• Published 15th Jun 2016
  • 3,530 Views, 22 Comments

HeartBeat - Rock Slide

Afraid of how Sunset would react,Adagio knows that it's only a matter of time before she has to tell her girlfriend that she's pregnant. And she's not the sire.

  • ...

Chapter 1

As the moon rose high in the sky, Sunset couldn’t help but notice how the confidence otherwise radiating off her girlfriend had dimmed to that of a candle’s meek glow. The nuances she detected in Adagio’s body language brought a slight frown to her face. Though she could tell that Adagio wasn’t aware that they were showing.

Over the past day or so, Sunset noticed how Adagio would stare off into space with her hand drifting to her stomach. Without question, something was on her mind; Sunset just wasn’t sure what it was.

Sunset spent the next few minutes sitting there watching Adagio as her face morphed from a frown, to pensive and back again.

“Okay, Adagio, I give. I always tell you that you can share your feelings with me, and I with you, so I can tell something is bothering you. I’m not going to pry, but I’d love it if you tell me what’s wrong so I can help.”

Sunset observed as Adagio cupped her face in her hands and mumbled something that she wasn’t able to make out.

Sunset kept eyes on her Adagio as she placed her hand on her back. She rubbed in slow, comforting circles as she tried to get Adagio to look at her.

As she tried to coax Adagio out of the walls she had built around herself, Sunset spoke again, “What’d you say, ‘Dagi? Please, you’re worrying me…”

At that instant, Adagio looked up at Sunset, her face wet with tears.

“Before you do something rash, and after I say what needs to be said… please let me explain, Sunset.”

Sunset looked at her worriedly, her heart skipped at the sight of her girlfriend’s reddened eyes, and she asked quietly, “What’s wrong, ‘Dagi, did someone hurt you?”

She felt her own eyes starting to tear up as well.

Adagio looked into her girlfriend's eyes, upon seeing the scared look on her face, she quickly turned her head to look away, “I—it’s nothing, forget I said anything.”

Adagio quickly stood up and abruptly started to walk away.

Wait! Please don’t go. Just tell me what’s wrong, tell me who hurt you!” Sunset jumped up behind her, grabbing Adagio’s wrist to stop her from leaving.

Sunset looked at Adagio, fearing the worst. Had she somehow offended her without realizing? Now with this in her mind, she felt the tears that had started to form sliding down her cheek as she kept her grasp on Adagio's wrist.

“P—please Dagi, just tell me, I promise not do anything rash, please.”

Adagio looked back at Sunset, her heart feeling as though it could break at any moment. “I’m pregnant...”

“W...what?” Sunset asked, dumbfounded.

“Y—you really want me to say it again?” Adagio murmured weakly, almost as if she didn’t want to relive it.

Once Sunset shook her head in a nod, Adagio bit her lip and repeated the one thing that would cause Sunset’s world to crumble.

“I’m pregnant...”

Sunset looked at her for a second, before she motioned with her head for Adagio to sit back down. She promised Adagio she wouldn’t do anything rash, at least not yet, anyways.

Thus she decided she would try to listen to what Adagio had for an explanation, yet her heart was starting to feel heavy in her chest from betrayal.

She stayed standing until Adagio sat on the bench, and the moment she sat she saw Adagio visibly shaking. “I… I’m so sorry, Sunset… I…” Adagio started to say through her tears, “I take full responsibility for my actions and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but please let me try to explain what happened.”

Sunset silently nodded, not wanting to break silence. She knew if she did she’d say something she’d regret.

Adagio let out a sigh and began to recall the events.

“It started about a month ago when I went to a party with Sonata and Aria, though I didn’t know I was pregnant until a few days ago...”

“You know Sunset won’t mind… She’s been trying to get you to have some fun for a while,” Sonata giggled when she spoke out loud over the music.

Sonata smiled as she almost floated into the heavy crowd of people in the main room.

"Well..." Adagio rubbed her arm as she looked around at the people. "It's just, I don't know if this was what she really meant by fun."

“Oh come on,” Sonata rolled her eyes and looked over at Aria, who was already heading over to a keg, “Where’s the fun-loving Adagio I knew? Seriously though, relax and have a few drinks.”

“ I know I will,” Aria said back at them as she was pouring a drink.

Adagio gazed over at the waist-high keg and bit her lip. She didn’t know how to feel about this and when Sonata motioned to it she made her opinion known, “...I don't think drinking is a good idea.”

