• Published 21st Jun 2012
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Myou've Gotta be Kidding Me - DataPacRat

Not every human in equestria gets turned into a pony.

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Such Sweet Sorrow

I had tried a few small experiments in Canterlot related to spontaneous musicalism - and, after what had happened in Manehattan, my primary concern for such had been to minimize the negative consequences if anything went wrong - ideally, to none at all. Fortunately, nothing serious had happened, and I had gathered evidence supporting a few useful clues. It was definitely some sort of magic, if not a 'spell' as was cast by unicorns, and seemed to require some minimal conditions to happen at all... and, most interestingly, seemed to work best when it wasn't forced. (Music that directly fired off some magic seemed to be another phenomena entirely.)

And so, as I prepared to bid Cheerilee farewell for what would likely be a couple of weeks, I... nudged. I didn't explicitly make preparations; but I... made subtle arrangements, to open up potential opportunities which the musicalism could naturally take hold of and weave into itself. For example, instead of simply hiring a band, I found the weather ponies who stacked up excess clouds, suggested a location where they could store them on a particular day, found a group of pegasus instrumentalists, and had a pony point out to them that there would be this lovely group of clouds they could settle on to practice at a particular afternoon. A delivery truck which could - not necessarily would, but could - happen to drop a florist's excess inventory for the day at the right time and place. Looking for birds which might be due for release back into the wild around the right time. Ribbons. Bubbles. Fireworks. Pretty much every romantic cliche you could name, I didn't make certain would necessarily happen at just the right time and place - only nudged matters just enough that, if the musicalist field (or however it worked) 'wanted' to, then they could.

And so I brought Cheerilee aboard the Alicorn, fitted both of us with the new designs for parachutes that even I was willing to entrust my life to... and, hoof in hoof, I took a deep breath, sang the first three words... and the two of us stepped out into mid-air high above Ponyville, for an experience I hoped would be as memorable as possible.

I'm flying high, but I've got a feeling I'm falling,
falling for nopony else but you.
You caught my eye,
and I've got a feeling I'm falling.
Show me the ring and I'll jump right through.
I used to travel single, oh,
we chanced to mingle, oh,
Now, now I'm a-tingle over you.
Hey Mister Parson stand by:
for I've got a feeling I'm falling,
falling for nopony else but you.

Oh honey, oh honey, I never felt this way.
Romantically I'm up in the air.
Its funny, so funny, me taking it this way.
Don't know if I should,
but gee, it feels good.
I'm flying high, up in the sky, but I've got a funny feeling that I'm falling,
falling for nopony else but you,
and you know it too.
You caught my eye,
and baby that's why,
I've got a funny feeling that I'm falling.
Show me the ring and oh boy I'll take it from you.
I used to travel single, oh,
we chanced to mingle, oh,
Now, now I'm a-tingle over you.
Oh Mister Parson stand by:
Don't leave me now;
I've got a feeling I'm falling and how,
falling for nopony else but you!

That's all!

As it turned out, Cheerilee had also come up with an idea for our farewell party... one that ended up making me almost as nervous as she had been when she'd taken a leap of faith in me.

"I'm sure you remember Lily," said Cheerilee.

"Of course," I nodded in the direction of the pink-coated, amber-maned filly, who had her namesake flower tucked behind one ear. I was a bit confused about why she was in Cheerilee's living room with the two of us, but always willing to be polite. "I've seen her working at the florist's, along with Daisy and Roseluck."

Cheerilee stepped closer to me as she continued, "I know how you are really, really hesitant to even think about seeing a bull or stallion in anything like a romantic way." That seemed to come rather out of left field, but I nodded again. "And you know about my more experimental years, when I didn't have to try to hard to look like the perfect teacher in every way. Well, the 'Flower Sisters' were some of my very best friends then."

"Er..." I had a thought about where this might be going - but if it was... well, let's just say that I'd be even more clueless than usual in such social situations where I had to deal with actual feelings, including my own, instead of focusing on getting a particular job done.

Cheerilee leaned up against me, comfortingly. "I'm not saying we should merge our little herd with theirs right away..." My eyes widened about as wide as possible, and I think I may have made an 'eep!' noise, as she continued, "but we can at least find out whether or not there are any easy-to-find obstacles, or whether or not any of us 'click'. And if we don't - we'll all still be friends, and can still help each other look for anypony who'd fit well with any of us."

"Um..." I said, with all the brainpower I could muster. Finally, I managed some actual words. "I know I let you take the lead in - well, just about everything about us - but, well... I'm not really sure I'm, um, ready for even the idea of having more than one mare in my life." I managed to boot up enough of my memory to recall some advice podcasts from Dan Savage. "I don't want to stop you if that's the sort of lifestyle that makes you happy, but..."

