• Published 29th Nov 2011
  • 6,469 Views, 147 Comments

An Apple Alone - Blue Thrush

With her siblings out of town, Apple Bloom has to run Sweet Apple Acres all by herself. Is she up to the task of managing the farm?

  • ...

Dog Days

Winona’s lips curled and twitched as her dry nose suddenly found itself wetted by morning rainfall. A cold shiver coursed through her body, making her duck back inside her doghouse to hide away from the chilly rain. Sweet Apple Acres’ resident canine liked to keep her head parked outside the doghouse, especially on the nicer evenings. The many scents that flew through her nostrils over the course of the night led to wonderful dreams, and helped her keep watch over the farm as its inhabitants slept. Off in the distance, Winona heard the Sweet Apple Acres rooster cock-a-doodle-doo, heralding the official arrival of dawn despite the cloud cover hiding any evidence of the sun’s existence. Winona and Charlie got along well, but she couldn’t help but think envious thoughts when it came to that rooster’s crowing capabilities.


The tired collie stood up and stretched, peeling some straw away from the ground as bits of her bed clung to her coat. She jostled the straw free with a few shakes, the noise of her tail slapping the walls of the doghouse echoing within. Winona appreciated her own personal property on the farm. It was just her size and perfect for hiding away in when the weather was bad. She could still recall the day it was made, remembering how elated Apple Bloom was to have finished her first real construction project. Winona rolled in the straw happily, counteracting the shaking she did earlier.

With her tongue falling out of her mouth into its habitual position, Winona stepped out of her doghouse and shook off the straw once more. She toddled over to her food bowl, holding onto a sliver of hope that it magically filled itself overnight. Winona retracted her tongue and hung her head low as she found it empty. She sniffed at the bowl eagerly, hoping to find a misplaced crumb she’d somehow neglected to devour. Finding nothing, she turned to look hopefully at the farmhouse. Nopony had yet come out to greet her, but, as her ears twitched, she could hear faint signs of life emanating from within. Winona’s smile returned and her tail started wagging away. As soon as the ponies awoke, food would arrive!

Winona trotted towards the house, ignoring the rain as she sought to accelerate the ponies’ wake up routines. She hopped up onto the porch, preparing to bark when a foreign sound reached her ears. The collie turned her head to view the source of the intrusion. She saw a small brown bunny bouncing across the field heading for the apple trees! Winona spun and jumped off the porch, crouching slightly and giving the rabbit a knowing look.

This is Apple territory. Y’all ain’t gettin’ no apples on my watch.

The bunny froze when he felt the farm dog’s gaze shoot his way. He looked back at the threatening canine, folding his ears down and shrinking away from her. He knew all too well he’d never make it to the orchard with Winona on watch. He slowly reversed direction, then scampered away.

Satisfied, Winona stood up and panted happily. She was about to go back to the porch when she saw first one, then two, then six brown bunnies all bounding for the Barnack Beauties. The collie knew the time to act was now, and took off after the would-be thieves, unleashing wave after wave of cacophonous fury. The ferocious noise echoed rapidly throughout the farm, making its way through an open window on the second floor of the farmhouse.

“Ugh,” Apple Bloom groaned as the sounds reached her ears, tearing her away from unconscious bliss. She slipped the pillow over her head and smashed it over her ears, but the damage had been done. With a heavy sigh, Apple Bloom crawled out of bed and shook herself fully awake. She peeked one eye open in the middle of a yawn and glanced out the window. “S’pose it’s best Ah’m awake now anyway,” she said. “Guess Ah slept through the rooster’s hollerin’ again.” She operated on autopilot as she traversed to the bathroom to shower and then back to her room to brush up. She paused a moment while brushing to recollect what day it was, and sighed wistfully. “If Ah was still schoolin’ instead a’ this Ah’d be allowed ta sleep in today.”

Another yawn overtook Apple Bloom as she toddled out of her room and made her way downstairs. She had intended on heading straight outside to investigate what had riled up Winona, but the scent of fried eggs lured her straight into the kitchen instead, eliciting a growl from her stomach. The hungry pony forgot about her original mission and smiled to the pony whipping up breakfast. “Mornin’, Granny. Somethin’ smells delightful!”

“Oh, ya’ noticed mah new perfume, hmm?” Granny retorted with a chuckle. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and went to pour them some orange juice. Granny served them both a heaping plate of eggs and toast, then joined Apple Bloom at the kitchen table. The farmponies quickly dug into their respective helpings, Apple Bloom outpacing her elder three eggs to one.

It didn’t take long for the two to get through their breakfast and initiate their morning routines. Apple Bloom nearly made it to the barn when she was suddenly reminded of what she had originally set out to do that morning. “Howdy, Winona!” she smiled down to the collie, who was busy sniffing at the mare’s forehooves. Whatever irritation Apple Bloom had felt earlier had long since vanished, and she stopped to pet the collie a moment. “Think Ah should feed ya’ first?”

Winona shot her head up to stare at the pony. She barked twice in rapid succession, then tore off at a sprint for her doghouse.

“That’s a yes,” Apple Bloom giggled as she followed the family pet. She wasted no time in filling Winona’s food and water dishes, and Winona wasted no time in digging into her breakfast. She moved on to complete the rest of her morning chores with Granny Smith before ushering the elder farmpony indoors. They’d already more than met their market quota for the week, and there was little to do around the farm that didn’t require manual labor.

“Now Granny, you should head inside an’ get some rest. Ya’ got up and helped me out with mornin’ work, an’ made breakfast and everything!” She tried to coax Granny into the house. “We don’t need ta be at market this weekend, ya’ said so yerself!” Try as she might, the young farmpony couldn’t get the stubborn grandmother to move from where she was rooted to the ground.

“Now Apple Bloom, no need ta box me up indoors on such a... lovely day,” she protested as rainfall gently drizzled down from the sky. “Ah can’t be cooped up when there’s work to be done!”

“Granny, we had this discussion already! There ain’t much ta do ‘sides applebuckin’,” Apple Bloom pointed out, nudging Granny towards the house. “And Ah don’t want ta see ya’ fallin’ ill again!”

“Ah ain’t gettin’ sick over a measly mizzle, Missy,” Granny huffed. “Ain’t got no numbers ta figure an’ the house is spotless. Ain’t too hard cleanin’ up after two ponies, ya know.”

The younger mare tried a different tact. “Don’t ya’ trust me ta handle things, Granny?” she asked, giving the older mare a look. Granny returned it with a defiant expression of her own, but her own protest soon melted away into a defeated sigh.

“Alright, youngin’. Ah’ll head in fer a spell. S’pose I could use a nap, an’ Ah ain’t keen on bein’ rained on neither.” She slowly walked towards the house, her frown turning upwards when she saw the relieved expression on Apple Bloom’s brow. “An’ yes, Apple Bloom. Ah trust you completely.”

Apple Bloom’s grin stretched from ear to ear. She quickly helped Granny to the porch, then gave the old mare a hug. “Thanks, Granny. Ah’d better get started.”

“Off ya’ go then!” Granny ordered, shooing Apple Bloom away. “Get yer caboose in gear!” The younger mare responded with a salute and sped off for the orchard, eager to start her applebucking on a high note.

Time flew by for Apple Bloom. It felt like she had just gotten out of bed, but before long the young mare could tell that it was already almost noon. She was used to Saturdays speeding along, but not in this manner. Sleepovers, crusading, or simply lazing about in a quiet part of the farm were the things that occupied the young farmpony’s weekends. Today, Apple Bloom lost herself in her work, moving from apple tree to apple tree and harvesting the fruit they bore in a rhythm of applebucks. The bandage secured around her injured hoof held everything in place. She completely forgot about the state of her injury as the morning progressed.

Apple Bloom was so focused that she barely noticed Granny announce that she was off to have lunch with some friends in town. Granny knew better than to disturb an Apple when they were in the zone, so she settled with the grunt of acknowledgement that Apple Bloom gave her and headed for Ponyville.

Winona had joined Apple Bloom shortly after she began, offering the hardworking farmpony her usual aid of companionship and boundless optimism. While the collie didn’t do much in terms of physical aid, only fetching the occasional apple or chasing away would-be animal thieves, Apple Bloom enjoyed her company. The rainy day did nothing to bring down the duo’s attitudes, and Apple Bloom’s day in particular sped along all the more quickly as she worked alongside Winona. As she lost herself in her work, it hardly felt like a chore to the young mare. Winona, too, was walking on sunshine as she skipped, barked, toddled and panted as she spent the morning with Apple Bloom. When the young farmpony gave the collie’s head a most generous petting for fetching some stray Scarlet Surprises, Winona returned the gesture with some affectionate kisses of her own.

