• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 2,025 Views, 10 Comments

Mother Moonlight - Northern_Nightmare

1000 years ago, Princess Luna watched as the ponies shunned her night for the day. Each day she considered fighting to get recognized, who knew that a simple nightly fly would end up improving her life..and the life of some other pony.

  • ...

Be Prepared!

Luna yawned, using one of her front hooves to wipe her tired eyes, it was midday and she was not used to being up at this time. Beside her, on the princess's bed, was a tiny yellow sleeping foal curled up by the pillow. Fluttershy had taken a while to sleep due to being in a state of fear but eventually the exhaustion from her rough night swept in and let the filly rest much to Luna's delight. She had considered going onto Fluttershy's dreams but she seemed to be having a good one and Luna was certain the filly wouldn’t want her snooping around in her memories.

She stepped off the bed and onto the marbled floor, arching her back and stretching out her front legs until satisfied, then repeating the same with her back legs and spreading her wings. Once she was sure every muscle had been stretched she turned and used magic to pull the blanket over Fluttershy who, still asleep, instinctively snuggled into it. This earning a soft smile from the princess.

She made sure the door was locked before heading towards her balcony. She saw no need to alert her sister or any of the castle workers that she was heading out, they wouldn’t notice she was gone so there would be no point, no...She locked the door incase the little filly wanted to explore..she doubted it due to her timid nature but better safe than sorry.

She paused and looked down towards the direction of the castle entrance where she could see all sorts and manners of ponies entering and exiting the castle for some foolish thing or another.

‘Oh Celestia, my neighbour is trying to say he owns part of MY land. Please banish him to the salt mines.’

‘Oh Celestia, I painted a painting of you, may I become a lord?’

‘Oh Celestiaaaaa my shoe is too tight! Can you perhaps make it a bit less so?’

She found herself grinding her teeth and had to shake her head clear. No...She would have all the time in the world to gripe about Celestia and her...their... subjects later, for now she had an orphan foal to take care of. Spreading her wings she took to the sky to head to Canterlot to talk things over with the head pony of the Orphanage. Her shadow passing over the ground below as Luna darted over, around, and through clouds.

If there was one thing she had one Celestia, it was the fact her lack of business meant more time for idle activities such as flying. Luna was pretty sure she could beat her sister in a flying contest any day! The thought of being superior at something over Celestia caused a small smile to grace her muzzle.

The wind in her hair and the sound of it rushing by allowed the princess to relax enough to think. What would happen once she had dropped off Fluttershy? Her wings started to slow down their beating.

That was the question wasn’t it? If there were ponies who would be willing to kill over one's wings then surely there must be an even larger amount willing to harm or downright tease Fluttershy for someone she couldn’t even control!

She paused and hovered in one spot, her wings giving the occasional flap to make sure she stayed in the air. She could be looking at the very last batpony in existence, one of the only species that enjoyed her night and not use its blanket of darkness as a means to do horrible things. Her mind was made.

Now one could argue that a princess had no time to take care of a foal, that they had royal duties to attend to and a young pony would just be a hassle. Luna would bring up the fact she has more than enough time to spare and who do they think they are telling her what she can and cannot do!?

She adjusted her flight course, no more was she going towards the orphanage… Instead she was heading to the nearest toy and book shop! Any filly she was to raise would be properly entertained for all the fun times!

‘Oh! P-Princess! What… what brings us the honour of your visit?!” A small unicorn stallion stammered as the tall alicorn walked into his shop. Her eyes gazing over the many things on display before looking at the cream coloured horse in front of her. He had dark blue hair and tail with a cutie mark of a yoyo.

“We come here in search of the finest of educational toys that are fun yet make the brain think and form connections!” She paused and tilted her head in slight confusion as the stallion rubbed his ears. Was he not used to the royal canterlot voice?

“T-Toys? For uh… I didn’t think you were inte- Oh…. unless…” His eyes widened and Luna took a second before blushing when it came to her what he thought she was.

