• Member Since 17th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I'm just here to write.


This story is a sequel to Agent Redwood

The changelings were the one great threat that nopony saw coming. For the Equestrian Intelligence Service, life is about to get much more complicated.

Part of the Borderworld.

Reading the previous story is not necessary.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 15 )

Certainly a neat mix of letters, though curious where it will go in regards to everything if it keeps to this style.

This is a tad bit odd. This style leaves me both confused and interested; or rather said, interested due to the confusion.
Overall, I'd like to see what comes next, if only yo understand it,

I love this. Looks like you are using the comic origins on the changlings, but making it so individual drones can reproduce. Malevolence certainly lives up to his name. I wonder why they haven't tried mind control on their changling captives yet?


Borderworld changelings are capable of reproducing, but generally don't, except to replace their dead. It's population control so that the hive's resources aren't stretched too thin. At least, that's what they're like in present times. But, remove the hivemind from the equation, and you get the changelings we see in To Keep the Fire Burning: full individualis, living in nuclear families, who occasionally go feral and tear people's throats out.

Ohh this universe is interesting.

OBSERVER was noted as having been briefly present, displaying usual documented behaviour. Encounter catalogued in relevant file.

who is "OBSERVER"? is it Discord?


This guy, the Observer:


He appears in the background several times throughout Return of Chrysalis, stalking the main characters. He shows up in pretty much every other Cook/Price comic as well, doing basically the same thing. He even has dialogue in the first issue of Reflections.

He's also based on the Observers from Fringe, because Andy Price loves Fringe:


Good show. Can recommend.

Quite a ways of things going wrong, and only going to be so much worse.

This reads oddly like potential correspondence within the U.S. government over the next year or two....

Agents Exuding Malevolence and Life Sentence, General Carnage and Dr. Horrible Experiment sound like fine, trustworthy civil servants.

"Screw the law, screw oversight, screw basic morals and screw the idea that we -- WE! -- should ever be answerable to anyone else. We do what we want when we want, and we'll put you six feet in the ground if you try to stop us, because we're morally superior to you and everybody else and I cannot for the life of me understand why you don't get that."

If there is any sin for which the EIS is guilty, it is our refusal to lie down and accept whatever fate the Platoons have planned for us.

"The systematic torture and vivisections of sapient beings are, at best, minor misdemeanors."

The fact that this guy honestly thinks that Celestia is going to reward him for all of this is honestly kind of funny.

And now... apparently these chuckleheads also let some kind of viral plague (which they were holding onto because... reasons?) get loose and kill a major city, and now apparently it's gotten bad enough that it may or may not destroy Equestria?

I swear, if the next chapter opens with an extract from a history book titled "Causes leading to the decline and fall of Equestria"...

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