In no time at all, midday arrived, and the duo retired to the farmhouse to grab some lunch. As usual, Winona tried to sneak inside with Apple Bloom to get some pony food. As usual, Apple Bloom forced the collie to stay outside. The young mare did, however, make a quick lunch for herself, and joined Winona out by her doghouse to eat lunch with her. The young mare lay couchant with her sandwich between her forelegs, leaning down to take bites while she petted Winona absentmindedly. A large umbrella that stood firmly in the muddy ground kept the two dry as they ate their respective lunches. Though they both were quick eaters, Winona managed to finish first, and gave Apple Bloom a grateful slurp on the cheek. Apple Bloom pushed the dog away gently, a grin escaping.

“Alright, enough a’ that, girl,” she chided lightly. “Lemme finish eatin’ up! Lots more ta do!”

Winona barked in her face as a response, panting away happily. Hot breaths beat against Apple Bloom’s face with each pant, making her squint. She made more of an effort to move Winona away, and the collie reluctantly did so, opting instead to sniff randomly at the air. Apple Bloom took this opportunity to wolf down the rest of her sandwich. When she looked up again, she noticed that Winona was gone. She quirked an eyebrow and craned her neck around to look for the lost dog. Her ears twitched as she heard barks sound off from behind her. She stood and turned around to find the collie running full tilt, tongue hanging out and tail wagging away.

“No... no no...” a white unicorn stuttered, freezing under the trellis arch as the dog sped towards her. “W-Winona stop right there! Don’t—”

Before she could get another word in, Winona pounced on Sweetie Belle and wasted no time in greeting the Crusader, sending both the pony and her saddlebag to the ground. The visiting pony groaned as her cheeks were suffused with saliva, Winona lapping at her again and again. “Winona,” she started, but couldn’t help but laugh a bit as the collie continued lavishing her with kisses.

“Hey, Sweetie Belle!”

Apple Bloom had joined the pair under the trellis, squeezing out a greeting between fits of giggles. Sweetie Belle smirked at Apple Bloom, regaining enough composure to ensnare Winona in a bubble of minty green magic. “Hey, Apple Bloom.” Sweetie rose to her hooves, wiping slobber off her face as she kept Winona a foot off the ground. The latter, not used to being suspended by magic, was barking wildly with her paws flailing in the air.

The two young mares smiled at Winona’s antics, the unicorn gently setting the collie down and releasing her from the spell. Apple Bloom tossed Sweetie Belle a rag to help her clean up, while Winona rolled off the adrenaline she’d accumulated during her flight, tossing dust into the air.

“So what brings you out here today?” Apple Bloom asked as she watched Winona wiggle around. “Ah woulda’ thunk you an’ Scoot would be out crusadin’.”

Sweetie telekinetically recovered her saddlebag and tossed the rag back to Apple Bloom with a free forehoof. “Nu-uh, Scootaloo’s doing stuff with her family this weekend. I’m stuck with all of this.” She gestured to her saddlebag. “You picked a good week to skip school, Apple Bloom. There’s so much homework!”

Apple Bloom examined the bulging saddlebag and grimaced. Suddenly she wasn’t missing school as much as she had been. “Yeah, well... Ah ain’t skippin’, really. Ah’ll have ta play catch-up once Applejack an’ Big Mac come back, but it ain’t no day at the swimming hole here, neither, what with all Ah got on mah plate right now.”

“Yeah, I know, but it’s just, you know... a lot!” Sweetie exclaimed, punctuating her statement with a bounce. “Anyway, I thought I’d come and keep you company while you were working.” She looked up at the cloudy sky, blinking as a couple raindrops fell on her muzzle. “If you don’t mind, that is. Figured I’d at least spend time with a friend while getting through all of this work, and I thought you could use some company too!” She smiled at Apple Bloom, then blinked and quickly added, “And I won’t get in the way or try to help, promise!”

Apple Bloom smiled wryly. “Yeah, don’t want to be set back a whole ‘nother week.”

“...Was it really that bad?” Sweetie asked, ears drooping slightly. She and Scootaloo might’ve been a detriment, but she hadn’t thought that they set back Apple Bloom’s work by that much.

“Naw, Ah’m jokin’,” the farmpony assured with a wave of a hoof. Sweetie scowled, then joined in on the laughter. “An’ Ah’d love ta have you stick around fer a spell. Whatcha got ta work on?”

“What don’t I have?” Sweetie said with a sigh. “History, math, language arts, reading, science... Just so much!” She walked with Apple Bloom over to the barn, where the farmpony was busy stacking empty baskets onto her own back. She saw an opportunity to redeem herself. “Want some help? I’m sure it’d be hard to mess up carrying empty baskets around.”

Apple Bloom hesitated for only a moment before responding. “Sure, grab a few an’ follow me.” She smiled at her fellow Crusader, who beamed back, grateful to help out in some capacity.

Sweetie Belle discarded her saddlebag, keeping only a book from it with her as she floated some baskets onto her back. She followed Apple Bloom out into where she was working prior to lunch. Winona soon bounded up behind the two mares, skipping along and running circles around the two. The trees of the orchard served as natural umbrellas for them, blocking out most of the light rain that continued to dampen Sweet Apple Acres. Apple Bloom wasted no time in setting out the empty baskets, both her own and the ones Sweetie brought out. Satisfied, she got right to applebucking. Sweetie Belle, meanwhile, settled down beneath a nearby tree and kept the book she brought hovering in front of her face.

“Whatcha readin’?” Apple Bloom asked as she gave a fierce kick to a tree.

Lord of the Parasprites,” Sweetie answered, glancing over the top of the book at Apple Bloom. “It’s not as boring as other stuff we’ve been assigned, but we have to read five more chapters by Monday!” She huffed, turning a page. “Wouldn’t be so bad if we didn’t have so many other things assigned for the weekend.”

Apple Bloom chuckled as she filled another pair of bushels with ease. “Ah’m sure y’all at school’ll have no troubles doin’ all that.” She paused. “Maybe Scootaloo, seein’ as she’s vacationin’ an’ all.”

Sweetie grunted as she returned to her reading. “All these foals stuck on an island, and not one of them can fly or teleport.” Apple Bloom giggled as she worked her way through another tree, eliciting a glare from Sweetie Belle. “What? If Golden Leaf couldn’t think of a more plausible reason then he shouldn’t’ve written unicorns and pegasi into the story like that.”

“Well, wouldn’t be much in a story if the unicorns just used magic ta solve everything, right?” Apple Bloom hazarded as she emptied out the tree next to Sweetie Belle. “Er, mind movin’ a sec? Mah aim’s pretty good, but Ah don’t wanna take chances.”

Sweetie, indeed, found herself sitting between two empty baskets, with a bunch of apples still connected to the tree she had sought shelter under. She stood up and moved out of Apple Bloom’s way, watching as her friend leaned forward and kicked back, sending the apples tumbling downward. Her eyes caught sight of the bandage on Apple Bloom’s hoof.

“Hey, what happened there?” Sweetie asked, squinting at the wound and setting her book down.

Apple Bloom plucked a stray apple off the ground and tossed it into a basket, thinking about how she would answer Sweetie’s question. “What, ya didn’t notice it the other day at market?” When Sweetie shook her head, Apple Bloom grinned and proclaimed, “It was a dark and stormy night!”

Sweetie rolled her eyes.

“What? It really was! Ah couldn’t see mah muzzle in front a’ my own face, it was so dark and stormy! It was slippery, windy, muddy, you name it! Ah was out applebuckin’ and Ah ended up buckin’ a part of a tree Ah shouldn’t’ve, Ah cracked my hoof but good.”

Sweetie Belle winced. “Yeesh, that sounds painful. It’s okay now, though, right? Did you see a doctor to get it, um… what do you do with a cracked hoof, anyway?”

Apple Bloom moved onto the next tree, letting the studious unicorn reclaim her seat and resume reading. “Naw, Granny looked it over and said it was fine. We washed it up an’ Ah took it easy fer a few days, but now Ah’m back in action!”

“Well, you do seem to be going strong on all four hooves,” Sweetie observed, shrugging off her worry and turning the page in her book.

“Darn straight!”

Winona, having parked herself right next to Sweetie Belle, barked in agreement, making the mare jump. “Yah! When did you reappear?” The collie simply barked again and sped off back into the orchard. “And now where are you disappearing to?” she called.

With a couple of thwacks Apple Bloom finished harvested another tree. “Keepin’ apples safe from critters lookin’ ta take ‘em fer themselves,” she said, wiping some sweat from her brow. “They’re ‘specially vulnerable when they’re ripe fer pickin’ from these baskets.”