She held up a hoof to my lips. "I knew you'd panic like this. I'm not suggesting that we take her straight up to bed with us - though if you want to..." Seeing my expression, she continued, "just to have a pleasant evening together, with a friend who might - or might not - eventually become more than just a friend. Dinner. Drinks. Talking. Maybe you can bring out your telescope to show her some of the stars. Maybe she can show you something gardening...y. See if you're comfortable feeding the pups in front of her, and if she's comfortable helping you change their diapers. Just... see. For me?"

"How can I say no? Just... I'd be happier if I knew I had an escape-hatch - that if things get to be too much, there's some way to bring it all to a quick close, without causing anypony any offense..."

The corner of her mouth twitched. "If that's what you want - then your safeword is 'halogens'."

The three of us had a pleasant dinner, based on an adaptation of my personal recipe for kitchen-sink spaghetti. The ponies grew tomatoes, basil, oregano, marjoram, and thyme, which were the only absolutes. From the pony point of view, the secret ingredient which made it a hit was finely-ground textured vegetable protein - that is, a pony-digestible analogue for ground beef. There were a few predators who lived in pony society who wanted to enjoy the taste without shocking their neighbors, and I'd been able to find a little hole-in-the-wall shop in Canterlot who supplied such products at only marginally obscene prices. I didn't mention that particular aspect to Lily, just that it involved wheat gluten and soy protein and careful flavoring and such -

We talked about current events, other ponies, and Lily finally revealed the story behind why it was such a ridiculous idea for Big Mac and Cheerilee to ever get together - for once, it was her turn to blush instead of mine. I stumbled awkwardly, more than once, when the subject turned to issues where I still hadn't finished putting together a decent cover story; but Cheerilee, mindful of my various psychological troubles and my three-times-weekly appointments with my p-doc, helped bridge those gaps for me, turning the talk back to safer grounds. Like what ponies considered to be 'experimental'. After just a few minutes of hearing that, my tail was pulled rather protectively downwards - I was astonished that any mare involved in that particular subculture retained sufficient internal organs to breathe, let alone reproduce. (I made a mental note that unicorns must have had some extremely specialized healing spells.) But since it was 'just us girls' (yet another blow to the rapidly-dwindling reserves of the originally male aspect of my psyche) here, they seemed to have no reservations introducing me to concepts I'd only previously encountered when I'd deliberately gone a-browsing in the darkest corners of the Internet.

But as the two of them did the dishes in a sink a little too small for me to help, their heads together and giggling about some in-joke, I took a mental step back to take a new look, and... despite my having to be dragged to each and every new relationship-type thing Cheerilee thought of... I didn't actually mind the dragging, even if I did mind it. If I knew how to explain the way I felt, I probably wouldn't need to be dragged in the first place. Ah well - whatever was going on in my head, step by step, I was figuring out better and better how to make Cheerilee happy. I finished the non-dishes clean-up, and in short order, found myself in the backyard, my forelegs crossed on top of the fence as I looked up at Luna's moon... and whether it was from my becoming more attuned and responsive to the local spontaneous musicalism effects, or just something arising from my own heart, I found myself singing...

Love was blind to me, now it's kind to me,
Love has opened my eyes.
Since it came to me, life's a game to me
With the sweetest surprise.
I never knew how good it was to be
a slave to one who means the world to me.

I loved that mare from the start,
And way down deep in her heart
I know she loves me, Celestia knows why
And when she tells me she can't live without me
What wouldn't I do for that mare?

She's not an angel or saint,
And what's the odds that she ain't
With all her faults I know she'll get by
I'll be so true to her, she'll never doubt me
What wouldn't I do for that mare?

Oh, when she lets me lean my weary head on her shoulder
I close my eyes right there and wish I never grow older

I'll never leave her alone,
I'll make her troubles my own
I love that mare as nopony can
I'm just no good when her hooves are about me
What wouldn't I do for that mare?
Oh, what wouldn't I do for that mare?

I'll never leave her alone,
I'll make her troubles my own
I love that mare better than I do myself
I'm just no good when her hooves are about me
What wouldn't I do for that mare?
Oh there's not a thing I wouldn't do for my mare.

That's all!

I heard a trio of soft, dreamy sighs from a nearby shrubbery, and as I smilingly shooed off the CMC Romance Writer Researchers to find some other target of investigation, I mused to myself that I wasn't sure that I agreed with everything I'd just sang, but... I wasn't sure that I disagreed with it, either. And... if nothing else, I didn't see any reason not to let matters develop to where that particular song did precisely describe how I felt.

Celestia hadn't needed to warn me about magic-based brain damage if I stayed out of Equestria too long - I was already trying to think of ways to cut my forthcoming expedition as short as possible, to come back as soon as possible to Cheerilee. And... if that was what would help keep her happy, adding 'and company' to the end of that last sentence.

No, Lily didn't stay overnight. And that's all that I care to describe about that night.

The next morning dawned bright and early; and since the sooner I left, the sooner I was likely to get back, I went to get myself hauled up onto the Alicorn as soon as possible: Onward, to adventure!

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