“Only a couple drinks,” Sonata purred, giggling, “no harm. Just... here!”

“H-Hey!” Aria stammered as Sonata swiped her drink.

“Just take this and walk around and talk to people. You don't have to drink, just hold it.”

Aria glared at Sonata before she walked back to the keg to pour herself another drink.

“I guess that's alright,” Adagio hesitantly reached for the cup. She held it for a moment.

“No!” She moved it back towards Sonata. "I can’t. What if I do something that I’ll regret? What if I hurt Sunset somehow by doing this?"

“Sure you can!” Sonata pushed the cup back to Adagio. “You’re not gonna hurt Sunset, Dagi.”

“No. I can't! What if people start pressuring me to do other things? What then? What if they…” Adagio shudders slightly at her thoughts.

“That won’t happen, Dagi… I promise,” Sonata said, putting her hand on Adagio's shoulder.

“Yeah,” Aria joined in already with a slight slur to her words, “Trust us Adagio!”

Adagio looked to her nervously as Aria gulped down her drink. She knew that with Aria, it only took a few drinks before she would be passed out on the floor, not likely to wake till the morning after tomorrow.

Adagio turned her head to Sonata again and saw her warm smile, that reassuring smile that always said, ‘I'm here.’

“Alright,” Adagio said with a nod, “I'll do this, but if I go too far, promise me you'll be there to stop me and get me out of here?”

“Always,” Sonata stated without hesitation.

“Yeah!” Aria jumped in and threw her arms around the pair. “Let's partaaay!”

Aria then sloppily fist bumped the air and disappeared into the crowd.

“Come on,” Sonata purred as she put her arm around Adagio’s shoulders, “Let's have some fun!”

Although, after some time, Adagio was on her own, a drink in her trembling hands.

“Nothing bad will happen… I know Sonata wouldn’t lie to me.” She murmured and looked around for a seat.

Finding no seat she wandered, shimmying her way through the tight crowd of drunken high schoolers shouting at each other over the music as some danced clumsily. Finally, Adagio noticed a leather couch and after some inspection she found it clean enough and decided to sit down.

With her shoulders slouched against the back of the leather couch, Adagio sighed and looked down at the cup still in her hands. Moment’s passed as she felt the desire grip her heart when she looked into the dark, frothy depths within her cup.

“I… guess one drink won’t hurt.” she whispered thoughtfully and took a slow drink from her cup.

Almost immediately, her throat started to burn. Whatever drink Sonata had originally poured for herself was very strong. She started coughing violently, the drink having caught her off guard.

“Hey, are you ok?” a male voice suddenly asked Adagio.

“Yes, I’m fine, I’m fine, really,” she sputtered out, finally getting control of her breathing once again. “I just wasn’t ready for the strength of this.” Adagio waved her cup in front of herself. As the tears left her eyes, she finally saw the concerned boy.

It was Blueblood, and she remembered she had seen him around at school when she had returned to finish at Sunset’s request.

“I’m glad you’re ok, miss.... Adagio, right?”

She nodded.

He thumbed at the seat next to her. “Would it bother you if I took this seat?”

Adagio shook her head and Blueblood sat himself down, and turned to her. Still not quite comfortable with her surroundings, Adagio took another sip from her drink, this time ready for the hit.

“I assume from your body language that you don’t want to be here either, am I correct?”

What? Was she that easy to read? And did he just say he didn’t want to be here either?

“My friends dragged me out; they think I need to get out more.” She hid behind her cup again, taking another sip.

“Huh? Me too.”


The two had quickly fallen into a nice conversation about just anything to take them away from the party around them. One drink turned into two, two into four. ‘I swear that each drink seems stronger than the last, but at this point I don’t care.’

Thus with each drink, Adagio found herself relying more and more on Blueblood to keep her from falling over, or more importantly, in her clouded mind’s opinion, spilling her drink. ‘I’m drunk, and that is fine by me. But how can he be more in control?’

Each passing moment seems to blur together as she finds herself led somewhere by Blueblood. She noticed a sort of smile on his face when they got to a door, almost like a smirk. Though she was too far gone by the time she saw it to realize what he truly had in mind.

"...When I—I woke up the next morning, I was alone..." Adagio whispered, her lip quivering, "and I realized what a horrible mistake I had made..."

Sunset just sat there with a perpetual frown on her face, her eyes almost rapidly blinking as she processed everything.