“Is that so? And here I was thinking she was just super hyper and was doing, well, dog things.”

Apple Bloom chuckled. “There’s a bit a’ that too,” she admitted.

By the time Apple Bloom had worked through that section of the orchard, Sweetie Belle had made it through three more chapters of her reading assignment. In the interim, the gloomy rainy afternoon became just a gloomy one. She freely trotted alongside Apple Bloom with the book hovering in front of her as the pair went to and from the orchard and barn. Tired of reading about conches and trying to figure out just what a microcosm was, she put the book away and focused on stretching her stiff limbs.

“I think I’ve done enough reading for now, and I can do more homework later. Anything I can do to help you out, Apple Bloom?” She looked around at the huge number of trees. “Ooh! Maybe you can teach me to applebuck!” Before Apple Bloom could stop her, Sweetie marched right up to a tree and began kicking away at it haphazardly.

Apple Bloom noticed a flaw in her friend’s technique. “Uh, Sweetie Belle?” she said as her friend reared up for another kick. “Ya’ usually wanna start with a tree that has apples in it.”

Sweetie blinked, glanced overhead, and blushed. “Er… right, heheh.”

“Ah don’t think you applebuckin’ is such a good idea anyways,” Apple Bloom said slowly. When Sweetie Belle sighed despondently, the farmpony tried a small smile to cheer her up. “Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle, Ah may have lotsa’ work, but Ah can handle it.” She hefted another full bushel of apples up onto her back and started back for the barn again. Sweetie Belle saw an opportunity to help out, and took a chance.

“Here, let me grab one!” She took a deep breath and held it as she willed her horn to life. A faint green glow emanated from her horn, and a similar glow surrounded a bushel.

Apple Bloom turned to witness the event, and sighed. “Alright, but be careful. These bushels are heavier than they look.”

Sweetie Belle nodded, grunting and sweating as she lifted the basket up onto her back and released her magical hold on it. She let out a small gasp as the full weight of the bushel came down on her back. Nodding to Apple Bloom, she uttered, “I’m ready, let’s go. Not that far to the barn, right?”

Sweetie Belle struggled with the bushel as she tried to keep up with Apple Bloom’s pace. “Apple Bloom, wait up,” she panted to the younger mare in front of her. “You’re going too fast!”

Apple Bloom paused and craned her neck around. “Ah’m walkin’ normally,” she retorted. “Come on, hustle up.” She picked up her pace to try and encourage Sweetie Belle to get moving. Sweetie attempted to speed up, but just couldn’t get herself to move faster. As they approached the barn, Sweetie’s legs buckled out from under her. She fell forward, landing flat on her chin as apples tumbled out from the bushel on her back, flowing down either side of her face. Then for her, everything suddenly went dark.

“Sweetie Belle?” Apple Bloom turned, eyes widening slightly. “Sweetie Belle!” The farmpony quickly slid her own bushel off her back and sped to the mare’s side, skipping over apples rolling every which way. “You okay?”

Sweetie moaned and rubbed her chin a little, eyes adjusting to the darkness. “I think I’m fine,” she mumbled. “Uh, who turned out the lights?”

“The bushel basket,” she heard Apple Bloom say. The farmpony lowered her head and gripped the ring of the basket with her mouth, promptly flinging it away.

“Hey, they’re on again!” Sweetie exclaimed, squinting as light flooded her senses. She blinked rapidly, then glanced around to see all the apples on the ground. She flushed guiltily. “Sorry, Apple Bloom…”

“Ya’ better be sorry!” Apple Bloom shot a hoof forward and poked her friend in the snout, wearing a mocking scowl. It didn’t last long, though, as the corners of her mouth soon twitched into a grin. “Ya’ only tripped, Sweetie Belle. Most of the apples’ll be just fine. The rest’ll go to the hogs!”

Sweetie Belle blinked again, poking Apple Bloom back with a smirk. “Okay, good. Just let me clean these up!” She flipped the overturned basket right-side up, then began scooping up apples a few at a time with telekinesis, refilling the bushel in a few moments’ time. “Better?”

Apple Bloom, having taken the opportunity to return her bushel to the barn, trotted back and looked around. “Looks good! Jus’ leave the haulin’ of bushels ta me from now on.”

“Agreed!” Sweetie Belle nodded, watching Apple Bloom load the fallen bushel onto her own back. “You were right, those things are heavy! I don’t know how you and Applejack and Big Mac… Well okay, with Big Macintosh it’s not too surprising.”

Apple Bloom set the laden bushel down next to the others. “Ya’ just get used to it,” she commented. “Shoot, even Granny can manage some impressive feats on a good day.” The two young mares laughed as they headed back into the orchard.

A large droplet of rain splattered across Sweetie Belle’s parchment, right next to a quill she was hovering above its surface as she worked out some arithmetic. The frustrated mare scowled at the sky.

“Dumb rain,” she muttered, adjusting the umbrella to block the changing direction of rainfall for what felt like the thousandth time. The young unicorn had moved to the picnic table seated just outside of the orchard Apple Bloom was busy in. The rainfall had hastened her retreat from her spot beneath the trees, the ground no longer a suitable spot for her school supplies. She’d stop and greet Apple Bloom as the farmpony trotted in and out of the orchard, exiting with a bushel and re-entering unencumbered.

Occasionally, Winona would come bounding out and bounce around Sweetie Belle’s seat, looking rather excited. The collie wouldn’t leave the studying mare alone until she rewarded the dog’s diligence with some pats to the head. Then with either a bark, a lick to Sweetie’s petting hoof, or a combination of both, Winona would zip right back into the orchard.

As the rainy day wore on, the two young mares got lost in their respective work, each one almost forgetting the other’s presence. Sweetie Belle’s eyes and Apple Bloom’s muscles strained as one studied and the other farmed. Even the interruptions by Winona became background noise for the studious young mare, her hoof moving on autopilot to pet the collie as she came to visit.

The two ponies were finally snapped out of their reveries of labor when a voice called out from the farmhouse.

“Apple Bloom! Supper’s on!”

Apple Bloom, just coming out of the orchard with Winona at her side, snapped her sweaty head up at looked towards the house. “Alright, Granny!” she hollered back. The green speck in front of the house disappeared inside while Apple Bloom quickly unloaded her haul by the barn and returned to Sweetie Belle. Winona appeared to have finally been depleted of most of her energy, but it didn’t stop the collie from sitting pretty and panting away between the two mares happily.

Apple Bloom leaned forward and stretched her back as far as it could go, only stopping after a satisfying pop emanated from the farmpony. Sweetie Belle, meanwhile, had set her quill down and ceased using her magic, rubbing her eyes as they adjusted to the dark. Sweetie Belle had unknowingly been using the green glow as a light source to write from for some time, as the gloomy evening wasn’t providing her with much light.

“Ugh, what time is it?” Sweetie asked with a yawn and a stretch that rivaled Apple Bloom’s.

“Hmm... About six, Ah reckon,” Apple Bloom answered, now stretching her legs and catching her breath. The rain mingled with the mare’s sweat as she futilely attempted to shake herself dry. “Granny’s purdy punctual when it comes ta suppertime.” She blinked. “Wow, if it is that late already… wow.”

Winona gave two sympathetic barks, her tail swishing back and forth and batting Apple Bloom’s flank lightly. She squinted around, unable to see much with her dim dog eyes, and her sense of smell was dampened by the constant rainfall.

Sweetie Belle groaned. “You mean I spent my whole afternoon sitting around and doing homework?” she lamented. “And I still have more math to do! Maybe if I…”

The unicorn trailed off as her stomach emitted a loud growl. Not to be outdone, Apple Bloom’s own belly followed suit. The two Crusaders looked at each other, then giggled. “Say, Sweetie Belle, wanna join us fer supper? We always have plenty a’ extra grub ta go ‘round.”

Sweetie’s blush from her stomach’s talking out of turn would’ve made Rarity proud. “S-sure!” she said after a moment. “I don’t think I’d make it home without getting some food in me first.” She quickly packed up her school things and hefted the saddlebag onto her back, sans magic. She rubbed the base of her horn. “Still not used to using magic for that long. Ow.”

Apple Bloom chuckled and patted her friend on the back. “Can’t say the feelin’s mutual,” she joked as the two toddled for the farmhouse. Winona trailed behind the two ponies, emitting a small whine as she budged up between the two, looking at Apple Bloom pleadingly. The farmpony looked back, ready to dash the dog’s hopes. After staring for moment, however, she simply sighed.

“Oh… alright, girl, you can join us fer supper too,” the young farmpony relented. Her immediate reward was a flurry of sloppy kisses from Winona, the collie zooming ahead and bouncing in front of the closed door.