‘No foal grows inside me! I… am doing research.” She didn’t want the public to be aware of the batpony until she had things under control. She had to be ready to stop any assassination attempts or ponies trying to use Fluttershy to gain favours. “Research on toys and how a ponys brain is affected by them.”

“Right… well you see it all depends on the foal!” He perked up slightly, enjoying the topic. “Some foals need toys that are hard and even harder to break while others like something soft and they can cuddle with it.”

Luna thought back to the shy timid thing and gave a nod.

‘Something of the soft sort will do us nicely!”

“Well lets see… Plushies would work best for that sort of thing. I actually just finished making one!” He turned around and used his magic to open a chest and soon a small soft looking plush white rabbit floated out, covered in a light blue magic. He turned around and let out a neigh of surprise as Luna was right in his face, her eyes turned towards the plushie. Her horn glowed as she slowly used her own magic to grab the thing, stepping back to give the pony some room. It looked soft and safe… part of her already knew Fluttershy would adore the thing. Price was no worry and it would do some good to contribute to the economy. After looking at it very, very, very closely for five minutes she put it on the counter.

“We’ll buy it. Now what else do you have?”

Two hours later, many bits lost, and a very heavy saddlebag Luna was back in the air. Powerful wings pushing her forward as she started to head home. She stayed out longer than she would have wished but she was more than pleased with her purchases. Books, plushies, and all things any foal would adore having! Her heart started to beat slightly faster than normal at the thought of gifting them. To make somepony happy and to be acknowledged by them! Could it really be so?

Hooves clicked against granite as she landed on the balcony, levitating her saddlebag to rest on the blankets.

“Fluttershy? Does thou walk among the wake?” Luna's ears perked as she tried to pick up any noise. She took slow steps into the room. “Where are you…?” She lifted the blankets, checked under the bed. Nothing. She gave a small snort and looked around, tapping her right front hoof as she stood there thinking. If she were a bat-pony where would she go?

She could have sworn a candle appeared above her head.

Silently heading over to the closet, she used her magic to oh so carefully open the door and there Fluttershy was. A small fluffy yellow upside down foal, using her tail to keep herself from falling. Her delicate wings wrapped around her nice and snug. The sight was adorable and Luna had to cover her mouth with a wing to stop herself from making even the most quietest of ‘awws’ for fear of waking Fluttershy. Instead she headed towards her bag and started to unpack her purchases, setting them down nice and carefully on the bed.

“Lets see…. Toys check… what else does a growing pony need…? Food!” Her horn gave a faint glow as she used her magic to ring a bell. Now it was just a waiting game. It would take roughly 15 seconds for someone to respond to her compared to the 10 it took if it was Celestia ringing the bell….

Not like she kept track of that stuff.

“Yes Princess Luna? What can I get you?” a maid poked her head in through the door.

“A healthy meal!” She paused. “With apples!”

‘Will…. Will that be all?”

“That shall do us good! You are dismissed!”

Luna's ears perked as she heard a small whimper and in a voice so soft she could almost swear it was the sound of the breeze.

‘W-Where am I?”

Author's Note:

Hi! So sorry this took forever, my computer stopped working making it so hard to get things done. I'm actually wondering if anyone would be interested in being a beta reader for this fic as well ^^

Comments ( 6 )

Ah, I thought you'd given up on this, I'm glad you didn't. It looks like the start of a nice story. It's a shame that you had computer problems. If it helps I might be able to be a beta reader/pre-reader. Though I don't know the first thing about it.

lol glad to have you back. looking forward to more. I think a pre-reader is a good idea, maybe an editor too- nothing seriously wrong, just punctuation here and there.

This is real heartstrings stuff both in the aww and feels for how luna is in this time period. So I have to ask would you kindly continue this story.


You gonna finish this?

i do plan too, just been so busy with real life. I have the general plot and story beats all planned! just a matter of typing it up

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