These were the infections that plagued her mind, yet love still filled her heart like a fire.

She silently stood and walked off to find fresh air and freedom from this heated pain that grew.

What could have been worse than her love sleeping with someone else? Was it realizing her lover was more than likely taken advantage of?


Then the moment when she was truly alone, she fell to her knees. Sunset felt as if her heart was becoming torn apart in pieces. Screams filled her ears from her own voice muffled only a little when she placed her head in her hands. Nothing then could stop the tears streaming from her eyes.

When her voice finally became hoarse from the screaming, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Sunset looked up weakly to see who was there, relieved when she saw it was Fluttershy.

"What's wrong, Sunset?" Fluttershy asked, kneeling down beside her.

Sunset stared at her, unable to get anything passed the lump in her throat.

"Did someone hurt you?" Fluttershy persisted, plucking at straws. "Did a pet die?"

Sunset felt the need to say something. She knew Fluttershy was trying to help and being genuine in her efforts.

"It's..." Sunset swallowed, then continued. "It's Adagio..."

She tried say more but couldn't, she didn't want to relive the experience.

"What's wrong with Adagio?" Fluttershy asked.

Angel poked his head out of her backpack and hopped out and into Sunset's lap, nudging at her hand with his head. "Is she moving away?"

Fluttershy paused for moment and then gasped.

"She didn't break up with you, did she?"

"No... She's preg-" Sunset almost choked at the thought of the word. "She's pregnant!"

Sunset let her head fall into her hands again. Fluttershy placed a hand over her mouth. "Oh, that's terrible!"

She scooted closer and wrapped her arms around Sunset. Sunset leaned over, letting Fluttershy support her as the tears fell once more.

"It's alright. It's alright..." Fluttershy cooed and patted Sunset's back.

Angel stood on his hind legs and he hugged her stomach. Sniffling, Sunset looked down at him with a small smile and pet his head softly.

Meanwhile, Adagio ran from where Sunset had left her. She didn't know where she would go and she didn't care. Tears poured from her eyes, yet when she would wipe them away, they would only return.

She wished she had never went to that party. She wished that she had refused that drink. She wished she could run away from this.

From her pregnancy.

From her pain.

From Sunset's pain.

But she couldn't, so she stopped and collapsed against the nearest wall. She couldn't run from this, and somewhere in her heart she knew she didn't want to.

"Why?" Adagio pleaded, "What did I do to deserve this?"

She had expected an answer and when she didn't hear it, she cried again, "What can I do? How could I possibly fix this?"

“Adagio?” a familiar voice calls out from in front of her, “What’s going on?”

‘No no no no, not them, anyone but them.’

“Adagio, it’s us, are you ok?”

“OK? OK! Do I look OK!?”

Aria pulled Sonata back, and squared up to her fellow siren.

“Just what the hell is your problem, Adagio? You invited us round.”

Adagio put her hands on Aria’s shoulders, and shoved her back. “My problem? My problem is you two ruining my life over and over. And when I finally find a place in life I can be truly happy…” Adagio sobbed suddenly, having to fight back a new onset of tears “You… you buck it up for me!”

Without giving either of the other two chance to reply, Adagio was off running again. She left behind an angry and confused Aria besides a scared Sonata, who couldn’t stop crying.

Sonata looked to where Adagio left, then towards Aria and spoke quietly, “A—Aria, what did she mean? D… does she hate us?”

Aria was never usually one for anything remotely touchy-feely; but never before had she been struck by Adagio, or heard such a level of hurt in Sonata’s voice. Her anger quickly simmering down, she looped an arm around her fellow siren, and pulled her into a hug.

“I honestly don’t know what’s gotten into her right now, but we both know she loves us too much to hate us. She’s been mellowing out, especially over this last year, ever since getting together with … huh,” Aria snapped her fingers, “Sunset.”

“What are you thinking, Aria?” Sonata asked and cocked her head in confusion.

With a determined look on her face, Aria spoke and pulled Sonata along, “Something’s up… maybe those insufferable Rainbooms can tell us what’s going on.”

Sonata just nodded as she was pulled along and looked out for one or more of the Rainbooms.

Having heard enough talk from Adagio, Aria knew the key locations the Rainbooms liked to hang out; the school, Sugarcube Corner, Rarity’s boutique and Sweet Apple Acres. Given that it was the weekend, the school would be closed, and the closest of the other options was the farm; so Aria headed that way.