Apple Bloom smiled wearily, wiping the drool from her face, although she couldn’t really tell the difference between that, the rain, and her own sweat anymore. “Let’s hurry an’ get inside ‘fore we all get soaked to the bone.”

“Agreed,” Sweetie nodded tersely, joining Apple Bloom in a jog up to the porch. Once sheltered from the elements, the two joined Winona in furiously shaking themselves dry. After wiping their hooves (and paws, at Apple Bloom’s behest), the trio entered the house.

A large fireplace roared in the living room, keeping the entire home warm and toasty as firewood burned away. Sweetie Belle reveled in the sudden heat source, stopping by the fireplace a moment. “This feels great!” she said happily. She had an urge to curl up for a nap until a delectable aroma snuck through her nostrils, which flared at the sudden succulent scent. The young mare’s tongue snuck out of her mouth and ran itself over her lips. “Mmm, what smells so good?”

Apple Bloom sniffed at the air tentatively. “That’d be Granny’s special broccoli cheddar soup!” she said, resisting the urge to start salivating as she sniffed again. “With… apple turnovers! And… cinnamon!” The young farmpony’s stomach grumbled loudly, and without another word, she dashed to the kitchen. A moment later, Granny’s head popped into the living room where Sweetie was just making it to her hooves again.

“Better hurry, dearie, or there won’t be nuthin left fer ya’.”

Sweetie Belle didn’t need to be told twice. She skipped into the kitchen and took a seat beside Apple Bloom while noticing Winona over in the corner, who was occupied with her own food. Even Sweetie knew that that would only temporarily stem the tide of begging for pony food.

Sweetie Belle smiled gratefully to Granny Smith as the elder farmpony ladled her a bowl of broccoli cheddar soup. “Thank you so much, Mrs. Smith!” she said politely as her stomach uttered its own gratitude.

“Show yer thanks by emptyin’ yer bowl,” Granny retorted with a smirk, taking a seat opposite the two young mares and starting in on her own supper. No more words were said as the three ponies consumed their hot, cheesy dinner in peace. While Granny slurped her own soup slowly, the two younger ponies worked quickly to satisfy their appetites. Apple Bloom only just managed to eke out a victory over Sweetie Belle in finishing her soup first, neither one stopping to chew the broccoli for very long. The two Crusaders eagerly took another serving of soup, emptying their bowls a second time just as Granny finished her first.

Once the main course was over with, Granny served everypony the fresh apple turnovers. Before they could partake, Granny sprinkled the cinnamon over the pastries, causing the two younger ponies lick their lips. Sweetie took her first bite, and her eyes rolled in pleasure.

“Wow, these are amazing!” she squealed, taking one eager bite after another. Granny nodded her thanks, taking polite bites while Apple Bloom scarfed her whole turnover into her mouth, spending the next few moments chewing away. “What’s the secret ingredient?”

“It’s a secret,” Granny answered with a wink as she took another bite. Sweetie was about to retort when a sudden bark made her jump out of her seat. She looked down to find Winona right next to her, sitting up in a begging position and meeting Sweetie’s eyes with her own quivering, begging ones. Sweetie wasn’t fooled by the act, however, and leaned forward with a pout, covering her pastry.

“Mine,” she declared, much to Winona’s disappointment. The collie knew Granny was too firm to give her any treat, and Apple Bloom was too hungry to spare anything off of her plate. The collie thought she at least had a shot with the white pony, but that wasn’t the case. Still, Winona tried her best to gain something from the guest, resting firmly on her own hind legs and wagging her tail expectantly as she panted away.

“Winona,” Granny called out in a warning tone, glancing over the table and spotting the collie, “no beggin’.”

Busted. Winona fell on all fours and lowered her ears, slinking under the table with her tail tucked between her legs. She was about to lose all hope when an odd motion from the corner of her eye caught her attention. Fresh from Apple Bloom’s plate, a piece of cobbler tumbled onto the young farmpony’s injured leg, which she then kicked to toss Winona a sneaky treat. The collie’s mood did a 180 as she bounced back up and started wagging her tail again, scarfing down the piece of pony pastry without hesitation.

Winona knew out of habit that she wouldn’t get lucky a second time, so she crept out from under the table, barking gratefully at Apple Bloom as she wormed her way out between the two Crusaders. Apparently Apple Bloom wasn’t as hungry as Winona thought! Sweetie looked down at the collie as she trotted happily by with a satisfied grin on her face. Sweetie Belle looked up to Apple Bloom and shot her a suspicious glance. The farmpony nonchalantly shrugged as she finished off the rest of her dessert.

When Apple Bloom saw Granny looking her way, she spoke quickly to change the unspoken subject. “So, Sweetie Belle, what are ya’ plannin’ on doin’ this evenin’? Ah only got a little more applebuckin’ ta do, and’ll probably be too tuckered ta do much.”

“Oh, well…” Sweetie paused, levitating her glass to take a sip, “…I hadn’t thought about it, actually. Hmm… Oh! How about a sleepover at the Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse?”

Apple Bloom’s eyes lit up. “That sounds like a great idea! Ah’ll be out there as soon as Ah’m finished tonight!”

Granny blinked. “But Apple Bloom, didn’t ya’ just finish sayin’ that you were gonna be too tired ta do anythin’?”

“Aw, we won’t be doin’ much, Granny, just sleepin’ out in the clubhouse!” Apple Bloom giggled, standing up and taking her dishes over to the sink. “Can I, Granny? Ah promise Ah’ll be up fer work bright an’ early tomorrow!”

“It’s yer decision, Apple Bloom,” Granny said with a firm nod and a grin. “I trust ya’ ta be responsible here.”

Sweetie Belle also stood up, lifting the rest of the dishes in a soft green glow of magic and sending them over to Apple Bloom’s. “Sweet! I’ll meet you out there, Apple Bloom, okay? It’ll give me time to do a little more homework before it gets too dark and I get too tired to focus.” She set the dishes down with ease, releasing her hold and looking a little surprised. “Wow, I guess food really does help recharge your horn.”

Winona barked happily and bounced alongside an elated Apple Bloom. “Awesome!” The farmpony beamed at the prospect of spending the night with one of her closest friends. The farmpony joined her fellow Crusader in a synchronized exclamation of joy.

“Cutie Mark Crusader sleeper overers! Yay!”

Granny Smith rolled her eyes, chuckling as she shooed the other two young mares and Winona out of the kitchen.

“You dumb colt, what are you doing speaking out of turn like that?” Sweetie shouted into her book. “You don’t have the conch!” Sweetie Belle let out an exasperated sigh as she turned to the next page. She lay flat on her stomach in the Cutie Mark Crusader’s clubhouse, her back legs kicking idly as she raged at the literature. She was relieved to see she was reaching the end of the final assigned chapter. As she concluded the reading, her eyes widened. “Ooohh, that’s why,” she finished quietly, suppressing a shudder as the author had decided to toss in a sudden gruesome reveal. “I didn’t know parasprites could even do that…”

“Do what?” a voice echoed in from outside. The sound of hooves beating against a ramp followed as Apple Bloom tromped up into the clubhouse, carrying with her a large pair of saddlebags. She gratefully slid the load off onto the floor and looked at Sweetie Belle. “Aside from wreckin’ a farm down South an’ all that?”

“Nothing!” Sweetie said quickly, stuffing the book into her own saddlebag. “Nothing at all, just some silly author’s interpretation.” She walked over to the bags and stuck her snout in one. “What’ve you got in here?”

“Sleepin’ gear, a’ course,” Apple Bloom answered, yanking blankets out of the other bag. “Ah got pillows, quilts, snacks...” She trailed off as she hefted a small lamp out of the bag. With a nudge of a hoof, the fireflies within buzzed to life, bouncing idly against the glass as they further illuminated the clubhouse. “And more light!” Apple Bloom finished.

Sweetie Belle helped Apple Bloom out by unloading the saddlebag she was poking her snout into. She yanked out a bag of marshmallows and a bag of potato chips, then smiled at her fellow Crusader. “Perfect!” she declared, unceremoniously dumping the rest of the sack’s contents out. “And I just finished my reading!”

“Great!” Apple Bloom said happily. The two young mares quickly rolled the quilts and blankets in the center of the clubhouse, giving themselves many layers of fabric between themselves and the floor, with a few other blankets to spare. Many pillows were stacked at the head of the makeshift bed, with bags of various snacking foods dotting the edges for easy reach.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both flopped on the top of their creation, stretching out and relaxing for a moment to commence their winding down after a hard day’s work. The two young mares shared their past week’s experiences, swapping stories and idly munching on snacks as the moon rose into the cloudy night. Apple Bloom filled Sweetie Belle in on all the work she’d been doing around the farm, and while it wasn’t necessarily harder than her normal farmwork, it was more enduring since she was carrying thrice the load. Sweetie nodded along politely as her friend told her about it. She found it a little dry, but since it was Apple Bloom telling the story, she remained attentive, and complimented the farmpony’s hard work at every opportunity.

