• Member Since 30th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen 23 minutes ago

Rambling Writer

Our job is not to give readers what they want; our job is to show them things they never imagined. --Walt Williams


After Twilight destroyed her utopia of equal ponies, Starlight knew she would strike back. And now, she's ready. Her plan is flawless; sublime, even. She will make Twilight regret the day she ever crossed paths with her. She even has a dramatic entrance planned for maximum effect.

Now if only she can find Twilight without getting lost in the Castle of Friendship.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

Can't believe it took this long for a fic about Starlight getting lost in Twilight's castle to pop up, but it didn't disappoint. Now I wanna know what happens next, does Twilight find out about Starlight's pantry raiding and broom closet burning?

@Rambling Writer...

Overall, an amusing read.

Probably would have added more funny if there had been a multiple libraries gag as well, in-keeping with Twilight's love of such things. ( [Starlight]: How many libraries does one need?!? )

Possibly a laboratory or three, for which Starlight marvels at, or is greatly envious of, or accidentally/intentionally tampers with comedic results.

Or the simplest gag of all... Needing to go to the bathroom after eating & drinking so much in the kitchen.

Hilarious. I imagined all the scene and giggle with every dialog of Starlight.

Okay, I may still not like Starlight and don't read or favourite fics about her...

But this is too gold for me not to make an exception! :rainbowlaugh: I always wondered just how long she was willing to sit there just waiting until Twilight finally walked in the doors.

I laughed so hard :rainbowlaugh: Whoo, that was awesome! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: (My cheeks hurt, so thank you :twilightblush:)

Stomachs are True Neutral by nature. They have no alignment except to themselves.

Lord Shen understands your pain, Starlight.

Seriously, those rude heroes could appreciate a bit more all the effort their villains put in their meetings.:trixieshiftleft:

Twilight: "Starlight Glimmer!?"

Spike: "Want a snack?"

That was a pretty funny and entertaining story. :rainbowlaugh: I loved the broom closet running gags in the story.

Loved it. Everything was paced perfectly.

Well, I'm glad to hear that plans to make amazingly planned dramatic entrances usually fail. :rainbowlaugh:

I half expected her to give up after the throne room proved impossible to find and have to settle for raiding Twilight’s pantry instead.

Laughed my ass off at this one, great story :rainbowlaugh: :twilightsmile:

So that's why Pinkie turned up after everypony got sucked back in time, her Pinkie sense told her some one in the throne room was hungry.

Very funny... And is it me or does this make the castle sound a lot like the TARDIS?

Lol! That chapter title!

And this. is. Comedy! :rainbowlaugh:

Pff, this was a hilarious read. Great job:twilightsmile:


Just wait right there.
Shouldn't take more than a few hours...

The idea of Starlight in the midst of such an awkward situation in preparation for her grand reveal was very creative. I especially liked the opening doors portion. Thank you for sharing. :pinkiesmile:

Starlight, you're not yourself when you're hungry. Here, have a Snickers.

Could I translate this and share it on other websites? Thanks:twilightsmile:

Could you please allow me translate this story into Chinese? I believe Chinese brony will also love it. And if you allow I will post it on www.fimtale.com. Thanks.:twilightsmile:

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