As luck would have it, they were only walking for a few minutes, when a red pickup truck made the turn onto their street. Aria paid it no mind as it passed them, until an ear piercing screech filled the air. Looking back, the pickup had jackknifed, leaving heavy skid marks on the tarmac.

“Pinkie! What in tarnation are yah tryin ta do, kill us?” The two heard Applejack yell.

Though what Pinkie said next was muffled, and Aria noticed the doors to the truck open and three of the Rainbooms stepped out. Applejack was the first to step out, coming from the driver’s side, and then on the passenger's side Pinkie sort of skipped out. The last girl to step out was Rainbow Dash who rolled her eyes at the sirens for some reason.

Pinke then skipped over to the two, and before Sonata could protest, she was engulfed in a hug by the pink menace.

“Aside from Pinkie here tryin’ ta roll my damn truck, she says you pair looked either ready to hurt someone, or collapse in tears. Now I ain’t a betting gal, but I’d put money that the reason you’re feeling that way has sumthin’ to do with the same reason our pal Fluttershy done rung us to hightail it over.”

“We found Adagio running down the street, bawling her eyes out, before she snapped at us and ran off again. We guessed it might have something to do with Sunset.” The last part of her sentence came across a little angrier than she had intended.

Rainbow jumped in. “Woah, calm down, singing girl. We didn’t get much outta ‘Shy on the phone, so we can’t say anything for sure. But I’d be bad at loyalty if I didn’t look out for friends of a friend. We’ve got room in the truck, we can all go find out together.” Rainbow stuck her thumb towards the pickup.

Sonata pushed in front of Aria.

“Yes, please!” she nodded, having finally been released by the pink menace.

So they all climbed into the truck again, with Pinkie and Rainbow sitting in the back while Aria sonata and Applejack were in front. No one seemed to know what to say at that point and so a silence fell over the inside of the truck. After a while of staring out the window, Aria saw Sugarcube Corner.

The strangest part of the picture was that the curtains were drawn, and the closed sign was up. Business should be booming at this hour. AJ drove around the back of the building, parking beside the owner's car.

Pinkie led them to the side entrance, before knocking on the door in an odd tune, at random points across it’s surface. Within seconds, the door opened inwards to reveal Mrs Cake. “Come in, girls, come in, they’re in the front. My dear, she was so distraught when they brought her in, we cleared the place for you.”

Pinkie leaned in and gave the woman a peck on the cheek. “Thanks Mrs. C, you’re the sweetest.”

Mrs. Cake retreated, and Pinkie lead the group through the kitchen, and into the main floor. They could see four young girls sat in one of the booths, Rarity and this realm’s Twilight facing them, Sunset and Fluttershy facing away.

“Oh, there you are…” Twilight waved at them before she noticed the sirens. “Oh, hi, Sonata, Aria.”

Sonata waved back shyly.

As Applejack, Pinkie and Rainbow made their way over to the girls, Sonata and Aria stayed back a bit, feeling slightly uncomfortable. They weren’t sure now if they actually should be there, even if they did want answers.

The Rainbooms crammed around the one table, before Fluttershy waved the two sirens over, pointing to two stools over by the worktop. Rarity gave her a quizzical look, before Fluttershy enlightened her, “They need to hear this.”

A sob escaped Sunset’s covered mouth, before she looked at the assembled girls. “Thank you for coming, girls. I… I don’t know how to start.”

“From the beginning, Darling. Please, so we can help you better.” Rarity laid a hand over Sunset’s.

Fluttershy squeezed Sunset’s shoulders, and she exhaled deeply. “It started this morning. Well, I guess I’ve kinda noticed something was up for about a month now. Adagio hasn’t seemed as happy lately, but this morning she seemed really out of sorts.”

The girls interest was now piqued, but the sirens were on the edge of their seats. If Adagio was as bad as Sunset was describing, then how come they hadn’t noticed it? Was what Adagio said true? Did they really buck up her life?

Sunset proceeded to explain what had happened earlier today. Though as she did, everyone seemed to notice how hard it was for her. For the sirens, though, as she relayed what happened to Adagio at the party, Sonata put her head in her hands and Aria placed a hand on Sonata’s back. It truly was their fault.

No. In Sonata’s mind, it was her fault alone. She had promised to protect Adagio, and she had failed.