Then came time for Sweetie Belle to sate Apple Bloom’s curiosity about her own past week. The unicorn led off with how school was going, reminding Apple Bloom about how happy she was to be excused from it. Apple Bloom was, however, curious as to the goings-on at the schoolhouse in her absence. Sweetie thought a moment, and simply answered, “Stuff.” After taking a marshmallow projectile to the forehead, Sweetie felt more compelled to elaborate. It was business as usual at their school: The teachers taught, the students sort of listened, quizzes were doled out, and homework was assigned. Apple Bloom bemoaned the fact that she’d have weeks’ worth of school to catch up on.

Sweetie moved past the topic of school to talk about some of her extracurricular activities, particularly her singing lessons. While a pitch-perfect voice flowed naturally from the young mare’s vocal cords, she wanted to do all she could to improve and become the best possible singer she could be. Sweetie Belle predominantly had issues with the loudness of her voice, belting out her favorite song lyrics whenever the opportunity arose. The louder she was, the worse she sang, so she and her instructor were working hard to control her volume eloquently while maintaining a strong, accurate melody. The lessons also served as a venue for overcoming the stage fright Sweetie occasionally experienced. She was happy to sing for friends and family, but never liked performing in front of a crowd. The lessons served to encourage her to showcase her talent in more crowded venues than the confines of a shower.

As Sweetie Belle was telling Apple Bloom all about how high she could now hit a note (the farmpony declined a demonstration), her eyes wandered about idly, scoping out the walls of the clubhouse. It remained largely unchanged over time, save for one somewhat-recent addition. Sweetie’s eyes fell upon the Cutie Mark Crusaders Success Stories cork board, prominently displayed on a wall within the clubhouse. On the board was precisely one picture, which stood alone in the center of vacant space. It was a photo of Sweetie Belle, singing her heart out up on a small stage during a school musical. The picture showed Sweetie Belle just moments after earning her long sought-after cutie mark, the fading coruscation of its appearance captured in the snapshot. She smiled warmly at the memory as she wrapped up her retellings of her week to Apple Bloom. After getting her cutie mark in front of so many ponies, Sweetie did find stage fright to be less of an issue than it had been in the past.

Much like the rest of their day, time whipped past the two Crusaders. Neither one knew how late it was, but it was pitch-dark outside and quite chilly. The two mares had long-since finished snacking and had tucked themselves into the makeshift bed, the firefly lamp sitting between the two as they continued conversing. Apple Bloom was in the middle of telling Sweetie Belle why her siblings had to be gone for so long in greater detail.

“So basically, Applejack and Big Macintosh and practically every other Apple available had ta go to the grove ta help out,” the farmpony explained. “It’s a heck of a mess down there, an’ Ma and Pa need as many hooves as they can get rounded up if they wanna get Green Apple Grove cookin’ again anytime soon.”

Sweetie Belle, who’d been nodding along with Apple Bloom’s explanation without interruption, tilted her head inquisitively. “Why?”

Apple Bloom blinked at the vague question. “Why what?” she asked.

“Why are your parents down there in Green Apple Grove and not up here in Sweet Apple Acres?” Sweetie clarified. “They seem to have plenty of apple trees to take care of up here. Why are they down in the grove?”

Apple Bloom considered the question for a moment, playing with her forehooves as she pondered. “Well... the Apple farmin’ business is more than just Sweet Apple Acres. It’s a country-wide industry!” she said slowly. “And Ma an’ Pa know it better than anypony, so they gotta travel around, managin’ all them farms to keep the Apple family business runnin’ smoothly.”

Sweetie looked pensive. “...Couldn’t they do that all from here? I mean, my parents work too, but it doesn’t keep them away from home for such a long time.”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Farmin’s all about gettin’ down an’ dirty, bein’ on location. Sure, there’s the fancy paperwork needed fer orders an’ inventory an’ stuff like that, but ya’ can’t do things like diagnose a sickly tree, plow a field, or teach family how ta applebuck when yer miles an’ miles away. It’s all a hooves-on experience.” She sighed. “They do make it home sometimes. Fer important stuff, ya know? Birthdays, holidays...” Apple Bloom trailed off.

“Reunions?” Sweetie Belle guessed.

Apple Bloom chuckled. “More often than not, but they’ve even had ta miss one or two a’ those.”

Sweetie Belle studied her pillow diligently for a few moments. She knew that the Apples were a staple of Ponyville, being amongst its founding members. They stood strong through the few generations of the town’s existence and were the best example of what a loyal, hardworking family was supposed to be. It had never occurred to Sweetie why she’d never met Apple Bloom’s parents before, despite her and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders spending a large amount of time on Sweet Apple Acres. In fact, now that she thought about it, Sweetie recalled Applejack referring to the property as her farm on more than one occasion. At the time, Sweetie hadn’t thought anything of that particular choice of words. But now she wondered if Apple Bloom’s older sister had been speaking literally.

It would make sense, Sweetie thought, given how often Apple Bloom’s parents were away with other business. She didn’t ask about that, however, instead opting to ask another question that felt more important to be answered. “Do you, uh...” Sweetie stammered, looking up from her pillow and frowning sympathetically, “...do you ever miss them?”

It was Apple Bloom’s turn to branch out into pillowology. “...Of course Ah do,” she spoke after a moment, resting her chin down on the pillow gently. “Some days more than others. Ah mean, Granny Smith an’ Big Macintosh an’ Applejack are always around, and they’re the best family ever. But... but ‘specially recently, with only Granny being here...” She shifted her head to her side, resting her cheek on the pillow and looked up at Sweetie with a small frown. “Yeah. Ah miss them.”

Sweetie Belle grimaced, shifting her eyes away guiltily. “Sorry, Apple Bloom. I didn’t mean to upset you or anything.” The thought of her own parents being removed from her life in a similar fashion made her feel even worse for her friend. She tried to change the subject. “What are they like?”

Apple Bloom smiled softly. “Pa’s real nice. Think, uh, Big Macintosh fer Pa. They’re about the same size Ah think. Still not sure who the stronger one is, but he’s definitely big. Loud, too, when he wants ta be.” Apple Bloom stretched, sticking out both forelegs in opposite directions and straining a moment before relaxing again. “And Ma’s, well, she’s great. Still likes to speak in her fancy Manehatten talk every now and then, though she’s gettin’ better.” Her eyes seemed to focus on something distant for a moment. “Ah’d tease her ‘bout it, though she threatened to force me ta speak it when Ah took it too far.”

Sweetie Belle giggled at the thought of Apple Bloom succumbing to the speech patterns Rarity had tried to foist on the Crusaders once upon a time. “They sure sound nice to me!” Sweetie Belle enthused, grinning broadly. “And I didn’t know your mom was from Manehatten!”

“We can’t all be home grown Apples,” Apple Bloom chuckled. “Ya’ wouldn’t know it if ya’ met her, though. That she was from Manehatten, Ah mean. ‘Cept fer her cutie mark, Ah reckon.” Apple Bloom sat up a bit, but the bit of cheer brought on by the change of subject wore off, and her improved demeanor was replaced with one more forlorn. “Sure would be nice if they came an’ visited more often, though.”

Sweetie Belle tilted her head. “Why don’t they come home for the winter?” she asked. “There’s not much growing that can be done then, right? Can’t your family take care of the farms while it’s snowing?”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Ah wish it were that easy. Some climates in Equestria stay warm throughout the whole year, an’ those farms never stop growin’ or harvestin’.” The young farmpony glanced out the clubhouse window, looking out at the murky, dark sky. “That’s what keeps ‘em away more than anythin’ else, really. They gotta travel far an’ wide ta get ta some a’ those places, an’ they’re so... darn...” Apple Bloom looked down again, lifting a hoof as if to smack her pillow, but letting it fall with a dull thud instead, “...responsible. They jus’ won’t rest until their farmin’ work is done, an’ it never is.”

Sweetie Belle pursed her lips in thought, then scooted over to Apple Bloom and gave her friend a hug. “Well, maybe someday they will come home, and stay for good! Although, with all the independent solid work you’re putting in, along with all the work you and your siblings do when they’re here... It’s almost as if they trust you all to run things here alone.” Sweetie separated from the hug and beamed at her friend. “And isn’t that awesome? That’s like... something they only do for Sweet Apple Acres! They leave this place alone because they trust you all to run it properly!”

