• Published 13th Sep 2016
  • 995 Views, 10 Comments

The CHS Poltergeist - Will-o-Wisp

I'm not actually a ghost It's just the title I've been given and believe me when I say I've earned it but I wonder what old friends think of me now.

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Snakes In The Main (Hallway)

"Still can't believe they let me do this." I say very tired as I stand on the opposite side of the hall to a locker freshly booby-trapped. Berg's locker to be exact. "I also can't believe he hung up four freshmen by their underwear on a coat rack and left them outside the girl's locker room."

"OUT OF MY WAY TOOTHPICK!" Here comes the man of the hour. Upon looking at him one wouldn't think he was a high school student. Not many students are over six feet tall and look like they can wrestle a bear, the only other one I can think of is Bulk and he is way nicer than this walking slab of meat.

As he gets to the locker I pull up my face mask and pull over my hood after all the no one except striker knows I'm the poltergeist and I'd like to keep it that way. I especially don't need Berg figuring out I'm the poltergeist.

"OKAY WHOSE THE DEAD MAN THAT PUT A FAKE SNAKE IN MY LOCKER!" He hasn't realized? I'm not surprised, he isn't very bright. "WELL?! WHO WAS IT! Step forward and-" The following scream made me think someone like Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon were here, but they weren't it was Berg as he dropped the snake. Some others are looking uncomfortable now to. "IT WAS REAL! WHO PUT A REAL SNAKE IN THERE?!" As I crouch down and let the snake make it's way up my arm I can feel all eyes on me. "W-Who are you? How'd you get a snake in the school?" I think this is the first time I've heard Berg scared.

I look directly at him and answer his question, "Poltergeist." The look of surprise on everyone here was amazing, "This was for the coat rack. I remember hearing you were afraid of snakes so I borrowed Ekans here from a friend. The principals know and let me do this, I'll be carrying her around all day now but I'd say it was worth it." I put on my backpack and look around. "First bell will ring soon. You should all start heading to class." Still staring.

"Why are all of you standing around?" Principal Celestia always has the best timing.

"This guy claims to be the poltergeist and put a snake in my locker!" Berg sounded really distressed.

"What guy and what snake?" Celestia crossed her arms and looked at Berg.

"The guy right there with the sna-" He stopped when he saw no black hoodie or snake before him. "What? Where? How?" He voiced what the rest of the students wanted to say.

"HE REALLY IS A GHOST!" Rude Lyra, I'm very much alive. Celestia got a bit of a laugh from that, it wasn't that funny.

"I can assure you Lyra he is alive and now this schools new anti bullying program. Now get to class." Celestia said very sternly.

As the students filtered out of the hallway I couldn't help but grin. All it took was taking off the hood and mask, putting away Ekans and changing position so they couldn't find me. I made an old enemy scream like a little girl and got to bring an animal to school without getting trouble, Win-Win in my book.

"Where did you hide the Ball Python?" I turn and see Principal Celestia giving me a quizzical look. On cue Ekans pokes her head out of my sleeve. "Ah, I see. Keep an eye on her as I don't want reports of a snake making it's way around the school."

"Of course." I say letting Ekans coil around my arm again. "I think I'm going to go through today as the poltergeist instead of Firesprout if that is okay with you?"

"Go ahead, it will show that I wasn't lying." As she finished that sentence the bell rings. "Good thing your first period is a study hall."

"I know right? Makes pranks first thing in the morning so easy!" I say putting on my mask and hood and I make my way to the library.


Okay usually during lunch I'm not in the school cafeteria but given how today has been going I decided to make an appearance. Needless to say they weren't expecting it one bit. As soon as I entered the room started going quiet, oh how I wish I could laugh but I didn't want to look like a complete crazy person. It's getting a bit awkward now, better say something.