The reactions of the Rainbooms varied across them. Rarity had almost fainted. Twilight had jumped online to look for pictures of the party. Rainbow Dash was pacing and both her and Applejack looked ready to put Blueblood six feet under. Angel sat on Sunset’s lap, nuzzling his head into her free hand.

Sonata finally looked up at Aria. Their eyes met, and they both knew they had to find Adagio. Seizing the first opportunity, the pair slipped out of the kitchen exit, and back onto the street. Without saying a word to each other, they knew where Adagio would hide when she got low; the park where the three of them had first appeared in this dimension.

When they reached the park, they raced as if time was against them towards a hidden cave in the wooded end nearest the lake. “Adagio’s gotta be in there…” Sonata spoke softly as she looked at Aria, who nodded.

A soft sob suddenly carried on the wind as they closed in on the entrance to the cave. Venturing in, they found Adagio at the back of the tunnel. She was sitting with her back against the cave wall and head buried in her knees.

“Adagio…” Sonata whispered, slowly stepping closer. “Are… are you alright?”

“Go away,” Adagio mumbled. “I don't want you here.”

“Dagi, w...we’re sorry,” Aria said, stepping in front of Sonata. “We didn't mean to hurt you, we just…”

Aria couldn't think of how to continue.

“You lied!” Adagio shouted. She lifted her head up and glared at them. “You lied to me! You promised you would be there for me… But you weren't!”

“Dagi, p-please, let us explain!” Sonata tried walking up to Adagio, but Adagio swung her arm through the air.

“No! I don't want to hear it! You lied to me,” Adagio spoke through her tears, “You hurt me.”

Adagio let her head fall back into her knees. Aria at that moment spoke up firmly, “Don’t blame her, Adagio… She was preoccupied making sure I...didn’t drink myself to death, and when she finally got me under control we went looking for you… But you weren’t there, so we thought you’d gone home… I swear we didn’t know what Blueblood did till after we talked with Sunset…”

“You didn't think to go see if I had gone home?” Adagio said bitterly as she looked up.

“I guess… we didn't,” Aria looked away, too ashamed to look Adagio in the eyes.

“Dagi, you have to believe us!” Sonata pleaded, almost in tears. “We didn't mean to do this! I'm sorry I let you down! l… I just… I…” Aria grabbed Sonata and held her tightly as she was starting to have a mental breakdown.

“Look, Adagio,” Aria said after a moment of comforting Sonata. “We forgot and I know you don't want to forgive us, but we didn't mean to do this. Honestly! We just… we…” Aria was starting to have her own breakdown. Tears swelling up in her eyes too. “WE FORGOT!” She screeched out, and now had to count on Sonata for support. “OK? I'M SORRY!... I'M SORRY I GOT TOO DRUNK! I'M SORRY I DISTRACTED SONATA FROM WHAT SHE PROMISED TO YOU! I'M SORRY WE ALWAYS SCREW THINGS OVER FOR YOU, BUT… BUT… We need you.”

Aria caught Adagio off guard. She wasn't yelling anymore. In fact, she had collapsed to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. Sonata kneeled down and hugged her, tears in her own eyes.

“You… you what?” Adagio started questioning if she had heard them right.

“We need you.” Aria restated even softer than before. “We’ve always needed you. We’re nothing without you. I’m… I'm sorry you think that we mess everything up, but…” Aria’s voice died off.

Sonata sniffed and then spoke. “We look to you for advice. For help. For leadership. But more importantly,... we just need you.”

Adagio was stunned beyond belief, never had she seen Aria so vulnerable. Sonata maybe, but Aria? Never.

“We try our best to do things right but…” Sonata stopped and wiped away more tears. “I'm sorry—We’re sorry that you think we do this purposefully, but we can only say we're sorry so many times.”

Adagio sat there in silence, her eyes now closed. After a while, she finally spoke again, “I… I’m sorry.”

Sonata and Aria quieted at this, but only Aria looked up at Adagio and asked quietly, “W...what?”

“I’m sorry, you two… especially you, Sonata… I should have known you wouldn’t deliberately abandon me… seeing as you never did when we were in Equestria, when there were so many times you could, and even here in this realm you could have so many times…”

Sonata then looked up and spoke calmly, “Dagi… we’re family...even if it's not blood relation...we’re still family, and family sticks together.”

“You’re like a mother to us.” Aria murmured as she looked at Adagio dead on. “We look up to you to keep us from doing stupid things. You’re not always there for us, we know, but when you aren't, we don't know what to do. We've never known what to do without you.”