Apple Bloom appreciated Sweetie Belle’s efforts, leaning forward to hug her tightly. “Yeah, guess Ah never thought about it like that,” she said softly, before yawning loudly and stretching again. “Ah think it’s time fer us ta hit the hay. Gotta be up bright an’ early tomorrow.”

Sweetie Belle nodded, though she did frown at the prospect of more work. “You have more weekend chores to do? Don’t you get any breaks?”

“Not until Big Mac an’ Applejack come home,” Apple Bloom answered. After letting the fireflies in the lamp loose into the night, the farmpony settled back down into a comfortable sleeping position and curled up under the blankets. “Good night, Sweetie Belle,” she murmured with her eyes already closed.

“Good night, Apple Bloom,” Sweetie said back, though her weary mind was still churning through all she had just learned. She now knew what all Apple Bloom was going through, and learned more about her friend, even though she thought she’d already known all there was to know. She was tired, but after tossing for a couple of minutes, couldn’t get to sleep. Sweetie looked at Apple Bloom, who, too, seemed to be fidgeting around uncomfortably.

An idea crossed Sweetie’s mind, thinking she could calm her own racing mind and Apple Bloom’s own apparent unease. The young white mare closed her eyes and began singing a lullaby softly, her voice not carrying out beyond the clubhouse’s walls. Apple Bloom’s ear twitched once or twice, before her mouth formed a small smile as she stopped wriggling around. Sweetie continued the soft tune, giving her friend a gentle pat on the side before she lay down, continuing to carry the soothing melody as she rested her head down on her pillow. When she reached the end of the song, Sweetie heard Apple Bloom’s breathing shift from shorter breaths to the long, steady ones of restful sleep. With her mission accomplished, Sweetie closed her eyes and let the last few words of the lullaby peter out quietly as she drifted into a peaceful slumber.

When Sweetie Belle opened her eyes again, she found herself staring straight up into the bright, wide-open eyes of Apple Bloom.


“Gah!” Sweetie yelped, legs flailing under the blankets in a burst of panic. “Apple Bloom!”

The mischievous farmpony only smiled, stepping away from Sweetie Belle and flinging the blankets off of her friend. Sweetie instantly curled up into a ball, teeth chattering a moment. “Time ta get up!” Apple Bloom crowed, giggling.

With the shock of the sudden cold air jolting Sweetie Belle wide awake, she stood up and glared at the farmpony. “Was that really necessary?”

“Eeeyup!” Apple Bloom snickered. “Best way ta get a girl up an’ at ‘em this early! Ooh, ooh, hear that?” Her ears perked just as the sound of a rooster’s crow echoed out over the farm. “We got up before Charlie!”

“Charlie?” Sweetie glanced out the window before yawning, catching the sound of another crow going off. The clouds had finally been removed from the skyline, yielding to the morning sunlight that was just cresting over the horizon. The air was heavy and humid, but not overwhelmingly so. Sweetie took a deep breath and asked, “That’s why you wanted to get up so early?” she grumbled.

Apple Bloom shook her head, “Naw, jus’ gotta start workin’! Early bird gets the worm ‘fore the worm gets the apple, after all.”

Sweetie pondered the metaphor. “So does that make you a... bird?”

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “Hardee har har,” she mocked, tossing last night’s empty snack bags into a trash can. “Wanna give me a hoof, Miss Stand Up Comic?”

Sweetie suppressed the urge to start clapping and instead started helping Apple Bloom clean up. “Do you really have to be up this early? I mean, it’s... early! Like, sun-is-still-rising early!” She tossed the last of the trash away and used her magic to start folding up the blankets and quilts. “And on the weekend and everything, too.”

“It ain’t always like this,” Apple Bloom admitted with a shrug. “Mostly it’s because Ah’m doin’ this myself fer now. Normally Ah’d be sleepin’ in, but since Ah wanna get a little ahead Ah gotta start bright an’ early. Ah told Granny Ah’d be up this early anyway.” She offered a weary smile to Sweetie before stifling a yawn of her own. “Darn it, if Ah’d not seen you yawn Ah’d have made it.” Her mouth stretched out wide as a large yawn overtook the farmpony.

Sweetie frowned slightly at her friend’s explanation. “That sounds like so much work. I know I was complaining about all the homework we had, but here you are working practically the whole day without stopping.”

Apple Bloom shrugged. “It ain’t so bad,” she assured Sweetie Belle. “Ah do have to work all day, and it ain’t no walk in the park, but it’s nothin’ mah sibs hadn’t had ta do before. It’s jus’ my turn ta step up.”

Sweetie Belle smiled proudly at her friend as she finished with the blankets, depositing them neatly in a corner of the clubhouse. “Well, if it’s not too much trouble, and since I don’t really have to be home until after lunch, mind if I hang around some more?”

“Now what kinda question is that?” the farmpony asked with a grin, ruffling her friend’s mane roughly with a forehoof. “‘Course ya can. Jus’ don’t get in mah way, ya’ hear?” She winked.

“Got it,” Sweetie replied, floating her laden saddlebag over to her back and dropping it on. She ran a hoof over her mane in a feeble attempt to undo the damage Apple Bloom had done, and felt that that was enough effort. With another, smaller yawn escaping, Sweetie asked, “Ready to go?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Yep! Let’s rustle up some breakfast first,” she suggested.

“Sure! Think Granny Smith will be awake yet?” Sweetie, clueless of the elder mare’s habits, inquired.

Apple Bloom nodded with a slight roll of her eyes. “She’s gotten up ‘fore Charlie since forever,” she explained with a smirk.

The humidity and haze of the morning had been swept away by the arrival of afternoon sunshine, as not a single cloud stood in its path. The glare had only just reached the inside of Winona’s doghouse, where she was sleeping soundly. The curled-up collie squinted when the sunlight hit her eyes, then blinked her eyes open slowly. She’d slept in the back to get away from the cold, misty rainfall of the previous night, and had spent quite a while trying to doze off. The disruption of Winona’s sleep schedule kept her dozing for far longer than intended, which sent her into a panic. She bolted upright and tore out of the doghouse.

Late late late! Ah’m late!

Winona zipped across the yard without a clear destination in mind, then halted a moment, twitching her head every which way to sample the farm’s scents and pick up on where her family was. Her snout pointed towards the farmhouse. Aha! She’d located Granny Smith. Winona raced for the home and bounded up onto the porch, scratching at the door and barking. The door was answered by the elder farmpony a moment later, who looked down condescendingly.

“Now Winona, ya’ know better than ta treat the door like a scratchin’ post,” Granny scolded. The guilty collie lowered her head. It wasn’t her fault. She was late and needed to find something to do quickly! She let out a slow whine, making Granny sigh.

“Oh, it’s alright, girl, don’t fret,” The elder farmpony said, petting Winona’s back comfortingly. She could tell what was bothering the collie, and sought to solve her pet’s dilemma. “Why don’t ya’ go help Apple Bloom and her friend out in the orchard?” Granny suggested. “About all Ah’d have for ya’ is ta fetch the mail, but there ain’t no mail ta get, bein’ Sunday an’ all. Nuthin’ from yesterday neither.”

Winona perked up instantly, lifting her head and ears while her tail began wagging away. She barked twice, then jogged in a circle before bouncing in place, giving Granny Smith a slurp on the cheek. The old mare chuckled and gently pushed the collie away. “Better get goin’, girl. Yer late as it is!”

Winona didn’t need to be told twice. With a final, grateful bark, she took off for the orchard in search for Apple Bloom and her unicorn friend. The collie’s quick place slowed to a trot as she put her snout to the ground, her nose going to work. Her mind processed all of the scents she encountered, trying her best to hone in on the smell of equine.

Squirrels... apples... bunnies... Bunnies?!

Winona’s head snapped up and she scowled in the direction of the bunny scent. It didn’t take long for her to spot a pair of bunnies, who seemed to be consorting to liberate an unharvested tree of its fruit. A quiet but firm growl was all it took to scare the two off. Winona’s tongue rolled out of her mouth into a happy pant once the bunnies were gone, but the collie didn’t sit still for long. Her nose went right back to the ground, where she resumed her search.

Apples... more apples... chipmunk... Apple Bloom!

Winona took off after the scent trail, checking her position with the occasional whiff of the air to not lose track of her destination. It took a couple of minutes for Winona to find Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. The former was on her back, propped up against a tree, watching the latter attempt to harvest another tree. Winona announced her presence with a happy bark, making a beeline for the reclining farmpony.