"Don't stop your conversations on account of me. Unless your talking about something that I need to hear? There you are Berg, I've been looking for you and we don't share any classes together." I point to Ekans coiled around my right arm, "Would you like to hold her again? I think you got a bit spooked when you realized she was alive." The only answer I got was stares and silence. "All right then have it your way. Let see is there anything else I should do while I'm in here?" I lock eyes with Striker, man he looks tired. Maybe we shouldn't have watched Horror movies until one AM. "Striker you look like crap did you get any sleep after all those horror movies over the weekend? Get any sleep at all, have a nightmare?"

Everyone was now looking between the two of us. Striker didn't seem to mind all the eyes on us though, he always did like attention.

"Really? You do realize I'm going to be bombarded with questions now right?" Striker said with a bit of chuckle.

"Want to hold onto Ekans? I don't think you'll get as many questions then." I say walking over with an extended arm and a snake making it's way to my hand. Good thing he's at the edge of the table, don't want to be reaching over Soarin and have Ekans decide she wants to coil onto his face. When I got over to the table the looks that the rest of the soccer players were giving us were priceless to say the least.

"Still can't believe Eclipse let you borrow her snake for this." Striker said extending his left arm letting Ekans slither onto him.

"It was for a good cause." I say looking toward Berg who avoided my gaze. "So you going to hold onto her for the rest of the day?"

"Probably for the best if you take her, I don't have permission like you to carry around a snake in the school." Striker said booping Ekans on the snout with his index finger.

"True," I take Ekans off striker and put her around my shoulders, "I'm gonna head to my usual lunch spot now. Sorry in advance if this causes you too much trouble." I say walking away.

"Shouldn't be too bad," Striker said a bit unsure, "but if it is you're doing my homework!" he called as I was at the door.

"In your dreams!" I yelled as I exited.

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" I hear Pinkie scream from the other side of the door.

"You've got some explaining to do Striker!" Spitfire and Rainbow Dash said in unison.

"I feel slightly bad now," I say looking at Ekans, "and now I don't. Let's go my scale covered scarf!"


As I exit the school the first thing I see is a completely drained Striker surrounded by a group of people still asking questions about me.

"Who is he?" I hear one ask.

"Not my place to answer that." Striker said extremely irritated.

"Are you friends with him?" another one asks.

"Yes. Was that not clear?" Striker folded his arms and spotted me standing at the door, "Finally. You're definitely doing my homework after what I've been through!"

"Sorry, not sorry. I will do your homework though. It's the least I can do." I say descending the stairs, "I assume you're following me home then my mentally drained friend?" as I get closer the group gets ready to ask questions.

"Excuse me Poltergeist? I'm Featherweight, head of the school newspaper, can I ask you something?" This kid is braver talking to me than Berg.

"Sure, what do you want to ask?" I say turning to him and earning a groan from Striker.

"Are you planning something for the entire school?" he asked looking a bit hesitant.

The question makes sense, I was a bit of a prick to the student body until now. Pranking whoever, whenever I planned it. I guess that's why everyone was a bit startled by my presence, they were probably thinking I had something planned the whole day. Do I really have that affect on the school?

"No I'm not. I can see why'd you think though as I've caused a lot of chaos in this school. I guess I should apologize about the pranks I've pulled up until today. Today was the start of something new for the school, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna have asked me to act as a one man anti bullying program for the school. Berg is just the beginning as I think I know who the next targets are as I've been given permission to continue this for some reason. Although I think I shall go back to being unseen when moving in the halls, students already know what classes I have so it won't matter how hard I try to make myself invisible in those. Anything else?" I ask hoping that covered everything.

"No that's all," he said happily and extended his hand, "I'll make sure the school knows this."

"Please do," I say shaking his hand, "I'm tired of getting stared at. Anyway let's go Striker."

"Finally!" he sounded way too happy, "I have the car today thankfully so at least we'll get to your house quicker." he said making his way to the parking lot.

"So you can crash on the couch while I do your homework?" I say following.

"Exactly!" Striker yelled with glee.