Adagio processed everything they said slowly, her shoulders slumped. At that next moment, she crawled over to Aria and Sonata. Then, looking at both of them, she wrapped her arms around them in a tight hug.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Adagio whispered, still amazed at how they had kept that fact about them hidden.

"We didn't want you to think that we were a burden... or that we're putting too much pressure on you to have to look after us all the time," Sonata answered and looked down.

"We tried going on our own," Aria said as she wiped her tears away, "But things always ended up getting worse."

"And that's when I would show up to straighten everything out." Adagio finished looking at them softly.

Sonata nodded to that but didn’t say another word. It took Aria a few minutes of composing herself before she finally said what was on her mind, “Adagio… Don’t give up on Sunset… We saw how she was without you, and we see how you are without her… So fight for her…”

Adagio was almost smiling, until she remembered. “But what do I do about the fact that I’m pregnant?!” Panic crossed her face; even without trying to process what has been done to her, the realization of being pregnant had never truly hit home, until now.

“Oh no no no, I’m not ready for this, there is no way Sunset is ready for this! Oh damnit… I’ve been human for less than two years so I don’t even know how this works here. What if something goes wrong? What if it comes out a weird half-siren half-human?” Fear and questions flew free and fast, Adagio letting feelings she wasn’t even aware of go loose.

Then a loud whack resonated in the cave. Aria had slapped Adagio across the face, bringing her back to reality. “Hey, one thing at a time okay?” Adagio nodded. “Let’s start with you and Sunset, and we can worry about the rest as it comes.”

Taking a deep breath, Adagio cooled down her writhing emotions, before reaching out and pulling the other two into a fierce hug.

They stayed that way for a few minutes, before Sonata pulled back to look Adagio in the eyes. “Adagio - I failed you.” She quickly placed a finger over the other girl’s lips. “I know what you are going to say, but it won’t change how I feel; I just want you to know that I will make it up to you.

“And for what it’s worth, if you do decide to keep the baby, I know from experience that you make a great mum.”

On the brink of tears again, Adagio pulled Sonata back into the hug.

“She’s right you know.” Aria piped up. “And if that kid is gonna be fifty percent you, then I already know they’ll be wonderful.”

“What did I do to deserve a family like you two?” Adagio released Aria, and stood up. She dusted herself off, before turning towards the cave’s exit. By this point in the day, the sun was hanging low in the sky. “Huh. I guess I have to find Sunset at sunset.”

Sonata giggled while Aria rolled her eyes. "Come on, Adagio, you’ll find her at Sugarcube Corner.”

~~Sugarcube Corner, 1 hour ago~~

Back inside the store, most of the girls had noticed Aria and Sonata’s disappearance, but they had decided not to dwell upon it assuming that they had ran off in search of their friend.

“How can y’all just sit there knowin’ what that doggarned flea bag has done to one of our friends?!” AJ walked back over and pressed her fists into the table, her knuckles going white. “Either we go out there and get that sunuva gun, or at least call the police!”

“She might be lying.”

All five Rainbooms, including a now awake and alert Rarity, were stock still, staring at Sunset. Sensing the mood in the room, even Angel jumped away from her.

“Darling, whatever could you mean by that?” Rarity chided, still somewhat dumbfounded.

“I meant what I said. We can’t go after Blueblood, not until we know more. And Adagio might be lying.” Sunset was almost spitting her words out by this point, her grief becoming anger.

“Sugarcube…” Applejack spoke softly, looking at her, “In my honest opinion, I have very lil‘ doubt that Adagio would lie about this, I jus’ dun see it, an’ I think I speak for the rest o’ the gals when I say that, clear as day, we can see that she is wrapped around your lil’ finger tighter than a lasso round a bull’s neck. There ain’t no way she would do this intentionally.”

“Yeah, what AJ said.” Rainbow rejoined them at the table. “Adagio is head-over-heels-over-hooves for you. And I know the rumours floating around ‘Blueballs’, and they aren't nice; from what I’ve heard, this fits his M. O.”

Other than a twitch of her face, Sunset still looked furious. “Well fine, maybe she isn't lying. But then why didn’t she tell me she was going out? Why didn’t she tell me what happened? And why has she been hiding it for over a month?!”

Sunset moved her glare across her friends faces, one by one.

“Oh, well that’s obvious.”

