly likely." Spitfire said from the other room."Time to go Nights."

"Bye guys." I said picking up my bag." I'm ready."

"Then lets go." Spitfire said with a smile.

Author's Note:

A new adventure as begun