Apple Bloom’s ears perked when she heard Winona, turning her head and sitting up to catch the collie before she could pounce on her. She caught the dog in an embrace, doing her best to hold off the series of kisses that attempted to follow. “Heya, Winona, haven’t seen you all mornin’!” she greeted, patting Winona on the back and keeping her at bay. Apple Bloom giggled and returned to Sweetie Belle, “Okay, this time aim a little higher, an’ put a little more oomph in it!”

Sweetie Belle, who’d stopped momentarily to witness the assault of the farm dog, lined herself up and unleashed a buck against the Red Delicious tree. A couple leaves shook free, but nothing more. Sweetie huffed as the freed foliage flittered to the ground. “I just don’t think I have the strength, Apple Bloom,” she admitted.

Apple Bloom instructed Winona to patrol the orchard for potential thieving animals, then turned back to Sweetie Bell. “Sure ya’ do,” she encouraged. “Ah know Ah’ve seen ya’ buck harder than that before. Just be confident, line it up, and let ‘er loose!”

“Okay...” Sweetie replied, sounding unsure of herself. The unicorn lined herself up with the tree and prepared to strike again, but didn’t follow through. “Sorry, Apple Bloom, but can’t stop thinking I’m going to hurt my hoof like you did,” she admitted, staring at Apple Bloom’s wrapped up injury and cringing.

Apple Bloom blinked, then turned to look at her hurt hoof. She scuffed it against the ground, and, feeling nothing wrong, looked back to Sweetie with a smile. “Shoot, is that it? Ah promise that...” she paused, mulling over her words. “...Well, Ah can’t promise that nothin’ll happen. There ain’t nothin’ wrong ‘bout frettin’ over yer hooves, but trust me, those things at the end a’ yer legs are tougher than they look.”

“Yeah, well, I’d rather not take the chance, if it’s all the same to you,” Sweetie Belle said.

“But you wanted me to teach you about applebuckin’, and doin’ it’s the easiest way,” Apple Bloom pointed out, but shrugged, looking up to the sky to scope out the sun’s position. “Lookin’ like it’s ‘bout time fer lunch, anyway. Think we oughta head fer home.”

Saved by the sun, Sweetie thought gratefully. “Okay. I’m starving!”

“Me too,” Apple Bloom admitted, putting a hoof to her lips and letting out a shrill whistle. Winona appeared a moment later, joining the two ponies in their stroll for home and obediently awaiting commands. Apple Bloom gave her a pet and informed her that it was lunchtime. The collie barked happily and managed to get a kiss in before Apple Bloom could stop her. Sweetie giggled at the sight.

“What, no kisses for me?” she asked, actually relieved that she was left alone. Apple Bloom smirked, looking down at Winona and nodding her head towards Sweetie Belle. Winona, who’d been holding herself back obediently, suddenly bounded over Apple Bloom’s back and pounced Sweetie. She sent herself and the white pony to the ground, showering the dazed pony’s cheeks with slurps and nuzzles.

“Is that better?” Apple Bloom chuckled, eventually nudging Winona off her friend and helping the other pony up. “Ya’ got yer kisses.”

Sweetie wiped the drool from her face and laughed back. “Guess I asked for it, didn’t I?”

When the home came into view, Apple Bloom noticed Granny Smith setting up lunch out on the picnic table. She rolled her eyes. “That pony just doesn’t know the meanin’ of ‘take the day off,’” she muttered despite the smile blossoming on her face. “Always doin’ somethin’ ta keep herself busy.”

“Aw, I think it’s nice,” Sweetie said, noting Granny setting up a place for her as well.

“Oh, Ah ain’t unappreciative, don’t get me wrong,” Apple Bloom cleared up, “it’s just that, short of getting real sick, Granny just doesn’t know when ta slow down an’ take it easy.”

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Winona all arrived at the farmhouse a moment later, the two young mares abandoning their discussion when they got within earshot of Granny Smith. The elder farmpony greeted them all with a smile. “Got salads an’ sandwiches an’ apple juice all rustled up fer lunch,” she announced as the other ponies took their seats. Granny leaned down to pet Winona, pointing out her food and water bowls nearby. “An’ yer all set too, Winona.” The collie barked gratefully and sped off to enjoy her lunch, having missed breakfast.

Granny took her own seat and smiled at the two younger ponies, who’d already started eating. “How is everything?” Two full mouths tried to form compliments, but ended up sputtering out bits of half-chewed salad. Granny rolled her eyes at the two, who shared a laugh at each other’s expense.

Sweetie managed to down the food she was working on first before saying, “It’s delicious!” Apple Bloom echoed her friends’ sentiment with a belch, excusing herself before Granny could remind her. The elder farmpony chuckled and started in on her own lunch.

It didn’t take long for the ponies to finish their midday meal, and soon after Sweetie Belle gathered her things and prepared to leave. Granny gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead, much to Sweetie Belle’s embarrassment. After saying goodbye, Granny left to do some light afternoon chores despite Apple Bloom’s insistence that she relax. Granny called to Winona, who was receiving farewell pets from Sweetie Belle, and the elder farmpony and the collie were on their way, leaving Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle alone beneath the trellis.

“Sure ya’ got everything?” Apple Bloom asked, glancing over Sweetie’s things.

“I think so,” Sweetie answered. “I just have a little bit more homework to do, and then it’s off to my singing lesson.” She smiled. “Teacher says that I’m really getting good at controlling my volume.”

“That’s great!” Apple Bloom said, giving her friend a hug. “Can’t wait ta hear ya’ singin’ more, and Ah hope ya’ make it through the rest a’ yer homework.”

Sweetie Belle hugged back. “And I hope you get through the rest of this farmwork in one piece. I know you can do it, Apple Bloom. You’re stronger than the rest of us Crusaders, and all that.”

“Yeah, well, strength’s only a part a’ what Ah’m doin’,” Apple Bloom brushed off the compliment, giggling shyly. “It’s the length of time, ya’ know?”

“All the same, I know you’re more than capable,” Sweetie countered as she turned to leave. “I’ll try to stop by when I can again, okay, Apple Bloom? Have a good day!”

“You too!” Apple Bloom shouted back as Sweetie made her way for Ponyville. Apple Bloom waved until the other pony vanished from sight, then she looked out to the orchard she’d been working in and sighed. “Welp, back to work. Can’t let anypony down,” she encouraged herself, marching back into the orchard with her head held up with pride and determination.

Apple Bloom catapulted the last bushel of the day off her back. The basket landed square on top of its intended target, in line with a dozen others. Apple Bloom let out a grateful, if somewhat subdued, cheer, rearing up and kicking her forelegs. “Yee haw! Done fer the day... an’ it ain’t even suppertime.” She stretched out her back, which was spent from hauling bushels in from the orchard to the barn over the past hour. A few beams of sunlight still eked over the horizon, giving her enough light to work, but it was fading fast.

Apple Bloom peered out of the barn and looked around. She saw smoke coming from the chimney, and assumed Granny Smith had gotten the fireplace going to kill the chilly temperature inside. “Wonder what Granny’s rustled up fer supper,” she mused as she made her way for home. Before she went far, though, she caught something in the corner of her eye: Winona had dozed the afternoon away, and was aiming to sleep off the rest of the night. She lay with her head and forepaws sticking out of the doghouse, with no signs of movement save for the occasional ear twitch. Apple Bloom smiled warmly at the sight, changing course for the doghouse and laying down next to the collie. “No wonder they call ‘em dog days,” she observed, reaching out a forehoof and stroking Winona’s back gently. “Guess Granny gave ya’ the day off, didn’t she?”

Winona stirred, fidgeting around before opening her eyes and wearily lifting her head to look at the surprise visitor. She answered Apple Bloom’s query with a big yawn, stretching her mouth wide open. Winona didn’t get up, though, instead laying her head down next to Apple Bloom, arching her back slightly to lean into the petting hoof. Her tongue lolled out in bliss when Apple Bloom started scratching behind her ears.

Just a little more to the left. Aaahhh...

Apple Bloom smirked as Winona melted when the farmpony found the sweet spot behind the collie’s right ear. “Ah was gonna tell you all ‘bout how plum tuckered Ah am after a day’s work, but ya’ know what? I ain’t the least bit sleepy,” she spoke softly as she continued scratching. “Maybe Ah am gettin’ better at this after all. This week’ll go by in the blink of an eye!”

The young farmpony stood after her stomach reminded her to eat dinner, and eat it soon. She sighed contently, then stood, stretching out her legs. “Ready fer supper, Winona? Ah know Ah am.”