Sunset was too stunned to keep the anger on her face, as she and everyone else blinked and looked at Pinkie.

“She didn’t tell you because she was scared you’d blow up about it.” The girls continued to blink. “Huh - guess she was right; you did.” Her piece said, Pinkie went back to licking the frosting off a cupcake. Considering she had the seat up against the booths wall, it should’ve been impossible to have one; but it still wasn’t as shocking to Sunset as was the prior revelation.

Sunset put her hands in her pockets as she processed everything. Though when her fingers grazed the velvet top of a small box she felt tears slide down her face again. Everyone noticed this, and when she pulled the box out of her pocket she let out a soft sigh. Why had she been so quick to distrust her love?

"This is why I blew up Pinkie, this is why." Sunset slid the box across the table. Rarity intercepted it first, cracking it open.

"Huhhhhhhhh!!! Sunset this is beautiful." Squealed Rarity, before she turned the box round for all to see, revealing an intricate silver band with a ruby on top, and engraved along the band was a small inscription.

It said, ‘I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.’

"Damn, girl, that's some nice bling." whistled Rainbow, adding her piece.

Pinkie tilted her head to the side. "I don't get it. Why would this make you explode?"

Sunset sighed, before reaching over and taking the ring back. "I blew up because until today, everything was perfect. You all know my past, how my life was ruled by the idea of power, and getting what I wanted.

"That was until you six saved me from myself. And since then, I've lived my life in harmony, doing what I can for those around me,” she looked down at the ring, now taking it up in her hands, “in return, my life has been almost perfect. And now, I finally see what I want in life, I can see the place that will make my life actually perfect. And that place is next to Adagio.”

Fluttershy places a hand back on Sunset’s shoulder as she continued still playing with the ring in her hand. “By her side, forever and ever. I've spent the last few weeks psyching myself up to pop the question, to finally reach out and touch that perfection. Just to have it feel like it's been ripped away at the last second.

“And it brought about similar feelings, a reminder of failing as Celestia's student, and it made me act the way I used to.”

At this point she had put the ring back in the box.

“Don’t ever speak about yourself like that again Sunset,” Fluttershy spoke with a frown on her face which in turn made everyone cringe. “No I’m serious...you aren’t that person anymore and I know for a fact you won’t be that person again.”

“Yeah you never have to worry about that Sunset, Being a loyal friend I would smack some sense into ya.” Rainbow agreed with a smirk.

"Ouch!" AJ slugged Rainbow on the shoulder.

"Joking aside, what Rainbow said is true. Ain't no way we girls would ever let you backslide like that."

"But at least we caught you when we did Darling, before you could do anything rash." Rarity grabbed Sunset's wrist, turning her hand over revealing the velvet box.

"Do you still want this?" Rarity pointed at the box.

Sunset closed her eyes, and let her mind drift back a few weeks.

She was on another date with Adagio.

They had gone out for a walk, and decided to stop off at a diner on the way back, taking a seat outside to enjoy the fresh air.

She couldn't remember what they talked about, or the sweet nothings they both shared, but she did remember a few key things.

Adagio's smile.

The sound of her laughter.

And the warm feeling she felt throughout her entire being.

Sunset opened her eyes, and looked back at Rarity. "More than anything."

“Well that’s good, at least this beautiful ring won’t be wasted.” Rarity said with a smile.

Twilight then decided to finally speak up after being quiet for so long, “Well now that the fate of the ring has been decided, there's one more point we should probably discuss… the fact that Adagio is pregnant.”

“Yer right, Twi,” Applejack nodded and they all turned back to Sunset.

“So… Sunset not to pry or anything but if somehow you and Adagio do to stay together… well first of all were you wanting one in the future? Basically, would you want her to keep it?” Rainbow asked softly.

“I—I’m not entirely comfortable talking about this while Adagio’s not around.”

“Well, I'm here now.” Everyone turned to look at the counter where the voice had come from. There stood Adagio, Sonata and Aria.

Once again, Pinkie seemed completely unfazed by the turn of events, instead asking an inane question. “How did you get in?”

“Sonata.” Aria pointed at her fellow siren. “She remembered the pattern you knocked with earlier, and Mrs. Cake let us in.”

“Oh. Okie Dokie Lokie.” Pinkie produced another cupcake.

Fluttershy nudged Sunset. “Do you want us to stay, or should we give you two some space?”

“I don’t mind if you stay, but I want everyone to sit at another table, and leave us to it.”

Fluttershy nodded and ushered the others, including Aria and Sonata, to the other side of the room.

As Adagio moved towards the original table, Sunset realized that the ring box was still on the table, and she quickly reached out and grabbed it, stuffing it back into her pocket. She thought she had been quick enough, but Aria’s eyes widened suddenly, before she got swept up in the move.

Adagio reached the table, and the pair sat opposite each other, but neither said anything for the first few minutes.

Sunset took a deep breath in, and lay her arm across the table, her hand, palm up towards Adagio. She held her breath for a good thirty seconds, until Adagio shifted and their palms met; only then did she exhale.

“Adagio, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for my reaction earlier today. You came to me today looking for support, and I just froze on you. You needed me, and I wasn’t there. I’m just… I’m sorry.” Sunset hung her head low, tears dripping onto the table.

“I forgive you. After what I did, it isn’t you that needs to say sorry.” Adagio whispered.

If Sunset had raised her head any faster, she would’ve given herself whiplash. “What?”

“Look, Sunset. Something you’ve got to understand; up until last year nothing in my life has gone right. Every plan we hatched, every place we have settled, something would go wrong.” Adagio started to say.

“So this last year has been nothing short of a miracle. We’ve had the usual ups and downs a couple times, but the only thing that I can bring to mind when I look back is just how happy I have been.”

Adagio cast a glance at the others in the room. “Never before did I have friends, let alone someone to call my own. But underneath it all, my subconscious never let it rest; something has always gone wrong, so why should this time be any different? I kept feeling that something bad would happen, and the longer I was happy, the bigger the fall would be.

“I got so scared, that I couldn’t even share that information with you; fearing that telling you would be the cause of it. And that fear drove me to act out. So when Aria and Sonata asked me if I wanted to go to a party, something I would never usually do, I said yes.”

She looked down at her feet. “I went and fulfilled my own damned prophecy.”

“You must hate me.” Adagio tried to pull her arms back off the table, but they snagged on something. She tried moving them again, with a little more force. They didn’t budge. Confused, she looked up.

Both of her hands were held tightly by both of Sunsets. She looked up further, and found Sunset staring at her, pain and love written clear in her eyes.

Before Adagio could react, Sunset stood up, and used her grip on Adagio to make her stand up too. Still reeling from being yanked up, she barely saw the table get kicked out of the way before she found herself in a bone crushing hug.

“I only wish you would’ve told me of your fears sooner.” Sunset pushed her forehead into the curve of Adagio’s neck, almost nuzzling her. “You say that something always went wrong? Perhaps you are right, something did go wrong - for old Adagio.

“Like me, you were struck by concentrated friendship magic, and like me, you were reborn, given a second chance. Old Adagio died that day, and you were born. An Adagio capable of being nice, having friends, and most importantly, being capable of opening your heart.”

Sunset pulled back, and moved Adagio’s head to look at her. She then swung her arm out, gesturing to the assembled girls. “And you let us all in. An Adagio with that much going for her, how could anything go wrong?”

Adagio stared in disbelief. She looked around the room. Every face she came across was split apart by a huge smile, and each one, including Applejack’s, was covered in a river of tears.

“But after everything I did, you can still love me?”

“Everyone makes mistakes, or does something they regret. But you owned up to it; maybe not straight away, but you told me. And even then, a lot of the blame here lies with someone else.”

“But what about this?” Adagio put a hand on her stomach.

Sunset cast her glance over to the group of listeners. “We can talk about that tomorrow. Right now you just need to know that I still love you.”

Adagio collapsed into Sunsets arms. “And I still love you.”

They held each other for a few minutes, before the whole group was was startled by a loud bang, and the sudden appearance of party streamers. The group looked around frantically, until the kitchen door squeaked, and everyone turned to look at it.

Pinkie strolled in as if it was any normal day of the week, pushing a large trolley. On this trolley was a large cake, with icing the color of Sunset’s and Adagio’s hair, along with more icing writing the words, ‘They’re gonna be Okay!’

“Pinkie! When in tarnation did you have time to make this, let alone leave the dang room?” AJ boomed.

“Just now, of course.” She replied.

AJ went cross eyed, but next to her, Rainbow started howling with much needed laughter. It wasn’t long before everyone in the room had joined in, the shared mirth bringing about a much needed raising of spirits.

“Hehehe.” Pinkie joined in, before pulling a quizzical face. “I don’t get it.”