Winona stood up alongside Apple Bloom, also stretching out and letting another yawn escape. This didn’t stop her from barking excitedly and bounding around her food bowl, though, parking right next to it and staring at Apple Bloom anxiously. Apple Bloom smiled and filled the bowl to the brim. “Nothin’ but the best for you, girl,” she commented, putting up the bag of dog food and giving Winona another pet. “Ah’d stay with ya’, but Ah gotta get supper myself soon, or else Ah’m gonna starve!”

The collie gave Apple Bloom a parting nuzzle, her caretaker petting her back in return. After Apple Bloom went inside, Winona turned to her bowl of food and began enjoying her dinner. As usual, several traces of grains and vegetables simultaneously enticed her taste buds as she chomped away at her meal. It never got old for Winona, enjoyed the same diet that her owners did, albeit in kibble form. She was perfectly content with her three square (or round) meals per day.

It didn’t take long for Winona to lick the bowl clean. She washed her dinner down with several laps from her water dish, then looked up at the farmhouse, her tongue still working its way around her lips. She sat obediently at her doghouse, waiting expectantly for a young yellow mare to exit the house and do some evening work. It had been a treat for Winona to have Apple Bloom come out these past several nights. Aside from a few evening chores, the Apples either spent time with friends or family, or were doing other things that Winona took no part in. After waiting with a wagging tail and a hopeful expression for a while, Winona’s head drooped a little bit.

Ain’t there still more work ta do?

The collie’s shoulders sagged, as it seemed tonight was going to be an exception: Apple Bloom staying in. Winona contemplated (as much as a dog can) making some noise to attract attention again, but there were two issues: She was already reprimanded once today for causing a ruckus at the door by Granny Smith, and most of the farm’s animals were turning in for the night. Winona didn’t want to be responsible for waking them all up, as that was one of the things she was not allowed to do, according to the Apples.

Winona was just about to give up and settle into her doghouse for the night when she saw something light up at the farmhouse’s second floor. She recalled the lit window belonging to Apple Bloom’s own doghouse. Winona was a little envious that Apple Bloom’s was so much bigger than hers, but she was a pony, and ponies generally needed more room for things, so it didn’t bother Winona a whole lot in the end. Flashes of memory raced through Winona’s mind as she stared up at the window, remembering days where she got to stay up with Apple Bloom. It was severe or chilly weather that allotted Winona a night inside the farmhouse, neither of which threatened Sweet Apple Acres tonight.

Allowing herself the smallest of whines, Winona turned back to her own doghouse and walked in, turning herself around and laying down, facing outside. She was about to rest her head down and go to sleep, but heard a sudden, recognizable sound. She looked towards the farmhouse to see the door framed in light from inside, and a pony shape silhouetted in the glow. Winona sat up and panted happily once the scent of a familiar pony reached her nostrils and stood when said pony trotted her way. She watched Apple Bloom approach...

…and trot on past her.

Winona watched as Apple Bloom ignored her and instead went into the chicken coop. The young farmpony had forgotten to do a chore and was rectifying her mistake before the next day came. Winona pouted as she realized this, head hanging down to the ground. On a normal day, she was used to not seeing any ponies after suppertime, but the past week was different, and she was growing accustomed to having Apple Bloom around. Winona let out another soft whine as she realized that the old ways were resuming, and she’d have to get used to it once more.

“Well ain’t that just the saddest thing ever.”

Winona’s head snapped up to see Apple Bloom standing just in front of her, wearing a concerned frown. “Ya’ look like the saddest critter in Equestria about now, Winona. What’s eatin’ ya’?” Apple Bloom asked, lowering her head to be level with the collie’s.

Winona’s answer came in the form of a swift nuzzle, followed by a cat-like motion of snaking around Apple Bloom’s legs, rubbing up against each of them, before culminating in a combination of a whine and a quiet bark. Apple Bloom’s jovial expression faltered. She immediately started to pet Winona, sitting down beside the collie.

“Aw, girl, Ah didn’t realize how lonesome you were feelin’.” Winona barked weakly in affirmation, leaning her head up against the petting hoof affectionately. Apple Bloom looked from her to the house with a thoughtful look. “...Wanna sleep in my room tonight?” she offered. Winona stood up instantly and, after leaving Apple Bloom’s cheek with a slurp, raced for the front door. “Guess so,” Apple Bloom chuckled, before toddling off after.

Winona bounced and ran in circles up on the porch by the door, but remained silent, still mindful of quiet hours across the farm. When Apple Bloom made it to her, her tail motored away excitedly. “Now Winona,” Apple Bloom instructed before opening the door, “remember inside rules. No runnin’ er pouncin’ er any a’ that. Granny might not like havin’ you inside since it’s a nice night, so follow me straight upstairs, okay?”

Winona slurped Apple Bloom across her other cheek, forcing the pony to stifle a giggle. “Alright, alright, here we go.” She opened the door and crept in, shutting it quietly after Winona slipped in behind her. Quietly as she could, Apple Bloom made for the stairs. She peeked behind her to find Winona right on her tail, staying quiet as instructed. Apple Bloom breathed a sigh of relief as they reached the top of the stairs, just in time to bump into Granny Smith.

“Whoa, pardon me, darlin’, Ah just felt like a glass a’ water an’...” Granny started, before stealing a glance behind Apple Bloom. She frowned. “Young lady...”

“But Granny!” Apple Bloom protested immediately. “She was all lonesome and sad and... and lonely out there! Can’t she stay in jus’ one night?”

“Ya’ know the rules, Apple Bloom. Winona’s an outside pet, an’ we need her outside ta chase thievin’ creatures away,” Granny said firmly. She was caught off guard, though, when assaulted by not one but two puppy-dog expressions. Winona, being a member of the canine family, didn’t have to try hard, and looked as she did when Apple Bloom came across her. Apple Bloom was no stranger to the look either, and did her best to rival Winona’s. Both stared forlornly at Granny Smith for a moment.

“Granny... please?” Apple Bloom squeaked through the dual assault on Granny’s sympathy. The elder farmpony rolled her eyes.

“Fine,” she relented, barely getting the words out before Apple Bloom wrapped her up in a tight hug. “But only fer tonight!” she managed to get out before being kissed by Winona as well.

“Thanks, Granny! Good night!” Apple Bloom said, giving her grandmother an extra squeeze before letting go and making her way for her bedroom, Winona hot on her heels.

“Good night, you two,” Granny said while wiping some drool off her cheek. A small smile blossomed from her dour expression, however, as the other two went into Apple Bloom’s bedroom. She sighed to herself, then went downstairs to fetch herself the glass of water she headed down for in the first place.

Winona bounded into Apple Bloom’s bedroom, head turning every which way to take in the luxurious sights: The spacious interior, the soothing greys, the wonderful scents, and, most importantly, the huge bed! After Apple Bloom brushed past her, Winona wasted no time at all springing up onto the large mattress and promptly padding around in a tight circle. With the perimeter secured, Winona flopped down onto her belly, yawning as she did so. She looked down to the floor, where Apple Bloom was just about done fanning out a small blanket.

Why’s she sleepin’ on the floor when she has this big comfy bed?

Apple Bloom looked up to find Winona making herself comfortable atop her bed. Apple Bloom opened her mouth to protest, but the words died before she could get them out. She chuckled softly as she folded the blanket up and tossed it at the foot of her bed. “Shoulda’ known,” she said simply, undoing her bow from her tail. “Won’t be a minute, Winona. Just gotta remove one last thing.”

Winona peered curiously at Apple Bloom as she slowly began unraveling the bandage around one of her back hooves. The collie tilted her head curiously as the old wound was revealed. It was still evident that something had happened, but it didn’t appear to be causing Apple Bloom any suffering. Still, Winona gave Apple Bloom a concerned look, which the farmpony noticed.

“Don’t fret, Winona, it’s all but healed up now,” she assured the collie, banging it against the floorboards without wincing. “See?” Apple Bloom’s smile was echoed by a happy, quiet bark from Winona, who seemed relieved.

Winona watched Apple Bloom place the unraveled bandage onto her dresser and blew out the lit candles around the room. She shifted her position on the bed slightly as Apple Bloom climbed in, throwing a blanket over herself as she nestled into her pillow. She yawned loudly, and gave a weary smile. “Guess a big dinner made me tired after all,” she mumbled to herself. “Sleep tight, Winona,” she added, eyes drooping.

Winona crawled across the bed to lay down beside Apple Bloom, over the covers. Apple Bloom’s weary smile warmed further, pulling out a foreleg from under the cover and draping it across the collie. Winona happily laid her head down on Apple Bloom’s withers, eyes drooping shut. Apple Bloom was asleep almost instantly, with Winona drifting off soon after.

’Night, Sugarcube.